E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2002 No. 35 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 2 p.m. Senate FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2002 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was hands. In the name of the Hope of the SCHEDULE called to order by the Honorable ZELL world. Amen. Mr. REID. Mr. President, today the MILLER, a Senator from the State of f Senate will be in a period of morning Georgia. business. There will be no rollcall votes PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE today. The next rollcall vote will occur PRAYER on Tuesday, April 9. The Honorable ZELL MILLER led the The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John We hope that if people wish to give Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: remarks today, they would get here as Lord God, Sovereign of this Nation, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the quickly as possible. Staff especially United States of America, and to the Repub- we praise You for the gift of authentic would appreciate that. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. President, I suggest the absence hope. More than wishful thinking, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. yearning, or shallow optimism, we turn of a quorum. to You for lasting hope. We have f The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- learned that true hope is based on the pore. The clerk will call the roll. expectation of interventions by Your APPOINTMENT OF ACTING The assistant legislative clerk pro- Spirit that are always on time and in PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ceeded to call the roll. time. You are the intervening Lord of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. KENNEDY. Madam President, I the Passover, the opening of the Red clerk will please read a communication ask unanimous consent that the order Sea, and the giving of the Ten Com- to the Senate from the President pro for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Ms. mandments. You have vanquished the tempore (Mr. BYRD). forces of evil, death, and fear through The assistant legislative clerk read STABENOW). Without objection, it is so the Cross and the Resurrection. All the following letter: ordered. f through the history of our Nation, You U.S. SENATE, have blessed us with Your providential PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME care. It is with gratitude that we af- Washington, DC, March 22, 2002. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under firm, ‘‘Blessed is the nation whose God To the Senate: the previous order, leadership time is is the Lord.’’—Psalm 33:12. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, reserved. May this sacred season, including of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby appoint the Honorable ZELL MILLER, a Sen- f Passover and Holy Week, be a time of ator from the State of Georgia, to perform the rebirth of hope in us. May Your the duties of the Chair. MORNING BUSINESS Spirit of hope displace the discordant ROBERT C. BYRD, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under spirit of cynicism, discouragement, and President pro tempore. the previous order, there will now be a disunity. Hope through us, O God of Mr. MILLER thereupon assumed the period for the transaction of morning Hope. Flow through us patiently until chair as Acting President pro tempore. business with Senators permitted to we hope for one another what You have speak therein for up to 10 minutes hoped for us. Then Lord, give us the vi- f each. sion and the courage to confront those The Senator from Massachusetts. RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING problems that have made life seem f hopeless for some people. Make us com- MAJORITY LEADER municators of hope. We trust our lives, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- PRIVACY PROTECTIONS the work of this Senate, and the future pore. The Chair recognizes the Senator Mr. KENNEDY. Madam President, I of our Nation into Your all-powerful from Nevada. want to draw to the attention of our ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2311 . S2312 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 22, 2002 colleagues in the Senate and also to hospital or the doctor could share it over the years. I found myself outraged the American people the unfortunate with the insurance company, but that when I awoke this morning and saw the decision by this administration to rec- is all they could share it with. headline in our local newspaper, ‘‘Med- ommend that we alter and change some It permitted individuals to say that ical Privacy Changes Proposed.’’ enormously important privacy protec- some information is so sensitive that I do not have any long prepared tions. These protections were rec- they do not want to share it with the speech to give, but I associate myself ommended by the previous administra- insurance company. They could pay for with the remarks of my friend and col- tion—by President Clinton—and were a doctor’s visit out of pocket rather league from Massachusetts. We have scheduled to go into effect about a year than sending the information to their worked hard over the years to try to from now. These protections to ensure insurer—which could very well come see to it that people’s privacy is pro- the privacy of medical records. I will back, as it so often does, to their em- tected. speak on the substance of the issue in ployer. We know today, as a result of tech- a moment. We have not passed legislation that nology, the gathering of information, What I find equally distressing is will prohibit discrimination against in- consumers want the right to know, but that we are seeing a series of actions dividuals in the workplace—even ge- they also want the right to say no taken by the administration—this is netic discrimination. when it comes to having access to some just the latest example—where the ad- This is the most sensitive informa- of the most private and personal infor- ministration seems to be opting in tion. We had the promulgation of rules mation. favor of the companies and corpora- and regulations under the administra- We would not tolerate allowing some- tions at the expense of individuals. In tion that were to go into effect next one to break into your home and rifle this case, the administration is acting year. It is surrounding information through your closets and to find out, at the expense of the medical privacy which is of the most sensitive nature. without any justification, the most of our fellow citizens. The American people give a high pri- personal details of your life or your We have recently seen the adminis- ority to privacy. They do not want to family’s life. Yet what the administra- tration effectively undermine the very have their own private lives infringed tion is doing here, in a sense, is going sensible and responsible ergonomics on by individuals or by any govern- to allow people to do just that when it recommendations to try to protect peo- mental agencies. They hold their med- comes to the most personal and private ple in the workplace. This affects ical information in the highest order of information about you and your fam- 800,000 workers—primarily women—in priority. ily—your medical history—and the our society. Those workers are risking For the administration to side with damage that can be done to people with their health without protections. In the medical corporate world in being that kind of access. this case, we saw the administration willing to share that kind of sensitive So I am terribly disappointed this siding with the companies and corpora- information which individuals do not morning to hear that the administra- tions at the expense of workers. want shared, I think, is an infringe- tion is going to be rolling back regula- We have seen it most recently in the ment on the rights to privacy for tions that are designed to protect peo- Enron situation. We have seen individ- Americans that this country will not ple. They are doing so, they claim, in uals who are the major players in the and should not tolerate. the name of ensuring more rapid care. corporations walking away with mil- In our committee, we will have hear- Well, I say shame on them. Shame on lions and millions of dollars, and the ings on this administration’s proposal them for pitting care against your workers seeing their life’s savings as soon as we return from the April re- right to protect you and your family eliminated. And just this week, we cess. We will introduce legislation to from people knowing your personal and tried to put in protections for workers ensure the protection of privacy for the private information. in the future. The administration op- American public. That is not what this is all about, posed those particular recommenda- I see my friend from Connecticut, wanting to protect you and getting you tions. Senator DODD, who has worked on this better care. We know people want ac- In an entirely different area, we see issue. Our colleague from Vermont, cess to this information. We know why where the administration has come Senator LEAHY, has been a leader on they want access to the information. down on the side of the major health That is why people are so concerned.
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