MIHI WELCOME WHAKATAKA TE HAU KI TE URU WHAKATAKA TE HAU KI TE TONGA KIA MĀKINAKINA KI UTA KIA MĀTARATARA KI TAI KIA HĪ AKE ANA TE ATĀKURA HE TIO HE HUKA HE HAU HŪ TIHE MAURI ORA! Cease the winds from the west Cease the winds from the south Let the breeze blow over the land Let the breeze blow over the ocean Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air. A touch of frost A promise of a glorious day It is life! RĀRANGI TAKE CONTENTS Mayor’s message 4 Introduction 5 Civic Leadership 7 The Te Arawa Partnership Agreement 8 Our Vision 10 Council’s Key Projects 12 Financials 18 Exceptions to Year 3 ............................................................................................................. 20 Purpose of Financial Statements ................................................................................ 22 Financial Statements ............................................................................................................ 24 Financial Prudence Regulations .................................................................................. 41 Rates Funding Impact Statements ............................................................................ 43 page 4 HE KUPU NĀ TE MANUKURA MAYOR’S MESSAGE E ngā iwi puta noa I tō tatau rohe o Rotorua, Overall however, the work and projects to tēnā tatau. be delivered has not changed from what we set out to achieve in the long-term plan.The This Annual Plan reflects Council’s ongoing 2019/20 Annual Plan includes an average commitment to the 2018-2028 Long-term 4.9% rates increase. This is lower than the 5.1% Plan. signalled in the long-term plan and has been The long-term plan connects the district’s achieved as a result of concerted efforts by 2030 vision to action and we are investing the organisation to find further efficiencies and in work programmes and projects that will identify additional revenue opportunities. benefit our community not just now, but into One matter we sought the community’s the future. feedback about was the future delivery There are always challenges and in and management of wastewater services, developing the annual plan for 2019/20, which which will require ongoing discussions with is year two of the long-term plan, Council the community ahead of any final decision- has had to review and adjust some timelines, making. We thank those who took the time to where prudent. At the same time we have provide their views for us to consider. taken care to not compromise the objectives Overall, while some timeline adjustments of the long-term plan. have been made, not a lot has changed and Challenges that have impacted on project the 2018-2028 Long-term Plan remains our delivery this past year include sourcing guiding document, outlining the funding of external partnership funding, Council’s and delivery to progress the Rotorua district commitment to engagement and partnering, towards its 2030 vision. consenting processes and the condition of Together, tatau tatau, we can and do make a some of our assets. difference for our community. Hon Steve Chadwick JP Mayor of Rotorua page 5 KUPU ARATAKI INTRODUCTION Welcome to Rotorua Lakes Council’s Annual Plan 2019/20. This Plan represents the second year of our Long Term Plan 2018-2028 (LTP). It sets the budget and work plan for the year from 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2020 and identifies what has changed from the LTP. It sets Council’s direction for the year, and provides accountability to the community. Long Term Plan or Annual Plan? Every three years we develop a Long Term Plan (LTP) in consultation with the community. It sets our direction, budgets and work plans for the following 10 years. The LTP 2018-2028 was finalised in June 2018, following substantial community input. The LTP is our action plan, it connects delivery to the vision and provides detail on all our activities. It sets our Council’s Financial Strategy, details our performance measures and provides the rationale for delivery of our activities, amongst other things. This should be the first port of call if you require additional information. 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 2028/29 2029/30 2030/31 2031/32 AP 2018 Yr 3 LTP 2015 LTP 2018-28 AP 2019/20 Yr 2 LTP 2018 AP 2020/21 Yr 3 LTP 2018 LTP 2021-31 The two years following an LTP, we develop Annual Plans / annual budget. Essentially this is an update to what we agreed through the LTP. It highlights our budgets and work plans for the year. Any significant or material changes are consulted on with the community. This process allows us to make sure that our budgets and work plans are flexible enough to respond to the needs of the community and the demands of growth. This document sets out the changes to what we had planned for year two of the LTP (1 July 2019 – 30 June 2020). page 6 page 7 TE WHIRI MĀTĀRAE CIVIC LEADERSHIP HON STEVE CHADWICK MAYOR ROTORUA LAKES COUNCIL CR DAVE CR PETER CR MARK CR KAREN CR ROB DONALDSON QSM BENTLEY GOULD JP HUNT KENT DEPUTY MAYOR CR TREVOR CR RAJMESH CR MEREPEKA CR CHARLES CR TANIA MAXWELL MNZM KUMAR RAUKAWA-TAIT STURT TAPSELL CULTURAL AMBASSADOR ROTORUA LAKES COMMUNITY BOARD PHILL THOMASS JIM STANTON CR TANIA NICK CHATER CHAIR DEPUTY CHAIR FRED STEVENS TAPSELL COUNCILLOR REP ROTORUA RURAL COMMUNITY BOARD SHIRLEY TRUMPER CHRIS SUTTON CR MARK BRYCE HEARD CHAIR DEPUTY CHAIR BOB MARTIN GOULD JP COUNCILLOR REP page 8 TE TATAU O TE ARAWA THE TE ARAWA PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT TE TARU NGAROMA (MALA) EUGENE POTAUA WHITE GRANT BERRYMAN-KAMP BIASINY-TULE CHAIR DEPUTY CHAIR NGAHUIA DR KEN KINGI ERAIA HONA-PAKU KENNEDY BIDDLE TE PUKENGA KOEKE KIEL RANGATAHI REPRESENTATIVE RAINA GINA ANA GEOFFREY MEHA-RANGITAUIRA MOHI MORRISON ROLLESTON JUDE TE MAURI DAVID (RAWIRI) PANI TAIT KINGI WARU EXECUTIVE OFFICER page 9 Te Tatau o Te Arawa is the board which represents the collective interests of Te Arawa under the Te Arawa partnership agreement with Rotorua Lakes Council. The Te Tatau board of trustees comprises 14 members, representative of a cross section of Te Arawa stakeholders including koeke (elders), Ngati Whakaue, Te Arawa iwi and hapu, land trusts and incorporations, pan-Te Arawa entities and rangatahi (youth). Te Tatau o Te Arawa was established in 2015, following a robust 18-month process. Te Arawa (voting age members registered on the Te Arawa Lakes Trust register at the time) elected a board of 14 members to represent Te Arawa collective interests and guide the partnership with Council. The partnership agreement embodies the intention of Te Arawa and Rotorua Lakes Council to establish an enduring partnership which creates a future that benefits the community as a whole. Te Arawa and Council committed to the following goals: • provide a framework to work together towards improving Rotorua; • provide mechanisms and resources that help Te Arawa to participate in Council policy, planning and other decision-making processes; • facilitate the sharing of information to build better understanding that enhances collaboration and strategic thinking about Rotorua’s future; • assist Te Tatau to: • achieve a Te Arawa 2030 Vision, • support the council to grow its capacity and capability to effectively and meaningfully engage with Te Arawa hapu and iwi, • realise opportunities (that arise from time to time) that both parties agree are mutually beneficial, • assist Council with its decision-making and other processes, exercise of functions, and exercise of powers by meeting five objectives: • help Council meet its Rotorua 2030 commitment to effectively partner with Te Arawa; • improve the delivery of Council’s legal and statutory obligations to Maori; • strengthen Te Arawa’s participation in Council decision-making; • identify strategic opportunities to work closely together for the betterment of the Rotorua district; • build iwi capacity and capability to partner with local government. page 10 TE TIROHANGA WHAKAMUA OUR VISION KOINEI TŌ TĀTAU KĀINGA. KO TĀTAU ŌNA TĀNGATA. NĀ TĀTAU TONU I ORA AI TE AHUREA TE ARAWA ME ŌNA ĀHUATANGA KATOA. HE IWI AUAHA TĀTAU E TUKU NEI I TĀ TĀTAU E AKO NEI. E KOKIRI NEI TĀTAU I TE ANGITU, I TE HIHIRI ME NGĀ REREKĒTANGA MAHA. E KAHA TAUTOKO NEI TĀTAU I WHAKAPŪMAUTANGA O TE TAIAO. MŌ TE KATOA A ROTORUA…TATAU TATAU THIS IS OUR HOME. WE ARE ITS PEOPLE. WE’RE THE HEART OF TE ARAWA CULTURE AND EXPRESSION. WE’RE INNOVATIVE AND WE SHARE WHAT WE LEARN. WE’RE DRIVING OPPORTUNITY, ENTERPRISE AND DIVERSITY. WE’RE SUPPORTING A LEGACY OF SUSTAINABILITY FOR OUR ENVIRONMENT. ROTORUA IS A PLACE FOR EVERYONE...TATAU TATAU - WE TOGETHER PEOPLE | CULTURE | PLACE page 11 A RESILIENT COMMUNITY He hāpori pūmanawa ...inclusive, liveable and safe neighbourhoods give us a sense of place; and confidence to be involved and connected HOMES THAT MATCH NEEDS Kāinga noho, kāinga haumaru...quality, affordable homes that are safe, warm, and available OUTSTANDING PLACES TO PLAY Papa whakatipu...recreation opportunities are part of our lifestyle; connecting us, transporting us and surrounding us VIBRANT CITY HEART Waahi pūmanawa...our inviting and thriving inner city reflects our unique heritage and lakeside location BUSINESS INNOVATION AND PROSPERITY Whakawhanake pākihi ...we boast a diverse and sustainable economy energised by our natural resources and innovative people EMPLOYMENT CHOICES He huarahi hou...we are a prosperous connected community; growing our education, training and employment opportunities ENHANCED ENVIRONMENT Tiakina tō taiao… we are known globally for our clean, natural environment, air quality and healthy lakes page 12 NGĀ KAUPAPA MATUA O TE KAUNIHERA COUNCIL’S KEY PROJECTS Te whakaora i ō tātau taonga | Reviving our facilities Rotorua Museum Aquatic Centre The museum is part of Rotorua’s history and a Rotorua has the only outdoor heated 50m facility we all take great pride in as a place that pool in the country (with natural geothermal tells the stories of our district and of Te Arawa.
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