ISSN 1995-0802, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2021, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 154–165. c Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2021. Equiangular Tight Frames with Simplices and with Full Spark in Rd S. Ya. Novikov1* (SubmittedbyA.M.Elizarov) 1Samara University, Samara, 443011 Russia Received May 23, 2020; revised August 19, 2020; accepted August 26, 2020 Abstract—An equiangular tight frame (ETF) is an equal norm tight frame with the same sharp angles between the vectors. This work is an attempt to create a brief review with complete proofs and calculations of two directions of research on the equiangular tight frames (ETF): bounds of the spark of the ETF, namely the smallest number of the vectors from ETF that are linearly dependent, and the existence of a regular simplex inside ETF. Tracing these two directions, we go through the case of equality in the Welch estimate, see the connection between RIP (restricted isometry property) and the spark of an ETF,construct a regular simplex using the technique of Naimark complements. We show the connection between equality in the lower estimate of the spark and the presence of a simplex inside ETF. Gram matrix and the matrix of the synthesis operator are calculated for the frame with 10 elements in the space R5. This frame contains a regular simplex and its spark is equal to 4, i.e. is not full. On the other hand you may see an example of the ETF with 6 vectors in R3 without a simplex, but with the spark equal to 4. In such cases the term “full spark” is used, so we have an example of the full spark ETF (FSETF). Finally, there is a proof of the necessary condition for the existence of the FSETF in the space Rd with more than d +1vectors, namely, the number of vectors in such a frame is necessary equal to 2d. DOI: 10.1134/S1995080221010200 Keywords and phrases: equiangular tight frame, simplex, spark 1. INTRODUCTION Let n and d be positive integers with n ≥ d, and let F be either R or C. A finite frame is a spanning set for a d-dimensional Hilbert space Hd over F that generalizes the notion of a basis by relaxing the { }n need for linear independence. In other words, a family of vectors ϕj j=1 is a frame for a real or complex Hd if there are constants 0 <A≤ B<∞ such that for all x ∈ Hd, n 2 2 2 A||x|| ≤ |x, ϕj | ≤ B||x|| . j=1 In a finite-dimensional space the concept of a frame is equivalent to the completeness of the system, { }n H i.e. span ϕj j=1 = d. { }n H Fn → H The synthesis operator of a finite sequence of vectors ϕj j=1 in d is Φ : d, Φx := n n x(j)ϕj , where x(j) denotes the jth entry of x ∈ F . Its adjoint is the corresponding analysis j=1 ∗ n ∗ operator Φ : Hd → F which satisfies (Φ y)(j)=ϕj, y for all j =1,...,n. Here and throughout, inner products are taken to be conjugate-linear in its first argument and linear in its second, i.e. x, y = x(j)y(j). j *E-mail: [email protected] 154 EQUIANGULAR TIGHT FRAMES 155 Applying the analysis operator to the synthesis operator yields the Gram matrix Φ∗Φ : Fn → Fn, an ∗ n × n matrix whose (j, j )th entry is (Φ Φ)(j, j )=ϕj ,ϕj . Taking the reverse composition gives the n ∗ H → H ∗ { }n H frame operator ΦΦ : d d, ΦΦ y = ϕj, y ϕj . It is well known that sequences ϕj j=1 in d j=1 { }n H H → H and ϕj j=1 in d have the same Gram matrix if and only if there exists a unitary operator U : d such that Uϕj = ϕj for all j =1,...,n. For the single vector {ϕj } we define the synthesis and analysis operators for each j =1,...,n following [1]: F → H ∗ H → F ∗ ϕj : ,ϕd , jxx = x ϕj; ϕj : d ,ϕj y = ϕj, y . n ∗ ∗ Using this notation we can write the frame operator as ΦΦ = ϕjϕj . j=1 × { }n As such the d n matrix representation of the synthesis operator Φ has the frame elements ϕj j=1 as columns. In particular, if the frame bounds are equal, the frame operator has the form ΦΦ∗ = aI with 1 ∗ ∈ a>0, and so signal reconstruction is rather painless: x = a ΦΦ x, x Hd. In this case the frame is called tight or a-tight. Oftentimes, it is additionally desirable for the frame elements to have equal or unit norms, in these { }n cases the frames are equal norm or unit norm respectively. The frame ϕj j=1 is called equal norm 2 frame if there exists c>0 such that ||ϕj|| = c, j =1,...,n. If the frame is a-tight and equal norm simultaneously, we obtain the following relations between d =dim(H), c and a: n ∗ ∗ 2 da = Tr(aI)=Tr(ΦΦ )=Tr(Φ Φ)= ||ϕj || = nc. j=1 In the case a =1(Parseval or normalized tight frames) we have d = nc, so such equal norm frames always have norms less than 1. The first achievement in the construction of the equal norm tight frame with n vectors in Rd with arbitrary n ≥ d is by A.I. Maltsev [2]. Nowadays it is clear that equal norm tight frames exist for any pair (d, n) with n ≥ d as in the real and also in the complex spaces. The systematic constructions of unit norm tight frames for Rd are based on two interconnected methods, such as Spectral Tetris and Sparsity [3]. The next step in the restriction of the reasonable family of frames is the equiangular frames which are equal norm by definition. { }n ≥ The equal norm frame ϕj j=1 is called an equiangular frame if there exists w 0 such that | |2 ϕj ,ϕj = w for all j = j . Such frames are optimal for various inequalities. For example, let’s look at the (mutual) coherence { }n || ||2 of any sequence of equal norm vectors ϕj j=1 with ϕj = c, j =1,...,nin d-dimensional Hilbert space H over F : d ϕj,ϕ μ := max j . j= j c In the real case, each vector ϕj spans a line and μ is the cosine of the smallest angle between any pair of these lines. 1/2 H ≥ n−d Welch [4] gives a lower bound on μ in d : μ d(n−1) . This inequality will be proved below. The equality in this estimate draws attention of mathematicians [1, 5]. These papers have become the starting point for the present work. We tried to detail, clarify some of the results and make the presentation self- contained. { }n Fm ≤ Lemma 1. For any vectors ϕj j=1 in (m n) let Φ be the matrix, the jth column of which is ϕj for all j. For any a>0 the following assertions are equivalent: LOBACHEVSKII JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Vol. 42 No. 1 2021 156 NOVIKOV { }n 1) ϕj j=1 forms an a-tight frame for its span; 2) ΦΦ∗Φ = aΦ; 3) (ΦΦ∗)2 = aΦΦ∗; 4) (Φ∗Φ)2 = aΦ∗Φ. { }n ⊂ H ⊂ Fm H ∗ Also, if ϕj j=1 d , then it forms an a-tight frame for d if and only if ΦΦ = aPrHd × H where PrHd denotes the m m matrix of the orthogonal projection on the subspace d. { }n As such, ϕj j=1 forms an ETF for its span if and only if one of the assertions 2)–4) is true { }n || ||2 and ϕj j=1 is equiangular. In this case, with c = ϕj , the dimension d is connected with a, n, c and equiangularity constant w : cn n − d a = ,w= c2 . d d(n − 1) { }n H ⊂ Fm H So, equal norm vectors ϕj j=1 in a subspace d , form an ETF for d if and only if they achieve equality in Welch inequality. { }n Fm H Fm Proof. Fix ϕj j=1 in and a>0, and let d be any d-dimensional subspace of that contains { }n ϕj j=1. 1) ⇔ 2) The synthesis operator y ∈ Fn → Φy ∈ Fm is surjective if and only if its codomain {Φy : y ∈ Fn} = { }n span ϕj j=1. { }n H If we want ϕj j=1 to form an a-tight frame for d, it leads to the equality ∗ ∗ ∈ H ΦΦ = aIHd or ΦΦ x = ax, x d. In this case H { }n { ∈ Fn} d = span ϕj j=1 = Φy : y and we have 2): ΦΦ∗Φy = aΦy, y ∈ Fn. 2) ⇔ 3) H { ∈ Fm} { }n On the other hand, writing d = PrHd x : x , we see that ϕj j=1 forms an a-tight frame for Hd if and only if ∗ ∈ Fm ΦΦ PrHd x = aPrHd x, x . Let’s look at ⎛ ⎞ n n ⎝ ⎠ ∈ Fn PrHd Φy = PrHd y(j)ϕj = y(j)ϕj = Φy, y , j=1 j=1 that is PrHd Φ = Φ. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ So we have Φ PrHd =(PrHd Φ) = Φ , and ΦΦ = aPrHd , ∗ ∗ 2 2 2 ∗ ΦΦ ΦΦ = a (PrHd ) = a PrHd = aaPrHd = aΦΦ . 2) ⇒ 3), 2) ⇒ 4) Multiplying 2) by Φ∗ on the right or left gives 3) or 4) respectively. ∗ If either 3) or 4)√ is valid we use the singular value decomposition Φ = UDV , where D is the diagonal matrix with 0 and a on the diagonal. Consequently we obtain DD∗D = aD and then 2). 2 ∗ cn || || − H Now let’s assume that ϕj = c for all j, and let’s look at the Frobenius norm of ΦΦ d Pr d .
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