•t wJp. r— '■ i'.-, ■ •<, ■ 'I /i '- ; ^ r ^ i v ''■ > r ....................................... mrnmaemm T^DNESDAY, JUNE 17, 195S PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Avermge Daily Net Press Ron' The Weather iiattrlf9Bt9r lEttraittg IB^ralb W ar tha Weak Badod June IS, le ss Ferwiaat of C. S. Weather Bo n h m The Mary Cheney end Whlton Major Shmuel C. H arris, whose The Girl Scout office at 983 IJiRGE SELECTION OF 1 0 , 9 4 8 - Partly rloody tonight and tomor* Main street will close Friday after- Memorial Ubrarlea will be closed wife and son live at 36 Ridge AboutTQWJl: f-noon-for■■ the summer months,- It -all -day- Saturday, - Juna-20,- Iw-order. -sti'eat,.Avaa-a.war.ded-tha..Air-Medal, -------Member wMha AndH --------- that the librarians rnay attend the recently for participating in ac­ -BIFTITEIB ' a t »111 bfe opened aKsih on Sept. 14. CHATHAM ALL WOOL BLANKETS Bureiaa Clrealatioao " Manchester— A City of Village Ckarm^ Recent birthe to local residents Connecticut Library Association tion , against Communi.st build­ For Father’s Day, June tl at Hartford hospitals include: on The G.l'.S. Sponsors of St. meeting which will be held at the ups In North Korea and dive- Montowese House in Branford. Tiie bombing strikes in support of UN June 15 at the St. Francis Hos­ Mary's Church will meet Friday (EIGHTEEN PAGES) pital a son to Mr. and Mrs. John evening: at 6:30 p.m. at the cottage two-day session will begin Friday. frontline troops. Arthur Drug Storut VOL. LXXII, NO. 220 <OluafM AdyertMag «i Pag* IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1953 PRICE nvE ciiiibv Donnelly, 36 Waddell road, and a of Miss Hannah Jensen on Coven- daugfhter to Mr. and Mrs. Daw- try Lake, A Southern fried chicken Miss Evelyn Magnuson of Chest­ Choose the Blanket Size to Fit Your Bed rence Maney, 134 Helalne road, slipper, prepared by Mrs. Charles nut Street has returned from a and on June 14 at the Hartford Cole, will be served. The. hostesses visit with her sister and her fam­ FOR RENT Hospital a son to Mr. ahd Mrs. lor the meeting are JIrs. Elaine ily. Mrs. Gordon ■ Bickford of Ma­ 5-ronm furnished apartment Both at One SALE Price John BeggB, 85 Baldwin road. Bagge. Miss Florence Madden and con. Ga. Mrs. Bickford wi.shes to Mrs. Dorothy Brown. Miss Hannah be remem,bercd to her friends in suitable for 4 or 5 persons. On The Zlpser Club will hold it.s an- Jensen will preside at the short Manche.eter and vicinity. She 1s the bud line. References required. niud plcnlF'Sunday'' at Spero’’8" buSheas hieeilfig and election - of formec- -Mlss7BHen“'M agm isw of •WHfe'Hrtlt W Ketard. ■ -------- 12Q Die in U, S. PIane Crash Near Tokyo Pond, French road, Bolton. officers for the year. this town. HOMf <^0Mf0RT R e gu larly $16.95 Shop Hale's for your MORIARTY Bros. Fate of Rosenbergs Pondered by Supreme Court Justices. 1 3 1 5 CENTER ST TWIN. OR FULL RED SIZE: -e-j- Hosiery Neerlj I 72"X 9 0 " OPEN 24 HOURS U. S. Seeks Class of Graduates and Student Speakers at Rockville High Exercises EXTRA WIDE. FULL RED SIZE Td. Mitchell 3-513S GI Passengers » < 80"x 90" To Vacate AT LAST, YOU CAN CHOOSE POLIOMYEUTIS Death Stay Lost in Flames JUSTJTHE RIGHT SIZE BLAN- "" Washington, June 18— Tokyo,- June 18—(/P)— A giant C-24 Giobemaster pin­ KET FOR YOUR BED from our IN SU RAN CE —With no specific precedent BY wheeled out of the murky aky near Tokyo today and crashed aseortment of beautiful Chatham all- A n Employers* Group to guide them, the Supreme in flames carrying at least 129 Americana to their deaths in V Court was making its own history’s worst air disaster. .The Air Force said 66 bodies wool blankets . all at the same price, Insurance Service rules on procedure today in had been Identified. The huge*'* the historic session on the doubledeck transport was carrying ' and alt tale-priced! Our Advance Sale 122 Army engineers and airmen fate of atom spies Julius and back to battle stations in Korea. saves you money . gives yon your Pays up to Ethel Ro.senberg. The plan* had a crew of seven. Reds Shoot 'There was no way of knowing In choice of the correct-eise blanket . There were no survivors. \sw s $5,000.00 advance just what course of action Th« Giobemaster crashed sec­ assures you of famous Chatham all- per person the court could take. Here are the onds after taking off from the East Berlin possibilities: U. a. air baae at Tachikawa, 25 wool quality. "Iliese Chatham blankets • for three years of 1. A decision on the govern­ miles west of Tokyo. - treatment, if necessary ment's appeal from Justice Doug­ An eyewitness said- the giant come in a wide range of neW decorator las' stay of eXecution could be plane “somersaulted like a bird Riot Leader Faihlon'i answer to what to t ' *: handed down from the bench as and plummeted to the ground.” colors with a hiKurious A" acetate sat­ full years of ■ scon as the- hearing ts- ended;.......... ....''F'lwpeJleris'Ai* ..... Rerlih, June *18— (ITi -—A wear on the fairway or on 2. The court could confer and A Japanese farmer. Masayaau in binding, gift-boXed, at only $14.95. protection for only Issue a decision later in the day. Klnoshlta, said "the huge plane Russian firing squad todi^ the town. An action-back executed a German accus^ First quality ho.-,...y in sheer or semi-sheer weights. 3. It could defer action indefi­ came skimming over the trees by $15.00 for families the highway. Two of its four pro­ hy the Soviet army command Pink • Red > Blue nitely. ? v / - s • ' c M t dress that's cool, ARKW RIGHT 60 GAUGE S H E E R S ...... $1.00 Pr. $7.50 for individuals The session was to last three pellers were not turning. Tben it of organizing anti-Commu- Avocado * YeUow hours, with the prosiscution and circled and craahed and eXploded." nist riots in ^ s t Berlin. comfortable cfhd chic — LADY TWINTON FANCY HEEL NYLONS $1.00 Pr. defense dividing the time evenly. The plane waa a special flight Major General P. T. Dibrova, NO-MEND NYLONS .......................... $1.35 Pr. The court convened at. 12:12 p. m„ for soldiers, not one of the regular now ruling East Berlin under a with four button tabbed (d .s.t). courier runs between Japan and state of siege, announced the ALBA SEMI SHEER ........................... $1.35 Pr. CHARLES W. Douglas said the Roaenbeegs Korea. executton. pockets and convertible NO-SEAM NYLONS . .......... $ 1.00 and $ 1.15 Pr. Green Stamps should hays been tried under the ITie worst previous air disaster The Soviet general described the A N K LE T S............................... 3 Pair $1.00 LATMROP 1946 Atomic 'EJnergy Act instead was the crash of another Globe- dead inan, ’Willi CMtaing, as "a cellar. In a variety of of the 1917 Espionage Act and master near Larson Air Force resident of West Berlin, who ■ ^iven — INSURANCE ~ that therefore there were serious Hrrald Photo. bass St Moses Lake, Wash., which worked on order of a foreign intel­ W 0 The class of 116 aealors who received diplamM In the 78th Mnual graduation eX- 20. pattern^ and fabrics. ’‘ii ! doubts as to the legality of the is sbowu during her address ta. the elam and the capacity audience. On the right, killed 86 last Dec. ligence service, was one of the Ladies' Billfolds CO. crclcce of Rockville High School, last night at Sykes Awlltortum. Rockville, stande Associated Press photographer — MANCNirnai Ceiiii-. 100 EA.ST CENTER STREET death sentence. just before nMrchlng to get the coveted honors from John O. Taloatt, Jr„ chairman June Tyler, salutatorlan. is pictured during her address. Mlao Sehmidt received four active organisera of provocatlona With Cash Sales MANCHESTER, CONN. MaX Desfor reported from the Sanforized, mercerized In new summer colors, also Appearing for the government, of Hie Vernon Board of Education. On the left, Aleeandra Schmidt, valedietorUn. of the prizes awiMded during the evening. and disturbances in ths Soviet aee- miniature French purse with LOO ' TEL. Mitchell 9-0384 Robert L. Stem , the acting aolici- scene. / tor 6t Berlin, and. participated lb key chain, each ..................... 5 9 ^ and tor general, told the nine Justices "TTie plane crashed In s muddy the violent banditry against tha and guaranteed that if \he Rosenbergs had been rice fleld just In front of a bamboo organs of power a ^ the popula­ tried under the Atomic Energy grove. tion,” ' $q.98 Rockville High ‘*rbere wer* large pieces of the washable. I Act the case would have bssn Truce Draft Completed; Rhee Frees 25,000 Ortas Anninaceiwsad' White Handbag throwTi out of court so quickly the wreck still inlact, Including on* “GoettUng vna aentencad to I Justice department would.have be­ Graduation Page twisted wing, In this season's IN WIDE ASSORTMENT OF STYLES death by abooUnR'. Ilia MOtanca come a “laughing stock.’* “One tsngl* of wreckage with waa carriad oiitr Uta gMta 'an- i i Easy to clean plastic straws or plastic beaded bag.";, also new The High Court waX called to­ Fate Hangs in Balance an engine was jammed Jnto a popular colors. embroidered nylon or cotton eyelet styles. A full page in today's Anti-Red Prisoners crumpled heap about 30 feet high, aouneament coacluded, .: - gether by Chief Juatice Vinson Tha Ruastana extended martial after Atty.' Gen. Brownell appealed edition of the Manchester "An Air Force major from Tachikawa said hla men had re­ law to areas borderfag East Barlin Sizes 12-20 PLUS Douglas' action, calling It “un­ M iin san .Tlltie 18 „ Hon might delay the return of some Evening J^kuld is devoti^ and began.
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