www.ukrweekly.com Published by the Ukrainian National Association inc., a fraternal non-profit association чг rainian Weekly vol. LVIII No. 42 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21,1990 50 cents UNA fund tops Ukrainian SSR government bows to students' demands S 100,000 MasoMacrJl agreeartroosc шШЙШЙШВШиШЯШШШЯШШШЯШШШШшШШШШШ JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - The U– to resign krainian National Association's Fund for the Rebirth of Ukraine, by Mary Mycio created as a result of a resolution Rukh Press international adopted at the fraternal organiza– tion's recent convention, topped KlEv - in a capitulation to student Si00,000 this week. hunger strikes and massive protests As of October 18, the fund reached over the last two weeks, the prime S 100,426.34 thanks to UNA mem– minister of Ukraine, vitaliy Masol, will bers and others who sent 3,995 resign his post, President Leonid Krav– checks in an effort to help Ukraine. chuk told the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet Donations may be sent to: Ukrai– on October 17. nian National Association Fund for Also, an overwhelming majority of the Rebirth of Ukraine, 30 Montgo– the Parliament resolved to uphold the mery St., Jersey City, N.J. 07302. demands of the students who have been hunger striking in October Revolution On the beat in Ukraine Nestor institute fosters exchanges -.Mykhatlo Shuliak A scene of students hunger-striking at Kiev's October Revolution Square during with Lviv computer project the first week of October. Square since October 2. tory to ask our parents how they can by Chrystyna N. Lapychak visits between the USSR and the The Supreme Soviet voted to hold a work while we're on strike," said a United States with their non-profit referendum on confidence in the Parlia– young woman carrying a blue and Lviv — Among the dozens of organization, viSA. ment in 1991 and multi-party elections yellow Ukrainian flag and wearing the events that drew Ukrainians from During an interview with Mrs. if the results of the vote demand it, to white lab coat of the medical institute Ukraine and the diaspora together Horodysky on the last day of formal pass laws on voluntary military service students. this busy summer was a computer instruction, August 17, this energetic beyond the republic's borders, and to When asked why they were demon– course, organized by the Nestor Ukrainian American described why create a commission on nationalization strating, the leader of the march said, institute in the western Ukrainian and how the couple founded the of Communist Party property. "Because of the hunger strikers. Be– city of Lviv, this August. Nestor institute and launched the cause there's nothing in the stores. And Other student demands were met For two weeks between August 6 computer project. because we don't want to be sent out of earlier this week when the Parliament and 17,43 enthusiastic students of all "Nestor institute was formed over Ukraine when we serve in the army." voted to abstain from consideration of ages, beginners and professionals a year ago as a result of a trip to Political observers note that the from the Lviv region, received daily Ukraine my husband made," said the new union treaty until the Decla– ration of Sovereignty is implemented. conservative majority in Parliament instruction in the fundamentals of Mrs. Horodysky. had painted itself into a corner since the operating their choice of ІВМ or "He was sitting in the kitchen of The resolutions endorsed the recom– opening of the new session. The stu– Macintosh computers. Dmytro Lapychak's house in Lviv mendations of a special parliamentary dents had threated more radical action The project was the brainchild of watching three nurses, including "Commission of Accord." Established if their demands were not met but the Danylo and Tamara Horodysky, a Mrs. Lapychak, laboriously, pain- October 16 to examine the students' satisfaction of those same demands has Berkeley, Calif., couple well-known fully working on a translation of a demands, the commission was made up now emboldened them. for their work promoting family (Continued on page 4) of five representatives each from the Five somber student representatives conservative Communist majority, the watched the parliamentary session from democratic opposition National Coun– the balcony. When the 314 deputies cil and student representatives. voted in their favor, and congratulated themselves and the students in the The announcement of Mr. Masol's balcony with a standing ovation, the resignation and the Parliament's resolu– representatives simply stood up and left tions came in the midst of the third day the hall. of increasingly massive student strikes and protests at the Ukrainian Supreme For text of striking students' appeal Soviet. to fellow students around the world, see A demonstration of 50,000 on Mon– page 4. day, October 15, was followed by more protests Tuesday and Wednesday after The hunger strike will end, they said. a live television broadcast by the hun– So will the protests, at least until next ger striking students on Monday night Monday. Meanwhile, the tent city had galvanized the previously placid erected by the students on the Khresh– student population in the Ukrainian chatyk was being taken down onThurs– capital. day, October 18. After gathering at the Supreme "if this was an American or French Soviet, the students would break up Parliament, l'd be more confident," said into small groups of several hundreds or Markian lvachyshyn, one of the student Nestor institute students input text of Ukraine's Declaration of State thousands, and march through the city leaders. "But 1 don't trust them. Well be Sovereignty during computer course in Lviv. to schools and factories. watching to see what they do on Mon- "We're going to the Bolshevik Fac– day." 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21,1990 NO. 42 A.GUMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY News briefs Ал insider's view of Chornobyl: from Ukraine interview with Yuriy Risovanny ^ KlEv - Oleksander Piskun, a economic proposals. by Dr. David Marples principles were observed, however. And member of the Ukrainian Supreme For more information, the organiza– this whole process falls under the aegis Soviet's Standing Commission on State tion committee of the congress can be PART1 of the Kompleks. Sovereignty and interrepublican Rela– reached in Donetske at 93-21-33,90-12- Another major unit within the tions, stated that, in his view, the 37. (Rukh Press international) Yuriy Risovanny is head of the Ryzhkov and Shatalin plans for econo– Prypiat association is the Radiation Ф TERNOP1L, Ukraine - The local foreign relations bureau in the Monitoring Board, i.e., it monitors the mic reform are inappropriate for so– international department of the Prypiat vereign republics. newspaper Evening Ternopil reported radiation system within the 30-kilo– early this month that the Ternopil City industrial and Research Association, meter zone, and radiation control over The deputy told Radio Kiev-3 on located at Chornobyl. He has been September 20 that the Shatalin propo– Council voted to nationalize all Com– everyone who works in this area. How– munist Party and Komsomol property involved in the cleanup operation for ever, the board's activity has also sals leave too few functions to sove– the past four years. He is the co-author reign states and noted that such limited found within its jurisdiction. changed recently because of the new re– Basing its decision on the Ukrainian (with Aleksander Kovalenko)of"Chor- quirement for radiation specialists power would not permit Ukraine to nobyUKakim Ogo Uvidel Mir," Kiev, carry out its intention to establish its Constitution, the Law on the Economic outside the zone, in Zhytomyr and Kiev independence of Ukraine and its own "Molod," 1989. This interview was oblasts, and in Byelorussia. Possibly own foreign economic relations and conducted in Edmonton, Alberta, on credit system. Ukraine plans to esta– authority, the City Council decided to they are needed also in Rivne Oblast, create a commission that will account September 20. though the situation there is not as bad blish its own national bank. Mr. Piskun added that the Ukrainian forandinventory the property subject to as in the northern regions of Zhytomyr nationalization by January 1, 1991. Can you explain the background and and Kiev. Commission on Economic Reform is current functions of the Prypiat The council also forbid the in addition, there is a further subunit, currently working on its own economic industrial and Research Association? program. (RFE;RL Daily Report) Communist Party and Komsomol from the Board for Capital Construction, selling or transferring the property to The roots of the association lie in the which has already built the new town of anyone from the day its decision was Slavutych and is continuing to build ^ KlEv — The second congress of former Kombinat production associa– the Association of Democratic Soviets adopted. tion, which was established in October new houses there. There are also a huge The decision of the Ternopil City Transportation Department, and a and Democratic Blocs within Ukrai– 1986 to coordinate the work carried out nian Soviets (councils) held in Zhy– Council is the first move to nationalize in the 30-kilometer zone, in January, it health care unit that has been there from Communist Party property in Ukraine. the outset: Medical Unit No. 126. tomyr, Ukraine, has come to a close, acquired a new status when the nature according to a September 24 TASS (Rukh Press international) of its activities was changed. The major Finally there are a number of small report. The delegates — representatives clean-up operation had been com– organizations affiliated with the Prypiat of local councils from some 40 towns ^ K1TSMAN, Ukraine - On Octo– pleted and it was now necessary to association: for the provision of food; and several people's deputies — ap– ber 7, the town council in Kitsman organize more research in the zone.
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