Vol. 21 , No 2, Summer 2001 Assemblies of God .~....... Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center Archives - Re search Room - Audiovisual Room • Ex plore our vast coll ection of archi ved materials fo cusing on Assemblies of God hi story, as well as the Pentecostal , chari smatic. and evangeli cal traditions. • Study in an environment that is free of di stractions, yet close enough to statT members wh en ass istance is needed. • Make use of our audiovisual room to view our expanding multimedia coll ection. Open weekdays 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center 1445 N. Boonville Avenue - Springfi eld. Missouri 65802 (4 17) 862- 1447 ext. 4400 - E- mail us at [email protected] l'uoll .. heJ qu,lr1erl~ o~ rhe 1·lo.... er P"'!llenhl,11 As:;ernblies of God Ilcnl<l ~e Center­ I.J.J~' Il(l(llllille \Ie SpTlIlgfldd \10 (,~)o;()~ t-tCJ Summer 2001 \'01. 21. '0.2 I'L'BLISHED B\ TilE FLo\\ EIlI'E' n :COS I ,,_ II ERlnGE CDT[1l H ill/I(" IIlIrIIl"!" I DlTOR\'\D DlRI( IUR A il1 ... \oncal glimlN! althe \",cmh]u:, orGod (lcll1!ral ('ounclb rrom 191410 the 2ht CC lltur) \1..0 feature,> a JO\('.· f(T I\R(] I[\[S I General Council Tum: LIIlC, \n updated Pl!lIIt'CO,HlIl Enlllgel kalun: 1'11',( publl'hcd III 1997, G/('II/t (;oll/' B) Cft'lIl1 GoII,. :ll1d 11 ,/1'1/(' !lorl/t'r ASSIST·\' T I\R(IlI\'IS r \'1) COl" I DITOR IJ""I/ /'111'111 (OORDI' \TOR 01 A concerned Illolher brought her IO·~l.:ar-old lerml1lally SI'ln'l I'ROJI CI S III ..,on 10 iI lopc";\ camp 1llI'l'ung, \lcdte,,1 profc",lOnab of IIHhl! day' 1!,llIllal;.:d hc \\ould 11\ c pcrhap.., an01ha .5 Fill'<' lIillm"" yl!:ln•. lie \\;\, hcah:d and ,un 1\ cd for more Ihall H5 \D\!I'\1S1 RSII\I COORDI'\ \TOR ) car.... By lI ilnlt' lIal'tlt'I' Yearl~ 'Ub'>CTLpll11n. S I :,n() Llkll1lle 'UO'>tfLPILO!l. SIMI }Jeri/11K" i, ul(k\cd III the \\'a, II \ \ illimn J. Seymour'.) h that your tinal ,\I}\\\cr? AT I \ Rciiglon Databa,c. puhh,hed b~ Ihc For ncarl) a hundn.:d p,:ar" I\:ntcco... tal, a ....mlllcd that lh1.., ,\lIleric;m TheologICal] IhraT)' A,'\}CL;lI lon. A7u ... a Stree[ leader c(hh.:d the 1ll ..... lOn .... ·Ipmroli(' /-'wrlt . 250 S \\ackcT Dr.. 161h fir. Chicago. IL gL\C 60606. l·m:1I1 atla II alla,eom. \\ \\ \\ The au thor, u, a nc\\ 100J.. at old ... ource .. and name a hUp: 1111\1,:lIb,eom woman " ... Ihe I'l.!al editor, \\ 'hal do you Ih111!.. ? B) Lliilh /JIulI/ho/i.'!' and Cimllf 1I {/CAel' I ndc .~ I~ parl or lhc AI t.. t' Religion DaHLbase. alailable on Wi"onDlsc (D· RO\I from I r \\' \Vilson Co. :md onhnc 1 la \\ il~onLlnc. Bib Int(mnalioll ll islorinn" \\111 nOI "no\\ hi.., name:h a General CouilcII Tcchnologic~. and DIAI.OG Inforl1hllion speakcr or plI<.lO r of it large church, They \\ 111 "ec I loyd Scn iccs \1lcTofilm of }Jenlllt:.' IS Colbaugb ... creall\e talent bO\\c\cr. on many orlhe al:Jil:Jblc from Thl'Ological Rc'earch h:ch:mgc !\el\\ork (TRI 'I, 5.J20 , ] pubhcation'> produccd by Ihe A,..,embhc.., of God and GII..aIl, POrll,md OR 91211 Gospel Publt..,hl1lg I lou 'c. Ily S,'/l'ili Let' < COP) righl 200 I b) The General COIIIICII \"emhlu:, of God The highllglH Oflhc 1981 General Counc.lm SI. 1.0Ul.., for 14.J5' BOOmllk' j\lc, Spnngfleld \ 10 65~02·189.J the Arcl1l\c.., '>tatrcame \\hen General Supcnnh:ndenl Thoma'> I.. I UIHllerman I1Ilroduccd Ihch\emhlie\ o/Gml POSTl\ IASTIR, Send :uldn:~, change 10 lIe";/cIy,e. A,> you pcru..,c Ihe..,c four pages. you'll }J('riIllK'" 14.J.'i' BOOl11111e \IC. agn:e Ihat \\c\c made a fc\\ changes 111 20 )cars. Spnngfici(l \1 0 65802-189.J lIe rit:lgc Lcllci' Tl' s lilllnll ~ Tillll' FI'OIll Q ur' IlclHlrrs Photos From QUI' Past AIThhc!l Acth ilics CO'l' ]': LOllis :lnd C :lrIHuUlH ahulI! III(' !iul{' LOlli, \\ :1 ' h('akd ill a Topl'ka mel' lilll!. S('l' Illlg(' 10. ·1-"01'/1/(''-/)' I\\('mhli(',\ o(GmIArdllle, Heritage Letter When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder /l'hel/ (III 111.1' laho/"S lIlId frill/I lire 0 '(!I: we now enter into." Abo remembering Moulltall1: Cy1c G. & Il elen C. IJa\ i-;. Alld I (lin safe 01/ Ihal h/!(l/lli/II/I/wre. the ministers \\ Ith appreciallon. Rocky Mountain: and Ilellry & Bella ,/I/I( /0 he lIl'tll' fhe dcal' Lord I adore, General Secretary George O. Wood GOIl/ales. Southern Pacific Latin Wi ll 111m 'he age\' hI! g/mT/o/" fill', \\fote In the foreword: "These Americ<tn. Charles I L Gabncl dedicated men and wOlllen of God laid In addition. this year's book lists the foundation for tIllS mo\emenl. and an engaged couple Paul I: . Kellh & For the past fe\\ month~ our on-icc we arc reapmg the benefit of thclr lo\e Am) J. Deyo. North Dakota: and two has worked diligently to obtain and labor for the Lord." slster~ Lois A. Williams & I:.sth er photographs of 765 indl\ l(\u:lIs a Just to gi\e you an Idea ofth c siLe Mac Wyrick. Southern Californ ia ve ry special g roup who lwvc meant so of this group. look at this: the general Di :.t rict. rmleh to the Assemblies arGod and the seeretary's stalT added on an average Each of the 765 peoplc named ill Kingdom. 1110re than a name each day. b<lsed on III 11('11/01';011/ desCf\e special Some hal c pastored: some IUl\c death reports the 58 districts pro\ ided. n:cognition. but space wi ll not permit c\angclllcd: some ha\'c taught: some Thulllbmg through the pages of III II . We'lltake a closer look. ho\\e\er. at h;1\ c been Illissionaries. Some were Memor;alll. YOlllmght recogniLe a face th ree on our list: t\\O from North young: another had passed the celltury or namc. D ecau~e of space limitations. Dakota. and one frolll Oklahoma. mark by 10 years: one couple lIas I li st only a few. 1I cro~s-section. of The North Dako ta Di strict cng:lgcd to be married: I g were these servant s of the Lord to represent reponed bu t t\\'o deaths during the married cou ples: IWO were sisters: those who were honored. biennial. But simply publishing most wcre scmi- or fully rctin.:d. Kenzy Sa\age. Centml Latin photographs lind identifications hardly Some of Ihl!l11 arc house hold superintendent: Ri cky O. Davis. tcJI the .'.lory of these two. Amy Dcyo names. but many of them arc unkno\\ n Nat ional In stituti onal and Occupa­ and l'aul Ke ith wcrc engagl.!d to be o llt slde their states and e\en their tional C hapla incy Representati \e: married in May 2000. According to counties. Few of them had bylmes in AI\in Sprecher. superintendent. Amy's pastor. Kevin Zaun. Faith the Pellfecosral Emllgel. Fe\\ of thelll German Di stri ct: Mary Jane Fl o\\ cr. Assembly o f God. Lisbon. North preached at General Counc il s or other evangcJist-pasto r. wife of Joseph Dakota. "They were sct to go o ut and big meetings. Few mayors or Fl ower: Daphne Br;lI1 n. the I 10-year­ governors honored them. Few of them old superintendent's widow: Howard appeared on glittering TV sets. More Davidson. Ohio Di stri ct o fTi cer: O. than likely nei ther Tom 13roka\\ or Copc Budge. collegc presi dent: Peter Jennings could iderHify any of Atwood FOS ler. Oregon Di strict and their names or photographs. General Council ofTicer: Maymc These men and women ha\c many Williams. missionary: and Josc Giron. thing:; in CO llllllon two in particular: superintendent. fro m the Southern they \\ere ministers in the Assemblies Pacific Latin Di stri ct. of Goel and they died during the last As in e\ ery biennial report. a biennial. That's why the Flower husband and wife may both be listed as Pentecostal Il eritage Center publ ished having passcd on to thcir reward. This their photographs in 11 memorial book year wc have 11 total of 18 ministers. 9 we cal l III Memoriam and why the couples. We arc li sting them by Assemblies of God honored them at Districts. the General Council more than likely Lyle & Ella Woh'erton. Arizona: the last public recognitio n of these Don & Ruth Smothers. Arkansas: dc\'oted men and women. Clarencc & Ine:l Brownan. Nebraska: General Su perintendent Thomas Warren & Marjorie Denton. New York: 1)1111hn l' Url1nn. at 11 0. p n ss ihl ~ h(' ld E. Trask says. "It is with heartfelt Alph<l K. & Vadie Davis. Oklahoma: t he rl'l'ord as thl' oldl'st crl'dcnlillll' d appreciation that we. as a Fel lowship. Anderson & Nellie Phil lips. Potomac; ministl'l' in thl' hislOry uf t hl' e.xpress gratitude to those whose labors Kenneth & Bertha I3rethouwer. Rocky Ass(, l1lbl i('s of Cod. 2 VG II ER I r \c t:. SUIllItl H 2001 11) Il opedale. [llmols, dunng the And rhe morning hreaks elernal brighl Slimmer of \96-t.
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