Vol. XXIV, No. 19 [PEICE TWELVE CENTS] FEBRUARY 9, 1922 President Farrand Meets Thousands of Alumni and Others on Western Trip Dr. Preserved Smith Appointed to Fill Vacancy Left by Burr's Retirement Basketball Team to be Reorganiz- ed—Wrestling and Boxing Prospects Goods Construction of New Heating Plant and Distributing System to Start in Spring ..Published Λveeklv during the college year and monthly in July and August 'at 223 \Vest State Street, Ithaca, New York. Subscription $4.00 per year, Entered as second class matter May 2, 1900, under the act of March 3, 1879, at the postoffice at Ithaca, New York. CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS HEMPHILL, NOYES & Co. Executor Trustee Ithaca Investment Securities 37 Wall Street, New York Trust Company Chartered 1822 Boston Philadelphia Syracuse pi Assets Over Scranton Albany Baltimore Three Million Dollars Jansen Noyes '10 Charles E. Gardner President Charles E.^Treman Stanton Griffis ΊO Vice-Pres Emmons L. Williams τ Harold C. Strong Vice-Pres Franklin C. Cornell Clifford Hemphill Farmers' Loan Vice-Pres. and Sec., W. H. Storms Treasurer Sherman Peer Member New York Stock Exchange and Trust Company ALUMNI Cascadilla School PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Nos. 16-22 William Street GRADUATES GO TO CORNELL Branch: 475 Fifth Ave. College Preparatory School at 41st Street A High-Grade Boarding School for Boys WASHINGTON, D. C. New York THEODORE K. BRYANT '97, '98 Summer School Master Patent Law '08 July to September, especially for Col- Patents and Trade Marks exclusively lege and University Entrance 310-313 Victor Building Examinations LONDON PARIS Special Tutoring School Private Instruction in Any Subject Letters of Credit Throughout the Year BOSTON, MASS. Foreign Exchange WARREN G. OGDEN, M.E. '01 Trustees LL.B. Georgetown University, '05 F. C. Cornell Ernest Blaker C. D. Bostwick Cable Transfers Patents, Trade-Marks, Copyrights Patent Causes, Opinions, Titles Our 1921-22 Catalog will appeal to that Practice in State and Federal Courts schoolboy you are trying to Administrator Guardian 68 Devonshire Street interest in Cornell A postal will bring it. The Cascadilla Schools Member Federal Reserve Bank and York ITHACA, N. Y. York Clearing House GEORGE S. TARBELL Ithaca, N. Y. Ithaca Trust Building Attorney and Notary Public Real Estate Sold, Rented, and Managed A HOTEL HOME CHARLES A. TAUSSIG A.B. '02, LL.B., Harvard '05 220 Broadway Tel. 1905 Cortland CΓhe Richmond General Practice In the most interesting section of NewYork>> KELLEY & BECKER \ur rates, which compere favorably with those of wefl con- Counselors at Law /ducted hotels in smaller cities ^ towns, will appeal to 366 Madison Ave. ϊ families or persons traveling alone Guests will receive CHARLES E. KELLEY, A.B. '04 • * the personal attejitiorv gf* NEAL Dow BECKER, LL.B. '05, A.B. '06 T?αy Bαrnett MARTIN H. OFFINGER '99 E.E. Treasurer and Manager Van Wagoner-Linn Construction Co. Electrical Contractors 143 East 27th Street Drawing Inks Phone Madison Square 7320 Eternal Writing Ink Engrossing Ink TULSA, OKLAHOMA Taurine Mucilage HERBERT D. MASON, LL.B.ΌO Biggins Drawing Board Paste Attorney and Counsellor at Law Liquid Paste 903-908 Kennedy Bldg. Office Paste Practice in State and Federal Courts Vegetable Glue, etc. ARE THE FINEST AND BEST INKS AND ADHESIVES FORT WORTH, TEXAS Emancipate yourself from the use of corrosive and ill-smelling inks and adhesive and adopt LEE, LOMAX & WREN the Higgins inks and adheβives. They will be a revelation to you, they are so sweet, dean, and Lawyers General Practice well put up and withal so efficient. At dealers generally. 506-9 Wheat Building Attorneys for Santa Fe Lines 271 Ninth Street CHARLES M. HIGGINS & CO., Mfrs. Brooklyn, N. Y. Empire Gas & Fuel Co. Branches: Chicago, London C. K. Lee, Cornell 1889-90 P. T. Lomax Texas 1899 F. J. Wren.lTexas 1913-14 CORNELL ALUMNI NEWS VOL. XXIV, No. 19 ITHACA, N. Y., FEBRUARY 9,1922 PRICE 12 CENTS AIN features of Junior Week are usual appellation to go with a common courses as the New York State College of the opening concert of the Musical patronymic, and have also conjectured Home Economics, with provision for a M Clubs in Bailey Hall on Wednes- whether there might be a relationship be- college dean. It is understood that the day night, followed by a number of frater- tween Preserved and "Hard-boiled" new bill provides for a New York State nity house dances; Thursday has its per- Smith. It is understood that the present School of Home Economics at Cornell formances of "Listen 'to Me," the Junior holder of the name Preserved is the eighth University, without provision for a dean, Week musical comedy, with tea dances in in direct line, and that the original holder but separating the school from the State the afternoon and more formal ,ones at received it from a grateful Puritan mother College of Agriculture. The bill has the night; Friday sees international intercol- after surviving a tempestuous voyage approval of the Trustees. legiate wrestling when McGill meets Cor- from England. OF THIRTY-THREE varsity contests since nell in the afternoon, and in the evening FEBRUARY i was moving day in the 100- the beginning of the year, including foot- the Junior Prom provides indoor exercise; block on East State Street. The dry goods ball, cross-country, soccer, basketball, and Saturday, Pennsylvania meets Cornell in store of William C. Blackmer, the haber- hockey, only four have been lost. Three hockey and basketball in the afternoon, dashery run by L. Burr Keegan, and the of these are league games in basketball, followed by the Independents' tea dance. Elite billiard parlors changed places. Mr. and the other was a single game in the With twenty-four houses entertaining, Keegan moves his store into the former soccer season. those who desire to dance continuously, abode of the cue artists at No. 140, the with forenoons out for sleep, may keep up CLOG DANCING has superseded the billiard, parlor moves to the site of the esthetic kind for the past few weeks, when the pace from Wednesday to Saturday in- Blackmer store at No. 112, and Mr. clusive. the women of the University have had the Blackmer will store his goods for a few one-hour-a-week period formerly given PROFESSOK LEROY BUENHAM of the Col- weeks until Keegan's old store at No. 128 over to the rhythmic cadences of the lege of Architecture is responsible for the is ready for his occupancy. pseudo-Greek, strenuously devoted to the decorations for the Junior Prom, as the DR. AND MRS. JACOB GOULD SCHUR- staccato buck-and-wing stuff of the Afro- result of the effective plan he used at the MAN announce the engagement of their American. inaugural dinner to Dr. and Mrs. Farrand, daughter, Barbara Rose Schurman '21, which was held in the Armory. Through LOST AND FOUND articles on the Campus to Frank Lincoln Campbell, Jr., '21, of may reach rightful owners with more the use of simple and inexpensive drap- Omaha, Nebraska. Miss Schurman is now eries he obtains an effect of richness and certitude as a result of the recent notice in China with her parents, where Dr. that the Treasurer's office is the official elegance. Instead of covering the ceiling Schurman is American minister. beams, he leaves them open but allows no repository. Heretofore, there has been light to reach above the walls, and this THE EXTENSION STAFF of the College much confusion as to whether such articles gives the impression of great height and of Agriculture held a jollification in the should be reported to the nearest building, mystery. club room of the Cornell Foresters last the dean of the college, the Superintendent Saturday night. Songs, stunts, and coffee of Grounds, the Proctor, Barnes Hall, or FISHERMEN near the lighthouse on and doughnuts around the big open fire- the Sun. Cayuga Lake have reported some good place proved so enjoyable that a plan is SENIORS IN AGRICULTURE were recently catches through the ice. Last week a under way to make these gatherings come given an opportunity by Dr. Cornelius twenty-one pound pike forty-two inches once a month for the better acquaintance Betten, vice-dean of resident instruction, long was landed. of the Extension family. to offer suggestions that might lead to im- THE GROUND HOG saw his shadow in ITHACA THEATRES, recently inspected provement which they felt to be desirable Ithaca on Candlemas Day, and students as a reflex of the disaster in Washington, in the curriculum. are looking forward to a continuation of are reported as being of substantial con- THE SAGE CHAPEL Preacher for Feb- the best winter sports that Cornell has had struction and fully safeguarded against ruary 12 will be the Rev. Dr. Hugh Black, for some time. Except for an untoward accidents. Presbyterian, of Union Theological Sem- thaw it is proposed to hold a winter CEMETERY SIDEWALKS of concrete are inary, New York. carnival on Beebe Lake for Junior Week promised in the "Boneyard," the burying visitors. PROFESSOR AND MRS. OLAF BRAUNER ground that lies between University and announce the engagement of their daugh- CORNELL'S SEISMOGRAPH was among Stewart avenues, and gives a favorite ter Gertrude to Hibbard F. Johnson, Jr., those in which the recording needle was short cut for students up and down the '22, of Racine, Wisconsin. thrown out of position by the earth tremor Hill. recorded, by instruments all over the PROFESSOR EMILE M. CHAMOT '91 and A REVIVAL of the Cascadilla Associa- Mrs. Chamot have returned to Ithaca country last week. It was one of the tion, made up of students in Cascadilla severest disturbances ever recorded by the after several months in Bermuda and the Dormitory, is planned for the next term.
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