and brother, respectively, of Mrs. ■ w Crtp Sears. Mr. Sears and Mr. K night were To Cure a Cold in One Day T w o Day«. discharged from the hospital several days ago, as they both gave up only Lewiston Furniture and Under­ T)& Laxative Brom o Quinine t m a . on «vary about one half as much skin as did MBBon k a m u M h ^ a t 13 5«v«n Tins i Mr. Isivejov, and the recovery was in (S.Cfcdfr box. 25c. consequence much more rapid. The Operation, which was perform­ taking Company ed by Dr. C. P. Thomas was more suc­ oooooooooooooooooo "on and only heir. Property is an oooooc.ooooooooooo cessful than the surgeon expected. SO acre farm in Nez Perce county, Every portion of the skin grafted onto 0 h e r e a n d THERE O o o J. C. Harding Dessie E. Harding some lots in Lewiston, and a lot of O PERSONAL MENTION O the woman's body adhered and has 0 0 mining shares—say about 135,000—in grown fast, and in consequence she is JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O the Gold Syndicate and the Jerrico oooooooooooooooooo greatly improved and suffers compara­ The Tuesday evening Card club will mines. tively little pain. The skin was burned Funeral D irectors and ine,.. with Mrs. F. D. Culver tonight. I. J. Taylor, of Orofino, is in the city. off her body from the small of the U H Kennedy, many years chief W. Wellman, of Orofino, is in the back to the feet, through a fire in her jL g. Sasse is now having erected a engineer of the O R .* NT., has re­ E m b a l m e r s )ian(jsome new residence in Clarkston. city. home at Lewiston, Idaho. All of the signed because of failing health, and surface of her limbs has been cover- The annual encampment of the Idaho G. W. Boschke, assistant engineer of J. S. McDonald, of Ilo, is in the city, the city. ed by grafting, and by another opera­ nation111 guard w,ll be held in July the Southern Pacific, succeeds him. Day Phone 821 Night Phone 823 O. Slate, of Colfax, Isvisiting In tion it is intended to repface all the near Boise. years ago and is one of the foremost skin burned off her hips and back. This civil engineers of the northwest. He the city. Senator W. B. Heyburn is expected operation will be performed upon the is ill at the home of his sister in ................................ - m to arrive at hlB WaIlace h°me shortly Inspector S. F. O'Fallon is in Boise return of Dr. Thomas from his trip after May 1. Pittsburg, where he has geen confined on business. many months. east, which is expected about the lat­ The Tscemtnicupi club will hold its Dr. F. P. Nourse has returned from ter part of the present month. In all W. r . KETTENBACH. PraiMmt J. ALEXANDER. Vk* PnoMMR regular m eeting Saturday at the home r»r. Frank Nourse, cousin of Dr. R. a trip to Boise. something like three square feet of GEORGE N. RESTER, Cuhltr 01 Mrs. Vollmer. I*. Nourse. is here from Lewiston,, says Starr J. Maxwell, of Lapwai, is a epidermis will have been grafted when jellunt & Jones, the well known as­ j the Boise Statesman. He settled in visitor in the city. the second operation is completed. ters, have moved to quarters in the the latter city recently, having come W. H. Hill has returned from a bus­ The Lewiston National Bank new Means building on Fourth street. from Indiana. Some months ago the iness trip to Spokane. A COUPLE OF GOOD STORIES A new ferry boat has been placed * V'8it ! ° COUSi" C. W. Mount was In Kendrick on LEWISTON. IDAHO Lighter Side of Life at the Nation’s Ctnwr d Main Fm HIi Sts the river at Alpowa and Mr. Don- T ' * ™* 7 T *" Ind'ana looke<1 business last Saturday. m4 !LÏn now clealms the best ferry on1 \ t ™ returneA a"<* Capital. » ! he determined to pack up and come W. F. Kettenbach has gone to Port­ the river. j to tj,is state land on a business trip. Washington, April 10.—E^-Senator DIRECTORS The suit brought by J. K. Dow, of j Mrs. C. M. Arant. of Spokane, is in Spokane, against the Masonic Temple : A meeting will be held at Weippe Billy Mason had a guest in the sen­ the city visiting relatives. C. C BwhwH, J. Alexander, j. D. Morris. W. P. RUtlliAsd l, R. C. has heen settled out of court and the|s time between the 10th and 15th ate restaurant for luncheon, and that A. W. Kroutinger was a business Oeergt N. Kester. Gran Pfafffin Ksttenb*ch| suit dismissed. of the present month with a view to afternoon Senator Dubois, of Idaho, w jj I promote the dairy and creamery in- visitor at Asotin last week. met Mason and accosted him with: Kit Chitwood, formerly «. i - ... Mrs. E. Johnson, of Kamiah, was “Who waB that friend of yours from vnownK character min thi.this section, f.is iterestai?eon„i, of « that., __section. Professor Kn ! French, of the University of Idaho, visiting here last Saturday. Chicago at lunch with you?” now a prosperous mining man of Gold- , , ,. ,, : ' TRANSACTS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ” x- “ Am an<i A Arthur Hanson, of the Lewis- Dr. F. L. Hinkley has returned from “He was not from Chicago,” an­ fields. eva I ton o eaniery pompany, will be pres- a professional trip to Spokane. swered Mason. “That is a man from Kjos' new handsome delivery wagon ent and address the assembly, says St. Paul. What made you think he "Sight Exchange raid on a I the principal cities at the United Mata* and has been placed In commission and the the Pierce City Miner, The definite Representative Len Magill was in was from Chicago?” firm is now prepared to deliver goods date of holding the meeting will be the city Saturday from Peck. “I saw him eating his soup, and to all parts of the city. I announced in a few days J. Moritz, a business man of Oro­ heard him clear across the restaurant,” fino. was in the city yesterday. answered Dubois. Clara Louise Thompson has made s D. Taylor, editor and proprietor arrangements to put on her Katzenja- of the Herald left Sunday for the J. D. McGary and Mrs. McGary, of California Wine House mer Firme at Colfax in the Ridgeway Clearwater country, where he is se- Moscow, visited here Saturday. Speaking of Dubois reminds the WHOLCBALC AND RETAIL theater Friday evening, April 14. Iecting Iand for thefstate from the W. J. Jordan has returned from a writer of the last election of that Tha plaça to gat your winea and liquora for family or ntodioiMl «Mb statemafi to the senate In 1900, soon The I nited States Smelting com- : public domain, says the Bonner's Ferry short business trip to Spokane. Coll and examina our goede and prioee before buying el ae who re. Oeode MB*« after which election he came to Wash­ erred to any part of the eity. ’Rhone SI pany. of Salt Lake, Utah, is actively Herald. Governor Gooding recently Joe Alexander Jr., was, in the in ington to select a residence, nnd the soliciting business from the mines of appointed Mr. Taylor as state land so- the city from Jullaetta Sunday. narrator met him in the capitol with Idaho. The company's add appears in lector, for the state of Idaho, which Congressman B. L. French aAd Miss this greeting: •*t*e»e»s.e«e*s»e*e«e.«»*«e.e»s«i»a»i another column. position will be quite a long one, as French have returned to Moscow. "Say, Fred, you told me you were Attention is called to the add, in ’ the sthte has made very few selections Indian Agent F. Glenn Mattoon was never coming buck to congress either another column, of the Spokane Bro- : in these northern parts. Mr. Taylor in the city yesterday from Lapwa'. to the house or the senate. How came 1 Savinas soften kerage company,- of Spokane. The is at present near white Bird. Idaho Captain J. G. Wright, of Culdesac, you to change your mind?" firm makes a specialty of Buffalo j county. is transacting business In the city. “Well, we've been having some hard ! the Pillow times out west, and I struggled un­ Hump stocks. Captain Harry C. Baughman, mas- Fred S. Beckwith, of Kendrick, was The Lewiston National bank has ter of the government dredge boat doing business in the city Saturday. successfully, and finally told my wife There is better sleep by night ,and better brought suit against the big Idaho | Wallola, which has been tied up here that I would have to go Into politics l Mining and Development company to awaiting funds for operation, haR re Colonel Allen Miller, state im m igra­ again. She objected, actuajly for­ cheer by day in the family whose head collect $1.903.65, clairded to be due j signed his position and accepted a tion commissioner, is here from Boise. bade it, until I told her I must take has a savings account. We receive sav­ for borrowed money. position as captain on one of the Mrs. D. J. McGllvery has returned her to Washington with me as the ings deposits. We assure saving people Ham and bacon a t the Boss market steamers belonging to the White Pass from a visit with friends in Asotin.
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