I OKCLASSIFIFO \ ^eorcc.cec a: '.he Naticrai -reaves jjffiU r+*Al«*)l/2& ! ^ HEADQUARTERS SECOND BATTALION 5l«>rK ENGINEER BEGIMENT A.P.O. #75*. U. S. AHMT ^ 7 January 19M-5. SUBJECT: Daily Journal Report for the month of December 19^. TO : Commanding Officer, 5*K)th Engineer Regiment, APO 758, U. S. Army. 1. Daily Journal report for the month of December 19^. 1 December 19*0*. OOMPiHT "D", LUNEVILLE, FRANCE: Cleaned mud off road dig- ging drainage ditches, opened bleeders along road between Domptail and Menil- mn, and along road 10 la* *•*— Gerbeviller and *f^^l*ff- Servicing and repairing platoon pioneer and carpenter tools, comfani js , 3LAIN7ILLE, FRANCE: Clearance of mined area and buildings °£ farrebourg. Continued clearing shoulders, bleeders and ditches on Route t*aX <*££** and turned into Ordnance used trackage found in the vicinity of St. ^"a*0**- COMPART HF\ LUNEVIIiE, FRANCE: Continued constructing revetments on both sides of road, starting at St. Pierremont and working towards Baccarat. Hauled 22 loads of rock and spread same in constructing 550 yards of revetments. Cleaned ditches along road. Ouarding Battalion River Crossing eojiipment in Foret De Mondon near Luneville, Prance* 2 December 19>A. COMPACT »D\ XanVXXU. FEAHCE: Care and cleaning of e<iuip- l*V. Cleaned mud off roads, dug drainage ditches and °P^d*^!"ufW roads between Domptail and Menil-Flin - Gerbeviller and La ""L*!"***" *" 2215). between Moyen and Cheneviers called for in V #33- OOMPiHT BVBLJCT- VII1EC^tinu^learinTshoulders,FRAHC3: Raised all motorbleedersDoses and boatsditchesfromon Eoutegroimd^Sa^Twith dunnage. villefound andIn victiSyTfRambervillers.al. Pierremont.Collected andCOMPACTturned«F«.intoMBVKM.Ordnance usedJrackageM« • ^ inued constructing revetments on shoulder of road starting at St. ?i«"^ont and working towards Baccarat. Hauled 26 loads of rock and spread same in constructing 788 yards of revetments. Cleaned ditches along road. *»»U«f Battalion River Crossing eo.uipn.ent in Poret De Mondon, near Luneville. Prance. 3 December 19W. COMPACT «D«, LTOOTLLE, FRAHCB: One platoon left forSarre- bourg to wrk on airport, HP #115-9. Worked on by-pass on road between Serbe- vmfr Sll Mur deBrioue, «P #33. COMPACT 1". BLAHVILLB, ***, Cont- tau.ToS.ri-* Bleeders, shoulders and ditches on Route #taU between Luneville £d iambervillers. Continued collecting used trackage in the vicinity of Rov- Ule. Repaired guard rail on bridge at 073990 on Route #»nA. COMPACT P LUHETILLB, FRANCE: Continued construction of revetments on shoulder of roaa starting at St. Pierremont and working towards Baccart. HauledJZ loads of rock and spread same in constructing 650 yards of revetments. Cleaned ditches along road. 1+ December V$&. COMPAHY «D«, LTJNEVULE, FRANCE: Building *^^ anddoln« roaa construction at Sarrebourg airport, WP KO-9. COMPANY <V ^NVIM, FRANCE: Continued clearing bleeders, shoulders and ditches on Koute ra^ - 1 - i Df.CLASSIFIFi> » vw ~~^ i .s- B/L - Daily Jonr-d Report for December 19^, Has 2d Bn, 5^0th Engr. Regt. between Luneville and Rambervillers. Continued chllecting used trackage and salvage material between Gerbeviller and Ramberviller, WP #33- Transported dozer to (£-480130 end started clearing and grading for tank truck turn around, WP #GE-11 25$ complete. Detail of mobile mine clearance reported to Lt. Olen at Sarrabourg for duty. Cleared and graded shop area at V-415990. COMPANY »F\ LUNEVILLE, FRANCE: Care and cleaning of equipment. Continued construction of revetments on shoulder of road starting at St. Pierremont and working toward Baccarat. Hauled 18 loads of gravel and spread same in constructing 300 yards (on both sides of road) of revetments. Cleaned ditches along road, WP #33. Guarding bridge equipment at Luneville, France, WP #GE-^. Hauled River Cross ing equipment from 85th Engineers area to Company Motor Pool. 5 December 19*14: COMPANY "Dtt, BERTHELMING, FRANCE: Building taxiway and road construction at Sarrebourg, France, WP #GE-9. Moved from Luneville to new biv ouac area, Berthelming, France. Distance traveled approx. 39 miles. COMPANY • »EW, BLAINVILLE, FRANCE: Continued cutting of bleeders on Highway #414 from Luneville to Rambervillers. Continued hauling of sand and gravel for Engineer stock piles on Highway ttklk. Policed one (l) load of tank tracks on Highway #UlI* and hauled to 7th Army Engineer Dump at Charmes, WP #33. Graded and level ed tank truck entrance turn-around for 696 P.D.C., one (l) mile south of Umling, WP #GE-11. Checked buildings and installation in Saverne for 1st Signal, 7th Army CP and billet area for Lieutenant General PATCH. No mines, booby traps or time charges were found, WP fG3B-.il*. One (l) platoon reported to Col. Polich and Col. Spivy at Sarrebourg. Area for 105 How. Btry. was marked and taped. Mine Detector crews checked area once. Area for 155 position, visitors OP and impact areas were selected. COMPANY "F\ LUNEVILLE, FRANCE: Learning nomen clature of 22k h.-o. motors and assault boats. Operating boats in crossing and beaching at river" site, WP #GE-12. Guarding bridge equipment in dump at Lune ville. Continued construction of revetments on shoulder of road starting at St. Pierremont and working towards Baccarat. Hauled 19 loads of gravel in constructing one (l) mile of revetments and hauled 15 loads in construction of llOO yards of revetments, WP #33. 6 December 19*H+. COMPANY MDn, BERTHELMING, FRANCE: Preparing new company biv ouac area. Making reconnaissance for Engineer material. COMPANY HEH, ELAIN- VILLE, FRANCE: Continued cutting of leaders on Highway #414 from Luneville to Rambervillers. Continued hauling of sand and gravel for Engineer stock piles on Highway #^1^. Cleared and marked areas for 155 Howitzer position and 105 Howitzer position, OP, and impact areas, no mines or booby traps were found, 100$ complete. COMPANY "F", LUNEVBLE, FRANCE: Continued teaching men stream crpsBing^and beaching of assault boats, WP #GE-12. Guarding bridge equipment in dump at Luneville, WP #GE-U. Continued construction of revetments on shoul der of road starting at St. Pierremont and working towards Baccarat. Hauled 19 loads of gravel in construction of ^95 yards of revetments. Ditched *+30 yards of same road, WP #33. Sgt. Joseph P. Bourgeois, Jr., Company "E", awarded posthumously Oak Leaf Cluster. 7 December 19^. BATTALION HEADQUARTERS and MEDICAL DETACHMENT moved from Gerbeviller, and Blainville, respectively, to new bivouac area VILSBERG, FRANCE. - 2 - DVCLASSIFiF£, , ' Autbu'-'ivO^Ly^V"')AuiHu'-'iv03j<->/") «' =ecroc-:ea3:,.tieN3,..craArcrves B/L - Daily Journal Report for December 19^, Hqs 2d Bn, 5^0th Engr Regt. COMPANY "D", BERTHELMING, FRANCE: Working on main highway "between Sarrebourg and Saverne digging drainage ditches, opening "bleeders and cleaning mud off road, WP #33. Hauling steel from Gerbeviller to Sarrebourg, WP #158. Loading lumber at Cerbeviller for "bridge at Sarrel>ourg, WP #158. Constructing two-way fixed bridge over Mame Au Rhin Canal at Q 53113^, W #158. COMPANY f,E«, VICINITY OP VILSBERG, FRANCE: Company moved from Blainville, France, to new "bivouac area, Vicinity of Vilsberg, France. COMPANY ,fFtt, LTJNEVILLE, FRANCE: Preparing for company movement. Guarding "bridge equipment in dump at Luneville, France, WP #GE-U. 8 December 19*&. COMPANY "D", BERTHELMING, FRANCE: Operating <W dozer for 606th Engineer Pipe Line Company. Servicing platoon pioneer and carpenter tools. Constructing two-fixed bridge over Mame Au Rhin Canal at Q 53113^, W? #158. COMPANY HE", VICINITY OF VILSBERG, FRANCE: Moving Battalion bridge material from Gerbeviller to company area. Setting up new "bivouac area. COMPANY "F", PHALSBOURG, FRANCE: Company moved from Luneville, France, to new "bivouac area, Phalsbourg, France. Guarding "bridge equipment at Luneville, France. 9 December 19^. COMPANY MDH, BERTHELMING, FRANCE: Constructing two-way fixed "bridge over Marne Au Rhin Canal at Q, 531131*-, WP #158. Servicing platoon pioneer and carpenter tools. COMPANY "JS", VICINITY OF VILSBERG, FRANCE: Started clear ing shoulders, leaders and ditches on Route #H "between Sarrebourg and Saverne. Patched chuck holes in vicinity of Phalsbourg. Removed timber, rubble, and widened road and ditches at anti-obstacles site, WP #33. Started reconnaissance of Route #^ "between Sarrebourg and Saverne, WP #GE-19, 50$ complete. Checked and cleared 50 sq. yds. for 3151 S.I.A.M. Compamy in Saverne, no mines were found, 100$ complete. COMPAMY "FH, TROISFONTAINE, FRANCE: Company moved from Phalsbourg, to new "bivouac area, Troisfontaine. Guarding of "bridge equipment at dump in Luneville. Guarding of 5*K)th Engineer Regiment Rest Center Build ing and surrounding area at Luneville, France. 10 December 19^. COMPANY nBn, BERTHELMING, FRANCE: Servicing platoon pioneer and carpenter tools. Constructing two-way fixed "bridge over Marne Au Rhin Canal at q, 5S1131!', WP #158. Working on main road between Reding and Phalsbourg; dig ging drainage ditches, opening "bleeders and cleaning mud off road, WP #33. COMPANY HEn, VICINITY OF VILSBEBG, FRANCE: Road and "bridge reconnaissance for Route #H (Phalsbourg to Saverne Hill) Phlasbourg to Lutzelbourg, and Lutzelbourg east to Saverne (IC 132). Completed inspection of first six (6) priority head quarters buildings for 6th Army Group at palace in Phalsbourg. Completed insp ection of NE quadrant of buildings in town plan of Phalsbourg, no mines, booby traps, or time charges were found, WP #LTJ-1, 50$ complete. Continued clearing shoulders, leads and ditches on Route #*+ (Phalsbourg-Lutzelbourg),
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