A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION and THE TIMES of Scotch Plains – Fanwood Thursday, November 13, 1997 Page 10 The Westfield Leader— Serving Scotch Plains and Fanwood Since 1959 — THE TIMESof ScotchScotchUSPS 485200 PlainsPlains FanwoodFanwoodPublished OUR 38th YEARScotchScotch – ISSUE NO. 44-97 PlainsPlains FanwoodFanwood232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Periodical – Postage Paid at Scotch Plains, N.J. Thursday, November 13, 1997 Every Thursday WELFARE SERVICES ALSO DISCUSSED AT AGENDA MEETING Borough Council Anticipates Talk With Garbage Haulers Regarding Burner Proposal By SUZETTE STALKER Board of Chosen Freeholders, calls witness an immediate reduction in Specially Written for The Times for Ogden Martin Systems, which fees from $83 to $50 per ton, which Several issues took center stage at built and operates the incinerator, to would be guaranteed for the length the Fanwood Borough Council’s lease it from the county and the of the agreement. Tipping fees would agenda meeting last week, held just UCUA. rise based on an incline in the Con- one day after Democratic Council- Ogden Martin would pay the sumer Price Index (CPI). man William E. Populus, Jr. and UCUA $175 million over the life The borough is one of seven Union Republican Joel Whitaker won two span of the agreement, according to County communities which currently open seats on the governing body a recent report by Freeholder Chair- do not include garbage collection in November 4. woman and former Fanwood Mayor their municipal budgets. Mayor Maryanne S. Connelly re- Linda d. Stender, which would help Fanwoodians, like residents in the quested that a meeting be scheduled retire the Authority’s debt on the other six municipalities, contract between council representatives and incinerator. The facility, which with private haulers for garbage col- private garbage haulers to discuss a opened in 1994, was built with ap- lection. Haulers then bill customers proposed 25-year lease of the Union proximately $290 million which was individually. David B. Corbin for The Times County Resource Recovery Facility raised by issuing bonds. The UCUA has requested that the HONORING FORMER HIGH SCHOOL GREATS…Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School Athletic Director Gene Last year, a federal court ruled county’s 21 municipalities give an Schiller, left, introduces Joe Scarpati, right, Class of 1960, to the fans during halftime of the game between the Raiders in Rahway — more commonly and the Blue Devils at Perry Tyson Field in Scotch Plains on November 8. Attending the ceremony are: Assemblyman known as the incinerator — and the that New Jersey’s waste flow laws — indication by Saturday, November Alan M. Augustine, next to Mr. Schiller; Scotch Plains-Fanwood Superintendent of Schools Dr. Carol B. Choye and potential impact of the deal on the which had provided the Resource 15, of whether they would partici- Fanwood Mayor Maryanne S. Connelly, next to Mr. Scarpati. Mayor Connelly presented a plaque to Mr. Scarpati, community. Recovery Facility and four other in- pate in the program. who lettered in football, basketball and track for the Raiders and served as the captain of the football team in 1959. The lease proposal, developed by cinerators in the state with monopo- The communities which do not Mr. Scarpati went on to play as a defensive back for the Philadelphia Eagles and New Orleans Saints professional the Union County Utilities Author- lies on trash disposal — were uncon- regulate waste flow have been told football teams, and was the holder of the record-setting 63-yard field goal kicked by Tom Dempsey in 1970 during the ity (UCUA) in conjunction with the stitutional. The United States Su- by the UCUA that space will be game between the Saints and the Detroit Lions. preme Court on Monday upheld the reserved for their garbage at the in- decision to deregulate the flow of cinerator through the end of the year. THIRTY STUDENTS TO PLAY ANGELS IN A CHRISTMAS CAROL solid waste. The UCUA additionally told them Haulers serving Union County that they face the prospect of having have been required by state law to to share in paying off the debt on the dispose of their garbage at the incinerator even if they do not par- Park Middle School Chorus to Realize Dream Rahway incinerator, but the Supreme ticipate in the lease agreement. Court’s ruling now gives them the Borough Council members also option of going wherever the rates expressed concern during the agenda By Performing in Christmas Choir at The Garden are lowest. The potential loss of busi- session about the limited amount of ness at the incinerator has put the time which municipalities have been By CANDACE WALLER Specially Written for The Times UCUA at risk of defaulting on its given to make a decision on a long- Some students at Park Middle debt. term commitment. School in Scotch Plains will soon The county’s proposed agreement Council President Bruce H. Walsh realize a dream. They are the 30 with Ogden Martin requires that remarked that the county’s deadline young people chosen to be angels in 250,000 tons of trash be transported “doesn’t give us any time to explore the Broadway musical, A Christmas annually to the incinerator. It also any other options before entering Carol. includes a provision whereby every into an agreement for 25 years.” This year’s show, to be staged for ton of solid waste diverted from the Under other business, Mr. Walsh the fourth consecutive year at The incinerator would be taxed an addi- revealed that Fanwood Police Chief Theater at Madison Square Garden tional $15. Anthony J. Parenti is expected to in New York City, will star Hal Lin- Participating municipalities would CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 den (“Barney Miller”) and Roddy McDowall (The Planet of The Apes) alternating in the portrayal of Scrooge. Council Delays Decision “I feel really excited,” said Lani Trinh. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.” On Whether to Support Four choirs were chosen from the 12 groups that tried out from the tri- state area. Mary Lu Farrell, who is a Lease Deal on Burner professional singer, said the select By JEANNE WHITNEY ship Manager Thomas E Atkins, few chosen for the show had to meet Specially Written for The Times “There are too many unknowns right certain criteria. During a conference meeting last now. It’s not a simple thing. There “We were looking for diversity, week, the Scotch Plains Township are many sides to consider. It would good behavior and excellent voices,” Council agreed to ignore the Satur- not be prudent to decide by Novem- Ms. Farrell said. “There is a mix of William A. Burke for The Times day, November 15, deadline on de- ber 15.” boys and girls. There is also an age HEADED FOR THE GARDEN...Mary Lu Farrell, Choral Director at Park Middle School in Scotch Plains, ciding whether the township’s gar- The Union County plan to lease requirement — no one could be older rehearses with the Park Middle School Chorus, which has been selected to participate in A Christmas Carol at The bage will go to the Union County the incinerator would wipe out $175 than 13.” Theater at Madison Square Garden. Resource Recovery Facility in million worth of debt on a total of Students at Park Middle have been The singers in the group are ex- “My mom clips out all the news- possibility of getting students in the Rahway for the next 25 years, at $50 $290 million worth of bonds issued practicing for the performance a pected to carry themselves in a pro- paper articles (about the choir) to show through “the music grapevine.” a ton. to build the facility, according to the couple of times a week since Septem- fessional manner at all times. give to her coworkers,” said Ayanna She hopes to audition Terrill Middle This comes in lieu of a lease agree- UCUA. The UCUA said it will have ber. The big rehearsal with the other Practices and performances are de- Abrams. School students next year. ment being negotiated between the to make good on $5 million-a-year actors, lighting, props and scenery manding. The choir will have shows Angelo Harris said his entire ex- “Can you imagine putting The Union County Utilities Authority payments over 25 years in order to will be this Sunday, November 16. three to four times a week. tended family wants to see him in the Christmas Choir performance on a (UCUA), the county and the builder retire the remaining debt — an esti- They will also be in the Christmas show. résumé? It shows prospective em- of the incinerator, Ogden Martin mated $60 million. New Deadlines for Day and New Year’s Day shows. Ms. Farrell said she learned of the ployers that students have discipline, Systems. Union County alone backed $35 Their first performance is scheduled talent and responsibility,” Ms. Farrell Scotch Plains, along with the six million worth of bonds when the Thanksgiving Issue for Tuesday, November 18, at 11 said. “This experience will change other municipalities that leave gar- incinerator was built. Those persons preparing press a.m. and the final show will take Deadlines Told these kids.” bage collection to private compa- The UCUA has said it was obli- releases for submission to our place on Sunday, January 4. The For Submittals Participants in this event have made nies, has been asked by the UCUA to gated to ask the seven towns with Thanksgiving Day issue of The school’s Parent-Teacher Association contacts in the industry, according to contribute towards the 250,000 tons unregulated trash disposal (those Times are reminded of a change in is setting up bus trips to the show.
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