i Tremendous trio has come a long way since The Eastern their 1995 championship in Breathitt County/BS Fridays just aren't No luck the same anymore in site with Flip Friday's history because of Banner Buck Study BY JENNIFER MUUJNS News writer Principal consultant says OK Does having classes on Fri- day really get you down? If so, you may either love or hate the for university to quote analysis new no Flip Friday schedule. For those of you who BY J AWE VMSON haven't noticed or haven't expe- News editor rienced the Flip Friday sched- Classified employees will have ule, the university introduced a to wait a little longer to see the re- new schedule this semester that sults of the Buck Study. makes Monday and Wednesday The Buck Study, done by classes meet every Friday and Buck Consultants out of St Louis, classes that meet on Tuesdays will not be complete until Octo- and Thursdays never meet on ber, according to principal and Friday. Classes that meet Mon- compensation consultant Steven day and Wednesday are 50 min- Smith. utes long with classes that Smith said clients set the meet on Tuesday and Thursday deadlines for the study to be com- for an hour and 15 minutes. pleted based on budget planning The decision to no longer and availability of resources and use Flip Friday scheduling is other needs. the result of a new administra- "Consultants provide guidance tive computing system called as to whether or not the process Banner that will effect many as- Photos by Heather Nichols/Progress can be technically achieved and pects of registration including MontaM Jordan, R & B recording artist, performed a free concert during New Student Days last week. The culturally integrated within the scheduling. week of activities was one of the faM retention initiatives administration hopes will keep students at Eastern timelines requested," Smith said. According to Vance Wisen- "In Eastern's case the com- baker, director of the Banner pensation portion of the project is project, the system is already up still pending due to extensive ben- and working in admissions and efit changes and the required ad- relative to the study commis- recruitment, but major changes ministrative resources necessary sioned by the university. Prelimi- in student scheduling and finan- IMS IS HOW to manage those changes. nary data relative to portions of cial aid are still being worked "Buck's opinion is that East- the total survey to be conducted on. ern staff are not disadvantaged by have been received by the Univer- "We hope to be able to pro- what some people may see as a sity; however, no final report has vide online class registration delay," Smith said. "Aggregate been issued by Buck or received next spring, but if not then we market pay information from by the university," according to will have it ready by next fall,'' WE'RE DOENP IT Buck was used as a planning tool die May 4 issue of the Progress. Wisenbaker said. by administration in their discus- Coleman further said that un- Wisenbaker said that East- sions with the Board/Legislature der Kentucky Revised Statutes em is actually behind the times regarding 2000 pay increases. In- 61.878 (h), the preliminary infor- in making the change to no Flip Success Institute may increase retention formation from the study will be mation is not open. Fridays. available for this year's salary Whitlock said Kustra was un- "Most schools in the state BY DENA TACKETT planning exercise." der the impression the Buck actually don't even use the Editor Doug Whhlock. vice president Study results were final. He Flip Friday schedule." Wisen- If you haven't seen as many confused of administration and finance, said added that there were errors in baker said- "Eastern and West- there has been a series of delays the study and they would be See Flip, A5 freshmen faces wandering The Campus Beautiful" this first week, don't worry. It with the data, but agrees October meeting with Buck Consultants to doesn't mean that everyone is much is the target for the release of the review the study and a final copy smarter than you were your first day. study. would be released after that ac- These freshmen and transfer students had a "Our deadline is in time for cording to the May 4 issue of the head start the final report to be available for Progress. ► Inside More than 1,400 freshman and transfer stu- the development of the 2000-2001 The Progress requested a dents have been on campus since Aug. 13 get- budget," Whitlock said. copy of the Buck Study again ting to know Eastern and Richmond as part of However, last year, adminis- Aug. 16, but was denied by Cole- Accent B1 man. Classified* JU New Student Days. tration quoted from the study dur- New students were treated to numerous ing budget forums. The preliminary data, while Colonel Comer A3 free meals and entertainment, including a free The Progress requested a incomplete, did show that our Perspective .A6, A7 concert by R & B recording artist Montell Jor- copy of the study April 24 and re- staff salaries are generally below the market" Whitlock said. This Police Beat. ..• A4 dan, met with faculty members. President Junior Sara Santo smiles as an unidentified artist ceived a denial the same day from Robert Kustra and attended informational ses- university Council Kacey Cole- is what was referenced during the Sports B1-B8 draws a character of her. Freshman Yvonne budget hearings." WharsOnTap B2 sions on everything from how to register for Sensabaugh awaits for her pencil rendering. man stating that "at this time the classes to how to study for exams. University has not received any fi- Smith said there are no errors ► W—ther "Eastern is more to the majority of our stu- tured them, where they can learn outside the nal report from Buck Consultants See Buck, A4 dents than a place to take 15 hours each se- classroom as well as in the classroom." TODAY ^^ mester," Kustra told faculty members Aug. 14. New Student Days is just one of the fall re- Hi: 80 fa _^^ "It is a home away from home — very impor- tention initiatives under the newly created Stu- Lew: 61 ^H p tant in this place called Kentucky, where home dent Success Institute. and family mean so much. It is a community, ntf: Partly cloudy one larger than the one that raised and nur- SAT: Isolated thunderstorms See Retention, A4 New parking lot SIM: Isolated thunderstorms ► Reminder "If I had a dream, and I don't think I'm far off with this to offer 640 spaces The University Writing dream, that is that we would get to touch almost every Requirement is 9 am Rednour says more changes to come Saturday at Combs Building student on campus in some fashion or form." Aaron Thompson, coordinator of academic success and retention BY JENNIFER ROGERS "I think they will make a Assistant news editor tremendous difference." Red- nour said. "I know we lost a few Parking changes this semes- because of the Student Services ter should help relieve the Building, but in comparison to stress of finding an empty spot what we gained, it's tremen- 'Campus Beautiful' is changing rapidly around campus. The biggest change, part of dous." Other parking requests O'Donneil Hall BY JANE VMSON conjunction with the Michael a proposal originated in the Stu- dent Senate, is the opening of made by the Student Senate will was demolished News editor Minger Act. which went into effect be met in different ways. The over the summer July 15 as the result of a fatality at around 640 new spaces at the Eastern Kentucky University stu- Murray State University in 1998. former Brockton mobile homes SGA proposal asked for the in- to make way for dents can look forward to more than site. The new parking lot is a stallation of five service-vehicle the new students Michael Minger, 19, died in a fa- spots in front of the Keen John- just academic changes this year. Cam- tal fire in his residence hall that had general zone. services center. pus looks a little different due to reno- Other changes this semester son Building in an effort to pre- one of many no sprinkler systems Sept. 18, 1998. vent the vehicles from parking vations and upgrades. Arson was suspected in the case. include the conversion of the changes occur- Todd, Dupree. Clay and Keene zone on Park Drive to eight between Keen Johnson and the ring on Eastern's Both houses of the Kentucky Library. halls all received new sprinkler sys- legislature and governor Paul Pat- spaces with meters and chang- campus* Todd, tems according to vice president of ing the zone rollover time for Although those spaces will Dupree, Clay and ton signed the campus crime re- not be created, parking in the administration and finance Doug porting law on March 28, according employee parking lots from 9 Keene hails all area will no longer be permitted. Whitlock. The dorms also received to Campus Watch. p.m. to 7 p.m. received new fire alarm and fire and smoke detec- The act requires all colleges and Ritchie Rednour, Student Rednour said SGA would sprinkler systems tor upgrades. universities to post a crime log on Government Association presi- continue to monitor the parking File photo Eastern is allotted money to sell the internet including basic informa- dent, said these parking situation through this semester bonds for the sprinkler systems to be tion about crimes reported both to changes are a classic example and will submit a new proposal.
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