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public meeting in Norton Army Corps for the US Enviromnental Protection Agency addressing cleanup plans Shpack residents concerns about possible link SuperfundfFUSRAP Site several expressed number of cancer cases between the contamination at the Shpack dump and high among it of residents who lived nearby explained that was not the responsibility that those health issues It was matter representatives for the Corps or EPA to address Massachusetts of Public Health who would we could pursue with the Department in Norton hopefully schedule subsequent meeting of the Citizens Shpack Team February 26 2002 My first letter as coordinator Advisory of Environmental CAST to Suzanne Condon Assistant Commissioner for the Bureau of cancer Health Assessment MDPH requesting targeted public health assessment incidence within one-mile radius of the Shpack Site March 2002 Letter from Norton Town Manager Chris McCabe to Suzanne Condon of CASTs that the bureau conduct expressing the Board of Selectmens support request mile radius of the an assessment of cancer incidence from 1982 2001 within one Shpack Landfill Condon the study March 11 2002 News article Attleboro Sun Chronicle says specific 2001 within one-mile radius of the Shpack requested to review cancer from 1982 to and be in or two Site will begin in next couple of weeks completed year Senator JoAnn March 14 2002 Letter supporting CASTs request from State Sprague Michael March 19 2002 Letter supporting CASTs request from State Representative Coppola Frank March 22 2002 Letter supporting CASTs request from Congressman Barney from entire state April 30 2002 Letter supporting CASTs request delegation Elizabeth Travis Senator JoAnn Representatives Michael Coppola Poirier Philip Sprague from Robert Health for the May 2002 Letter supporting CASTs request Curry Agent Norton Board of Health residents and May 31 2002 News article Attleboro Sun Chronicle Concerns voiced by other health risks related to contaminants at the old legislators about cancers and Shpack to hold on June 11 dump have led the State Health department to agree public meeting of have no 2002 Quote from State Representative Michael Coppola MDPH They that needs to be ironed out problem with doing the study its just the scope of the study what should adding the state health officials have their own idea about they study of met with sizable crowd in June 11 2002 Suzanne Condon Theresa Cassidy MDPH Atlieboro This dated Norton to discuss Phase of study of cancer in Norton report and all of the June 2002 evaluated 23 types of cancer in the entire Town of Norton City of Attleboro from 1994-1998.Note There was no information relative to the Shpack Site from M1PH came to June 20 2002 News article the Norton Buzz Representatives their involvement in the next of Norton on June 1th to lay the groundwork for phase the Site cancer-rate study for the one-mile radius surrounding Shpack Superfund Cancer from Phase results were gleaned from data with the Massachusetts Registry 1994 to 1998 Juan Director Office June 25 2002 Letter from Congressman Barney Frank to Reyes Substances and Disease 1600 Clifton of Regional Operations Agency for Toxic Registry M1DPHs that includes cancer Rd Atlanta GA 30333 in support of funding request has agreed to let the MIDPH use study of the Shpack Landfill Frank quote ATSDR for which will federal funds for this project and again reiterate my support funding studies rates in the IMMEDIATE SHPACK AREA incorporate further of cancer Frank from Julie Louise Gerberding M.D August 2002 Response to Congressman In to MDPH will conduct an M.P.H Administrator response community concerns for tracts in Norton Attleboro during the investigation of cancer incidence data census October ATSDRs earlier work at this next fiscal year which begins 2002 MDPH existed Therefore in the future we plan site indicated that particular exposure pathways will evaluate the site to complete public health assessment PHA that thoroughly environmental data collected at the Information on cancer incidence patterns as well as of the landfill area site will be used to conduct the public health assessment Shpack Note When Fast forward to 2003 Probes Health Effects July 2003 The Attleboro Sun Chronicle State Shpack Dump II of of cancer incidence the Under scrutiny in Phase MDPHs study surrounding known to be Shpack Site will be 13 cancers that could be related to contaminants already of the bureau will be are those potentially at the site The types cancers tracking associated with radiological contaminants including breast bone lung multiple with chemical myeloma thyroid cancers Also under scrutiny are those associated contaminants including cancers of the bladder brain kidney liver pancreas will be Hodgkins Disease leukemia non-Hodgkins lymphoma The information site used in the bureaus comprehensive public health assessment for the Note When Old Some July 17 2003 The Boston Globe State to Eye Cancer Rates Landfill Residents Fear Link Quote from Suzanne Condon With public water supplies and several routes for private wells both near the landfill there were potential exposure well residents There was fair amount of opportunity for surface water run-off as as There have been ground water impacts possible skin contact or airborne exposure may 1960s and 70s that the state cancer unique cancers among residents living there in the in tell us about cant really use that to registry established 1982 wouldnt We it if it area It calculate cancer rate but we can make note of to see points to another health might prompt further environmental work or further investigations Note What When This November 2006 Health Consultation toxic waste at While residents have long speculated on the possible connection between federal Sites in New that contain both Shpack one of only two Superfund England within the chemical waste and radioactive material and incidences of cancer it was only the site active attention last year health agencies started giving MIDPH to Garth September 12 2003 Letter from Suzanne Condon Patterson for recent letter dated August Congressman Barney Franks Offlce Thank you your of the Bureau of Environmental Health Assessments 19 2003 inquiring about the status and Attleboro CAP staff are investigation of the pattern of cancer in Norton Currently of at smaller working to complete our investigation of the pattern cancer geographic and we to levels by census tract and neighborhood within Norton Attleboro hope release the results of the investigation by the end of the calendar year Note December 2003 first will focus on It is probably also worthwhile to remind you that this report evaluating pattern of cancers in the two communities of in the two communities was Note That first report evaluating pattern cancers 2002 completed in 2002 and presented at the public meeting in Norton June 11 Phase of study be under public health assessment PHA is expected to prepared cooperative Environmental Protection and the agreement with ATSDR once the Agency Army at the Core her sp of Engineers and others complete an environmental investigation site Note Investigations were completed and reports issued in June 2004 Fast forward to 2006 July 31 2006 Letter from Garth Patterson to Heather Graf MDPH Cancer study review Public with will be completed and forwarded to ATSDR for final meeting MDPH forthcoming Jan December 2006 Following advice from Norton Town Manager Jim Purcell in Norton Sullivan of MDPH contacts Heather Gra.f to discuss setting up public meeting 2007 Decided December poor time better to put off until January Norton Public Heather Graf arranges to have Community Room at Library Tuesday for MIDPH News contacts January 16 2006 from 700 900 PM prepares information release schedules list of for seven press advisories with FAX Numbers recommended of elected representatives other officials from Norton Attleboro Army Corps residents Graf list all Engineers USEPA MADEP etc CAST members on mailing with addresses plus updated Norton street list- all residential addresses within one-mile radius of the Shpack Site for meeting notice to addresses Advised by Ms Sullivan that Suzanne Condon wont approve mailing any without names attached even though this is the only comprehensive means of reaching residents within the focus area and was used by MDPH for the 2002 meeting Graf wrote guest columns for local papers sent out letters to editor to several others of house advising residents of MDPH meeting and identifying area concern streets numbers within one-mile radius of Shpack Also spoke
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