:® ilPiClil. .ia-W.IJiQo oiC:UQ» i'IWia i'iii "Dll.Uill illi'ID" 2 NEIL G, ZANK - 623 li'ncre•t Dritt fflljJi lllh6tfl~~l0 5/23/80 I will begin this Kuse with a couple pieces of business which are on 1113 JD.ind. ~ Manufacturers, Engineers Contest Firstly, I am still aeerchir.g for one of our Canadian 11111mbers who will trade mint stamps for return postage with me. Someone, please? (Ile too -ERC) Nextly, my season CPC report-• Decision On AM-Stereo Standard done a little pre... turely as several TESTs have made the bulletins since my writing. Again, my thanks for th e additional Club participation. DX for me has been nearly nil since the WASHINGTON - Prospective end of lo!arch, This is due to not trying 1110re than to the conditions I o.m sure. On 3/31 the TEST from Y•PIC-790, ~baron, Pa. made it here with some TTs and CW IDs fighting thru manufacturers of AM stereo systems made the decision for a standard, two Y<EAQ, \\UY &: KFYO. 4/T I noted K\'iRE- 730 Warrenton, llo quite good on ET of lloR mx &: s/off and engineers who tested them are rather than leaving it up to market 2152-3105am. And on 5/1 newie WHCIP-1230 HopldnsvUle, Ky, he11rd 1139-210.5am with a number gathering their forces to contest the forces."' of IDs, but not enough other material fer a report made it thru the graveyard. Veries have recent FCC decision naming the Mag­ The chief engineer for WSM. a been received frOJll KSRE &: WPIC. WRPJ.1-1530, Poplarville, Miss. won•t even return my PP/o it navox unit as the industry standard. seems. The week if May 10-17 was spent on a trip by car with BOB llcCOY thru llinnesota end Nashville radio station that tested Wisconsin. We saw such famous radio stations as !Oi11J, WTl4B, WCOW, WJllC, WU>Y, WNBI cl: WU'll'. Engineers attending the recent the Magnavox unit, believes the If you have heard most of these, you are a pretty good DXer. "ie also saw sevtral of ERC•s National Association of Broadcast­ negative-peak-modulation problem the favorite type bottling-canning plants. Due to my ta~ng one fairly long driving trip this ers (NAB) convention in Las Vegas unit poses could be lived with. " It year, I do not think that I will be attending any of the club conventions this year. I am said they disagree with the Mag­ wasn't all that severe." he says, considering hosting a l.abor Day weekend GTG here in our area to coincide with the NRC Conven- navox choice, and at least two peti­ tion. You may see information about this in Summer DX NEWSes. I think that this lluse "and it performed well in all other the l.and Locked DXers' issue of the 16.iaings of the ¥embers. I te;J.1 myself I tions for an oral hearing before the should 1119et tests. They all had to trade off in should work on Graveyarder DX thi s Summer, but I m~y do mostly F!f!.ng. FCC for a review of the decision have certain areas. This is where Mag­ been filed by prospective AM stereo navox chose to limit their svstem." Im'' s lllLCOllB s corr DITO rm: LUD " rm: llJ8111S I manufacturers. AM stereo has been awaited by the SCOTT BI.ID' - 4841 Hamp shire N. - Crystal, Minresota - 59i"28 5/.21 IBO FCC commissioners Robert Lee Greetings from the Twilight Zone, this Kusing coming; to you live from the 9th industry for many years. Car manu­ Dimension, via pen end paper, mercy sake s ! Before you a ll get the idea that I'm insane and James Quello said at the conven­ facturers such as Ford and Chrysler (which I am) hi, perhaps I should intro myself in thi s first Mus e of mine. My name is Scott tion that if AM station engineers felt have plans to install AM stereo sys­ and I•m cominb at you from the loony state (hi) of iiinnesota. I'm 19 years old end I have ll!/i a mistake had been made, and could tems as early as 1982, and two foreign been into the radio hobb•· for about six years, lllOStly S~.'L. I started DXing, more than show the Commission where, they usual, around the first of the year. So far, 172 heard. I o.m presently unemployed but I am auto manufacturers are rumored to a DJ at ITWN -1470 in Anoka, 1,000w D, 500w FSA. I worked there f ulltime up till · Jan. 1 80 would consider changing theii deci­ have plans for installation of the AM when they dropped the album rock format to go Fl.< sil!lllcast. They still play rock from 6-9 sion. system before that. a.m. 1'!-F , and then on weekends, Sat.&: Sun. fulltime. I work usually Sat. & Sun. I hold a The other systems reviewed by the The FCC decision becomes final third class FCC Radio Licence. I have a tentative CPC TEST of this station in July sometime FCC were manufactured by Motor­ when it is printed in the Federal Reg­ so when I get a po sitive I'll let everyone know. In the meantime if anyone hears the mighty "All the ultimate Album Roc1< .;tatioz:" you can get a verie via me, SCOTT BLIXT, c/o ola. Belar Electronic Labs, Kahn­ 1470, ister, which is planned for later this !CTViN Radio, F O. 3ox 1470, Anoka, :.iinn. 55303. "or some odd reason issues of DX NE'1'IS !!ave Hazeltine Corp. and Harris Corp. year. Given the negative feedback not been reaching; me. ii. letter to BQ and the missing issues were sent but I hope this does- The Kahn-Hazeltine Corp. filed a from the industry, says the FCC n•t continue. I hate not receiving my DX J:iEVIB. For radios I have a Radio ~hack TRF (a petition with the FCC in mid-April spokesman, the FCC is not sure that good one ), a GE S•;peradio ar.d H~-150. i)ue to space problems ; three people in a one bedroom apartment) I only use the TRF Superadio. A newsworthy note: The Gopher State Network no asking for an oral hearing to discuss &: schE>dule will be met. longer exists, the list I sent in and was published i n # 16 Feb. 11 1980 is longer valid. the decision and review the FCC's -Howard Roth so no Buch is life. Oh well, until next time, '. soon no doubt), 73s & good DX. By e~ qualitative report of the different sys­ tems. On April 21, Motorola sent a 4/28/80 Electronic CB OR IOT CB - THAT IS THE QUESTION petition to the FCC in support of the Engineering Times via JOHll c.lLUIUWI - c/o Y&IX - Box 1238 - lliount Vernon, Illinois - 62864 Kahn-Hazeltine move for subjecting Well, I guess I qualify for the A, B, or C issue too, but I oan•t wait for Bob Hlivak. t hat one, since June 16th is my birthday. (Okay, it•s 45!) (!!i, "Juniorl" -ERC) One de:y, the report to public inspection. l' ll provide a Southern Illinois dayti"'8 bandscar., but this lluse, I thought maybe some would Spokesmen for the rejected compa­ be interested in " Denton County, Texas, bands can, done W'l.th a Tiff in the first week of Apr­ nies say engineers for organizations il from Krum, Denton, and Pilot Foint. 550 , two stations weak; 570 Y.FAA, 590 KI.BJ, 600 lITBB like ABC, RCA, Westinghouse, RKO, 620 K\'!FT, 640 \\'NAD, 660 KSKY, 680 KSGF/ KZEY; 710 KGNCJ T?JJ KKDA; 750 KSEO; 820 V.l!.AP; 870 and radio stations in Baltimore, Phil­ KJild, 890 KBYE, 910 KIK!.I, 930 WJIT, 940 KTON, 950 KDSX, 970 KJWK, 990 KNrn, 1000 KTOK, 1010 adelphia and San Antonio recom­ KXIK, lo4o KPBC, 1080 KRLD (playing C&:W)' 1110 KEOR, 1120 KCI.E, 1130 J(Viil!, lll;O KORC, 1150 KVIL, 1170 KVOO, 1190 KLIF, 1220 KZEE, 1230 KSST / who?, 1240 KVSO, 1250 KPRE, 1270 KFJZ, 1290 mended systems other than Magnavox ICTF'Ji, 1310 IWU4, 1330 KSU., 1340 KAND, 1360 KXOL, 1390 KBEC, 1400 KGVL, 1410 KBA?I, 1420 K"'YN, to the FCC. 1440 KDNT, 1480 KBOX, 1490 KPLT, 1500 KTXO, 1510 KSTV, 15 20 KOMA, 1530 unID, 1550 KllAD, 1560 The FCC has not yet released the KEER, 1580 KGAF &: 1600 KXVI. Jiote absence of anybody on 1540 ••• there was no sign of Fort report on the various systems. An Worth's ex-KCUL et al, KRXV, DIZK, or vrhatever ••• but I note it has been purcl!ased by a trio of 3panish-surnamed individuals, ar.d suspect there nay be a new in Texas on 1540 to join FCC spokesman says it is due out in I SS KEDA &: KGBC. I also spent a couple of days in Canyon and Lubbock, but di d not bandscan, approximately six weeks, and manu· though I did take one-hour airchecks on KZIP - 1310 to replace a>e I did in 1977 gettir.g only facturers can petition the FCC for an the Ralph Emery Show and KIXZ-940 on their new country fo.nnat ••• plus KRLB-580 and KLFB-1420 oral hearing during that time. for a very interesting S:llEX format with all the EE interspersed. I do take one-hour air checks with the TRF and a Radio Shack cassette recorder when I travel, and have some i nter­ Chris Payne, assistant to the vp of esting ones fran a lot of different locs.tions ••• sane Orebon, v:ashing;ton, Northern California, engineering for NAB, feels each sys­ 960 RADIO llontana and North Dakota from 1978, for example.
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