Catholic Volume 34 No. 23 www.biloxidiocese.org July 14, 2017 Vatican asks bishops to ensure validity of matter for Eucharist BY CAROL GLATZ Eucharist,” it said, “is a grave abuse.” Catholic News Service -- Low-gluten hosts are valid matter for people who, “for varying and grave reasons, cannot consume bread VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Bishops should look at made in the usual manner,” provided the hosts “contain ways to help verify and guarantee the validity and wor- a sufficient amount of gluten to obtain the confection of thiness of the bread and wine used for the celebration of bread without the addition of foreign materials and with- the Eucharist, the Vatican said in a recent document. out the use of procedures that would alter the nature of Because bread and wine for the Eucharist are no lon- bread.” ger supplied just by religious communities, but “are also -- Completely gluten-free hosts continue to be “inval- sold in supermarkets and other stores and even over the id matter for the celebration of the Eucharist.” internet,” bishops should set up guidelines, an oversight -- Wine used in the celebration of the eucharistic body and/or even a form of certification to help “remove “must be natural, from the fruit of the grape, pure and any doubt about the validity of the matter for the incorrupt, not mixed with other substances,” well con- Eucharist,” the Vatican’s Congregation for Divine Atlanta Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory, right, served and have not soured. “Convocation of Worship and the Sacraments said. concelebrates Mass during the -- “It is altogether forbidden to use wine of doubtful Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in America” The recommendations came in a circular letter, “On authenticity or provenance.” the bread and wine for the Eucharist,” sent to diocesan July 2 in Orlando, Fla. Bishops should look at ways to -- No other drinks of any kind may not be admitted bishops “at the request of the Holy Father, Pope Francis.” help verify and guarantee the validity and worthiness “for any reason, as they do not constitute valid matter.” Dated June 15 -- the feast of the Body and Blood of of the bread and wine used for the celebration of the -- For people who, “for varying and grave reasons,” Christ -- the letter was made public by the Vatican July Eucharist, the Vatican said in a recent document. CNS cannot consume wine fermented in the normal manner, 8. The letter was signed by Cardinal Robert Sarah, con- photo/Bob Roller “mustum” is valid matter for the celebration of the gregation prefect, and Archbishop Arthur Roche, secre- “Given the complexity of situations and circumstanc- Eucharist. Mustum is grape juice that is either fresh or tary. es, such as a decrease in respect for the sacred, it may be preserved by methods that suspend its fermentation with- Because the church requires certainty regarding the useful to mandate a competent authority to have over- out altering its nature, for example, by freezing. conditions necessary for the validity of the sacraments, sight in actually guaranteeing the genuineness of the -- Eucharistic matter made with genetically modified the congregation offered some suggestions so that bish- eucharistic matter by producers as well as those respon- organisms can be considered valid matter. ops can continue to “watch over the quality of the bread sible for its distribution and sale,” the Vatican congrega- - Permission must be given by the ordinary for an and wine” as well as “those who prepare these materi- tion wrote. individual priest or layperson to use low-gluten hosts or als.” A competent authority, for example, could be “one or mustum for the celebration of the Eucharist. “Permission The congregation underlined that every bishop “is more religious congregations or another body capable of can be granted habitually, for as long as the situation bound to remind priests, especially parish priests and carrying out the necessary checks on production, conser- continues which occasioned the granting of permission.” rectors of churches, of their responsibility to verify those vation and sale of the eucharistic bread and wine in a People who live with celiac disease are unable to who provide the bread and wine for the celebration and given country and for other countries to which they are digest gluten, a type of protein commonly found in the worthiness of the material.” exported,” it wrote. grains such as rye, barley and wheat. There also are Bishops must also provide information to the produc- The letter also reiterated norms already in place people who live with nonceliac gluten intolerance or ers of the bread and wine for the Eucharist and to remind regarding eucharistic matter: gluten sensitivity whose health can be adversely affected them of the absolute respect that is due to the norms,” it -- “The bread used in the celebration of the most holy by gluten. said. Producers “must be aware that their work is direct- eucharistic sacrifice must be unleavened, purely of The U.S. bishops’ Committee on Divine Worship has ed toward the eucharistic sacrifice and that this demands wheat, and recently made so that there is no danger of said Catholics who cannot receive Communion wafers at their honesty, responsibility and competence,” it added. decomposition.” all, even under the species of low-gluten hosts, “may The congregation suggested ordinaries offer guid- -- Bread made from another substance, even grain or receive Holy Communion under the species of wine ance, for example, by “guaranteeing the eucharistic mat- mixed with another substance so different from wheat only.” The church teaches that “under either species of ter through special certification.” that it would not commonly be considered wheat bread, bread or wine, the whole Christ is received,” it said. Bishops may want to agree on and establish “con- “does not constitute valid matter.” Medical certification of a condition justifying the use crete regulations” on the national level through their -- The introduction of any other substances, “such as of mustum or low-gluten hosts for Communion is not bishops’ conferences, it suggested. fruit or sugar or honey, into the bread for confecting the required, the committee said. 2 DIOCESAN EVENTS Spiritual Direction because we are “full”. We have a ton of features a study guide with 325 works of July 22-23 great stuff including furniture, glass- art, biblical commentary, excerpts from Father Joseph Dang, SVD, a Divine Canoe Like JP2 ware, kitchenware, toys, decorative the Catechism of the Catholic Church, July 14, 2017 Word Missionary, is available for spiri- items, holiday decorations, antique oil papal encyclicals, and the writings of the • tual direction at Fr. William Kelley WIGGINS -- Father paintings, lamps, tools, household items, Saints. The world-class video that is pre- Retreat Center in Bay St. Louis. Fr. Adam Urbaniak, diocesan and some antiques. Doors will open at 11 sented each week is shot on location in Dang received his MA in spiritual direc- director of vocations, will a.m., and the Auction starts at 2 p.m. Rome and Assisi. tion and spirituality from Fordham host “Canoe Like JP2,” a Lunch/full concessions open at noon. Author and speaker, Dr. Paul Thigpen University in New York. discernment weekend Pictures will be available soon on and host Fr. Jeffrey Kirby present the Please contact him directly (732) Father Adam based on the example of Facebook. Everyone is welcome, please 18-lesson study in the DVD presenta- 754-6970 St. John Paul II July 22-23 at Black come and have a “bidding” good time! tion. The Bible study will begin A free will offering is appreciated. Creek. Participants will pray and cele- Wednesday, September 13, and will meet Gulf Pine Catholic brate Mass in the open, and meditate on August 11 each Wednesday morning through April God’s call. Overnight lodging will be at 4, 2018 from 9:15-11 a.m. at St. Mary St. Fabian Parish seeking St. Francis Xavier Parish in Wiggins. St. Joseph BBQ Fundraiser Parish in Murray Hall on Woolmarket part-time music director Cost is $30. To register or more informa- MOSS POINT -- The youth from St. Road in Biloxi. The fee is $47 and tion, including a list of what supplies Joseph the Worker Parish in Moss Point includes the study set and a DVD pre- St. Fabian Catholic Church in will be needed for canoeing, call (228) will host the 3rd annual Pigs and Prizes sentation. Payment by August 21 will Hattiesburg has an opening for the posi- 283-5252 fundraiser dinner and silent auction on ensure that you receive your materials on tion of music director. This is a paid, Friday, August 11, from 5-8 p.m. in the September 13. part-time position. For more information July 30 parish hall. The menu will feature an Upon This Rock Scripture Study is an contact Tom Lipscomb, search commit- award-winning Hawg Heaven BBQ inter-parochial program founded in 2002 tee chair, at (601) 297-3236 or tomlip- Family and Friends Night at sandwich, two sides, and a drink. Tickets by Catholics seeking to understand and [email protected]. Shuckers Games are on sale now for $10 from the parish appreciate the Catholic faith by studying BILOXI -- The Annual End of The office (228) 475-0777, Becky Fagan Scripture and tradition. These objectives July 16 Summer Family and Friends Knight for (228) 217-4566, or any CYO member. included understanding the connection all parishes will take place on Sunday, You may carry out or dine in and enjoy between the Catholic faith and one’s daily life, developing a more personal St. Michael 100th July 30, at MGM Stadium at 5:05 p.m.
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