GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATION SERIES I–2650 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Prepared for the ATLAS OF MARS: THAUMASIA REGION U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION SHEET 3 OF 3 85° 90° 80° 9 0.6 8.15 0.54 95° 75° 8 0.5 ) 7 2 tb ) 70 2 100° ° KM 6 0.4 2 KM 2 5 ch 0.3 4 ° 65° 105 3 2.98 0.2 r DENSITY FAULT (NUMBER/10 0.14 Nfd (KILOMETER/10 2 1.77 FAULT-LENGTH DENSITY FAULT-LENGTH 0.1 0.08 Hpld 1 0.61 0.02 0.16 7 x 10–3 ° 60 0 0 110 Sinai Planum Thaumasia ° ch 1234 5 1234 5 ABSTAGE STAGE Planum Figure 15. Histograms representing areal density of fault length (A) and number of faults (B) per stage in Syria Planum Thaumasia region of Mars. ° 55 115 ° ° –15 –15 ° NO. CRATERS LARGER STAGES FOSSAE OTHER STRUCTURES SYSTEM THAN 2, 5, AND 16 KM N 0 25 KILOMETERS HISTORY DIAMETER N 0 100 KILOMETERS PER 1,000,000 KM2 2516 Figure 19. Furrow (arrow heads) which occurs along a preexisting Figure 10. Stage 3 tributary channels of southeast flank of Coprates 40 or less rise dissect wrinkle ridges (r) of younger ridged plains material and join graben downslope of large Hesperian impact crater (broad arrow) that into first-order channels (ch) at a break in slope. Triangular faceted may have formed as a result of the impact event. (Viking image Solis 50 bedforms (tb; interpreted as cuestas) indicate differential erosion of 606A50); resolution 249 m/pixel) tilted rock layers. Symbols Nfd and Hpld denote fractured and dissected 60 Planum material and younger dissected material, respectively. (Viking image ° –20 70 –20 ° 465A13; resolution 63 m/pixel.) Daedalia 80 90 AMAZONIAN 100 Table 2. Principal geologic features and their relative ages for major physiographic provinces 5 Planum of the Thaumasia region of Mars. 150 Province Geologic features and their relative ages A. Valles Marineris Rifting and collapse structures. Late Noachian–Hesperian 200 B. Coprates East Wrinkle ridges. Early Hesperian Nb Nf C. Coprates Broad ridges, tilted rock layers (cuestas and hogbacks caused by tectonic tiliting and g2 differential erosion), and wrinkle ridges; small (≤10 km wide) and large grabens and faults and fault and rift systems; depressions; individual valleys and troughs 300 50 and valley and trough networks; mountains and volcanoes. Noachian–Early HNpld Marineris/ Valles Noctis Labyrinthus ° –25 Hesperian –25 ° HNf Syria Planum Hpld Claritas Fossae D. Thaumasia Planum Wrinkle ridges; small grabens. Late Noachian–Early Hesperian 400 E. Sinai Wrinkle ridges; small grabens only cut older material outcrops. Mostly Early Nf 75 g2 4 Hesperian Hpld Valles Warrego 500 ch Thaumasia Fossae F. Syria-Solis Lava flows; small grabens. Mostly Late Hesperian ch 600 100 G. Thaumasia highland Small and large grabens, large faults, and intersecting dense concentrations of Wrinkle ridges Wrinkle Coracis, Melas, and Nectaris Fossae Nf Thaumasia highland rifts grabens; fault and rift systems; broad ridges and tilted rock layers (cuestas and 700 hogbacks) along edge of Thaumasia plateau; mountains, volcanoes, and Hpld Broad ridges and large scarps featureless plains; individual valleys and troughs and valley networks. 3 HESPERIAN 800 HNf Noachian–Early Hesperian Coprates rise 900 150 Nf H. Daedalia Lava flows; plateaus and mountains (volcanoes or massifs); small grabens. Mostly g3 1000 d Early Hesperian–Amazonian Argyre structures I. Daedalia southeast Featureless plains; small grabens; subdued wrinkle ridges. Mostly Early Hesperian n 1200 200 25 J. Sirenum Small grabens; large scarps; individual valleys and valley networks; volcanoes. a HNf 2 Noachian–Early Hesperian l HNr ° –30 K. Argyre Featureless plains within topographic lows; mountains and plateaus; large scarps and –30 ° tb T faults and small grabens; drainage basins comprising valley networks; large h Hpl 300 75 3 valley forms, irregular depressions, furrows, and highly subdued ridges of all h g HNr ?? shapes and sizes. Noachian–Hesperian a i 400 100 u N 0 50 KILOMETERS H 1 m 500 a NOACHIAN a Figure 11. Stage 3 tributary channels (ch) of Warrego Valles along 600 150 s i i south edge of Thaumasia plateau, which dissect stage 2 graben (g2), ? a s join into first-order channels at a break in slope where they dissect 200 Hesperian plains materials. Narrow stage 3 graben (g3) cuts Noachian H a and Hesperian materials; tilted beds (tb) similar to those of figure 10 Table 3. Map unit information for Thaumasia region. Table 4. Total area of geologic units i are visible. Symbols Nb, Nf, HNpld, HNf, HNr, Hpl , and Hpld denote 250 per period for Thaumasia region. g m 3 Unit Number Area h u basement complex, older fractured material, intermediate dissected ? ? ? ?? ? name of outcrops (km2) Stage Period Total area (km2) ° –35 material, intermediate fractured material, older ridged plains material, –35 l ° a a smooth unit of the plateau sequence, and younger dissected material. Figure 16. Chart comparing stages of geologic activity in Thaumasia region with significant sets of fea- Nb 50 163,520.66 1 Noachian* 3,397,630.40 n d h (Viking image 606A54; resolution 247 m/pixel.) tures (tectonic and erosional). Size of solid areas roughly proportional to degree of exposed deformation; Nplh 26 53,490.47 1 Hesperian 2,681,394.67 T question marks indicate where large uncertainty exists in commencement of structural activity. Crater Nah 3 44,673.36 1 Amazonian 36,872.94 chronology from Tanaka (1986). Nak 6 5,428.28 1 *Includes Noachian-Hesperian units. Includes Hesperian-Amazonian units. c1 106 144,935.14 1 Nfc 11 41,666.11 1 dome 9 2,277.65 1 Npl1 20 356,138.03 1 Nf 23 608,851.60 1 a Nple 2 21,553.51 1 Nfd HNfc Npld 32 119,135.38 1 b lf Nfd 17 208,912.34 1 c Npl2 25 206,419.71 1 – Nfd 40° 40 – ° HNf HNade 6 254,601.78 2 Nfd f HNr HNu 7 11,913.14 2 Nf Nfd c2 13 202,011.21 2 g1 HNpld 4 41,925.51 2 Hr HNf 41 281,392.23 2 HNf c HNt 13 95,991.25 2 HNf 1 Nfd g2 hb HNr 4 437,188.19 2 HNfc 3 18,890.31 2 Hpl3 Ht HNafs 4 9,826.13 2 Lowell Ht 1 g3 1 HNcht 5 2,691.62 2 HNplt 2 64,196.69 2 Hpl3 73 492,460.03 3 Hpld 4 75,091.87 3 Nfd ° –45 –45 ° Hch 3 626.49 3 Contact—Dashed where approximately located or gradational Hr 3 623,334.36 3 Hpld Depression or caldera Ht1 1 183,840.68 3 hb 85° 0 50 KILOMETERS Ht2 2 92,782.97 3 90° 80° N c Channel—colored according to stage Hf 5 122,488.61 3 95° 75° ch Hr Hsl1 5 279,312.62 4 100° 70° Al Furrow—colored according to stage Figure 12. Fresh-appearing, V-shaped channel (a–c) in fractured and Hsl2 3 435,357.16 4 Channel in lava flow dissected material (Nfd), which heads near a fault (outside of image Hsu 1 210,500.46 4 ° 65° 105 area, northeast of a), breeches a small impact crater (b and c) and AHt3 1 165,599.36 5 SCALE 1 : 4 440 910 (1 mm = 4.44091 km) AT –35° LATITUDE continues onto intermediate fractured material (HNf). Volcano (HNfc) cs 26 27,644.22 5 LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC PROJECTION and its lava flows (lf) are mapped as younger flow and construct ABN 0 50 KILOMETERS N 0 50 KILOMETERS ° 60 Avfr 1 1,613.78 5 110 –15° ° material (unit HNfc). Small furrows (f) downslope from volcano may At 1 4,132.81 5 –20° represent a correlation between channeling and volcanic activity. Stage 5 –25° Avfs 6 3,030.68 5 –30° INTERIOR—GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, RESTON, VA—2001 1 grabens (g1) are buried by intermediate fractured material (HNf); ° –50 Figure 17. A, Cuestas (c) and hogbacks (hb), which are caused by tectonic tilting and differential erosion, Al 1 451.43 5 –50 ° –35° 55 ° Stage 2 grabens (g ) are buried by member 1 of the Tharsis Montes 115 ° 2 and channels (ch) of the southeast part of Coprates Rise. Symbols c , Nf, Nfd, Hpl , Hr, and Hpld denote –40° 1 3 Formation (Ht1); Stage 3 grabens (g3) cut member 1 of the Tharsis material of degraded craters, older fractured material, fractured and dissected material, smooth unit, –45° Montes Formation. Mottled appearance of image may be due to clouds. –50° younger ridged plains material, and younger dissected material. (Viking image 610A44; resolution 224 100 0KILOMETERS 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 (Viking image 57A05; resolution 232 m/pixel) m/pixel) B, Wind River Mountains of Wyoming that display similar morphologic features to Coprates rise. (Landsat TM image; plate 97 of Short and others, 1976). 85° 130° 120° 110° 100° 90° 80° 70° 60° 50° 40° 10° SINAI PLANUM HNf Hpl c g Nb 3 ES Table 5. Area, fault, and channel and furrow data per stage Ht HNfc c1 HNf NT 2 Nf ° 55 Nfd for Thaumasia region. O 115 THAUMASIA A ° M ° [Minimum lengths of faults (sheet 2) and channels and furrows (sheet 3) –15 F HNf 0° mapped are 1.98 km and 0.96 km, respectively] 3 c HNf Claritas SOLIS E g m 1 PLANUM 0.16 H HNpld Hr HNr 1.6 0.16 Total Number Total length Number of Total length of ARSIS B ch sae Nb Nf D f e 1.45 Stage area of of faults channels channels and TH PLANUM 0.14 Fos 1.4 1.34 0.14 (km2) faults (km) and furrows furrows (km) VAL DAEDALIA Nfd t ris –10° LES MARINER Fossae alas Fossae ) Nb 2 PLANUM M 1.2 ) 0.12 Nb s 2 1 1,977,002.29 10,620 161,045.24 3,105 26,509.48 SYRIA Necta KM 2 PLANUM IS C 1 KM 0.1 2 1,420,628.11 2,043 42,320.50 1,928 20,584.65 Figure 7 (right).
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