COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Legislative Journal TUESDAY, JANUARY 1, 2019 SESSION OF 2019 203RD OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 1 SENATE ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT TUESDAY, January 1, 2019 The PRESIDENT. Before proceeding any further, the Chair would like to announce that permission has been granted for The PRESIDENT. This being the constitutional day and hour photographers from each Caucus to take photographs and video for the convening of this 203rd Regular Session of the General during today's Session. Further, the Chair would like to request Assembly. the cooperation of the news photographers and others who would like to take pictures or videotape so that during each of the actual The PRESIDENT (Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack) called ceremonies there will be no picture taking. Those Senators who the Senate to order at 12 m., Eastern Standard Time. are sworn in are asked to please, at the conclusion of the admin- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT istration of the oath of office, stay at the bar for a few minutes for the convenience of any person who would desire to take pictures. The PRESIDENT. Senators and guests will please take their The rest of us will be at ease for those few minutes. The Chair seats. For the safety of the Senators and guests, in compliance also advises the Members that PennLive Patriot-News has been with the wishes of the State Fire Commissioner, the Chair re- given permission to take still photographs during today's cere- quests that those visitors without a seat please leave the Chamber mony. in order to keep all exits clear. The Sergeant-at-Arms is hereby ordered to see to it that there are no standees. PRESENTATION OF ELECTION RETURNS PRAYER The PRESIDENT. The Chair recognizes the Sergeant- at-Arms. The Chaplain, Reverend EDWARD J. KEATING, of Seven The SERGEANT-AT-ARMS. Mr. President, I have the honor Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Middletown, of- to present Jonathan Marks, the Commissioner of the Pennsylva- fered the following prayer: nia Department of State's Bureau of Commissions, Elections, and Legislation. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Commissioner MARKS. Mr. President, I have the honor to Lord, we believe in You. Help us to believe more firmly. We present the returns and the statements of campaign expense com- trust in You. Help us to trust more surely. Enlighten our minds, pliance for the offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and strengthen our wills, purify our hearts, and sanctify our spirits. Senator in the General Assembly for the election held on No- Teach us to obey those in authority, serve those under our care, vember 6, 2018. look after our family and friends, and forgive our enemies. Make us prudent in planning, unwavering in danger, keep us attentive ELECTION RETURNS OF SENATORS in prayer, moderate in food and drink, energetic in our work, and The PRESIDENT. The returns of the Senators will be read by firm in our resolutions. Help us to be known as great givers, the Clerk. always generous, kind, and looking out for the needs of others. The Clerk read the election returns as follows: Shine Your light in us, through us, over us, and help each one of us to make a difference in this world. SECOND SENATORIAL DISTRICT I conclude with the blessing from Numbers 6:24-26: May the Philadelphia Christine M. Tartaglione (D) 58,717 Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you, and may the Lord look kindly FOURTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Montgomery Arthur L. Haywood III (D) 110,147 upon you and give you his peace. In the name of the Father, the Ronald F. Holt (R) 17,068 Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. SIXTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT The PRESIDENT. The Chair thanks Father Keating for a very Bucks Robert M. Tomlinson (R) 54,382 Tina Davis (D) 54,308 beautiful prayer, and he is the guest today of Senator Folmer. EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Philadelphia Anthony H. Williams (D) 86,092 (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by those assembled, TENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT led by the gentlewoman from Blair, Senator-elect J. Ward.) Bucks Steven J. Santarsiero (D) 67,438 Marguerite C. Quinn (R) 60,935 2 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE JANUARY 1, TWELFTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT FIFTIETH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Montgomery Maria Collett (D) 62,069 Mercer Michele Brooks (R) 55,648 Stewart Greenleaf, Jr. (R) 55,742 Sue Ann Mulvey (D) 29,125 FOURTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Luzerne John T. Yudichak (D) 51,521 *Party Designation - (D) Democrat, (G) Green, (L) Libertarian, (R) Republican SIXTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Lehigh Patrick M. Browne (R) 48,897 Whereupon, the following named persons were declared duly Mark Pinsley (D) 46,200 elected Senators in the General Assembly of the Commonwealth EIGHTEENTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT of Pennsylvania: Northampton Lisa M. Boscola (D) 65,705 Second District)Christine M. Tartaglione TWENTIETH SENATORIAL DISTRICT ) Luzerne Elisabeth J. Baker (R) 67,350 Fourth District Arthur L. Haywood III John J. Sweeney (G) 14,467 Sixth District)Robert M. Tomlinson Eighth District)Anthony H. Williams TWENTY-SECOND SENATORIAL DISTRICT Tenth District)Steven J. Santarsiero Lackawanna John P. Blake (D) 59,249 ) Frank J. Scavo III (R) 37,363 Twelfth District Maria Collett Fourteenth District)John T. Yudichak TWENTY-FOURTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Sixteenth District)Patrick M. Browne Montgomery Robert Bruce Mensch (R) 54,586 Eighteenth District)Lisa M. Boscola Linda Fields (D) 49,558 Twentieth District)Elisabeth J. Baker ) TWENTY-SIXTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Twenty-second District John P. Blake Delaware Timothy P. Kearney (D) 65,660 Twenty-fourth District)Robert Bruce Mensch Thomas J. McGarrigle, Sr. (R) 55,287 Twenty-sixth District)Timothy P. Kearney Twenty-eighth District)Kristin Lee Phillips-Hill TWENTY-EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT ) York Kristin Lee Phillips-Hill (R) 62,380 Thirtieth District Judith F. Ward Judith A. McCormick Higgins (D) 37,105 Thirty-second District)Patrick J. Stefano Thirty-fourth District)Jacob D. Corman III THIRTIETH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Thirty-sixth District)Ryan Patrick Aument Blair Judith F. Ward (R) 63,611 ) Emily Garbuny Best (D) 23,684 Thirty-eighth District- Lindsey Marie Williams Fortieth District)Mario M. Scavello THIRTY-SECOND SENATORIAL DISTRICT Forty-second District)Wayne D. Fontana Fayette Patrick J. Stefano (R) 54,417 Forty-fourth District)Katie J. Muth Pamela Gerard (D) 28,371 Forty-sixth District)Camera C. Bartolotta THIRTY-FOURTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Forty-eighth District)Michael J. Folmer Centre Jacob D. Corman III (R) 49,259 Fiftieth District)Michele Brooks Ezra J. Nanes (D) 39,075 STATEMENT BY THE PRESIDENT THIRTY-SIXTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Lancaster Ryan Patrick Aument (R) 69,851 The PRESIDENT. For the record, the Chair has been in- William N. Troutman, Jr. (D) 35,280 formed by the Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth that all of THIRTY-EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT the Senators-elect have filed in his office the accounts and affida- Allegheny Lindsey Marie Williams (D) 62,361 vits as required by the election laws. Jeremy Kevin Shaffer (R) 61,568 ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE FORTIETH SENATORIAL DISTRICT TO REPUBLICAN SENATORS-ELECT Monroe Mario M. Scavello (R) 54,783 Tarah Dorothea Probst (D) 42,396 Adam Reinhardt (L) 1,251 Th PRESIDENT. The next order of business will be the ad- ministration of the oath of office to the elected and re-elected FORTY-SECOND SENATORIAL DISTRICT Republican Senators. It is a distinct honor and a privilege to once Allegheny Wayne D. Fontana (D) 86,288 again have with us today from the Supreme Court the Chief Jus- tice of the Supreme Court, the Honorable Thomas G. Saylor. FORTY-FOURTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Montgomery Katie J. Muth (D) 62,692 Justice Saylor has kindly consented to come here today to admin- John C. Rafferty, Jr. (R) 57,943 ister the oath of office to our Republican Senators-elect and Offi- cers in accordance with Article VI, Section 3, of the Constitution FORTY-SIXTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT of Pennsylvania. Washington Camera C. Bartolotta (R) 55,527 James R. Craig (D) 38,908 We will now proceed to the administration of the oath of of- fice to the Republican Senators-elect by Justice Saylor. FORTY-EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT Will the Republican Senators-elect present themselves in front Lebanon Michael J. Folmer (R) 60,357 of the rostrum with your Bibles. Lois K. Herr (D) 35,545 Will everyone please rise. 2019 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL — SENATE 3 For the Senators' information, the mics are hot. That is a big Seventh District–Vincent J. Hughes favor, I think. Eighth District–Anthony Hardy Williams I have the honor of presenting Justice Saylor, who will now Tenth District–Steven J. Santarsiero administer the oath of office to the Republican Senators-elect. Eleventh District–Judith L. Schwank Justice SAYLOR. Thank you, Governor. Would you each Twelfth District–Maria Collett place your left hand on your Bible, raise your right hand, and Thirteenth District–Scott F. Martin repeat after me: Fourteenth District–John T. Yudichak I, (state your name), do solemnly swear that I will support, Fifteenth District–John M. DiSanto obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Sixteenth District–Patrick M. Browne Constitution of this Commonwealth and that I will discharge the Seventeenth District–Daylin Leach duties of my office with fidelity. Eighteenth District–Lisa M. Boscola Congratulations. Nineteenth District–Andrew E. Dinniman (Applause.) Twentieth District–Elisabeth J. Baker The PRESIDENT. Folks, please be seated while we pause for Twenty-first District–Scott E. Hutchinson the taking of photographs. Twenty-second District–John P. Blake (The Senate was at ease.) Twenty-third District–Gene Yaw Twenty-fourth District–Robert B.
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