OFFICIAL GAZETTE ENGLISH 80VERNMENT PRINTING AGENGY j ED1VONJ Bg*Q-+-*#+-fl£+B *=##ffiIB^r EXTRA No. 12 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1951 their usual place of residence on land pro- NOTIFICATIONS vided they had one, regardless of time re- maining aboard ship. They were enumerat- Prime Minister's Office Notification ed as living aboard ship, of course, if they No. 24 had no other place of residence; February 15, 1951 (5) Persons in prisons and juvenile detention According to the results of the 1950 Census of houses whose penalties had been fixed were Population, the population ofx Aichi-ken, Fuku- enumerated at these institutions. Persons shima-ken, Fukui-ken, Miyagi-ken, Ishikawa-ken, who were detained but whose penalties were Tochigi-ken, Yamagata-ken, Shimane-ken, Kochi- not fixed were enumerated at their usual ken, Ibaragi-ken, Niigata-ken, Kumamoto-ken, place of residence outside the institution ; Nagano-ken, Yamaguchi-ken, Nagasaki-ken, Aki- (6) Persons who had no usual place of resid- ta-ken, Ehime-ken and Gifu-ken and the gun, ence were enumerated at the place where shi, ku, maehi and mura within these prefec- they were staying on October 1, 1950. tures, as of October 1, is as follows: Figures in parentheses in these tables show Prime Minister the number of persons enumerated in prisons YOSHIDA Shigeru and juvenile detention houses, according to item Population of To, Do, Fu, Ken, Gun, Shi, (5) of the preceding paragraph. Thess numbers Ku, Machi (Cho) and Mura (Son) are, of course, included in the total shown for each area. In accordance with Article 5 paragraph 1 of In accordance with Article 5 paragraph 1 of the Cabinet Order for the Census of 1950 (Cabi- the Cabinet Order for the Census of 1950, the net Order No. 364 of 1949) and Article 1 of the following persons were excluded from the enu- Cabinet Order for the Conception of Place of Usual Residence and Household Budget for the meration : (1) Military personnel of the Allied Forces Census of 1950 (Cabinet Order.No. 21 of 1950X, and those who are attached to the Allied the place of enumeration was fixed as follows :- Forces, and members of their families; Persons were enumerated according to their (2) Members and employees of official missions usual place of residence, whether or not they appointed or approved by the Supreme Com- were present at that place on October 1, 1950. , mander for the Allied Powers, and members Usual place of residence was defined as that of their families; place where a person had resided or intended to (3) Members and employees of official missions reside for six months or more. ( The following of foreign governments, and members of rules were established for special groups of the their families. population : In accordance with Article 5 paragraph 1 of (1) Students living away from their parental the Cabinet Order for the Census of 1950, the home while attending school were enumerated following areas were excluded from the Census : at their actual place of residence rather (1) Korea: The whole area; than at residence of their families ; (2) Formosa: The whole area; (2) Patients in merital institutions, tubercu- (3) Karafuto: The whole area; losis sanatoria and leprosaria were enumer- (4) Hokkaido : Tomari-mura, Ruyobetsu-mu- ated at these institutions regardless of length mura, Shikotan-mura, Shana-mura, Rubetsu- of stay there; mura, Shibetoro-mura, Uruppu-gun, Shin- (3) Patients in other hospitals and sanatoria shiru-gun, Shimushu-gun and Suisho, Yuri, were enumerated at these places only if they Akiyuri, Shibotsu and T&raku Islands of had been there six months or more. Other- Habomai-mura under the jurisdiction of the wise, they were enumerated at their usual Nemuro Branch Office; place of residence outside the institution ; (5) Tokyo-To: The whole area underthe jur- (4) Crews aboard ships were enumerated at isdiction of the Ogasawara Branch Office; -1 (6) Shimane-ken: Take Island of Goka-mura Kozoji-cho 10 ,929 in Ochi-gun ; Shidami-mura 4,408 (7) Kagoshima~ken: Oshima-gun (except Io, Moriyama-cho 33,951 Take and Kuro Islands of Jitto-son); Asahi-cb o 12 ,040 (8) Okinawe-ken: The whole area. Miztmo-mura 9,027 8,480 Aichi-ken 3,390 ,585 Shinano-cho (3,958) Nishi-kasugai-gun 72,307 All shi 1,660,108 Nishi-biwajima-cho ll,570 (3,262) Yamada-mura 7,449 All gun 1 ,730,477 Kusunuki-mura 4,045 (696) Toyoyama-mura 4,265 5 ,409 Nagoya-shi 1 ,030,635 Kitasato-mura (2,905) S hikatsu-mura 6,725 Chikusa-ku 86,399 Nishiharu-mura. 8,120 (2,605) Kasuga-mura 2,955 Higashi-ku 72,614 Kiyosu-cho 7,534 (300) S hinkawa-cho 14.235 Kita-ku 78 ,242 Niwa-gun 112,734 Nishi-ku 103,986 Hotei-cho 10,397 Nakamura-ku 140 ,067 Oguchl-mura 8,695 Naka-ku 87,128 Gakuden-mura 4,963 Showa-ku 87,936 Haguro-mura 4,047 Mizuho-ku 89 ,074 Ikeno-mura 1,109 Atsuta-ku 61,592 Joto-mura 5,318 Nakagawa-ku 86 ,154 Iimyama-cho 19,708 Minato-ku 51 ,419 Fuso-mura 10,549 Minaml-ku 86 ,024 Kochino-cho 21,137 Toyohashi-shi 145 ,855 Chiaki-mura 7,653 (89) Tanyo-mura 6,129 Okazaki-shi 96,030 Iwakura-cho 13,029 (55) Haguri-gmi 41,056 lehinomiya-sM 71,431 Kusai-mura 5,187 (12) Miyada-cho 6,115 Seto-shi 4^ ,752 Azai-cho 6,909 (190) Kitakata-mura 5,993 Handa-shi 62 ,860 Kisogawa-cho 16,852 (ll) Nakashima-gun 144,109 Kasugai-shi 48 ,167 Inazawa-cho 22,857 Toyokawa-shi 55,178 Yamato-mura 9,525 Tsushima-shi 30 ,608 Imaise-cho ll ,295 Hekinan-shi 42,724 Oku-cho 9,052 Kariya-shi 30,868 Okoshi-cho ' 25,517 Aichi-gun 82 ,093 Hagiwara-cho 9,625 ( 190) Asahi-mura 7,725 Na ritini-ch© 22,055 Meiji-mura 8,460 Toyoaki-mu ra ll ,646 Sobne-cho 15,701 ,. (131) Nagaoka-mti ra 2,155 Togo-mxira 5 5469 Heiwa-mura 8,381 Nisshin-mura 10,880 Chiyod a-mura 6,175 Tempaku-mura 12,699 Ozato-mura 7,641 (59) A ma-gun 136,618 Idaka-mwa 7,550 Kamori-mura 6,624 Nagaku te-mura 6,638 Shippo-mura 6,461 Hatayama-mura 5,156 Miwarr^ura 7,397 Higashikasu gai-g^o H 115 ,447 J imokuji-cho 10,402 Komaki-cho 18 ,392 Oha,rn-mura 6,287 Ajioka-mnra 5,292 Tomida-cho ll,201 S hinooka-mura 7,678 Nan-yo-cho 9,833 JL .Sakashita-cho 5 ,250 Kanie-cho 15,058 2- Eiwa-mura 5,106 Yoshida-cho 9,398 Ju shiyama-nra ra 5,159 Hazu-cho 12,331 Tofrishima-mura 4,316 Sakushima-mura 1,551 Nabeta-mura 5,097 Nukata-gun 59,530 Yatomi-eho 9,042 Fukuoka-cho - 5,077 Ichie-mnra 3,443 Koda-mura 13,319 Saya-mura 6,858 Ryugaya-mura 1,639 Tatsuda-mtira 7,392 Fuj ikawa-mura 1,983 Hachikai-mura 5,316 Yamanaka-mura 2,491 Saori-cho ll,626 Motojuku-mura 2,782 Chita-gun 230,589 Toyotomi-mura 4,688 (28) Miyazaki-mura Agui-mura 2,898 12,061 Kawai-mura 2,729 Higashiura-elio 16,173 Katano-mura 2,545 Obu-cho 20,427 Shimoyama-mura 2,103 Arimatsu-cho 3,589 Tokiwa-mura 3,996 Odakarcho 9,848 Iwazu-cho 13,280 Ueno-cho 15,274 Yokosuka-cho Nishikamo-gun 84,316 14,614 (478) Yahata-cho 14,802 Koromo-cho 31,996 Okata-cho 5,490 Miyoshi-mura 9,372 Asahi-mura 9,580 (168) Miwa-mnra 6,456 Homi-mura 5,980 Ono-cho 4,221 (310) Onizaki-mura. 8,589 S anage-mura 10 ,784 Tokonabe-cho 14,045 Fuj ioka-mura 6,218 Nishiura-cho 7,213 Obara-mura 7,733 Kosugaya-mara 6,156 Ishimo-mura 4,585 Noma-cho 6,821 Takahashi-mtira 7,648 Utsumi-cho 7,624 Higashi-kamo-gun 37,932 Toyohama-eh o 9,129 Asuke-cho 4,435 (28) Morioka-mura 4,026 Morizaki-cho 7,240 Matsiudaira-mura 7,693 Shinojima-mura 3,785 S himoyama-mura 5,730 Himakajima-miira 2,601 Gamo-mura 4,634 Kowa-c.ho 9 ,347 Asahi-mura 7,167 Fuki-mura 4,025 Azuri-mura 4,247 Taketoyo-cho ll,479 Kita-shidara-gun 42,004 Hekikai-gun 173,435 Taguchi-cho 5,261 Anjo-cho 35,188 Damine-mura 2,837 Yosami-mura 12 ,452 Furikusa-mura 3,286 Takahama-cho 19,120 Mitono-mu ra 2,213 Meiji-mura 15,325 Miwa-mura 3,079 Sakurai-mura. 8,607 Hongo-cho 2,455 Mutsumi-mmra ll,092 S himokawa-mura 1,604 Yahagi-cho 15,970 Sono-mura 2,309 Kamigo-mura 10,950 Toyone-mura 4,347 Takaoka-mura 16,555 Tomiyama-mura 1,067 Fuj imatsu-mura 10,956 Kami-tsugu-mu ra 1,772 Chiriu^-cho 17,220 Shimo-tsugu-mura 2,352 Hazu-gun 121,799 Nagura-mti ra 3,338 Nishio-cho 25,283 Inabu-cho 6 ,084 Heisaka-cb o 14,108 Minami-shidara-gun 43,773 Terazu-cho 6,327 Shinshiro-cho 9,697 I sshiki-cho 22,164 Chizato-mura 6,613 Fukuchi-m\ira 7,175 Togo-mura 9,012 Miwa-mura 5,828 Naga shino-mura 4,259 Toyosaka-mura 3,675 Horaij i-miira 5,018 Muroba-mura 2,459 Ebi-cho 3,496 Yoko suka-mara ll,500 T sukude-mura 5,678 -3 H o i-g u n 106,837 Hirano-mura 4,862 G o y u -ch o 2,608 Ozaso-mura 4,086 A k a sa k a-clio 2,143 Sasaya-mura 3,089 N ag a sa w a-m u r a 1,674 Niwasaka-mura 4,287 H ag i-m u ra 1,804 Niwatsuka-mura 2,391 Ich in om iy a -m u r a 7 ,944 Noda-mura 8,176 3,244 M a e sh ib a-m u r a 3 ,565 Mizuho-mura 4,263 K oza k a i-ch o ll ,261 S akura-mura M ito -ch o lO >750 Arai-mura 2,812 957 O tsu k a -m u r a 4 >347 Tsuchiyu-mura 3,730 M iy a-ch o 1 2,615 Yoshiida-mura G a m a g o ri-ch o 26,080 Omori-mura 3,434 3,759 S h iotsu -m u ra 5 ,146 Hirata-mura K a ta w a r a-ch o 10 ,807 Matsukawa-machi 4,865 N isM u r a-ch o 6 ,093 Mizuhara-mura 2,441 A tsu m i-g u n 9 1,440 Kanayagawa-mura 4,225 Torikawa-mura 2 ,863 F u ta g a w a -eh o 14,8(50 T a k a toy o-m u ra 4,79 7 Date-gun 161 ,349 O izu -m u r a 4 ,124 Kori-machi 5',283 S u g iy a m a -m u ra 4 ,358 Date-machi 4,164 TC a m b e-m u ra 5 ,375 Higashi-yuno-mura 1,311 T a h a r a-clio 17,836 Yuno-machi 5,892 N o d a-m u r a 4 ,127 Moniwa-mura 2,946 2,992 A k a b a n e-m u r a 8 ,344 Mutsuai-mura Ira k o zak i-m u r a 6,535 Handa-mura 5,101 F uk u e-clio 1 5,802 Kosaka-nmra 2,656 5,116 Izu m i-m u ra 5 ,282 Fuj ita-machi 3,931 Y a n a -g u n 34 ,458 Danz aki-mura 2 ,986 O n o-ch o 2,0 54 Morieno-mura 2,407 N a n a za to-m u r a 3,227 Okido-mura 2,464 Y a m a y o sh ida -m u r a 3 ,582 Oeda-mura
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