Discussions on In Depth, page 12 Starlight benefi t THE supports fi re victims News, page 3 The tie that binds Wilfrid Laurier University since 1926 Volume 53, Issue 7 Wednesday, September 26, 2012 thecord.ca Baseball Drink team Back on safety a cleared concern Hawks reinstated track Incident at Uptown following hazing bar raises drink- incident tampering issues SHELBY BLACKLEY SPORTS EDITOR KATELYN CULLUM LEAD REPORTER Wilfrid Laurier University’s men’s baseball team was given an ultima- LINDSAY PURCHASE tum — present an apolog to the LOCAL AND NATIONAL EDITOR school, or face being banned for the entirety o their season. A recent drink-tampering incident When Sunday night came, 34 at a local nightclub has police re- players stood in front o athletic di- minding students and club employ- rector Peter Baxter, interuniversity ees to be cautious and attentive to sport coordinator Wally Gabler and the potential dangers o drinking. vice president o Student Afairs “What you have is basically a per- David McMurray to plead their case. son was observed with their hand It was announced Monday af- over a drink in a local night club ternoon that the team would be al- and when the patron returned and lowed to continue playing. looked at the drink, they saw some- “For me it’s been tough,” co-cap- thing in the drink,” said Waterloo tain Ian Fillion said Monday. “I’m Regional Police Service (WRPS) in- obviously regretful for my actions spector Kevin Thaler. and I apologize for them. Being a A 20-year-old Waterloo man was co-captain it’s my responsibility to charged in the Sept. 14 incident with make sure the team operates in a re- administering a noxious substance spectful manner and I apologize that to a drink. that did not happen.” An investigation has been The team was suspended last launched to determine whether Thursday following a hazing in- previous incidences are linked, in- cident that occurred at a party o cluding one that happened the week campus. The incident included alco- prior, in which a woman was taken hol and “immature acts” and was re- to hospital “nearly unconscious,” ported by Residence Life last Tues- said Waterloo Regional Police Ser- day to the department o athletics vice (WRPS) inspector Kevin Tha- and recreation. ler. Toxicolog reports have not yet Further details surrounding the been returned, but the police will incident had not been released. continue to look into whether there “I think we’ve got to move on may be a connection between the from that, with due respect,” Baxter Football team claws occurrences. said. “It was just immature behav- “We have had incidences in the iour. There was an element o hu- back to .500 with win past when we suspected this sort miliation on the part o people, but o thing was occurring,” Thaler realistically it violated the code o over Ottawa confi rmed. conduct.” The WRPS has since been in- Ater a thorough investigation Sports, page 22 volved in speaking to night clubs to surrounding the baseball team create awareness o the issue and members, it was confi rmed that the provide information about what team would be suspended for their employees can look for. four games scheduled for this past “Our core team has basically been weekend for violating the student going club to club …. It’s a partner- athlete code o conduct, which they KATE TURNER PHOTOGRAPHY MANAGER ship,” Thaler said. Ottawa’s Randy Williams is wrapped up by Laurier’s Thomas Majka during the Hawks’ 35-27 win. Sports, page 22 Local, page 7 Inside Onecard issues Rules for Homecoming Avicii in Waterloo Local business owners distraught The Cord Life Sta provide eight World-reknowned DJ plays over changes to fi rst-year guidelines to help you enjoy this Revolution night club ater Sept. 7 students’ meal plans weekend’s festivities show postponed Campus, page 4 Life, page 16 Arts, page 14 2 • THE CORD • WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 Editor-in-Chief Editor’s choice Editor’s choice online Justin Fauteux Eight rules for the perfect Homecoming Video: Science atrium secrets revealed [email protected] Life, page 16 thecord.ca Inside This Week in quotes Vocal Cord News ………………………3 Arts ……………………… 14 Was Laurier your fi rst Campus ……………… 4 Life ……………………… 16 “The whole term o choice of universities? Local ………………… 8 Editorial ……………… 22 National ……………… 12 Opinion ……………… 23 ‘sucking it up’ or ‘man- Classifi eds …………… 13 Sports ………………… 25 up’ or ‘don’t be a baby’, In Depth …………… 14 are terms that we hope to eliminate.” Our website “No, Nipissing was [my —Adam Lawrence, acting dean o fi rst choice] for math.” doesn’t suck students re: mental health –Samantha Scott anymore Fourth-year, Chemistry “The game itself, before it was spoiled by the ofi ciating crew, was and Math No, really. actually well executed.” –Laurier men’s soccer coach Mario Halapir ater Sunday’s game vs. McMaster Go check it out. “They saw all the money the students were spending o campus and I guess they decided they wanted it.” –Chris Rau, owner o Wings Up, re: Laurier discontinuing automatic conve- nience dollars for fi rst-year students. “Peer to peer is much more powerful than a 53-year old athletic di- rector saying thou shall not.” –Laurier athletic director Peter Baxter re: having the baseball team lead anti- “No. I think it was Follow us @cordnews hazing sessions with other student athletes. Queen’s for commerce.” –Phili Siu From the Second-year, business archives 5 years Record crowds for 79th Homecoming This past weekend, Laurier wel- comed back its largest-ever group o alumni for the annual Homecoming celebration. “Laurier was my fi rst Though the school was expecting choice.” more than 10,000 alumni to attend –Danielle Mitchell at least one o the weekend’s events, Second-year, business it is hard to gauge exactly how many were in attendance. Over the course o the weekend, the football game welcomed 9,347 current and former students, tick- ets to Wil’s and the Turret were sold out at 300 and 600 respectively, and over 400 individuals were pres- ent for either their 5th, 10th, 25th or founders (over 50 years) reunion. Brian Breckles, director o Alum- ni Relations at Laurier, was “really “Laurier was 100 percent happy” with how the weekend went, my fi rst choice. As soon A friendly reminder ... which he attributed to factors such as I came here I knew as the summery weather and the the atmosphere was newly created position o an alumni Please don’t park on residential yards. ofi cer. right for me.” This year, such events included –Rachelle Singer Parking on an illegally-widened driveway is also prohibited. the fi rst-ever pancake breakfast, First-year, communica- the pre-football game tailgate party tion studies Parking a vehicle on organic ground cover or on an illegally-widened driveway is and an evening o comedy featuring unsightly and an offence in the City of Waterloo. Please be a good neighbour and keep comedians Mike Bullard, Debra Di- $ Giovanni and Trevor Boris. our community clean by parking correctly. The fine for parking illegally is75 . For more Breckles explained that alumni Compiled by Autumn Smith info call, 519.747.8785. from diverse classes attended the Photos by Kelly McGahey event — including one o Laurier’s oldest surviving alumni, who gradu- ated from Waterloo Lutheran in 1937. www.waterloo.ca/bylaw Printed Sept. 26, 2007 Editorial Board Senior Sta Colophon Preamble to The Cord Editor-in-Chief. ............................. Justin Fauteux Lead Reporter ............................... Katelyn Cullum The Cord is the ofi cial student newspaper o the Wilfrid Laurier constitution The tie that binds Wilfrid Laurier Universi since 1926 University community. [email protected] Lead Reporter ..................................Marissa Evans The Cord will keep faith with its readers by presenting news and News Director ...............................Justin Smirlies Lead Reporter .................................... Alanna Fairey Started in 1926 as the College Cord, The Cord is an editorially inde- expressions o opinions comprehensively, accurately and fairly. The [email protected] ........................... Jeremy Enns pendent newspaper published by Wilfrid Laurier University Student Cord believes in a balanced and impartial presentation o all relevant University Ave. W Lead Videographer Publications, Waterloo, a corporation without share capital. WLUSP facts in a news report, and o all substantial opinions in a matter Visual Director ....................... Wade Thompson Lead Photographer ................. Cristina Rucchetta is governed by its board o directors. o controversy. Waterloo, ON NL C [email protected] .....................Gillian Lopes Copy Editing Manager The sta o The Cord shall uphold all commonly held ethical -¡-¢¢ x£¡ Campus News Editor ............ Elizabeth DiCesare conventions o journalism. When an error o omission or o com- [email protected] Contributors mission has occurred, that error shall be acknowledged promptly. Local and National Editor ....... Lindsay Purchase When statements are made that are critical o an individual, or an Cristina Almudevar S a m a n t h a K e l l e r m a n Alex Reinhart organization, we shall give those afected the opportunity to reply ISSUE DATE, YEAR [email protected] Ravi Balakrishnan Joseph Andrew Savory at the earliest time possible. Ethical journalism requires impartial- In Depth Editor. .............................................Vacant ity, and consequently confl icts o interest and the appearance o Volume , Issue Kelly Burwash M c N i n c h - P a z z a n o Irma Shaboian confl icts o interest will be avoided by all staf. [email protected] Mitchell Cheeseman Carley McGlynn James Shin Next issue: Oct. 3, 2012 Features Editor ........................ Colleen Connolly Lizzy Cook Jessica Mitra Dana Silvestri Opinions expressed within The Cord are those o the author and The only limits o any newspaper are those o the world around it, [email protected] D a n i e l l e D m y t r a z k o Don Morgenson Rebecca Silver do not necessarily refl ect those o the editorial board, The Cord, and so The Cord will attempt to cover its world with a special focus Ashley Denuzzo Cameron Noble Eric Thompson WLUSP, WLU or CanWeb Printing Inc.
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