THEOur Vision: “Successful-LAKER Now and Beyond” REVIEWOur Mission: “Learners for Life” Volume 40 Calloway County High School Issue 5 2108 College Farm Road, Murray, Ky. 42071 March 20, 2020 Homecoming Court Pandemic forces social distancing Juniors react Keeli McKeel It’s also easier for me to focus on to ACT Test Staff Writer my own time.” For years now, advances in tech- Jackson Chapman The spread of the novel corona- nology have caused society to be- Sports Writer virus and attempts to slow its con- moan the fact that people seem to tamination through the population use it to interact more than in per- Juniors in public schools state- has affected everyone’s life. What son, but for safety’s sake, now is the wide took the ACT last week. began as global travel warnings has time to use it. CCHS juniors gave their reac- now become a plethora of restric- Pscychology.com recommends tions. tions designed to keep citizens as more virtual connectedness dur- Alex Boyd said that the math isolated as possible -- protocols now ing this time to prevent loneliness. was the hardest part of the test. referred to as social distancing. Video chats, texts, and phone calls “It was a lot of trigonometry, At press time, no further an- are a safe alternative to contact oth- and I forgot how to do it. The last nouncements have been made re- ers. time I did trig was freshman year, garding plans past March 27 to The coronavirus, named CO- so during the test it was hard to close the school district. VID-19 by the World Health Or- remember how to do trig.” While students and teachers ganization (WHO), the virus was Dominic Barnard said the easi- alike are working remotely as best first discovered in Wuhan, China, est part of the test was English. they can, the best medium for up- and has rapidly spread from person “Those were the easiest ques- dated information about Calloway to person worldwide. The global tions, and I had plenty of time to Faith Conway do it.” Pictured is the CCHS homecoming court after senior Zoe Stom was voted queen by the County Schools is to check the dis- death toll is more than 5,000, ac- student body. From left are seniors Ellie Jackson, Chaney Cox, Stom, Jadyn Lencki, trict website at calloway.kyschools.us. cording to abcnews.com. Hastings Birdsong said the Charlee Settle and Cassidy McCuiston. “I’ve been impressed with how WHO declared a pandemic a most stressful part of the test was everyone is working together and week and half ago. As the number science because of the time factor. remaining calm about this. I’d go of people infected with the virus Evan Garrison talks about how as far as to say everyone with whom increases, more mandated social prepared he felt for the test. March celebrates women I’ve come in contact (at a distance) distancing measures are made at all “The reading part is where I has been exceptionally kind and levels of government. felt most comfortable because Alejandra Perez in a semi-equal to men world. understanding, from staff to faculty According to the Centers Mrs. [Kris] Fazi helped our class Feature Editor We used to stay at home and be to students. I’m really impressed for Disease Control Prevention by giving us practice ACT work- our husband’s nanny, maid and with many of our kids’ work ethic. (CDC), it is recommended to sheets and taught us how to read March is dedicated to women’s his chef. We were sick of how we Perhaps this will teach us all a few avoid close contact with people; the passages and answer the ques- contributions to history, society were being treated. Women across things. I’ve learned several new avoid touching one’s eyes, nose, and tions in time to finish.” and culture, known as Women’s the nations stood up and ‘stuck it computer skills since NTI days mouth; stay home if sick; cover a Ainsley Smith said the school History Month. to the man.’ Women were finally began, and I’m sure students enjoy cough or sneeze with a tissue, then session was easier than taking the According to National Women’s allowed to vote. There was a ma- the independence of working with- throw the tissue in the trash; clean ACT at Murray State. History Alliance, this year’s theme jor increase of women in the job out face-to-face social distractions. and disinfect frequently touched “I was a lot more familiar with is Valiant Women of the Vote to industry. Women weren’t supposed They seek help only when needed,” objects and surfaces using a regular the classroom and the students in honor women who fought and to have pockets on their pants, so teacher Kris Fazi said. household cleaning spray or wipe. the class. When I took it at Mur- struggled to ensure women’s right we sewed on our own. So, to those Junior Isabelle Curry said, Wash hands often with soap and ray State, I didn’t know anyone, to vote. who want women to get back in “While it is nontraditional, I prefer water for at least 20 seconds, espe- and I was taking it in a room I had According to ThoughtCo., the line, sit down and shut up because it because I can get the much need- cially after using the bathroom, be- never been in before.” month was originally recognized we are coming through.” ed sleep I haven’t been able to get fore eating and after blowing one’s Scores should be published in as Women’s History Week. It all Teacher Emily Lamb said, because of school and other things. nose, coughing or sneezing. three to five weeks. began in California when schools “This month is super important to started to host their own programs commemorate. Women have al- CCMS heads to national tournament to honor women. At a Women’s ways made such significant contri- Ten CCMS Academic Team students are History Institute at Sarah Law- butions to history and have rarely invited to participate in a national tourna- rence College, leaders from the received the credit they are due. ment this fall in Chicago, Ill., after they California group shared their Women’s rights, and specifically, competed in the Regional Academic Bee project, which led to other partici- the right to vote, was a long, hard in Franklin, Tenn. They advanced from a pants starting their own Women’s fought battle, with many women qualifying exam to regional competition, History Week programs, as well enduring really horrific things which consisted of History, Science and as having their support to have such as imprisonment and force Academic Bees. Congress make it national, which feedings just to allow women to After the tournament, the Lakers gath- it did in 1987. The recognition have a voice. I always think about ered 15 invitations. The Academic Bee Team included Nick Caldwell, Olivia Anderson, encouraged others to make their those individuals as I walk to the Gracie Turner, Tommy Gomez, Connor own projects, such as having ex- polling place, and all they risked so Pile, 6th grade division champion in Sci- hibitions honoring women and that I may have that opportunity. ence and Academic Bee; Nathaniel Fowler, organizations sponsoring talks on It’s definitely one way I feel con- Zak Stark, Ezra Foote, 7th grade division women’s history. nected to the past and those that first-place winner in Academic Bee and Senior Makayla Eldridge said, came before.” Aidyn Reed, 8th grade division champion “We women are just now living in Science Bee, and Aiden Grooms. The Laker Review 2 News March 20, 2020 Math Day Academic Team postpones play Speech Team Lisa Harrison Alyssa Wicker juniors Caden Emerson and Jay competes, waits Entertainment Editor Turner, freshmen Isaac Martin, Senior Jessica Wicker, left, Cesar Villeda, and Ethan Cain, Hannah Foote and junior Lexan Roberts The Academic Team’s state and senior Sophia Bogard earned Photographer participate in an activity competition has been postponed second overall. The FPS team of during the annual Math Day until May 15-17, according to sophomores Laken McDaniel Unfortunately, due to the Co- at Murray State University. Head Coach Erica Gray. and Rheagan Jones and freshmen rona virus, KHSSL (Kentucky Senior Andy Hardt was the The Academic Team recently Drake Calhoon and Ellie Whis- High School Speech League) state top Calloway student in the competed at the KAAC Gov- man earned first place. competition has been postponed. Upper Division; sophomore ernor’s Cup Regional Academic The individuals who will be A new date for the tournament has Chaney Robinson was the Team Tournament. The team had moving on to state in their respec- not been given. top Calloway student in several individual students advance tive events include: rd The Speech Team competed at Lower Division and second to the state tournament along with Anderson, 3 in Math; Bogard, the KESDA (Kentucky Educa- place overall in the Lower the Future Problem Solving (FPS) 4th in Math; Hardt, 5th in Math; rd rd tional Speech and Drama Asso- Division; freshman Cesar team and the Quick Recall (QR) Martin, 3 in Science; Villeda, 3 ciation) statewide tournament last Villeda placed fourth in the team. in Social Studies; Morris, 4th in rd month. Lower Division. Gray said that the students’ Social Studies and Whisman, 3 KESDA was held at the Clarion preparation throughout the season in Language Arts. hotel in Lexington. Competitors propelled them to their success at Gray said that to prepare for performed in hotel rooms or small the regional tournament.
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