LEAGUE OF NATIONS 'Co.Timunicatod to the Members C.oSO.1933 of the Council) Geneva, October 5,1933 NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS CF THE COUNCIL No_._ .9 ...[S_epjbemb_er_l933 )_ Part I Official number SUBJECT C.774.M«365.1932„XI, Addendum ModeJL Administrative; codes to the interna- tional conventions of 1925 and 1931*_-Ajnend6 ments adopted bg; Advisory Committee on traf­ fic in Opium (May 1933) 0,383.M.189.1933.II.A,Cor­ 27th Report of the Commissioner of the League rigendum in Bulgaria . - Errata C.385. M, 193.1933.XI,Erraturn Annex I to the report _of Advisory Committee on traffic in Opium (I6th Session, May 1933) Erratum C.406.M.209.1933.VI,Erratum Minutes o_f__the_ P_ermanent Manda.tes Commission (23rd Session, June-July Erratum C.406.M.209.1933.VI,Index Index 0.478(a) .M.243(a).1933 Council,Lea_gu_e__(7_6th__S_ession, September-Octo- ber 1933)» - Supplementary list of questions on provi­ sional agenda (September 6,1933) 0.478(b).M.243(b).1933 Supplementary list of questions on provi­ sional agenda (September 11,1933) C.478(1) .M.243(1).1933 Revised provisional agenda (September 20, 1933) 0.484.M.247,1933.II,A Banking and currency reform in Estoniaj- 6th Annual report of the Trustee for 1927 loan 0.485.M.248.1933.1 Saar Basin.- Petition from the Union of Ger­ man Newspaper publishers and Saar Press Union and Letter from the Governing Commission y (August 24,1933) I I - 2 - C.490.M.249.1933 Numerical _li_st_ of documents distribute! to the Members of the League , - No,8 (August 1953) C,495 *M»250.1933,XI and Permanent Central OpiumJBoard (14th ,15th, Erratum 16th, 17th Sessions (October 1932-- August 1933) Report to the Council and statistical tables for 1932. C.506.M.253.1933.V and Permanent Court of international Justice.- Annex <3 Note by The Secretary General and 9th Annual report of the Court. C.508.M.255.1933,7 and Legal status of Eastern Greenland ,- Note by Annex the Secretary General and Pleadings, oral statements and documents submitted to the Permanent Court of international Justice C.511.M.256.1933.II.B Conference of wheat exporting and importing countries (August 1953),- Final act with appendices and minutes of the final meeting. C.522.M.257.1933.VII Assyrian community in Iraq .^-Letter and me­ morandum from the French Government (Sep­ tember 14 and 15,1933) 0.530.M.258.1933.VII Eispute between Bolivia and Paraguay.- TelegreiîxS exchanged between President of Council and Brazilian Government (September 19 and 22,1933) C.533.M.260.1933.XII and International Ref ief Un ion Execut ive _Com- Annex mittee (1st Session ).- Note by the Secre­ tary General and report C.536.M.261.1933,VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay .- Report by the Committee of Council (September 25.1933) C.538.M.262.1933»II,A Financial^ Committee (51st Session.September 1933) Report C.539.M.263.1933 Appointments; Promotions and Resignations of the H igher Officials cf the Secretariat since 13th Session of the Assembly Sup­ plementary list (September 1933)" C.549.M.264.1933.I Saar Basin,- Petition from the Social-Demo­ cratic Party of the Saar (September 16,1933) and letter from the Governing Commission (September 20.1933) r\ iP. J. I. ,Series E,No « 9 " ~ ™ ~ .... .... CvP,J.I.,Series C,No»62 S Distributed with C.L.183.1933 facial volume, one copy only distributed to each Member of the League Confidential document, one copy only distributed to each Member of the League ,,2(1) .1933 Assembly, .League _( 14th Session, September-0cto- be v 1933) Supplementary list of items on agenda (September 4,1933) 1.4(c) (1) .1933.X Nan s e n International Office for refugee s.- Budget for 1934 1.4(d) .1933.X Supplementary budget for 1934_,- Memorandum by the Secretary General , summary of the modi­ fications proposed to the original budget and explanatory notes and schedules. 1.5(a) .1933.X Supervisory Commission (54th Session, September 1933) ,- Report i.e(a) .1933 Work of the League since the 13th Session of the Assembly.- Supplementary report (September 19331" 1.6(a) ,1933*V.Annex Ratification_of ag.reements and conventions con­ and Addendum. I & II cluded under auspice g of the League.- 14 th List and addendum I and II ».7(a) .1933,V Gradual unifieation of criminal law and co-ope­ ration of States in the prevention and suppres­ sion of crime,-- Observations of Austria, Canada, Italy and Siam A,7(b) . 1933.V Observations of Hungary 1.12.1933,XII International Institute of Intellectual co-ope- ration Report by the Governing Body, annex­ ing the rep. by Director of the Institute and the report of the Auditor on accounts for 1932 1,13.1933.111 Health Organisation .- Annual report for period October 1932-September 1933 A,14,1933,XII International Committee on Intellectual co-ope­ ration (15th Session, July 1933)»- Report 1.16.1933. VI Slavery Annual report of Council (August 24,1933) A.16(et) .1933,VI Supplementary report of Council (September 22, 1933) A.17.1933. V Ratification of international conventions con­ cluded under auspices of the League Results of the 3rd enquiry by the Secretary General A.18.1933. V Nationality of uamen Communication from the Government of Chile (July 22,1933) A.19,1933 Nansen International Office for refugees.- Repor 1 of the Governing Body i - 4 - 20.1333 Partial renewal of the Administrative Boar-1 of tho Staff Pensions Fund Report by the Secretary General 21.1933.X F inane ial position cf the L eague cn August 31, 1333v“ Memorandum by the Secretary Goneral 21(a) . 1933cX Financial position _of_ t_he League on September 23,1933.- Memorandum by the Secretary General 22.1933 »X New work iavoiring ne?/ expenditure on the part of the League,- Reports by the Secretary General and by the Director of the International Labour Office 3 23.1933.IV Activities of certain private international 0rganlsations_ on penal a:id penttentiary queati_ons. Report "by the Secretary General 24.1933. IV Suppresaion of traffic in women of full age. - No ce by the Secretary General, Draft Protocol by Women and Children Traffic Committee and relevant observations from Governments of 16 countries 24(a) .1933. IV Observations from Governments of 8 countries 25.19 33.X Transfers in the budget since 15_>Æ Session of the .Assembly Report's by the Secretary General, ;s by the Director of International Lao ur Office and by the Registrar of Permanent Court cf International Justice 26.1933.IV and Treatment of prisoners Note by the Secretary Ann ox @ General ,revised standard minimum rules and explanatory memorandum by the International Penal and penitentiary Commission 27.1933 Protection of minorities .- Draft resolution submitted -by the German Delegation 28.19 3 3. VII Commission of Enquiry for European Uni o n _,- Draft resolution submitted by the General Com­ mittee 29.1933 .VI Mandates ,-Draft resolution submitted by the Norwegian Delegation 50.1933 Accession of Argentine to the League .- Tele­ gram from the Argentine Government and reply from the Secretary General (September 26,1933) 51.1933. V System of election to the Council»- Report by the 1st Committee fecial Volume - 5 - 32.1933.X Wireless Station Accounts for 1932 and rele­ vant report by the Auditor 33.1933 Assistance to German refugees Draft resolution submitted by the Netherlands Delegation 34.1933.VII Accession of Argentine to the League Letter from the Argentine Government "(September 28,1933) 35.1933 Draft world convention for the protection of minorities Draft resolution submitted by the Haitian Delegation 1.176.1933.II.B Convention providing a uniform lav; for cheques Convention for the settlement of certain conflicts of laws in connection with cheques, Convention on the stamp laws in connection with cheques (March 1931) . - Ratification by Japan .177.1933.11 Customs truce Note by the Secretary General and communications from Irish Free State, Denmark and Australia 1.178.1933.V and International Labour Conference (17th Session, Annex @ June 1933) Letter from the Secretary General and draft conventions and recommendations adopted by this session L.179.1933.II.B Convention proA~iding a uniform law for cheques, Convention for the séttlement of certain conflicts of laws in connection with cheques and Convention on the stamp laws in connection with cheques (March 1931).- Ratification by Italy ,.180.1933.II.B Customs truce , - Communication from the Nether­ lands «181,1933.II.A Tables of commodities referred to in the inter­ national Convention relating to Economic Statis­ tics (December 1928).- Letter from the Secretary General 182.1933. II.B International convention for the abolition of import and export prohibitions and restrictions (November 1927T and Supplementary Agreement (July 1 9 2 8 ) Position in the Netherlands .183.1933.II,B and Conference of wheat exporting and importing Annex ©0 % countries (August 1933).- Letter from the Secre­ tary General and Final Act with appendices and minutes of final meeting ■184.1933.V Protocol concerning the revision of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice and Protocol relating to the accession of United States of America to the Protocol of signature of the Statute of the Court .Ratification bv Uruguay--------------------S c o m b e r life9 ^ Special volume. -3 Distributed to States parties to Statistics Convention only. C.511.1,£.356.1933. - 6 - L.185.1933.II.B T_ariff truce Communication from the Swiss Government oecial documents C/76th Session /p.V,l(l) C/76th Session /P.V.2(]) Verbatim Records of the 14th Session of Assembly 1st Meeting Official Journal XlV'th Tear, No.9 (Part I) (September 1933) XlVth Year, No, 9 (Part II)(September 1933) Worid production and prices 1925--I932 Epidemiological Report 12th Year, No, 7-8 (July-__ugust 1953) Monthly giimmary of the League of Nations Volume XIII, No.7 (July 1933] Volume XIII, No.8 (August 1933) Registration of Treaties List No.143 [August 1933) Chronology of International Treatiea and légis­ latifs measares Volume IV, Nos 7-0 (July 15-August 15,1933)@ Monthly list of Selected Articles Volume V, No.
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