BARRY UNIVERSITY 2001-2002 Graduate Catalog Barry University accepts all qualified candidates for admission without regard to race, sex, religion, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, age or physical handicap. 2 BARRY UNIVERSITY Give A Gift That Lasts Forever! Have A Scholarship Named For Someone You Love For more information contact: Institutional Advancement Barry University 11300 NE Second Avenue Miami Shores, FL 33161-6695 (305) 899-3070 3 Inquiries, Applications and Credentials: BARRY UNIVERSITY Division of Enrollment Services 11300 N.E. Second Avenue Miami Shores, Florida 33161-6695 General University Number (305) 899-3000 In-State Toll Free General University Number (800) 756-6000 Web Address: http://www.barry.edu Office of Admissions: (305) 899-3100 Toll Free: (800) 695-2279 Fax: (305) 899-2971 Financial Aid: (305) 899-3673 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] SCHOOL OF ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION (ACE) Local: (305) 899-3300 • In-State Toll-Free: 1-800-945-2279 ACE Processing: (305) 899-3309 4 BARRY UNIVERSITY ACCREDITATION The Occupational Therapy Program is accred- ited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Barry University is accredited by the Commission Therapy Education. The Cardiovascular Perfusion on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges Program is accredited by CAAHEP. The Anesthesi- and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia ology Program is accredited by the Council on Ac- 30033-4097; Telephone number 404-679-4501) to creditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs. award bachelor’s, master’s, specialist, and doctoral Barry University is also a member of H.A.C.U., the degrees. Barry University’s School of Law is not cur- Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. rently approved by the American Bar Association The Andreas School of Business is a candidate (ABA) but is in the review process of provisional ap- for accreditation by AACSB – The International As- proval. The Dean is fully informed as to the Standards sociation for Management Education. Candidacy sta- and Rules of Procedure for the Approval of Law tus indicates that an institution has voluntarily Schools by the ABA. The Dean and the Administra- committed to participate in a program of continuous tion are determined to devote all necessary resources improvement and is actively progressing toward ac- and in other respects to take all necessary steps to creditation status. Candidacy status is not accredita- present a program of legal education that will qualify tion and does not guarantee eventual accreditation. for approval by the ABA. The Law School makes no representation to any applicant that it will be approved by the ABA prior to the graduation of any matriculat- NOTICES ing student. The graduate programs in Theology in Barry University does not discriminate on the basis of the School of Arts and Sciences hold associate mem- race, religion, sex, national or ethnic origin, or physi- bership in the Association of Theological Schools in cal limitation. This includes policies and procedures the United States and Canada (ATS). The School Psy- related to membership on the Board of Trustees, the chology program is approved by the Department of educational program, employment and personnel prac- Education (DOE) of the State of Florida. The under- tices, admissions, scholarships/grants/loans, and par- graduate and master’s programs for the School of ticipation in athletic, and other student activities. This Nursing are accredited by the Commission on Colle- institution is authorized to enroll non-immigrant alien giate Nursing Education. The undergraduate nursing students. program is approved by the Florida Board of Nursing. While this Catalog is a description of the graduate The Adrian Dominican School of Education and the academic programs and regulations as of the date of teacher education programs in the schools of Human publication, it is for information only and its provi- Performance and Leisure Sciences and Natural and sions do not constitute an offer for a contract which Health Sciences are approved by the DOE as standard may be accepted by students through enrollment at teacher training programs, and, because of Florida’s the University. The University reserves the right to reciprocal certification agreement, are in a position to change any provisions, requirements, or fees at any graduate students eligible for teacher certification in time during the student’s period of study. The Univer- most states. The Exceptional Student Education Pro- sity further reserves the right to dismiss a student from gram with a specialization in Mentally Handicapped the University for cause at any time. It also reserves and Specific Learning Disabilities is a DOE-approved the right to impose probation, suspension or expul- program. The School of Education’s graduate PreK- sion on any student whose conduct or achievement is Primary/ESOL and Elementary Education/ESOL unsatisfactory. When a student is dismissed or sus- programs are DOE-approved, with ESOL infused. pended for cause, there will be no refund of tuition or The Educational Leadership program is also DOE- fees paid. Neither will there be any refunds in the event approved. The School of Education’s Counseling pro- the operations of the University are temporarily sus- grams in guidance, marital, couple, family counseling pended as a result of any act of God, strike, riot, dis- and therapy, and mental health counseling are accred- ruption, or any other reason beyond its control. ited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling Students should conduct their academic affairs with and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). The honesty and integrity. If students are suspected of Montessori Education early childhood and elemen- cheating, plagiarism, falsification of University records tary programs are accredited by the Montessori Ac- or otherwise misrepresenting themselves and/or their creditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE). work, they will be subject to procedural due process. The Ellen Whiteside McDonnell School of Social More detailed information on the above is contained Work’s M.S.W. program is accredited by the Council in the General Information Chapter of this Catalog and on Social Work Education. The Doctor of Podiatric in the Student Handbook. Barry University students Medicine Program in the School of Graduate Medi- are responsible for the contents of both the University cal Sciences is accredited by the Council on Podiatric Catalog and the Student Handbook. The information Medical Education. The Physician Assistant Pro- in this Catalog supersedes all previous regulations, in- gram is accredited by the Accreditation Review Com- cluding tuition and fees previously published. mittee – Physician Assistant (ARC–PA). 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Accreditation ................................................................... 4 Elementary Education/ESOL ..................................... 107 Academic Calendar .......................................................... 6 Exceptional Student Education .................................. 108 Mission Statement ............................................................ 7 EH Specialization ................................................... 109 General Information ......................................................... 8 MH/SLD and VE Specializations ............................ 109 Admissions ..................................................................... 11 Gifted Specialization ............................................... 110 International .............................................................. 13 Higher Education Administration ............................ 111 Student Life, Division of Student Services ..................... 15 Human Resources Development and Dean of Students ....................................................... 15 Administration .................................................... 112 Career and Counseling Center ................................... 15 HRDA with a Specialization in Leadership of Disability Services .................................................... 16 Not-for-Profit/Religious Organizations ............... 113 O’Laughlin Intercultural Center ................................ 16 Montessori Education Programs ............................. 114 University Health Services ........................................ 17 Early Childhood Education ................................. 115 Student Activities ...................................................... 18 Elementary Education ......................................... 115 Office of Commuter Student Affairs ......................... 18 PreK-Primary Education ......................................... 117 Tuition, Fees, and Financial Aid ..................................... 22 PreK-Primary Education/ESOL .............................. 118 Academic Information .................................................... 29 Reading ................................................................... 119 Policies and Procedures .................................................. 35 Doctoral Programs Academic Resources ...................................................... 39 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Leadership and Division of Information Technology ............................... 41 Education with specializations in Educational School of Adult and Continuing Education ................ 44 Technology, Exceptional Student Education, Higher Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (M.A.) .....................
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