1928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE ' SOUTH DAKOTA Furlow Kahn Montague Sirovich Garber Kelly Mooney Smith William R. Amoo, Morristown. Gardner, Ind. Kemp Moore, Ky. Somers, N. Y. Goodwin L. Hansen, Wasta. Garner, Tex. Kendall Moore, Ohio Speaks Garrett, Tex. K ent Moore, Va. Sproul, Ill. UTAH Gibson Kerr Moorma n Sproul, Kans. Giffot·d Ketcham Morehead Stalker John 1\IcPhee, Salt Lake City. Gilbert Ki e s~ Morgan Steal!all Glynn Kincheloe Morin Stedman Golder IGndred Morrow Steele Goodwin King Murphy Stevenson HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gregory Knutson Nelson, Me. Strong, Kans. Green Kopp Nelson, Mo. Strong, Pa. TUESDAY, May BB, 1928 Greenwood Korell Nelson, Wis. Sullivan Griest Kunz Niedringhaus Summers, Wash. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Griffin Kvale Norton, Nebr. Sumners, Tex. Guyer LaGuardia O'Brien Swank The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., offered Hadley Lampert O'ConnPll Swick the following prayer : H::tll, Ill. Langley O'Connor, La. Swing Hall, Ind. Lanham O'Connor. N. Y. Tat·ver Lord God of Hosts, while the days of our pilgrimage are Hammer Lankford Oliver, Ala. Tatgenhorst hurrying by, we thank Thee that Thy merciful providence is Hancock Larsen Oliver, N. Y. Taylo.r, Colo. Hardy Lea Parks 'l' aylor, Tenn. attending us. We have beating human -hearts that laugh and Harri ~ on Leatherwood Peery Tempje weep and help us to give daily gladness as we pass by. Bless Hastings Leavitt Porter Thompson us with wit to work and with faith to keep us brave and true. Haugen Lehlbach Pou Thurston Hawley Letts Prall 'l'imberL'lke Lift all of us above the corroding vices of weakness and fear, Hersey Lindsay Quayle Treadway for at tin1es they crush our hopes until they bleed. Give us Ricke.'· Lowrey Quiu '.f11cker hearts that pass on the praise of Him to those who feel the Hill. Ala. Lozier Ragon Updike Ifill. Wash. Lyon Rainey Vinson, Ga. arrows of distress. Enable us to bear the yoke of service Hoffman McClintic Ramseyer Vinson, Ky. without complaint and to perform our duty in the spirit of a Hogg McDuffie nankin Ware high privilege. When we falter or fail hold us with Thy gentle Holaday 1\IcFaddPn Ransley Warren Hooper McKeown Rathbone Watres hand. When sorrow shades the skies of blue let in the azure, Hope 1\IcLPod need, Ark. W'atson that it may gleam once more above the head~ on this journey Houston, Del. McMillan Reed. N.Y. Weaver road. 'Ihrough Christ our Savior. Amen. Howard, Tebr. McReynolds Robinson, Iowa Welch, Calif. Howa rd, Okla. McSwain Robsion, Ky. Weller The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and llud(lieston McSwe-e ney Romjue Wel.::I1, Pa. Hudson MacGregor Row bottom Wllite, Colo. approved. Hull, William E. Maas Rubey White. Me. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Hull, Tenn. l\lagrady Ruthel'ford Whittington lgoe Major, ill. Sanders, N. Y. Williams, III. A message from the Senate, by :Mr. Craven, its principal Irwin Major, Mo. Sanders, Tex. Williams, Mo. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed with amendments Jacobstein Manlove Sanillin Williams, Tex. Jamps (H. 1) · Mansfield Schafer Wilson, La. the bill R. entitled "An act to reduce and equalize taxa­ Jeffers Martin, La. Schneider Wingo ti(}n, provide revenue, and for other purposes," insists upon its Johnson, Ill. Mead Sears, Nebr. Winter amendments, asks a conference with the House of Representa­ Johnson, Ind. Menges Seg-et· Wolverton tives on the said bill and amendments thereto, and appoints 1\Ir. J oh11 on, S. Dak. Michaelson Selvig Woodruff John. on, Tex. Michener Shallenberger Wright SMoOT, l\Ir. McLEAN. Mr. REED of Pennsylvania, Mr. SIMMONS, Johnson, Wash. Miller Shreve W.vant and Mr. GERRY to be.the conferees on the part of the Senate. Jones Milligan Simmons Yates The message al ·o announced that the Senate had passed a Kading Monast Sinclair Zihlman bill of the following title, in which the concurrence of the NAYS-42 Ackerman Crisp McLaughlin Stobbs House of Representatives was requested: . Aldrich Douglas, Ariz. Mapes Taber S. 3864. An act to create a new division of the District Court Andrew Elliott Martin, Mass. 'l'ilson of the United States for the Northern Distric-t of Texas. Bacharach French Merritt '.finkham Bacon Frothingham Newton Underhill 'IGHT WORK IN THE POSTAL SERVICE Brand, Ohio Hale Parker Vincent, Mich. Burton Hoell Pratt Wainwright The SPEAKER. The first order of business is the considera­ Chinul.llom Hull, Morton D. Reece Wason tion of ·the two veto messages, the consideration of which \-vas Clarke Jenkins Rogers Woodrum postponed until to-day. The first is that of H. R 5681, to pro­ Cooper, Ohio Kearns Sinnott vide a differential in pay for night work in the Postal Service. Cramton Luce Snell The question is, Will the House on reconsideration agree to pass NOT VOTING-68 Anthony Connery Graham Rayburn the bill, the objections of the President to the contrary not­ Reid, Ill. withstanding? ~!~~.~fs~ g~~ilolly, Pa. ~=~eN. Dak. Sabatb .Mr. GRIEST. Mr. Speaker, on that I move the previous Beedy Curry Hudspeth Sears, Fla. Blanton Davenport Hughes Spearing question. Bloom Davey Johnson, Okla. Stl'other The previous question was ordered. Boies Deal Kurtz Thatcher The SPEAKER. The Doorkeeper will close the doors, the Bowles De Rouen Leech Tillmari Bowling Doyle Linthicum Underwood Sergeant at Arms will bring in absent Members, and the Clerk Brigham Drane Moore, N.J. Vestal will call the roll. Tho. e in favor of the passage of the bill, the Bulwinkle Eaton Norton, N . .T. White, Kans. objections of the Pre&ident to the contrary notwithstanding, Butler Fish Oldfield Wbitellead Campbell Fisher Palmer Williamson will, when their names are called, answer " yea " and those Casey Gambrill Palmisano Wilson, 'Miss. opposed " nay." Clancy Garrett, Tenn. Peavey WoOd The question was taken ; :;!nd there were--yeas 320, nays 42, Cole, Md. Gasque Perkins WurziJacb not voting 6S, as follows : Connally, Tex. Goldsborough Purnell Yon [Roll No. 84] s(}, two-thirds having voted in favor thereof, the bill was YEAS-320 passed, the objections of the President to the contrary not- Abernethy Brand, Ga. Cochran, Mo. Doutrich withstanding. Adkins Briggs Cochran, Pa. Dowell The Clerk announced the following pairs: Allen BrittE'n Cohen Drewry On the vote: Allgood BPowne ('ole, Iowa Dl'iver Almon Browning Collier Dyer Mr. Reid of Illinois and 1\Ir. Oldfield (for) with Mr. Brigham Andresen Buchanan Collins Edwards (against) . Arentz Buckbee Colton England Until further notice : Amold Burdick Combs Englebright As well Burtness Cooper, Wis. Eslick Mr. Wood with Mr. Garrett of Tennessee. Auf d er Heide Bushy Corning Estep Mr. Connolly of Pennsylvania with Mr. Hudspeth. Ayres Bushong Cox Evans, Calif. Mr. Davenport with Mr. Spearing. Bankhead Byrns Crosser Evans, Mont. Mr. Anthony with Mr. Cole of Maryland. Barbout· Canfield Crowther F a ust :Mr. Vestnl with Mr. Gambrill. Beck, Pa. Cannon Cullen ·­ ll'enn Mr. Graham with Mr. Linthicum. Beers Carew Dallinger Fitzgerald, lloy G. Mr. Kurtz with l\Ir. Deal. Hegg Carley Darrow Fitzgerald, W. T. Mr. Purnell with Mr. Drane. Bell Carss Davis Fitzpatrick Mr. Wurzbach with Mr. Goldsborough. Berger Ca rter Dempsey Fletcher Mr. Beedy with Mr. Doyle. Black, N. Y. Cat·t wl"ight Denison Fort Mt•. Clancy with Mr. Connery. Black, Tex. C'eller. D ickinson, Iowa Foss Mr. Eaton with Mr. Gasque. Bland Chalmers Dickinson, Mo. Ft·ear Mr. Hughes with Mr. Fisher. nohn Cha pman Dickstein Free ~1r. P erkins with Mr. Hare. Bowman Chase Dominick FrE'eman Mr. Williamson with Mr. Johnson of Oklahoma. Box Christopherson Dough ton Fullbright Mr. Bachman with Mt·. Whitehead. Boylan Clague Douglass, Mass. r Fulmer Mr. Butler with M1·. Yon. 9482 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-HOUSE 1\f.AY 22 Mr. Leech with Mr. Sears of Florida. Johnson, S. Dak. McSwain Quayle Sumners, Tex. Mr. Thatcher with Mr. Blanton. Johnson, Tex. McSweeney Quin Swank Mr. White of Kansas with Mr. Palmisano. Johnson, Wash. MacGregor Ragon Swick Mr. Boise with l\lr. Bulwinkle. .Jones Maas Rainey Swing Mr. Campbell with Mr. Wilson of Mississippi. Kading Magrady Ramseyer '!'a rver Mr. Fish with Mr. Dnvey. Kahn Major, Ill. Rankin 'l'a tgen horst Mr. Curry with Alr. Moore of New Jersey. Kearns .1\iajor, Mo. Ransley Taylor, Colo. Mr. Bowles with Mr. Connolly of Texas. KE>lly Manlove Rathbone 'l'aylor, rrenn. Mr. Crall with 1\it:s .... orton. Kemp Mansfield Reed, A.rk. Tf'mple Mr. Palmer with :Mr. Rayburn. Kendall Martin, La. Reed, N.Y. Thompson Mr. Hall of North Dalwta with Mr. Underwoo<l. Kent Mead Robinson, Iowa Thurston Mr. Beck of Wisconsin with Mr. Casey. Kerr Menges Robsion, Ky. Timberlake Mr. PeavE'y with Mr. Bloom. Ketcham Micha«>lson Romjue Treadway Mr. Strother with Mr. Sabath. Kiess Michener Row bottom Updike Kjncbeloe Miller Rubey Vestal Mr. O'CONNELL. Mr. Speaker, I wi. h to announce the Kindred Milligan Rutherford Vin on, Ga. absence of the lady from New .Tersey, Mrs. NoRTON, on account King Montague Sanders, N. Y. Vinson, Ky. of illness. If she were here she would vote " aye." Also that Knutson Mooney Sanders, Tex. Ware J{opp Moore, Ky. Sandlin Warren my colleague from New York, Mr. BLOOM, who is absent on Kunz 1\Ioore, Ohio Schafer Watres account of official business, would, if he were present, vote" aye." Kvale Moore, Va. Sears, Nebr. Watson Mr. KUNZ. l\fr. Speaker, I wish to announce that my col­ LaGuardia Moorman Selvig Weaver Lampert Morehead Shallen berger Welch, Calif. league, Mr. S.ABATH, is unable to be present on account of sick­ Langley Morgan Shreve Weller ness at home. He requested me to announce that be would Lanham Morin Simmons Wel h, Pa.
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