SALUTE THE HOLTON INSIDE HOLTON, KANSAS Holton & RV Hometown of golf team Barbara Berg Holton Recorder subscriber previews. for nine years. RECORDERServing the Jackson County Community for 151 years See page 6. Volume 151, Issue 27 HOLTON, KANSAS • Monday, April 2, 2018 10 Pages $1.00 School safety measures under legislative review By Ali Holcomb grant fund would be established comes law. Kansas lawmakers are look­ with $5,000,000 from the state A committee hearing was ing at several bills this session general fund, and school dis­ held last Tuesday for House Bill that they suggest could increase tricts would be able to submit an 2789, which would create the security at schools across the application to the state board of First Emergency Responders state. education for grant monies for (SAFER) Act. Last Wednesday, the House security improvements. Like House Bill 2773, the passed House Bill 2773, the To promote gun safety and SAFER Act requires that the Kansas Safe and Secure Schools protection in schools, district state board of education develop Act, which establishes statewide school boards could provide, as statewide standards for making security standards and sets fund­ part of the proposed bill, firearm public schools safe and secure. ing aside for schools to imple­ safety education programs in This bill also authorizes lo­ ment such measures. schools at all grade levels. One cal school boards to designate As part of the proposed bill, such program mentioned in the employees as first emergency the state board of education bill is the Eddie Eagle gun safe responders, which would allow would develop and adopt state­ program offered by the National them to conceal carry in schools. wide standards for making all Rifle Association. School employees who would public schools and attendance The bill passed in the House receive the SAFER schools en­ centers operated by school dis­ with 119 votes in favor and five dorsement would be required to tricts in the state safe and se­ votes against. Locally, Rep. complete specialized training. cure. Francis Awerkamp (61st Dis­ The list of teachers and staff Those security measures trict) voted for the bill, and Rep. approved for the SAFER pro­ could include secured entrances Randy Garber (62nd District) gram would be kept confiden­ and windows, intrusion detec­ voted against it. tial, according to the bill. tion systems, security cameras The bill must be passed by The bill also states that in the and communication systems. the Senate and then signed by A School Safety and Security Gov. Jeff Coyler before it be­ Continued to Page 5 Three arrested in connection with thefts in four-state area By Brian Sanders of thousands of dollars worth suspected of an at tempted theft Three Kansas City­area resi­ of high­end electronic products at the store that morning. dents accused of multiple thefts such as electronic tablets, iPads Shortly afterward, the cou­ of electronic devices from de­ and video games from Walmart ple, along with Barnes, were partment stores in a four­state and other department stores in apprehend ed in a 2018 Nissan area, including the Walmart Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska and passenger car that had been in Holton, were arrested on Iowa, Morse said. stopped near the store by law en­ Wednesday, March 28 by the Neece and Thigpen were forcement. A search war rant on Jackson County Sheriff’s Of­ suspect ed of the theft of elec­ the vehicle reportedly turned up fice, it was reported. tronic devices from the Holton “thousands of dollars” in elec­ Jackson County Sheriff Tim Walmart on two separate occa­ tronic devices, Morse said. Morse said that Raven Alexan­ sions, the first incident report­ The three of them, whom dria Neece, 36, Joshua Braxton edly occurring on Feb. 9 and Morse suspected of stealing the Thigpen, 31, and Karly Lyndon the second on March 25, Morse devices to sell under an eBay Barnes, 23, were all arrested that said. A photo reportedly show­ business called “Neece and As­ morning on multiple charges and ing the two of them leaving the sociates,” were taken into cus­ taken to the Jackson County De­ Holton Walmart on March 25 tody by sheriff’s officers. tention Center. Neece and Thig­ was released to the public with a On Friday, Morse said his of­ pen listed Ferrelview, Mo., as request for information. fice and the Platte County (Mo.) their address; Barnes listed Kan­ On Wednesday, the two of Sheriff’s Office executed a search Three-year-old Amy Bryant of Holton reached out to pick up one of the thousands of sas City, Mo., as her address. them reportedly returned to the warrant on Friday at a residence Easter eggs scattered about the Jackson County Courtyard on Saturday afternoon for The three of them are sus­ Holton Walmart, where store in Ferrelview, Mo., near Kansas the Holton/Jackson County Chamber of Commerce’s annual Easter Egg Hunt. Bryant pected of being involved in the staff recog nized them and alert­ City International Airport. is the daughter of Kristina Hyatt and Nicholas Bryant. Photo by Brian Sanders removal of theft detection de­ ed law enforcement, Morse said, vices from and subsequent theft noting that the two of them were Continued to Page 5 Purple Heart Profiles Jenson’s plane shot down over China Editor’s note: This is the 88th ed school in nearby Denison, in a series of stories about past graduating in 1941 from Deni­ and present Jackson County son Rural High School. residents who earned the Purple After graduating from DRHS, Heart Medal, which is awarded Jen son moved to Wichita to to military person nel wounded work at the Boeing aircraft fac­ or killed in the line tory before being of duty. inducted into the The names of Navy on June 3, those profiled in 1943. He complet­ these stories are ed recruit training among those placed at the U.S. Naval on a special monu- Training Station ment for Purple in Farragut, Ida­ Heart Medal recip- ho, when he was ients now stand ing selected to attend Muscotah in Holton’s Linscott aviation machin­ Park. ist’s school at Nor­ ——— man, Okla., as a re­ native Dylan In March of sult of his showing 1945, Aviation Ma­ in mechanical apti­ to headline chinist’s Mate Sec­ tude examinations ond Class Louis R. at boot camp. Jenson of the U.S. Jenson gradu­ July Jubilee Naval Reserve was ated from machin­ stationed in the ist’s school on Feb. The Quigley family of Holton — from left to right, father Shane, six-year-old Ryan, The Holton/Jackson County Phillippines, as signed to turret 26, 1944, at the rank of Seaman mother Rebecca and three-year-old Declyn — reviewed the kids’ haul after the Saturday Chamber of Commerce has an­ gunner duties aboard a maritime First Class. He then opted to afternoon Easter Egg Hunt at the Jackson County Courtyard to see if either Ryan or nounced that country musician patrol bomber when he and his train as a naval air crewman and Declyn picked up one of the “golden eggs” scattered about the Courtyard grounds. and songwriter Erik Dylan, who crew were shot down during a was sent to the Naval Air Gun­ Photo by Brian Sanders has roots in northeast Kansas, bomb run over Amoy Harbor, ners School at Purcell, Okla., will be the featured entertain­ Chi na. where he graduated with the ment at this year’s July Jubilee Born Nov. 12, 1923, in Atchi­ rating of Avia tion Machinist’s celebration. son, the son of Louis R. and Lou Mate Third Class on April 21, Easter snow not an April Fool’s Day joke July Jubilee is scheduled for Mae Jenson, Louis Robert Jen­ 1944, attaining high grades in Saturday, June 30, at Banner son Jr. moved with his parents his studies, it was reported. By Ali Holcomb on county roads and some ac­ of the vehicle. The SUV left the Creek Reservoir. in 1936 to Jackson County, set­ He earned his Naval Crew­ It may have seemed like an cidents were reported. road to the south and rolled sev­ A native of Muscotah, Dylan tling in Netawa ka and Whiting man’s wings not long after that April Fool’s joke, as Jackson The Kansas Highway Patrol eral times, according to KHP. graduated from Atchison Coun­ before moving to Birmingham County received snow and ice responded to an injury accident Koelliker was transported to ty Community High School in in the spring of 1937. He attend­ Continued to Page 5 yesterday on Easter Sunday. at 2:49 p.m. on Kansas High­ Holton Community Hospital for 1997 and was known then by Most of the county received way 9 just west of O Road yes­ treatment of injuries. According his given name, Erik Anderson. one to two inches of snow on terday. to the accident report, Koelliker He moved to Nashville, Tenn. TUESDAY’S FORECAST Sunday as totals increased north A 2000 Ford SUV driven by was not wearing a seat belt at 15 years ago. Mostly Cloudy/Breezy, High 44 of the county near the Nebraska Raina M. Koelliker, 24, of Hor­ the time of the accident. Hailed as a singer­songwriter, Look for the complete forecast on Page 2. border. ton was traveling west on the The weather did slow travel highway when she lost control Continued to Page 10 Continued to Page 10 DISTRICT COURT NEWS THE HOLTON RECORDER, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2018, PAGE 2 DISTRICT COURT NEWS Limited Civil Rural Health Resources of Wallisch, seeking judgment of Doe, JPMor gan Chase Bank Filed Jack son County vs.
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