E1314 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 22, 2002 PERSONAL EXPLANATION A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO THE COM- Konrad Dannenberg, born in Weissenfels, MUNITY OF WEST LEIPSIC, OHIO Germany, worked with Wernher von Braun in HON. STEPHANIE TUBBS JONES ON THE OCCASION OF ITS SES- Peenemunde, Germany and came to the OF OHIO QUICENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY United States after World War II under CELEBRATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ‘‘Project Paperclip’’. He later helped develop and produce the Redstone and Jupiter missile Monday, July 22, 2002 HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR systems for the Army Ballistic Missile Agency Mrs. JONES of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, please OF OHIO at Redstone Arsenal. In 1960, he joined be advised that I will not be voting on Monday, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center as Dep- due to a commitment in my District. Had I uty Manager of the Saturn program, where he been present, the record would reflect that I Monday, July 22, 2002 received the NASA Exceptional Service would have voted on: Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct Medal. (1) H.R. 1209—Child Status Protection Act, privilege to stand before my colleagues in the Mr. Dannenberg is a Fellow of the American ‘‘yea’’; House to pay special tribute to a special com- Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and (2) H.R. 4558—To Extend The Irish Peace munity in Ohio’s Fifth Congressional District. was past president of the Alabama/Mississippi Process Cultural And Training Program, ‘‘yea’’; On August 17 and 18, 2002, the community of Chapter. He was the recipient of the 1960 (3) S.J. Res. 13—Conferring Honorary Citi- West Leipsic, Ohio is celebrating a truly monu- DURAND Lectureship and the 1995 Hermann zenship On the Marquis de Lafayette, ‘‘yea’’; mental event—its Sesquicentennial Anniver- Oberth Award. Additionally, the NASA Alumni (4) H.R. 3892—Judicial Improvements Act, sary. League, the Hermann Oberth Society of Ger- ‘‘yea’’; Mr. Speaker, West Leipsic, Ohio is one of a many, and the L–5 Society (now the National (5) H.R. 4870—Mount Naomi Wilderness number of wonderful communities in North- Space Society) have the benefit of Mr. Boundary Adjustment Act, ‘‘yea’’; west Ohio. West Leipsic is located in the heart Dannenberg’s membership. In 1992, the Ala- (6) H.R. 1401—California Five Mile Regional of the Fifth Congressional District in Putnam bama Space and Rocket Center created a Learning Center Transfer Act, ‘‘yea’’; County. Throughout its long and traditional- scholarship in his name to allow one student (7) H.R. 3048—Russian River Land Act, filled history, West Leipsic has established to attend a Space Academy session. ‘‘yea’’; itself as a model community. (8) H.R. 3258—Reasonable Right-of-Way We, in Ohio’s Fifth Congressional District, Mr. Speaker, as you can tell, during Mr. Fees Act, ‘‘yea’’; are blessed to have such warm communities, Dannenberg’s career, he was a valuable play- (9) H.R. 3917—Flight 93 National Memorial like West Leipsic. The folks who live in West er in the advancement of our space program Act, ‘‘yea’’; Leipsic are truly some of the most terrific peo- and was appreciated by co-workers and im- (10) H.R. 2990—Lower Rio Grande Valley ple. They are good friends and neighbors, col- portant organizations throughout the industry. Water Resources Improvement Act, ‘‘yea’’; leagues and coworkers, and, together, they Following his retirement, he has remained a (11) H.R. 4940—Arlington National Ceme- form a close-knit family all sharing a common- major influence in the North Alabama commu- tery Burial Eligibility Act, ‘‘yea’’; bond centered around their dedication to their nity and still serves as a consultant for the (12) H.R. 5055—Authorizing The World War community. Alabama Space and Rocket Center in Hunts- II Battle Of The Bulge Memorial, ‘‘yea’’; Over the years I have served in elected of- ville. I want to congratulate Mr. Konrad (13) H.R. 3645—Veterans Health-Care fice, I have had the good fortune to travel to Dannenberg on his 90th birthday and thank Items Procurement Improvement Act, ‘‘yea’’; West Leipsic many times. Each time I visit, I him for the important contributions he has (14) H.R. 5138—True American Heroes Act, am greeted by friendly people who truly know made to our community in North Alabama and ‘‘yea’’; how to make you feel at home. In West the entire United States. (15) H.R. 4901—Keep Monticello On The Leipsic, and towns all across the Fifth District, Nickel Act, ‘‘yea’’; being there is just like being at home. f (16) H. Con. Res. 439—Honoring Corinne Mr. Speaker, the individuality of the Amer- PERSONAL EXPLANATION ‘‘Lindy’’ Claiborne Boggs On The Occasion Of ican culture, the freedom of the American spir- The 25th Anniversary Of The Founding Of The it, is embodied in West Leipsic, Ohio. The Congressional Women’s Caucus, ‘‘yea’’; community of West Leipsic, for one-hundred HON. FRANK MASCARA (17) H. Res. 471—Recognizing The Con- fifty years, has certainly been a model after tributions Of Paul Ecke, Jr. To The Poinsettia which other communities can pattern them- OF PENNSYLVANIA Industry, ‘‘yea’’; selves. As we begin this Sesquicentennial An- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (18) H. Res. 492—Expressing Gratitude For niversary Celebration of West Leipsic, Ohio, I The World Trade Center Cleanup And Recov- would urge my colleagues to join me in this Monday, July 22, 2002 ery Efforts At The Fresh Kills Landfill On Stat- special tribute. It is my hope that the next cen- Mr. MASCARA. Mr. Speaker, on July 17, en Island, NY, Following The Terrorist Attacks tury and a half will be just as joyous as the 2002, I was unavoidably absent for personal Of September 11, 2001, ‘‘yea’’; first. reasons and missed rollcall votes numbered (19) H.R. 5145—William C. Cramer Post Of- f 309 through 318. For the record, had I been fice Building, ‘‘yea’’; present I would have voted yea on rollcall (20) H. Con. Res. 352—Sense Of Congress TRIBUTE TO MR. KONRAD K. DANNENBERG votes 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, and 318, That Federal Land Management Agencies and would have voted nay on rollcall votes Should Implement The Western Governor’s 314, 316, and 317. Association ‘‘Collaborative 10-year Strategy HON. ROBERT E. (BUD) CRAMER, JR. For Reducing Wildland Fire Risks To Commu- OF ALABAMA f nities And The Environment’’, ‘‘yea’’; IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (21) H. Res. ll—Sense Of The House PERSONAL EXPLANATION That Major League Baseball And The Players Monday, July 22, 2002 Association Should Implement A Mandatory Mr. CRAMER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Steroid Testing Program, ‘‘yea’’; recognize a great member of the North Ala- HON. NITA M. LOWEY (22) H. Con. Res. 385—Sense Of Congress bama community, Mr. Konrad K. Dannenberg. OF NEW YORK The Secretary Of Health And Human Services On August 6th, Mr. Dannenberg will celebrate Should Conduct Research On Certain Tests his 90th birthday. Throughout his ninety years, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To Screen Ovarian Cancer, ‘‘yea’’; Mr. Dannenberg has been a leader in our na- Monday, July 22, 2002 (23) H. Con. Res. 188—Sense Of Congress tion’s space program, retiring from Marshall That The Government Of The People’s Re- Space Flight Center in 1973 as Deputy Direc- Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, during an ab- public Of China Should Cease Its Persecution tor of Program Development’s Mission and sence last week, I regrettably missed Rollcall Of Falun Gong Practitioners, ‘‘yea’’; Payload Planning Office. Today, Mount Hope votes 319–323. Had I been present, I would (24) H.R. 3487—Nurse Reinvestment Act, Elementary School in Mt. Hope, Alabama is have voted in the following manner: Rollcall ‘‘yea’’; honoring Mr. Dannenberg for his service to No. 319: ‘‘nay’’; Rollcall No. 320: ‘‘yea’’; Roll- (25) H.R. 3969—Freedom Promotion Act, their school, the North Alabama community, call No. 321: ‘‘yea’’; Rollcall No. 322: ‘‘yea’’; ‘‘yea.’’ and the nation. Rollcall No. 323: ‘‘nay’’. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 06:04 Jul 23, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JY8.026 pfrm12 PsN: E22PT1 July 22, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1315 PROTECT CHINA’S WORKERS tors to carry out their operations. It is due to ceived. For example, workers said they paid this complicated web that overseas corpora- for the temporary residence permits they tions avoid responsibility for the rights of Chi- needed to live and work in Songgang legally, HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY but never received them. Managers also had OF ILLINOIS na’s working class. the power to impose arbitrary fines, includ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In the case of Li Chunmei, it took her father ing penalties for spending more than five 28 days to get someone to take responsibility Monday, July 22, 2002 minutes in the bathroom, wasting food dur- for what had happened to his daughter. He ing meals and failing to meet production Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to was lead on a wild goose chase when finally quotas, workers said.’’ call attention to the suffering of the working the police concluded that Li Chunmei died be- Another colleague, Zhang Fayong, recalled class in China. I recently read an article, cause of an illness and that her death was that Li once purchased a new dress, then re- ‘‘Worked Till They Drop’’ by Philip P. Pan, in non-work related. Her poor father could do fused to wear it. She said Li was amazed she the Washington Post on May 13th, 2002, and nothing about the ruling and now the family had spent money on it, and afraid she some- it shocked me.
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