Volume 3i< Issue 26 "Respect All, Fear None" Rochester, New York Mav 18, 1993 End of the Semester Supplement Crime Totalling Time At MCC How does MCC Compare to other colleges 1989 He explained that 30 percent of By Dawn M. Short 1990 News Editor crimes that do occur on campus are a 1991 • result of non-students. Harrington said As at most campuses, there is crime at _ 1992 "because we are an open campus we Monroe Community College. don't know who students and non-stu- The Monroe Doctrine's weekly Blot- dents are until there is a problem." ter Report touches briefly on such occur- The Blotter Report cited such inci- rences at Monroe Community College. dents as when a wife and husband have Such incidents that have been reported an argument, or an order of protection is made. include harassment, petit larceny, grand lar- Motor Motor Petil Public Rape/ Robbery/ Weapon Vehicle Vehicle Larceny Lewdness Attempted Attempted Possession An incident on May 10th involving ceny, assault, criminal mischief, et al. Accident Thefl Rape* Robbery* Arrests* A recent graph shown in the Democrat a female student being harassed and in- and Chronicle showed that crime at MCC jured by her brother, called for assistance was average in comparison to others. In 1989 from public safety and the Brighton po- lice department. The woman, who is 3- 1991 a total of 273 crimes occurred on MCC 1990 campuses. Statistics of crimes at other area months pregnant, was transported to the 1991 colleges varied; 130 at St. John Fisher, 359 • hospital. The brother was arrested. at the Rochester Institute of Technology (9/ 1992 Marty Gilmore, an MCC public 92-2/93), 195 at SUNY Brockport ('91 -'92 safety investigator said there were 20 school year), 202 at SUNY Geneseo and cases of harassment in 1991, and 22 in 119 at Nazereth. The highest rate of crime 1992, most of which were "spats". was at the University of Rochester with a Some cases, such as the previously total of 456. Roberts Wesleyan was shown mentioned, were more serious. The man to be the most crime free with a total of 5 involved had yanked the victims hair and crimes, two being burglary, and the rest bashed her head against a wall. vehicle theft. 1989 Public safety recommends that stu- The crime occurring most on cam- 1990 dents call as soon as they think there is a puses is larceny. At MCC in 1991 there problem (ex. 2911). This includes re- 1991 • were 270 reports of larceny (grand, petit). porting theft, harassment etc... 1992 Mike Harrington, director of MCC's public Crimes occur daily at MCC. Har- safety added that in most of these cases rington said "My biggest concern at this students have left their property unattended. point is domestic violence on campus. " "MCC is a safe campus. We work very hard to keep it that way." says Harrington. OOpS! - The staff of the Monroe Doctrine would like to apologize to John Owen for mispelling his name and for printing in his letter that he agreed with Chris Brown well's Forgery opinion on Gay's in the Military. John Owen disagreed in his The letter. Also we'd like to Acknowledge Rick Hebner for taking the Front page photo of the Day Care Center. Wednesday. May 5 PARKING VIOLA- PARKING VIOLA- was left on the Criminal Jus- was harassed at the Day Care TIONS TIONS tice Department phone mail- Center by her brother and his FORGERY 3rd Twenty-nine citations Forty citations were is- box. girlfriend. 3:27 PM. - A MCC stu- were issued for violations of sued. dent had his MCC check the Monroe County Parking INJURY PETIT LARCENY INVES- forged. Program. Friday. May 7 9:33 a.m.- A faculty TIGATION member fell on the stairs in 5- 4:14 PM. -A student had 3:29 PM. - A student Thursday. May 6 INJURY 100 and injured his/her left MCC picture ID stolen reported that her MCC check 11:12 a.m. - A student buttock, left leg and right (within purse) on 5/8/93 in was taken from her mailbox FIRE sustained a cut lip and a shoulder. Greece. The student wished and cashed. 9:13 a.m. - A contractor chipped tooth while at tennis to alert MCC in the event of using a cutting torch in the practice at Brighton Holiday 11:09- a.m. A male stu- any attempted improper use Quote of the Week South building ignited insu- Hills. dent fell on the cafeteria stairs of ID. lation in a wall. A Safety and sustained an injury to his officer personnel extin- PARKING VIOLA- left upper chest area. PARKING "As a student guished the fire. TIONS VIOLATIONS leader I have one Twelve parking viola- 1:00PM.-Victim (stu- Twenty-one citations constant INJURY tions were issued. dent) had an argument with were issued. her brother at the Day Care [ observation; no one 2:41PM.-A staff mem- ber injured his/ her left wrist Monday. May 10 Center and was injured. MD sUff: wants to be led." and the top of four fingers You did a great job this -Lori Rampulla when tables fell over that had FIF HARASSMENT semester! Don't let been stacked in the Brick 9:26 a.m. - A phone INVESTIGATION anyone tell you any Lounge. message of an unusual nature 1:38 PM. -V (student) different The Monroe Doctrine May 18. 1993 Page 2 Reflections on a Great Sports Year by Lenny Wilcox making its way to the finals 2nd singles, and she and reer assists, Will Kendrick eryone reached the semifi- Staff Writer of Region III, and cashing in sophomore Jennifer was named the Samuel J. nals of the tournament, in- on All-Region honors for Lee Mazzarella were 1 st doubles Stabins Outstanding Male cluding defending champ at Ah, but it was a good Dillenbeck and Joe Dorini champions for the region. Athlete, and Coach Jerry 1st singles Matt Davis. year for MCC athletics (1 st Team), Anthony Tata and The team also pro- Burns won Regional and Dis- Men's Golf has quali- inl992-93! Here's a look at Mark Reichert (2nd Team), duced runners-up for 1st trict Coach of the year hon- fied for the National Tourna- the year in review: and Chris Hoffarth (Honor- singles (Jennifer Mazzarella), ors. ment by winning the Fall '92-Women's able Mention), and finishing 3rd and 5th singles (sopho- The Women's Swim- Regionals. All five members Soccer, with four National with a record of 15-5-1 after mores Sara Hanna and ming team reached the East- made the All-Region team, championships to its credit a shaky 0-3 start. Rachael Burger), 2nd and 3rd ern District finals, and fin- and the team is making its (1982,'85,'86,&'89), is argu- Coach Nelson doubles (Hanna, Tobey ished 5-2. The team also had fourth appearance in the Na- ably the best of MCC's sto- Cupello also garnered the Zimber; Burger, Jennifer a diver make the All-Ameri- tionals, but its first in 13 years. ried intercollegiate programs, Region III Coach of the Year Newcomb), and two semifi- can 1st Team (Brigette The Golf team is a power- and this year was no excep- honor, Joe Dorini won the nalists (Zimber, Newcomb). Gaffney). The team earned a house annually, finishing sec- tion. The women's team up- George C. Monagan Sports- In Women's Basket- No. 7 national ranking. ond last year at the Regionals. set the country's second manship Award, and the soc- ball, the Lady Tribunes com- The Men's Swim- One of the school's most fa- ranked team, Anderson (SC), cer team was named Aca- piled a record of 21-4 in the ming fared equally as well, mous alumnus, Jeff Sluman, and went on to reach the demic Team of the Year. regular season and won the finishing 7-0, winning the led the team to its first Na- NJCAA finals, finishing with Men's Fall Baseball Region III championship, and Eastern District Champion- tional appearance in 1976. a record of 19-3-1. went 11-1, and won the Penn- advanced to the National ship, and qualifying for Na- Men's Baseball fin- Along the way, Coach York Conference Tourna- Tournament. Coached by Art tionals, where the Marauders ished the regular season at Dan Perritano was named ment for the region. Barrett, the team set a school finished fifth. Said Coach 21-5 in the Region, and 21-6 Region III Coach of the Year, Men's and Women's record for most wins in a sea- Steve Lochte of the accom- overall. The team won the the team went undefeated in Cross Country made the son, and Theresa D'Aprile plishment, "When a North- Regionals, and ten players Region play, Michelle Regionals, and in the preced- received the George C. ern team like ourselves can made the All-Region Team. Zazzaro and Cathy Kozachuk ing Penn-York Conference Monagan Sportsmanship place in the top five in the Shawn Prim led all vote get- were named defensive MVP championship meet, top five Award. The final record for nation, it's pretty good." ters, followed by teammates and offensive MVP, respec- performances were turned in the team was 22-6. The Lady Diver David Marsh also made Pat Gardner and Tony Fest, tively. Michelle Zazzaro, by one man (Jerry Dumont, Tribunes also finished the 1 st Team All-American. as MCC captured the top three Cathy Kozachuk, and Tara fourth), and one woman (Kim regular season ranked in the Men's Lacrosse fin- spots.
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