Wounding Rates of White-tailed Deer with Modern Archery Equipment M. Andy Pedersen,1 9730 Ironsides Road, Nanjemoy, MD 20662 Seth M. Berry, Natural Resources Office, Naval Support Facility Indian Head, Indian Head, MD 20640 Jeffery C. Bossart, Environmental Program Manager, Naval Support Activity South Potomac, Naval Support Facility Indian Head, Indian Head, MD 20640 Abstract: We determined wounding rates of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) by bowhunters using modern (compound bow and crossbow) archery equipment. Our study relied on daily reports submitted by bowhunters who participated in managed hunts at the Naval Support Facility Indian Head at Indian Head, Maryland. Bowhunters were required to pass the International Bowhunter Education Program and an annual pre-season shoot- ing proficiency test. During the 1989–2006 hunting seasons, 104 bowhunters failed to recover 162 of 908 deer hit by arrows or crossbow bolts, corre- 2 sponding to an 18% wounding rate. There was no difference in deer recovery metrics between compound bow and crossbow users (χ 1 = 0.01; P = 0.92). 2 Bowhunters who harvested the most deer (>20 deer per hunter) had a lower pooled wounding rate than bowhunters who killed fewer deer (χ 1 = 22.2; P < 0.005). Based on our estimates, qualified bowhunters were able to recover 1 deer for every 1.4 shots using modern archery equipment. Key words: accuracy, bowhunting, Indian Head, white-tailed deer, wounding Proc. Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish and Wildl. Agencies 62:31–34 Deer wounding rates are an issue whenever bowhunting is con- Division (NSWCIHD) at Indian Head and the Naval Explosive sidered for managing white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Ordnance Disposal Technology Division on the Stump Neck An- populations. As more organizations and communities consider nex are organizations that occupy two of the major peninsulas, bowhunting as an alternative in non-traditional and urban settings, 813 ha and 445 ha respectively, where hunting was permitted. accurate estimates of wounding rates by bowhunters using either In 1983, spotlight surveys estimated the deer herd on NSW- compound bow or crossbow archery equipment are important to CIHD at about 700 deer, or 86 deer per km2. Woodlots exhibited support management decisions. Recent studies on deer wounding a severe browse line and an open understory as a consequence of rates by archers were based on short and/or intense hunting pro- the high deer density. U.S. Navy sharpshooters reduced the deer grams (Kilpatrick and Walter 1999, Krueger et al. 2002); were based population over the next several years. The Natural Resources Of- on the use of traditional (recurve or long bow) archery equipment fice (NRO) then initiated a deer management program in 1989 (Ditchkoff et al. 1998); or were incidental to the hunting program, that relied on bowhunting as the primary means for long-term such as Suchy et al. (2002) who recorded only four years of wound- population control. A memorandum of understanding between ing rate data for a seven-year, urban area program. Our goals were NRO and Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to determine deer wounding rates and shot accuracy of bowhunt- facilitated annual exemptions from the Maryland regular season ers who used modern archery equipment in a managed hunting bag and possession limits for white-tailed deer. program that has been in effect for over 18 years. The NSFIH allowed primarily civilian employees and military personnel to bowhunt. Bowhunting occurred throughout the Study Area 4.5-month Maryland archery season except during rain. Bow- The Naval Support Facility Indian Head (NSFIH) is located hunting was confined to designated areas (averaging 16 ha) and about 30 miles south of Washington D.C. in Charles County, isolated sites (90 m in diameter) with time-of-day and hunter Maryland. The NSFIH encompasses approximately 1416 ha with quota restrictions. In 1992, the NRO established an earn-a-buck 26 km of shoreline on three separated peninsulas on or near the incentive program and antler restriction harvest regulations to Potomac River. The land includes mowed and early successional promote doe harvest and improve the quality of available bucks. fields, wildlife plots, tidal and non-tidal wetlands, and broken Bowhunters passed the International Bowhunter Education tracts of woods. The Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head Program, and an annual pre-season shooting proficiency test. 1. Research and Development Department, Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division, Indian Head, MD 20640 2008 Proc. Annu. Conf. SEAFWA 31 Wounding of White-tailed Deer with Archery Equipment Pedersen et al. 32 Bowhunters could use crossbows and bolts (“arrows”) during the Results Maryland crossbow season, or if they had a handicap permit. Only One hundred sixty-one bowhunters participated in the NSFIH a few bowhunters attempted to pass the pre-season proficiency hunting program during 1989–2006. One hundred and four bow- test with traditional archery equipment (recurve or long bow), hunters (65%) hit 908 and recovered 746 deer within 24 hours. and they were unsuccessful. Archers could use only fixed-blade This represents a recovery rate of 82 ± 2.5%. The corresponding broadheads, as mechanical broadheads were not allowed. wounding rate was 18 ± 2.5%. The mean number of bowhunters All bowhunters signed in/out for each hunt. Hunt captains, was almost 27 per year (SD 4.1), with participants hunting a mean trusted agents of the NRO, verified that all hunters were accounted of three seasons (SD 3.3). Hunting events averaged 459 per season, for at the end of each hunt. The NRO required every hunter to fill or about 5.1 hunting events per day. Total bowhunting effort was out a data sheet within 24 hours of each hunt. The data sheet doc- 26,163 hours for 8270 events, an average of 3.2 hours per event. umented each hunter’s name, hunting area, hours hunted, whether Bowhunters averaged 35 hours of hunting effort per recovered the hunter hit a deer, and whether the hunter recovered a hit deer. deer. The average bowhunter density on NSIFH was 0.37 hunters/ Data sheets were modified in 1994 to include whether the hunter km2. shot at a deer and a description of the hunter’s archery equipment. Only five bowhunters used crossbows during the study period. The NRO examined sign-in and data sheets on a regular basis for Four of these bowhunters had also used a compound bow. There completeness and to ensure 100% compliance. was no difference in the aggregate wounding rates by bowhunters A bowhunter who hit a deer and needed to track it outside of 2 using compound bows or crossbows (χ 1 = 0.011; P = 0.92; Table 1). the assigned area was required to notify the hunt captain and could During 1994–2006, 75 bowhunters who hunted with either a also request help from experienced volunteer trackers. Bowhunt- compound bow or a crossbow reported taking 707 shots and hit- ers took recovered deer to a game check station before field dress- ting 632 deer. Overall bowhunter shot accuracy was 89 ± 2.5%. ing them. The hunt captain recorded biological data and the NRO This performance metric assumed that bowhunters did not take used this information to make deer herd management decisions. more than one shot at each deer. There was no difference in the accuracy of bowhunters who used compound bows or crossbows Methods 2 (χ 1 = 0.386; P = 0.53; Table 2). Because we found no difference in We analyzed data sheet summaries from the 1989–2006 hunt- accuracy or recovery metrics, the database of hunters was pooled ing seasons to determine each bowhunter’s effectiveness at recov- for all other analyses. ering a hit deer. We defined the recovery rate, R(24), as the per- Bowhunter performance metrics suggested year-to-year varia- centage of hit deer that were recovered within 24 hours [(number tion, but we did not make statistical comparisons among years be- of deer recovered within 24 h) × 100/(number of deer hit)]. Deer not recovered within 24 hours were categorized as hit but not re- Table 1. Wounding rate data for 104 bowhunters from 1989–2006 as covered, or wounded. We defined wounding rate as the percentage stratified by the type of archery equipment at the Naval Support Facility of deer not recovered within 24 hours [100 – R(24)]. No attempt Indian Head, at Indian Head, Maryland. was made to reconcile recovered deer that showed evidence of Archery Deer not recovered Wounding rate% having survived earlier wounding with past records. equipment Deer hit within 24 hours (95% CL) Every bowhunter who submitted a data sheet was assumed to Compound bow 848 151 18 have hunted during that season. We determined the mean level of (n = 103 hunters) (15–21) participation as equal to (total number of seasons hunted by all Crossbow 60 11 18 (n = 5 hunters) (11–29) bowhunters)/(number of bowhunters). Data sheets from 1994 for- ward were modified so that shot accuracy could be determined. We defined accuracy as equal to (number of shots hitting deer) x Table 2. Bowhunter shot accuracy from 1994–2006 for 75 bowhunters as stratified by the type of archery equipment at the Naval Support 100/(number of shots attempted). Facility Indian Head, at Indian Head, Maryland. Early data (1989–1993) were not stratified by archery equip- ment used (i.e., compound or crossbow), but only one disabled Archery Accuracy % equipment Shots Deer hit (95% CL) hunter used a crossbow during this period. We compared num- Compound bow 657 586 89 ber of deer each hunter recovered with number of deer they had (n = 75 hunters) (87–91) wounded. Statistical comparisons of hunter success and equipment Crossbow 50 46 92 were based on chi-square (Huntsberger and Billingsley 1979).
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