BENGAL DISTRICT GAZETTEERi -----♦---- : PURI S3**efca=^«r— 'YD'ITQ " & f^U¥glS*wlV*oy ■*• <* u ' " IVNOijLVN* dPMNnpmnat n'*re» «*** n'*re» dPMNnpmnat £ P r l f « — i » India, B t, 3 i in England^ 4t. tftf.J DISTRICT GAZETTEERS. p U K iC A T C D q a t b »•• ••* *•* **® PUEI. BY L . S. S. O’ M A L L E Y , INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE* CALCUTTA: THE BENGAL SECRETARIAT .BOOK DEPOT. OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. In India. M essb s. TfiACKEB, S p in k & Co., Caloutta and Simla. Messes. Newman & Co., Calcutta. Messes. Higginbotham & Co., Madras. Messes. Thaokeb & Co., Ld., Bombay. M essbs. A. J. Combbidgb & Co., Bombay. The Supebintendent, Amebioan Baptist Mission Psess, R angoon. ' Mbs. Radhabai Atmabam Sagoon, Bombaj. M e sse s. R . Cambbay & Co., Calcutta. R ai Sahib M. Gdlab-Singh & Sons, Proprietors of the Mufid-i- am Press, Lahore, Punjab. Messes. Thompson & Co., Madras. M essb s. S ; M u b t h y & Co., Madras. Messbs. Gopal. Nakayen & Co., Bombay. Messbs. S. E. Lahibi & Co., Printers and Booksellers, College Street, Calcutta. Messrs. V. Kalyanabama IrEtt & Co., Booksellers, &c., Madras. Messes. D. B. Taeapobevala, Sons & Co., Booksellers, Bombay. Messrs. G. A. Nateson & Co., Madras. M b . N . B . Mathub, Superintendent, Nazir Kanum Hind Press, A llahabad. The Calcutta School-Book Society Mb. Sctndeb Pandubang, Bombay. Messbs. A. M. and J. Fbbguson, Ceylon. M essbs. T e m p l e & Co., Madras. Messbs. Combbidgb & Co., Madras. Messes. A. R. P illai & Co., Trivandrum. Messbs. A. Chand & Co., Punjab. In England M e . E . A . A en o ld , 41 & 43 Maddox Street, Bond Street, C o n d o n , W . Messes. Constable & C o., 10 Orange Street, Leicester Square, London, W . C. Messbs. Gbindlay & C o., 64 Parliament Street, London, S. W. Messbs. Kegan Paul, Tbenoh, Tbubneb & Co., 43 Gerrard Street, Soho, London, W. Mb. B. Quabitoh, 11 Grafton Street, New Bond Stroet, L on don , W . 7 Mb8sbs. W . Thaokeb & Co., 2 Creed Lane, London, E. C. Messes. P. S. King & Son, 2 & 4 Great Smith Street, Westminster, London, S. W. Messbs. H. S. King & Co., 65 Cornhill, London, E. C. M b . B. H. B lackw ell, 50-61 Broad Street, Oxford. Messbs. Deighton B bll & Co., Cambridge. Me. T. Fishbb Unwin, 1 Adelphi Terrace, London, W . C. On the Continent. Messes. R. Fbibdlandbb & Sohn, Berlin, N. W . Carlstrasse, 11. M b. Otto Habeassowitz, Leipzig. M b . R u d o l f H a u jt , 1 Dorrienstrasse, Leipzig (Germany). .Mb. Kabl Hieesemann, Leipzig. M e . E b n e st L e e o u x , 28 Rue Bonaparte, Paris- I M b . M a b tin os N ij h o p f , The Hague. PREFACE. I d e s i r e to acknowledge the assistance I have derived | 2 compiling this volume from the Report on the Settlement of the Sadar subdivision of the Puri District, by Mr. H. McPherson, i.c.s,, which is published as an Appendix to the Final Report on the Survey and Settlement of the Province of Orissa (1890 -1900), by Mr. S. L. Maddox, i.c.s. The plan of the Khandagiri and Udayagiri caves has been prepared with the help of a plan kindly lent by the Superintendent, Archaeological Survey, Eastern Circle. Chapters II, IV and X V I have been written in collaboration with Babu Monmoban Chakravarti, m . a . , b . l . , Assistant Superintendent, Gazetteer Revision, Bengal. L. S. S. O’M. PLAN OF CONTENTS. PAGES C h a p t e r s 1— 20 I. P h ysical A spects • . 2 1 - 5 8 II. H i s t o r y ........................................................ 59— 86 III. T h e P eople ...••• . 87— 124 IV. T h e Worship of Jagannath . 125— 137 V- P ublic H e a l t h ............................................ VI. 146— 159 VII. A g r ic u l t u r e ....................................................... 160— 171 VIII. N a t u r a l C alam ities .... 172— 179 IX. B ents, W ages and P rices . O ccupations, M anufactures and T rade . 180— 190 X. M eans of C ommunication . 191— 197 XI. # . 198-219 L and E evenue A dministration . XII. * . 220-225 G e n e r a l A dministration X I I 1 - . 226— 227 L ocal S elf-G overnment XIV. 2 2 8 - 2 3 2 E d u c a t i o n ....................................................... XV. 2 3 3 - 2 9 9 G a zettee r ..»••• XVI- . 301— 311 JUPE* T a b l e of contents. -------— CHAPTER I. PHYSICAL ASPECTS. PAGES GeNBBAL DESCBIPTIOH—Boundaries— Configuration—Natural divisions— Scencry— L a k e s —C hilka lake— Sar lake— H i i l s y s t e m —R i v e b s y s t e m —D U T i l S b it e b s —K oyakhai— Kushbhadra— Daya— Bhargavi— Branches of the Bhargavi—Harchandi—Ratnachira—Nuna—E astern b itebs—Praclri—Kadua— Devi— K hubda b it e b s—Salia— Kusumi— Monaguni—Ban—Other rivers—Posts—Geology—Botany—Fauna— b fish —ClIMATE— W inds—Temperature —Rainfall ... ... I— 20 CHAPTER II. HISTORY. PBEHISXOBIC p eb iod —Utkalas and Odras— Indo-Aryan settlers— E a r ly histobio period—Kalinga—Asoka’s reign—Maurya rule—Reign of Kharavela—Andhra rule—M e d ie v a l p e r io d —Kesari kings— Eastern Ganga kings— Muhammadan raids— Solar dynasty— Bhoi dynasty— Mukunda Deva—Religious movements—Muhammadan conquest— Afghan revolts— Bruton’ s visit—Muhammadan Governors— Last days of Muhammadan rule—M aratha Rule—Maratha Governors—Negotiations with the Marathas—British conquest—Rajas op Khurda—Rebellion of 1804— Paik rebellion—Abchieology—Architecture ... 21—58 CHAPTER III. THE PEOPLE. G b ow th o i population— Census of 1901— General characteristics— Density of population— Migration—Towns and villages— G en era l c o n d i­ tio n op th e p e o p le -F o o d — Dress— Houses—Marriage— Religious festivals—Summary—Chabacter op the people—Language—Oriya— Written character—Literature—D ifferent baces—Aboriginal races— R e lig io n s —Christians—Muhammadans— Hindus— Yaishnavism — Some aspects of Hinduism—C a ste system — P r in c ip a l ca stes— Chasas— Brahmans— Bauris— Gauras— Sudhas— Telis — Kewats — Karans — Our ias—Dallas— Irikas— Kahalias— Kelas— Kumutj#— Nuliyas— Saraks —CHKOKOLOflY ... .............. ... 69—86 xix t a b l e o f co n ten ts. CHAPTER IV. THE WORSHIP OF JAGANNATH. PAGES. Eevblopment op beljgions—Legend op Jagannath—Theoeies op Buddhist Oeigik—Vaishnavism—Early £ reformers—Chaitanya— Later phases—Catholic nAtube op the wobship—Excluded classes —Temele— Idols—Ritual—Festivals—,y«a kalelara— Cab Festi- VAL—Temple stapp—Daitas—Dancing girls—Raja of Puri— Maths— PlLGBIMAGE—Pilgrim guides— The journey— The pilgrim round— Pilgrims— Pandas’ income— Bhoga and maKaprasad—Administbation —Police—Income— 6?—124 CHAPTER V. ~ PUBLIC HEALTH. C lim a te— V it a l S ta tis tic s —F e in c ie a l diseases— Fevers—Malarial fever — Other fevers— Cholera— Small-pox— Dysentery and diarrhcoa— V a cci­ nation — Sanitation—Drainage— Overcrowding—Conservancy— Water, supply—Disposal of dead—Lodging-House Act—Medical insti­ tutions ... ... 125—137 CHAPTER VI. FORESTS. Geneeal description—H istoby—Measures of conservancy— System op MANAGEMENT— PbOTEOTED POBESTS —REVENUE—PbOSPECTS— AdMINIS- tb a A on—P botection—Relations w ith thb people ... 138—145 CHAPTER VII. AGRICULTURE. G en eeal con d ition s— Natural divisions'— Rainfall—Foods— S o n s — IBBIGAHON— Water-liftE— P b in cip a l cbops—RirE— Sarad— Beusan— B iali— JDaltia— Other cereals and pulses— Oil-seeds and fibres— Sugar­ cane— Dyes, tobacco and pan—Fbuits and vegetables—Extension op cultivation—Impbovement op methods— Toila cultivation— Manures— C a ttle — Pasturage ... ... ... 146—159 CHAPTER VIII. •NATURAL CALAMITIES. ■ Liability to natubal calamities—Famine op 1866—Famine op 1897 — F lood s— River floods— Salt*floods— Memorable floods— Flood o f J186S— E iS b a n k m e ijts • •• ••• Ml •** 160—171, TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER IX. RENTS, WAGES AND PRICES. PAGES CASH BENTS— Khurda subdivision— Banpur M als— P uri subdiviaion-j-PilODITOB b e n ts—W a g e s —L abouring closes—Pb io b s—M a t e r ia l c o n d it io n op t h e p e o p l e —L andlords—Professional classes— Mercantile classes— Cultivators—Artisans—Labourers ... ... 172— 179 CHAPTER X. OCCUPATIONS, MANUFACTURES AND TRADE. O ccupations—M anufactures—Salt manufacture— Fisheries— Stone-carving — Weaving— Brass wort—Other industries—T b a d b —Markets—Weights and measures ... 180—190 CHAPTER XI. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION. Development op communications—Roads— Jagannath road—Cuttack- Ganjam road— Other roads— Bungalows— Ferries— Railways— Wateb (Sommunioations— Boats— Postai communication ... ... 191— 197 CHAPTER XII. LAND REVENUE ADMINISTRATION. H in d u b e v e n c e s y s t e m -M u c h a l bevenue s y st e m —M a b a t h a s y s t e m __ Eaeiy Bbitish administbation—Settlements—Revenue-paying E s ta te s — Khurda estate— Other estates— R even u e-fbee LANjjp— Satais Hazari Mahals— Ekhrajat Mahals— Malud Jaglr Mahals—LAND TENUBBS of Khubda—Revenue-free lands -Revenue-paying lands—Ryots— Land tenuees op the Pubi subdivision—Tenure-holders— Mukaddami and padhant— Sarbarahkars— Shikml' zamlndari tenures— Kharida tenures— B aziafti tenures— Tanki holdings— Thani and pahi ryots— Thani-pahi lands— Chandina ryots— Jaglr and minha lands—Under­ tenants ••• in 198— 219 CHAPTER XIII.
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