This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. Google'"books https://books.google.com I A GENERAL INDEX • TO }LASSEN NATURE NOTES, 1932-1936 -:? AND _HAWAII NATURE NOTES, 1931-1933 --- Compiled under the direction of Hazel Hunt Voth by assistants provided tbrouth the Works Progress Administration UNITED STATF.5 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 1938 U. S. Government Deposit Digitized by Google A GENERAL INDEX TO LASSEN NATURE NOTES, 1932-1936 AND HAWAII NATURE NOTES, 1931-1933 --- Compiled under the direction of Hazel Hunt Voth . .. ... .. .. .. ... .. · .... · .. ~ .. : : . ; : \ : ' \ : . UNITED STATF.S DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOlt NATIONAL PARK SEltVICE BERKELEY. CALIFORNIA 1938 Digitized by Google ACKNOi'ILEOO?lillllT This -.roluno was prepared by Works Progress Ad.'llinistration Projects. Officiul Project numbers 65-3-4349 and 265-03-7010 ( Work Projects 4454 and 7306 ), District Eig.~t, Cnlifomia. Sponsored by the United States De:1artment of Interior for the Western Museum Division of r.;ational Park Service. Digitized by Google FOREWORD This is a portion of a general comprehensive index to the Nature Note, of the various national parks which has been compiled at the \'/estern Museum Laboratories. Because of their slight volume and the fact that Lassen Volcanic and Hawaii National Parks have volcanology in comra:>n, it seemed advisable to combine their indexes in one cover. It should be noted that the publication of IIawaii Nature Notes has been somewhat erratic and short-lived: only volumes I, II, and III (June, 1931-June, 1933) have appeared and are represented herein. Lassen Volcanic National Park has published since August, 1932. The General Index referred to above covers the years 1920-1936 inclusive and contains 21,800 annotated catalogue cards. It was made primarily to fill the long-felt need for ready-reference material in the Division of Public Relations at Washington. A duplicate set of the cards is filed at the Laboratories 1n Berkeley. A limited nunber of bound volun3s of the entire Index are being prepared for distribution. These cards fozm the basis for the present author­ subject index, with the emphasis on the subject aspect, many articles having been entered under several subject headings. The compiler has not attempted systematic classifica­ tion of flora and fauna; but in the case of Lassen certain topics, such as Anmia.ls, Geology, o.nd others, have been loose­ ly grouped together for convenience. However, in cases where there happened to be only three or four references to a certain topic in the Nature Notes of a particular purk (as in Ho.wo.11), thoso references have been distributed under their respective headings in the general alphabet. Certain inconsistenc:ies o.nd lo.ck of comprehensiveness exist because the indexing was done indirectly, rather than from tho original Nature Notes. The indexers were dependent for subject headings on the facts brought out in the briefly annotated catalogue cards. Digitized by Google LA.C,SENNATURE NOTES .Animals ~ Birds Carthew .Algae. See: Watermelon snow. Heron, Blue Notes, by A.Carthew, Aug.-8ept., ANlM/JE AND BIRDS 1934, n.9. J,;artens .Animal census "In jesting rui~e," by :r.Lee, Aug., The annual animal census, br A. 1932, p.?. Holme~, Sept., 1933, o.3, illus. Porcupine~ .w-.ima~s. Miscellaneous references il:iscellanea, i·lay, 1924, ~. 3; Tt.e Anirr~ls of the Cinder Cone region, strangest a~~tite in the world, by by E.J.Barton, ?wiay, 1934, pp.4-5; E.Barton, Sept., 1933, np.5-6,illus. The annual animal census, by A. Scorpions Holmes, Sept., 1933, p.3, illus.; Mordaz:t ~corpion, Oct., 1936, n.4. Notes, by ~.Carthew, ~ug.-Sept., Townsend solitaire 1934, p.9, illus. Notes, by A.Eol.r..es, June-July,lro4,~7. Bears, Black 1fater ouzels Bears in Lassen Volcanic Natior.al The water ouzel, by A.Carthew, Aug., P!lrk, June, 1936, r.7. 193G, o.e. Chipmunks Wood -oewee Miscellanea, May, 1934, l).3. The Clarl· nutcracker, by A.Carthew, Clark's nutcracker Aug.-~e,.,t., 1934, ~.6. The Clark nutcracker, by JI. earth ew, Aub.-Sept., 1934, ~.6, illu~. (End of ~ection, Animals~~) Coneys Animals of the Cinder Cone region, Atl=lurev;i Indians. See: Eat Creek Indians. by E.Barton, May, 1934, ,.,,.,.4-5. AUfll,Stine, W.3. Coyotes A freak arqecblage of trees, se,t., Lost and saved, by C.L.Croghan, 1933, nn.4-5, illus. June, 1933, p.10; Note!'!, by A.. Carthew, Aug.-Sept., 1934, p.9. Barton, E. J. Deer ~riir.:als of the Cinder one region, Deer, by J.Rhoads, Sept., 1933,,.2; May, 1934, _::,r:i.4-5; Propagation of D&er at tigh altitudes, June, 1936, fish in upland waters, Aug.-Sept., p.5; Notes, by .a.Carthew, AUg.- 1934, P.8; The strangest aopetite Sept., 1934, p.9. in the world, Sept., 1933,~!>-6,il!us. Dirper. See: Water ouzel. Battle Creek. See: River sy~tems •••• Ducks Blackfeet Indians. See: Two Medicine Ducks on Hdt Creek, by J.Burge~s, district Aug., 1936, ~. 7. Brokeoff I.ft. in Ir.dian le~end Egrets The cal u:,,et i8 ':1£:ain 1'X1::>"ed••• , The .nn:erican egret, by C.R.Swartzlow, by C.E.Feathlcy, f>ejt., 1932,n-p.5-6. Oct., 1936, ~p.1-4; Note8, by A. Bur~e~s, J. Carthew, Aug.-Sent., 1934, '!).9. Ducks on :llat Creer., it.ue., 1936,n.7; Egrets, 11.ethocl of hunting. See: Egrets. Late fro:--tf: and flowors, Aug., 1936, Fawns, :tabandoned" p.(. Notes, by A.I-iolme~,Ju.ne-July,1934,p.7.durg0r'3, J. a.Hd Carttew, A. Ground squirrels, Golder.-t11:1I1tlcd Flant surv0y of tl:e cleva~tated area, The Goldt:m-i;-;antled grour,d i=;quirNl, Aug., 1936, "l".).6-7, illus. by C.E.Gilbert,Aug.,1932, nn.4-5; Carthew, A• Miscellanea, !,~ay,1934, l~.3. The ClarL nutcracter,Aug..,Sf:!t..'34,~6,:DJ..us.; Digitized by Google LASSEN NATURE!!OTES Chaos Crags Flowers, et ceter~ -- ~ ri~gs Plant survey of the devastated area, Flowers damaged by rodents by G.Burges~ and A.Carthew, Oct., Uii::cellanea, Lay, 1934, r,.3. 1936, pp.5-7; The water ouzel, Aug., Forests destroyed by lava 1936, Y).8. One corr.es into thP. do"l."a"ltated area, Chaos Cragq in Indian legend by !{.C .Lind, June-lu'..y ,193•1 ,p.4, illus. The calumet is ar:ain pasRed ••• , by Hemlock C.E.leathley, Sept., 1932, np.5-6. Spring ccr.es to the her!!lock, by J. Colburn, F. quoted, Aug.-Se~t.,1934, l:uir, li:ay, 1934, n.13. ..,p.3-4. Hemlock, Blac' .. or 1,;ountai:1 Eifh altitude trees, by J.Rho~ds, Fanner, R. Aue;., 1932, pp.2-3, illus. The i~boriginal population of Lassen Life zones Volcanic National Turk, Aue;. , 1936, A freak a~s~mblage of tree~, by W.B • np.1-3, illus.; Evidences of viscous .AUfi.11'1ti:::ie,Sent., 1933, "'n.4-5 ,illus. extrusion of some of the 1915 lava 1lahala wb.t (C0anothi.;s ".lrodrata) on Lassen ~ak, Sept., 1933, n.l; Utte fro~ts and .t'lo,1ers, by J.Burgess, Lassen Volca.~o--June,1936, ~~.6-7; Aup., 1'3~:6, '0.8. The ori~in of Crescent Cliff and aR­ Eanzanita sociated features, June-July, 1934, Late frostq a!td flo1verci, by J .Burgess, Tl.5; The origin of Lal:e Helen, :.,,ug.­ Aug., l~~-6, n.8. Sept., 1934, p.7; The prehistoric Pine , I.odgc~o le paroxysms of Cinder Cone, ?.~ay, 1£>34, Fifh altitude tr0es, by J.RhoadA, pn.2-3, illus.; Watermelon sncw, Aug., 1932, -,n.2-3, ilhis.; The Lodge­ Sept., 1933, n.2. 'X>le nine, b;.r r:.i,!. Yeager, June-July, Feather River. See: River systems •••• 1934, ".6. Finch and Anderson quoted Pine, ·,Ji'.i to br~rk The pret; is tori c oaroxy ror.s of Cinc or :-:igh altitude trees, by J.Rlwads, Cone, by R.F,umcr ,:May,1934, p.2, illus. Aug., 1932, .,...p.2-3 Fish culture Pines, Yellow Emerald lake, by D.Hummer, .Aug.1~32, Yullow pin~s, hy J.H.hoads, Sept., p.5; Propagation of fish in uplond 1932, pp.2-3, illus. waters, by E.Burton, Aug.-Rept., Plant survey 1934, p.8. Plant survey of the devastated urea, Fishing by J.Burress d.Ild A.Carthew, Aug., Fly fishing, by J.rthoads, Sept., 1936, ,p.6-7, illus. 1933, p.7, illus. Refore~tation The Lode,ay,olo nine~ by W.'.f. Yt:3ager, J:i1.0WERS , PLA,.~TS& TREE.'=i June-July, 19~4, ~.6. Snowplant Algae. Ree: Waterr::elon snow. (Note), I.ray, 1934, n.9. ~iscellanoous references Tar.1arack, Lodt:e::,ole pine wrorJ€lY called "In jesting gui~e:i," by E.Lee, .~ug., Yellow pir,eq, by C.E.roathley, Sept., 1932, p.7; Late frosts and flowers, 1932, n~.2-3, illus. by J.Burgess, Aug., 19Z6, ..,.E. Tobacco bruM (C;:;anothus volutinus) Ecology Lato frol'1ts and flowers, by J .Bure-;ess, A freak assemblage of trees, by ~l.B. Alli;:., lS:7,6, l'.'.8. Augustine, Sept., 1933, ,~.4-5, Tree rinc~ as historical evidence illus., A record of conflict, by D. The prohistoric puroxys~2 of Cinder Hummel, Aug., 1932, p.6. Cone,by R.Fann•3r, ?;:.::.y,19:54, :):p.2-3. 2 Digitized by Google LA..9SENNATUHE NOTES Flowors _, ~ cetera Westem J\miper Gilbert Western juniper J.,a~sen Peak Western juniper, Aug.-Sept.,1934, Evidences of viscous extrusion of p.5, illus.
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