1 PULSE For the students, by the students Pulse PTES’s Bilingual Newsletter! Issue # 2 2018 MINGGU ORIENTASI DAN SAMBUTAN HARI KEBANGSAAN 2018 Kata Mutiara Oleh Amal Nazirah binti Tahir, AE 11 Pemuliharaan Alam Sekitar Tanggungjawab Semua Principal: Cikgu Haji Jafri bin Haji Suhaili ADMINISTRATION Office: 2671660 Fax: 2671665 Official Website: http:// www.ptesengkurong.com L6 Kursus Orientasi PP 1 & 2 & Hari Kebangsaan Kumpulan koir PTES ketika menyanyi Lagu Kebangsaan Pada hari Isnin 26hb Februari 2018, bersamaan dengan 10 Jamadilakhir 1439H merupa- TEP SYC PP 3 - 5 kan hari pertama kemasukan pelajar-pelajar enam bawah di Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong. Tahniah dan syabas! Sebelum memeulakan sesi pengajian di pusat ini, The Great Debate PP 6 & 7 para pelajar enam bawah mengikuti minggu orientasi yang berlangsung selama 3 hari. TamanMahkota P 4 Antara objektif minggu orientasi dilaksanakan supaya para pelajar dapat menyesuaikan diri di pusat tingkatan enam dan mengetahui serba sedikit tentang latar belakang pusat ini. Pada hari pertama minggu orientasi tersebut diadakan majlis pendaftaran dan kema- sukan para pelajar enam bawah. Majlis dimulakan dengan nyanyian lagu kebangsaa, lagu rasmi dan lagu famili PTES oleh kumpulan koir. Vision : Pada hari Isnin 26hb Februari 2018, bersamaan dengan 10 Jamadilakhir 1439H merupa- To Enhance Teaching and Learn- kan hari pertama kemasukan pelajar-pelajar enam bawah di Pusat Tingkatan Enam ing For Individual Excellence Sengkurong. Tahniah dan syabas! Sebelum memeulakan sesi pengajian di pusat ini, Mission: para pelajar enam bawah mengikuti minggu orientasi yang berlangsung selama 3 hari. To provide the opportunity for all Antara objektif minggu orientasi dilaksanakan supaya para pelajar dapat menyesuaikan students to realise their potential diri di pusat tingkatan enam dan mengetahui serba sedikit tentang latar belakang pusat and become better citizens. ini. Pada hari pertama minggu orientasi tersebut diadakan majlis pendaftaran dan kema- KURSUS ORIENTASI DAN MAJLIS HARI KEBANGSAAN Sukan para pelajar enam bawah. Majlis dimulakan dengan nyanyian lagu kebangsaa, lagu rasmi dan lagu famili PTES oleh kumpulan koir. Pengetua PTES iaitu Cikgu Haji Jafri bin Hj Suhaili dalam ucapan beliau mengucapkan setinggi- tinggi tahniah atas kemasukan para pelajar. Di samping itu, Cikgu Haji Jafri bin Hj Suhaili juga mengharapkan para pelajar supaya sentiasa focus dalam pembelajaran kerana terdapat perbezaan yang besar antara pembelajaran di sekolah menengah dan di pusat tingkatan enam.Selain itu, tuan pengetua juga menyeru agar semua pelajar dapat menjadikan Pusat Tingkatan Enam Sengkurong se- bagai batu loncatan kecemerlangan pada masa hadapan. Penuntut Enam Bawah ketika Majlis Hari Kebangsaan Selepas majlis pendaftaran selesai, terdapat pelbagai aktiviti yang dilaksanakan bagi para pelajar enam bawah, antaranya sesi bayaran yuran, melawat beberapa tempat di pusat ini seperti makmal sains, perpustakaan dan sebagainya. Pada sebelah petang, aktiviti ‘ice-breaking’ diadakan yang bertujuan untuk sesi suai kenal. Para pelajar juga berkesempatan mendengar beberapa taklimat mengenai peraturan-peraturan keselamatan PTES, hal-ehwal akademik dan juga hal yang berkaitan dengan disiplin para pelajar. Pada hari Rabu, 28hb Februari merupakan hari terakhir minggu orientasi bagi penuntut enam bawah.Minggu orientasi diakhiri dengan sambutan Hari Kebangsaan Negara Brunei Darussalam yang ke-34 bertempat di Multi Purpose Hall PTES. Sambutan hari kebangsaan di pusat ini sangat meriah dengan menyaksikan persembahan lagu patriotik yang di nyanyikan oleh kelab koir PTES. Selain itu, warga PTES juga dihidangkan dengan tayangan video mengenai sambutan hari kebangsaan di negara ini. yang disediakan oleh Ak Muhd Nur Afiq Izzudin Bin Pg Abdul Muji Yahya. Hari terakhir minggu orientasi pelajar-pelajar enam bawah ialah taklimat teknik pembelajaran yang dianjurkan oleh pensyarah- pensyarah Jabatan Bahasa Inggeris. Selain itu, semua pelajar enam bawah juga diberikan peluang untuk menyaksikan promosi aktivi- ti-akitiviti ko-kurikulum yang ditwarakan kepada mereka. Bagi pihak PTES, semoga pelajar-pelajar enam bawah akan berjaya dalam pembelajaran dan menjadi insan yang berwawasan demi mencapai hasrat Negara Brunei Darussalam. 2 STEP SYC Siti Rafidah binti Haji Ayob, AE1 If I told you that I had visited 14 different countries in the space of seven days, would you believe me? The Singapore Technologies Endowment Programme (STEP) Sunburst Youth Camp (SYC) is an annual programme organised by Singapore with the main aim of ‘Engaging Youth Beyond Borders’. STEP- SYC provides annual opportunities for youths of various countries to learn about different cultures across Asia and serves as a good platform for fostering a good understanding and friend- ship amongst those who are selected to take part. A total of 14 countries, including ASEAN member countries, China, India, Japan, Mongolia and South Korea participated in last year’s event to commemorate STEP’s 20th Anniversary. This, is when I learnt about and ‘visited’ 14 different countries in a week, and was able to ‘visit’ these countries in our near neighbour, Singapore. Including myself, there were a total of eight participants from different sixth form institutions, accompanied by a chaperone, who embarked on this exciting journey to Singapore from 3rd December 2017 – 9th December 2017. Before leaving Brunei, a series of training days were conducted, including a one-day course at OBBD, and also some fitness training at Tasek Lama. It felt surreal when we landed in Singapore. The long-awaited day had finally arrived! The feeling among us was one of excitement but, at the same time, we felt a little jittery as we didn’t know what to expect. We were extremely delighted, though, when we were given the opportunity to tour Singapore. Accompanied by our Country Group Leaders, we visited Plaza Singapura, Gardens by the Bay as well as Marina Bay Sands. At the hotel we discovered that we each had to share a decent-sized hotel room with 2-3 participants from other countries. This was nerve-wracking because initially, we didn’t know the nationalities or personalities of those who would be our roommates for the week. I was happy that my roommates were a bunch of friendly and open-minded people! Our initial awkwardness on meeting each other for the first time soon disappeared and the room became full of joy and laughter. I remember giving Ji Hyeon, my Korean roommate, a packet of Milo 3 in 1. She was instantly in love with the drink, and expressed her disappointment that Korea was miss- ing out on such a wonderful beverage. Team Brunei was separated into different activity groups (AGs). Initially, it was challenging as we had to step out of our comfort zones to build new friendships, communicate with youths from different countries and be good ambassadors for our own country. It wasn’t easy, especially with the language presenting a barrier for some of the participants. However, despite our differences, every- one was very accepting and welcoming. On Day 1, we went to the Singapore Sports Hub for ice-breaking and team bonding activities. In the afternoon, we took part in an amazing race – known as the Sunburst Discovery Challenge – which involved roaming around Singapore to gain more of an insight into the host country, while completing given tasks with our AGs. Team Brunei before leaving for Singapore with Siti Rafidah pictured third from right 3 STEP SYC Day 2 began with the Camp Challenge at Sembawang Campsite. I had to prepare myself mentally and physically for this venture involving activities that I had never done before. On this day I learnt the importance of listening carefully to in- structions, to always think out of the box in order to find solu- tions and to always try to push yourself beyond your limits be- cause, otherwise, you will never know your maximum potential. Furthermore, the activities provided a good test of our time- management skills as we were under pressure to complete them within a given time limit. These activities taught us that with teamwork, communication and patience everything is possible as long as you know how to compromise and listen to each oth- er. In the evening, we gathered around a campfire and, before it was lit, we listened to a speech from Professor Leo Tan. His speech was very motivating and this extract is a personal fa- vourite: “Always start with dreams. Believe in yourselves; believe in what you want to do, what you want to achieve in your lives. Today as you went through the different activities, you realised you were also trying to overcome some of your personal fears. Fear of heights, fear of the unknown; but that is what life is all about. And the best part about it is, you are not alone. You are given the camaraderie of your fellow campmates, in whom you learn to trust.” – Professor Leo Tan, Campfire Speech 2017. Siti Rafidah with her Korean roommate I never in my life thought that I would ever set foot in the National University of Singapore (NUS), so I was beyond ecstatic when I heard that we were going to visit this prestigious, beautiful University! It was Day 3 when we visited NUS. Dr. Tan Lai Yong, a local professor at NUS, gave us a lecture during which we learnt a little more about leadership skills. He told us that a good leader is one who is always thankful and is always amiable towards those who possess little while lending them a voice. Furthermore, he taught us that the most important trait of a leader is to be a good listener. Dr. Tan explained the importance of humbling yourself in the pres- ence of those who don’t have very much and hearing their voices, of empowering them to educate themselves and, through this pro- cess, learning something from them. As Day 4 came to a close, we became aware that it was almost time for us to board our flight back to Brunei. By this time, we could- n’t help but feel sad about having to leave Singapore.
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