Hydrological Problems of Fish Ponds in Urban Area of Sremska Mitrovica Hydrological Problems of Fish Ponds in Urban Area of Sremska Mitrovica Dragan Dolinaj, Jovan Plavša, Introduction perature for the town is 10.8°C. The cold- Dragoslav Pavić Near a number of settlements in Vojvo- est month is January with mean tempera- dina, there are depressions made by ex- ture of -0.9°C, whereas the warmest month cavations for civil engineering purposes. is July with mean temperature of 20.7°C. Abstract In most of the cases, the catchment are- The warmest season is summer with mean Today, intensive fish hatching in enclosed as have been struck, therefore ponds or temperature of 20°C, whereas mean win- ponds is considered as one of the most small ponds emerged (Bukurov, 1954). The ter temperature is 0.9°C. Mean temper- profitable activities in Vojvodina, con- two fish ponds “Proleće” and Fish pond atures in spring and autumn are slight- sequently leading to construction of owned by Nature Conservation Movement ly different, i.e. mean spring temperature large number of fish ponds in this area. in Sremska Mitrovica belong to this group is 11.4°C, and mean autumn temperature Fish ponds as hydrographic objects are of ponds. Both fish ponds serve as a good is 10.8°C. To confirm the continental cli- planned and designed at various localities. practice example of turning almost insig- mate of the place, there are also the data First, the localities were abandoned river nificant hydrographic objects, made by on absolute maximum and minimum air meanders, then, depressions made by dig- digging soil for civil engineering purpos- temperatures recorded on the weather sta- ging out of clay and loess, and finally, fish es, or neglected objects covered with hy- tion in Sremska Mitrovica. Absolute max- ponds were built intentionally for the pur- drophilic vegetation into artificial lakes, imum air temperature is 39.8°C, and abso- poses of breeding fish. The municipali- i.e. fish ponds of highly important eco- lute minimum air temperature is -29,5°C. ty of Sremska Mitrovica comprises sever- nomic, tourism, sports and recreation, ed- Mean annual precipitation in Sremska al important hydrographic objects, among ucation and aesthetic significance not only Mitrovica is 615 mm. The highest precipi- which the largest one is the Sava river, then for the town of Sremska Mitrovica, but tation occurs in summer (218 mm on aver- several fresh water ponds and fish ponds. also for the whole municipality. age), but the lowest precipitation occurs in In the immediate vicinity of the town (in winter (106 mm on average)1. the north and southeast) there are two fish Position and general physical In the urban area and its surround- ponds – the fish pond “Proleće”(spring) and geographical features of the ings, shallow phreatic waters are found at and the fish pond owned by Nature Con- research area depths of 2 m to 5 m. Abundant artesian servation Movement, which are both used waters are distributed in four hydrologi- for economic, sports and recreation, tour- Sremska Mitrovica, the largest town in cal areas which are situated at depths from ism, education and aesthetics purposes. Srem, is situated on the left bank of the Sava 136m to 900 m (Plavša, 1999). Indisputa- This paper discusses the distribution of fish river at 44°58’ latitude and 19°37’ longitude. bly, the most significant surface hydrologi- ponds, their physical and geographical fea- It covers 4,961 ha and borders the areas of cal object in Sremska Mitrovica is the Sava tures, origin and morphometric features, Veliki Radinci, Voganj, Šašinci, Jarak and river. Apart from this water course, there the regime and water quality, flora and fau- Laćarak. The town’s area comprises three are also its tributaries: Manđeloški potok, na and their economic and other impacts. parts. The centre is the town itself covering Čikas and Moharač. There are also two Key words: Sremska Mitrovica, fish ponds the area of 1,481 ha and bordering Laćarak smaller fish ponds, the aforementioned (636 ha) in the west. It is connected by a pe- “Proleće” and Fish pond owned by Nature destrian bridge with Mačvanska Mitrovica Conservation Movement as integral parts (174 ha) on the right bank of the Sava river. of hydrographical network in the urban All three parts form a unique town settle- area of Sremska Mitrovica. ment of Sremska Mitrovica, covering the total area of 2,291 ha (data obtained from Fish pond “Proleće” the Department of Urbanism in Sremska Position of the pond and its physical and Mitrovica). geographical features. The pond is man- Greater part of the town is situated on aged by the Economic Unit of the Fish alluvial deposits, whereas the north parts of pond “Proleće”, within the Detention and the town lay on loess. The rban area prima- Rehabilitation centre in Sremska Mitrovi- rily covers the Pleistocene terrace, and par- ca and is situated outside the prison walls tially the alluvial plain of the Sava river. under the north wall. North of the pond Sremska Mitrovica as well as the broad- there is Race course of Sremska Mitrovica. Department of Geography, Tourism and er area of southern part of the Pannon- Hotel Management, Faculty of Sciences, ian plain is featured by continental cli- 1 Mean values of the observed climate elements University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja mate with some elements of continental measured at meteorological station in Sremska Geographica Pannonica 11/2007 Pannonica Geographica Obradovića 3, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia. and steppe climate. Mean annual air tem- Mitrovica refer to the period 1981-2000. 22 Dragan Dolinaj, Jovan Plavša, Dragoslav Pavić Fish pond “Proleće” is situated at the north end of the urban area of Sremska Mitrovica (appendix 1). The fish pond is situated at the distance of 3 km from the town centre and 600 m from the highway Belgrade – Zagreb (E-70). The regional road Sremska Mitrovica – Ležimir, which runs near the pond, makes the pond easily accessible. Near the regional road Sremska Mitrovica – Ležimir, i.e. 150 m far from the pond there is a parking connected with the pond with gravel road. The pond is, prop- erly planned and designed, fenced as well as easily accessible. The pond is at 75 m altitude. Its basin was embedded in the loess terrace, where- as the pond’s bottom is made of clay layers. At several contact points of loess deposits with clay layers, phreatic aquifer which fed the pond was cut off. Origin and morphometrics of the pond. At the beginning of 1895, by the proclamation of Franja Josif, the construc- tion of Detention and Rehabilitation cen- Appendix 1 Satellite picture of geographical position of Fish pond “Proleće” and Fish tre in Sremska Mitrovica started. During pond of nature Conservation Movement (Source: Google Earth) the construction work, material was used from the vicinity, and the hole that ap- cm. The shore at all sides of both the small covers 756 m². Due to the vertical sides of peared during excavations quickly filled and the large pond is flat without observ- the pond there are minimal water level os- with water due to the cut off the phreatic able steeps. cillations and the surface area remains the spring. The abandoned digging location Smaller pond is 39 m long on the south- identical throughout the year. The small was left unexploited for several decades. western to north-eastern axis, a maximum surface and shallow water depth contrib- Covered in aquatic vegetation, it became width of 34 m determined in the north- ute to smaller quantity of water which is on the habitat of mosquitoes and waste dis- western and south-eastern direction. The average 900 m³. posal site, thus threatening the health of average width of the smaller pond is 19.6 The larger pond is 119 m long on the the local population. Several decades later, m. The length of the shore line at the small- north-west to south-east axis. On the at the end of 1950s, the rejuvenation of the er pond is 111 m. The shape of the basin is north-east to south-west axis a maximum area for novel purposes started. The con- almost of regular shape and its depth in- width of the pond it 30 m, whereas the av- struction of the fish pond was conducted creases gradually and laterally towards the erage estimated width is 24.3 m. The length in several phases. First, the ditch in eastern central part. The maximum depth deter- of its shoreline is 268 m. The basin of the part of the pond was dug, through which mined in the central part is 2.20 m, where- larger pond is elongated on the west-east the water flew out of the depression. Then, as the average depth of the smaller pond axis, the west section being considerably the basin was cleared of aquatic vegeta- is 1.2 m. The surface of the smaller pond wider with gradual decrease of the width tion, waste, and sludge deposits, and ad- towards the east. On the contrary to the ditionally widened and deepened. The last smaller pond, the larger pond basin has phase consisted of separating the pond ba- not been thoroughly planned and designed. sin into two parts by an embankment, and This caused huge discrepancies in depths the water level regulator was built in the between eastern and western sections of drainage ditch. The fish pond was drained the pond basin. The west part is shallow- again in 1982 for sanitation purposes. On er, whereas major portion of the pond floor that occasion, the entire basin of the small is between 1 m and 1.5 m isobaths.
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