Glendon's Bilingual Newspaper • Volume 35 no. 15 Le lundi 11 mars 1996 • Journal bilingue de Glendon " Sij'étais Premier Ministre..." Julie Gauvin Le 25 février dernier, Trevor P.B.Moat, se voyait décerner la d'étude nationale, Trevor, réitère que de les poursuivre ou de les Bourse d'Étude Magna pour le Canada, d'une valéur totale de 10 le besoin immédiat de réformer la améliorer. Ilrapelleégalementque 000$, pour s'être nUs dans les chaussures de notre premier ministre méthode de taxation et la seule motivation des partis Results of the GCSU elections, canadien le temps d'une analyse. l'infrastructure canadiennes politiques demeure la réélection held before Reading Week. Trevor figurait parmi les conclusions de leurs réflexions sont, actuelles. Il observe que les de leur parti. Bref, il constate un dix finalistes régionaux retenus depuis, en vente chez les meilleurs objectifs à long terme sont manque flagrant de continuité et President par un échantillon de juges libraires. collectivement absents. Cela de cohésion au sein de l'Etat. Dawn Palin -224 indépendants dans le cadre du Le caractère particulier de ce s'explique par les changements Il propose par conséquent Marc Kroesen -40 concours national où les bouquin de 235 pages repose sans souvent drastiques de un modèle électoral graduel, où Other -9 participants devaient répondre à doute sur l'optimismedescandidats, gouvernementqui, àlasuite d'une les Canadiens, réunis selon leur Acclaimed: laquestion suivante: Si vous étiez qui ont su identifier les problèmes vietoire électorale, s'affaire plus région en quatre groupes Bd Gillis (Vice-President); premier ministre du Canada, que certes, mais ont surtout formulé des souvent à restructurer et réformer électoraux, auraientà élire surune PierreNaud(Academie Affairs); feriez-vous pour améliorer le solutions. Certaines de ces lesinitiativesetaccomplissements base annuelle quatre niveaux de Jean-Marc Duguay niveau de vie et l'unité du pays? propositionsdemeurenttrès idéalistes du gouvernementprécédant, plutôt gouvernement; ce qui assurerait la (Communications); Au total, 600étudiantscanadiens ou trop naïves; d'autres ont déjà été Maria Saradairis (External (•••cont'd on page 3) ont soumis leurs propositions. avancées dans les médias. Mais en Affairs) Dix d'entre eux ont été général, les espoirs de ses étudiants sélectionnés selon leur région sont des espoirs constructifs, et Director of Clubs and Services respective et ont reçu une bourse réalisablesdans lamesureoùleclimat Sarah Moore - 152 d'une valeur de 5 000$, remise politique d'Ottawa se décide à Brian Malcolm -108 par le président de Magna coopérer. Other -4 International Inc., Mrs. Frank Généralement , ces jeunes Director ofCultural AfTairs Stronach. sympathisent avec le maintien des Alison Hammill - 192 programmes sociaux. Ils tentent, <l<!ns Mrs . Stronach est à John-Paulo Guilherme - 57 l'origine de.ce projet. Son plusieurscas, de dresser une analogie Other -4 principal objectif visait entre la gestion de l'Étatet cellè des In further results, the CKRG essentiellement à stimuler de entreprises privées. Plusieurs referendum to cut their funding nouvelles idées et à encourager remettent en questions le leadership passed with a vote of 297 in favour l'initiative desjeunesCanadiens. canadien, et tous portent un clin and 84 opposed. The Editors-in­ Chacun des dix candidats a donc d'oeil particulierà leur pays. Ce livre chief for ProTem, Patrick Joly and Tanya Marissen were also ratified eu l'occasion de résumer fournit donc un éventail intéressant with a vote of 262 in favour and 21 l'essentiel de sa vision sur le d'idées à débattre. Dawn PaUn and Ed Gillis, the reœnt GCSU President-·and Viœ-President-e1ed. opposed. réseaud'infonnationGlobal. Les Le récipiendaire de la Bourse Missing Votes In a related story, it would seem that one of the Glendon ballot Researcher denies possibility boxes for the YFS election went AWOL for a week or two. Apparently, the CRO placed two boxes in the security office before ofhuman testing counting the Glendon results, but Eric Squair only one of the them was picked up by the YFS. The result was that TORONTO (CUP) - Officiais at the University ofToronto are saying the story was a fabrication. test that may have serious medical approximately 170 Glendon votes checking into allegations that one oftheir researchers is heading to "1 would appreciateit ifyou don't consequences?" Nipp said. were not counted in the YFS result. China to conduct medical experiments on human subjects without write anything," he said. Nipp feels' the Chinese university approval. Concems have been raised that govemmentmayhave been too hasty Le rendez-vous d Sun may be attempting to take in granting approval for the clinical cinéma québécois In early February, the Toronto professor Andrew Sun intended to advantage of the Chinese trials on human subjects. La rétrospective des films et Star reported that physiology conduct experiments on humans in government's lack of regard for "Ifacountrywasreallyconcemed vidéos québécois seraprésentéepour hina, bypassing Health Canada human rights, possibly resultiIlg in about it's people, it would not so la première fois à Toronto par le A !'lfILf::f/t;Ur:.;;:;..If ••--pproval for use of human subjects in research being performed on readily grantthatkindofpennission Bureau du Québec à Toronto et le esearch. prisoners or on subjects who 'have without having a thorough Studio documentaireOntario IOuest "We are checking into this with the not given informed consent. understanding of what is going on de1'ONF. L'événementse déroulera L' n l110dèle pour eadership ofthe faculty ofmedicine," "We are talking about and what the possible consequences du 28 au 31 mars. Vous pourrez y le aid Patrick Gutteridge, assistant to the responsibility here," said Dora Nipp, could be," she said. apprécier les grands succès de Canada p.4 ice-president of research at U of T. a member of the International Transplanting animal tissue into l'année: Le Confessional (Robert "As long' as Dr. Sun holds an Coalitionfor Hurnan Rightsin China, hurnans is a relatively new area of Lepage), L'enfant d'eau (Robert ppointment at UofT he is boundby U "and the Chinese government has research, and the risks include the Ménard), Zigrail (André Turpin), Features: fT policy. He must submit a human not shown a lot of responsibility to transmission of diseases from Eldorado (Charles Binamé), Rang ubject research review that is itspeople in many ways,particularly animaIs to humans. 5(RichardLavoie), Listenoire(Jean­ cceptable to the university." in the way of health." Bernard Dickens, a medical Marc Vallée), Le Sphynx (Louis "our Brain on Sun made headIines last fall when Nipp points out that the Chinese ethicist with the Ù of T faculty of Saïa), Élizabeth Chénier (Martin e successfully transplanted insulin­ govemment does not have a stellar law, said moving a study to another Barry), et Motel (pascal Maeder). [)rugs p.S roducing pig islet cells into diabetic human rights record, and cites the country to avoid stringent ethical Tous les films sont en version onkeys, paving the way to a possible example of the removal of human standards can be a problem. originale sous-titrée sauf pour les films Elizabeth Chénier et Rang 5. ndofinsulininjections. In aNovember organs from executed prisoners. "It is clear that you shouldn't do Rendez-vous au Cinéma John ticle, Sun told a U of T student "China does not inform families studies amongst vulnerable L'Ecuyer's, Spotton, 150, rue John, Toronto. ewspaperthat he was seeking approval that they are going to remove the populations in developing countries Renseignements: (416) 954-2225. Charm p.6 o begin testing on humans. organs and sell them, so why would that you could do· with the same Following publication of the Star they inform people that they are rticle, Sun denied the paper's claims, going to be subjected to a medical (•••cont'd on page 3) L----SH/JG .. Le lundi 11 mars 1996 éditorial Class Act WHOSE VISION? LEfS NAME IT GLENVRY••• Robert Goldkind's "Opinion" 1 am writing this letter with and now WE are paying for their Many students have been told in the classroom that if the (19 February 1996) is one of the regards to yourarticle in the Feb. 19 . greed. Try telling your parents Principal's Vision is allowed to take hold, then there would be no bestcommentaireson the difficult issue entitled "Glendon Does Not that and 1guarantee that they will future for Glendon. What with the rough waters over which situation the college is facing that Have ToDie." Forstarters1have to react as mine did by blaming ours Glendon is navigating rightnow, itseemswe needa clearcutvision 1have read orheard recently. May agree with your point that students in retum. ofa future for Glendon whichdoesn'tinclude the SeymourSchulich his advice be heeded, particularly shouldhave the option ofobtaining School of Business. bythosewhodonotseem to realize a liberal arts degree andwhat better Sincerely; Seymour Schulich is the businessman who donated $15 that to insist on the status quo is to place to get one than at Glendon Laurie B. million to York University for a business school. And though only condemn the college to a very College. hearsay, ithas beenmentioned that SusanMann, presidentofYork uncertain future. 1must, however, However, just remember that it University, once said upon seeingGlendon, thatthiscampuswould take issue with the impression his is people like you and 1 who are Attentiog make a fine site for anMBAprogramme. This wasa coupleofyears piece leaves that the document complaining that our degrees will ago. Needless to say, spurred on by the provincial governmemt, PrincipalAdamreleasedrepresents probably only get our foot in the Reilders York bas tumed up the heat on Glendon. We have been told, in no "her so-called vision." door with regards to employment Several editorial positions uncertain tenns, that we must improve our instructor to student Theprincipalhaspubliclystated afterwegraduate. Furthennore, we remain available at Pro Tem for ratio.
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