WIL HUDSON PAPER S INVENTOR Y UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIBRAR Y SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DIVISIO N January 14, 199 2 Prepared by : Norman Amor WIL HUDSON PAPER S TABLE OF CONTENTS Pag e INTRODUCTION 1 SERIES 1 : CORRESPONDENCE (30 Sept . 91 - 20 Dec . 91) 3 SERIES 2 : SHOP MATERIALS 3 -General sample book s -Sample display card s -Type specimen sheet s -Business cards, labels, letterhead, folders, covers, etc . SERIES 3 : COMMERCIAL NOTICES, LEAFLETS, ETC . 3 SERIES 4 : STATIONERY -Letterhead and form s 4 -Business cards and ticket s 6 SERIES 5 : ANNOUNCEMENTS, INVITATIONS, GREETING CARDS, ETC . 8 -Wedding invitation s -Other invitation s -Greeting cards, wine label s SERIES 6 : CHURCH NOTICES, MUSICAL PROGRAM, MEMORIAL NOTICES 9 -Sermon, orders of service, schedule s -Musical progra m -Memorial notice s SERIES 7 : POEMS 9 SERIES 8 : WOODCUTS (EILEEN PENCE) 9 WIL HUDSON PAPER S Page SERIES 9 : BROADSIDES, PROSPECTUSES, CALENDAR S 9 SERIES 10 : COVER PROOF S 1 0 -Kwuse n -Rats Magazin e -Proposal s -UBC (see also Series 14 ) -Bibliographical Society of Canad a SERIES 11 : BOOK PROJECT S (See also Series 13 ) 1 0 -Log of the Racoo n -James Douglas in Californi a SERIES 12 : GALLERY TANTALUS (POWELL RIVER) MATERIAL S 1 0 -General brochur e -Show notice s SERIES 13 : ALCUIN SOCIETY MATERIAL S 1 1 -Notices, forms, catalogues, etc . -Keepsake/tribute to Louis Grenb y -Paper sample s -Proof s -Canadian Settler's Guide projec t SERIES 14 : UBC MATERIAL S 11 -Alumni & Friends of the Universit y -Center for Continuing Education -Dept . of Psycholog y -Librar y -School of Librarianshi p -TRIUMF WIL HUDSON PAPER S INVENTOR Y Introduction The Wil Hudson Papers (0 .6 m .) consist largely of prin t samples of commercial work produced by this well-known B .C . fine printer . These materials were recovered during the final closin g of his print shop in Powell River in September 1991 . Mr . Hudso n has retired completely from the print trade and has moved t o Nelson, B .C . The circumstances of his retirement and the donatio n of these materials are outlined in the brief correspondence fil e which leads off the collection . Wil Hudson has been a noted printer for over 30 years . I n Vancouver in the 1960s, he was known successively as Grous e Mountain Press, New Age Press, and "Wil Hudson, Printer" . In the 1970s at Cape Dorset, NWT, he published with the West Baffi n Eskimo Cooperative (and was involved in the creation of the Cap e Dorset Eskimo Syllabic type (5-1 .5), "a native language printing type for . use in promoting literal printed communication amon g the Inuit people") . Finally, he settled in Powell River as a commercial printer until 1991 . He is highly respected by printer s and lovers of fine presswork, "a legend" to younger printers , noted for his "style and flair" (1-1 .1) . This collection consists of two formal sample books and a varied range of fugitive samples of Hudson's commercial printing . It contains materials from throughout his career, and is a n important addition to our collections of such materials from othe r fine-press printers of B .C ., including Robert Reid, Gerald Giampa , and Jan and Crispin Elsted . As well, materials documentin g Hudson's work with the Alcuin Society supplement our records o f the Alcuin Society itself : in particular, for the rathe r acrimonious Canadian Settler's Guide project, compare the record s in the Alcuin Society Papers, 8-24,25 and 15-1,2,3,4 . 2 For convenience, files of materials relating directly t o Hudson's own places of business are included as the second series . Thereafter, materials have been classified generally according t o type--commercial notices, stationery, invitations, cards, churc h notices, poems, woodcuts, broadsides and covers--with specia l series for some corporate bodies for which significant quantitie s of materials are present, the Gallery Tantalus (Powell River), th e Alcuin Society, and UBC . The collection includes also a copy of A Compendium o f Historic Canadiana, four facsimiles of historic documents i n historically appropriate folders, with explanatory cover sheet . This has been catalogued for the library's pamphlet collection , with a note linking it with the Wil Hudson Papers (SPAM ) . Similarly, complete copies of some of the periodicals in Series 1 0 have also been moved to the pamphlet collection . WIL HUDSON PAPER S INVENTOR Y Box/Folder Items 1-1 SERIES 1 : CORRESPONDENCE (30 Sept . 91 - 20 Dec . 91) 5 SERIES 2 : SHOP MATERIAL S 2-1,2 -General sample books 2 -Binder (32 plasticized leaves of printing samples , c .1964-68 ) -Album (10 leaves, with printing samples, c .1968-72 ) 1-2 -Sample display cards 2 0 1-3 -Type specimen sheets 1 8 1-4 -Business cards, labels, letterhead, folders, covers , etc . 2 5 1-5 SERIES 3 : COMMERCIAL NOTICES, LEAFLETS, ETC . 6 3 -Artco Designs Ltd . -B . McLeod, Taxidermist (design memorandum only ) -Bibliographical Society of Canada (3 ) -Book Bin (3 ) -Boulevard Confectioner y -Cecchi, V . (3 ) -Coast Alberta Paper s -"Come in and Browse " -Cove, J . -Crawford, G .C . (election leaflet) (3 ) -Douglas Hawthorne Sandalmake r -"Election of Library Trustees " -English Bay Business Directory (2 ) -Galleries (see also Gallery Tantalus, Series 11 ) -Handcraft Hous e -Jacques Antique and Art Gallerie s -Mary Frazee Galler y -"Inaugural Exhibition " -Jarvis, D . 4 Box/Folder WIL HUDSON PAPERS Items 1-5 -Studio Art Gallery Internationa l -Burton, D . (3 ) -Korne r -Laubies, R . -Mayrs, D . -Reichardt, R . (2 papers ) -Slipper, G .P . -Guitar Centr e -The Inn at Westvie w -Menu (2 ) -Notice (3 ) -"Inuit World" (presentation slip) (3 ) -J .J . Douglas Ltd . (label ) -Vancouver Province distributor's notic e -Salmonid Enhancement Training Progra m -Brochure (3 ) -Power River Salmon Society award certificate s -Alexander, B . -Anderson, D . (3 ) -Lucas, D . (3 ) -Sturam, R . (2 ) -"There is something Wrong with your vehicle" (2 ) SERIES 4 : STATIONER Y 1-6 -Letterhead and forms 17 9 -AD Computer Services (env . ) -Alcuin Society (env . ) -Alex's Body Shop (2 styles, & env .) (3 ) -Allison Road (& env .) (2 ) -Aquarius Surveyin g -Bear Lan e -Brant, I . (3 states, invoice & envs .) (13 ) -Brearley, N . (& notepaper & env .) (3 ) -British Columbia Beeswax Candles (& envs .) (4 ) -Canadian Books in Print (3 ) -Chilco Street (env . ) -Cimco Engineering (& env .) (2 ) -Crosse, J . (3 ) -Crosse, P . (env . ) -Dohm Findlater Electric (envs ., & draft invoice) (4 ) -Energy-Saver Heating and Plumbing Service (& invoice , labels & envs .) (5 ) -Ferris, J . (& env .) (2 ) -Fogarty, F . (2 states, & env .) (4 ) -Foster, R .G . (notepaper & env .) (2 ) -Fran's Delicacy Supply Co . (invoice) (3 ) -Frances Cliff Independent Distributor (invoice & envs . ) (5) 5 Box/Folder WIL HUDSON PAPERS Items 1-6 -French's Clam Co . (3 ) -Gallery Tantalus {2 papers, proofs, label & envs .) (8 ) -Garrett-Rempel, J . (& invoices) (4 ) -Gillis, L . (env . ) -Glacier Street {env . ) -Goudriaan, W . (& proof) (3 ) -Hayes, J .L . -Henry Tregillas Photography (notepaper ) -Houston, S .G . (& report covers) (4 ) -J .J . Douglas (2 ) -Kelly's Specialty Shop (env . ) -L M Business Service s -Library's Press (env . ) -Lloyd, E .S . (notepaper & env .) (2 ) -Mackenzie, H .N . {env . ) -MacLeod's Books (& envs .) (3 ) -Mary Frazee Gallery {env . ) -Massage Therapy Clinic (& env .) (2 ) -National Sales Agency (& env .) (2 ) -Nel's Contract Burner Service (& env .) (2 ) -Ocean Harvest (env . ) -Page, G . (s, envs .) (4 ) -Pagani & Sons Shoes (invoices & envs .) (4 ) -Peake, M .P . (& envs .) (4 ) -Pendrell Street (6, env .) (2 ) -Pete's Roofing (invoices, 2 papers) (6 ) -Powell River Net Loft (env . ) -Powell River Shipping Service Ltd . (invoice) (3 ) -Rawluk, R .B . envs .) (5 ) -Roberts, L .G . (2 states, & envs .) (6 ) -S .S .R . Industries (3 ) -Sandilands, J .R . (2 states) (2 ) -Shields, E . (env . ) -Side-Hill Logging Co . Ltd . (8, env .) (4 ) -Smith, S .W . (env . ) -Special Collections Divisio n -Speckman, I . -Startup, G . -Stedham, G . (invoices, & envs .) {5 ) -Toll, R . (env . ) -Woodward, M .R . (2 ) -Work Opportunities for Women (2 states, & env .) (5 ) -Yirka, J .-P . -Generic : -memo for m -monogram "ES" (env . ) -window design (envs .) (4) 6 Box/Folder WIL HUDSON PAPER S Items 1-7 -Business cards & ticket s 275 -AD Computer Services (2 ) -Alberni Mal l -Alano Club (2 ) -Alex's Body Sho p -Backdoor Studios (4 ) -Bayne Sound Oyster Co, (3 ) -Black Fish Contracting (3 ) -BIic g ^ A .N . (3 ) -Brant, I . -Bzemmez ' D . (2 ) -British Columbia Beeswax Candles (2 ) -Brosseau International Sunbrush Ltd . (3 ) -Buller, M . -Business Aide (3 ) -Capilano Community Hall (2 ) -Carla's Secretarial Service (2 ) -Chew, K . (2 states) (4 ) -Coad Canada Puppets (2 ) -Colbeck, N . -Coulombe, F .H . (3 ) -Crowter, B . -D ~ D Logging (3 ) -D .8 . MacGregor Enterprise s -Dial-for-Help (3 ) -Downhill Cycle (2 ) -Ed's Woodshop (2 states) (2 ) -Fogarty, F . (3 ) -French's Clam Co . Ltd . -Gallery Tantalus (4 designs & 3 tickets) (9 ) -Gazliog ' D . (2 states) (4 ) -Garrett-Rempel, J . -GiIbezt ' R . -GiIlis ' L .P . (2 states) (8 ) -Qrit ' J .A . -Goudriaan, W . (3 ) -BamiItoo ' B .M . -8atcb ' T . -Boustou ' S .C . (3 ) -The Inn at Westvie w -Carlson, A . (3 ) -The Inn Touch (2 ) -[Tickets for events] (10 events) (22 ) -Johnston, W . (3 ) -Kandy Kabin (2 ) -Kay, A . -Kern, C . -L M Business Services (2 ) -Laoce ' C . -Lang Bay Painters (3) 7 Box/Folder WIL HUDSON PAPER S Items 1-7 -Looking Fine (2 states) (4 ) -Lottie's Ladies' Wear (2 ) -Loy-El Associates (3 ) -MoDmoaId ' R . -MoIooisv D .N . (2 states) (2 ) -Maobeozie ' H .N . (2 ) -MaoLeod ' D . -Magic for Entertainment (2 states) (5 ) -Massage Therapy Clinic (3 ) -Miracle Products (2 ) -Nel's Contract Burner Servic e -New Look Mobile Home Washing (2 ) -Nor-Ward Industries Ltd .
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