Chapter 4 Marine Divisions 4001. Marine Division b. Concept of Employment a. Mission The Marine division is employed as the GCE of the MEF or may provide task-organized forces for smaller The mission of the Marine division is to execute amphibious MAGTFs. See figure 4-1 for Marine division organ- assault operations and such other operations as may be ization. directed. The Marine division must be able to provide the ground amphibious forcible-entry capability to an amphibi- c. CSS ous task force (ATF) and conduct subsequent land opera- tions in any operational environment. The division The Marine division depends on the FSSG as its primary commander fights by using combined-arms tactics and source of CSS. However, the organic capability of the tailors the force to the demands of each mission. division must be fully understood and used before request- ing support from the FSSG. In the areas of combat engineer 1010 S Marine Division USMC USN Off Enl Off Enl 1,021 15,890 50 843 1 1090 F 4238 G 4654 F 1378 N Infantry Tank Assault Combat Regiment Battalion Amphibian Battalion Engineer Battalion USMC USN USMC USN USMC USN USMC USN Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl 160 2,838 11 201 48 743 2 31 47 1,091 2 21 43 817 2 26 1100 E 1988 G 4680 D Artillery Headquarters Light Armored Regiment Battalion Reconnaissance Battalion USMC USN USMC USN USMC USN Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl 218 2,639 28 59 141 1,207 8 41 39 724 3 66 Legend Note Off = Officer 1 The 3 Regiments Have 480 Marine Officers, 8,526 Marine Enlisted Enl = Enlisted Personnel, 33 Navy Officers, And 603 Navy Enlisted Personnel. USMC = U.S. Marine Corps USN = U.S. Navy 4-1 Figure 4-1. Marine Division Organization. 4-2 MCRP 5-12D support and motor transport support, the division possesses w The H&S Company provides command, the significant capabilities of the combat engineer battalion administrative, and security functions as well as and the truck company of the headquarters battalion. The organic supply for the headquarters battalion. CSS capabilities of all division units and a list of significant w The Reconnaissance Company provides ground major items (class VII) of equipment are contained in this reconnaissance and surveillance in support of the section. division or its subordinate elements. The company consists of a company headquarters section and six 4002. Headquarters Battalion, Marine reconnaissance platoons. Employment of the Division company emphasizes directed reconnaissance rather than passive surveillance. a. Mission and Organization w The MP Company provides route reconnaissance, evacuation and control of enemy prisoners of war (EPW), beach and perimeter defense, area security, The primary mission of the headquarters battalion is to crowd control, and investigative services. exercise command, control, and administration of the Marine division. (See figure 4-2.) w The Communications Company installs, operates, and maintains communications facilities for the division It contains an H&S company, a division headquarters with headquarters, including multichannel radio, wire, and an H&S company, a reconnaissance company, a special communications center facilities. security communications team, a communications company, w The Truck Company provides general support motor a military police (MP) company, the division band, and a transport to the Marine division. truck company. 1988 G Headquarters Battalion USMC USN Off Enl Off Enl 141 1,207 7 39 1991 G 1 1987 G 1986 G 1883 G Division Direct H&S Division Communications Support Team Company Headquarters Company USMC USMC USN USMC USN USMC Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl 1 8 15 136 2 20 82 231 7 17 16 323 4732 M 1862 G 1989 1903 G 1423 P Special Security Truck Division MP Reconnaissance Communications Team Company Band Company Company USMC USMC USMC USMC USMC USN Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl 0 11 10 215 1 50 5 67 9 153 0 7 Note 1 The 3 Division Direct Support Teams Have A Total of 3 Marine Officers and 24 Marine Enlisted Personnel. Figure 4-2. Headquarters Battalion. Organization of Marine Corps Forces 4-3 b. Logistic Capabilities (Except for the augment the organic capabilities of the companies of the Truck Company) battalion, as required. (1) Administrative Capability. The headquarters (6) Messing. The messing section of the service company battalion is capable of self-administration. provides food service support to the bat- talion. (2) Maintenance. Each company is capable of organ- 4003. Infantry Regiment, Marine Division izational (1st echelon) maintenance on assigned equipment. The service company provides organizational (2d echelon) a. Mission maintenance on battalion motor transport, engineering, and ordnance equipment. Organizational (2d echelon) and inter- mediate (3d echelon) maintenance on communications- The primary mission of the infantry regiment is to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or electronics equipment is provided by the communications to repel his assault by fire and close combat. company. Organizational and intermediate (3d echelon) maintenance on open- and closed-circuit self-contained b. Concept of Organization underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) equipment and boats is provided by the reconnaissance company. The infantry regiment consists of a headquarters company (3) Supply. The service company operates the organic and two or more infantry battalions (normally three infantry supply account for the battalion. battalions). (See figure 4-3.) The infantry battalions are the basic tactical units with which the regiment accomplishes its (4) Medical. The medical section of the headquarters mission. The headquarters company of the infantry regiment contains a regimental headquarters and a reconnaissance company provides for emergency treatment and prepara- tion for evacuation of all casualties, treats minor illness and platoon. When combined with other combat support and CSS units, it will form a regimental landing team. Command injuries, and supervises disease prevention and control and staff functions for the regiment are exercised through a measures for the battalion. compact operational command group that consists of the commander and an executive staff. The staff is capable of (5) Transportation. The battalion has the organic trans- portation capability that is required to support its mission. integrating the efforts of attached units with those of support- ing units. The staff can support a tactical, main, and rear The service company provides motor transport support to command echelon during displacement. The basic means of ground mobility of the regiment is by foot, supplemented by 1090 F Infantry Regiment USMC USN Off Enl Off Enl 160 2,838 11 201 1096 F 1038 F H&S Infantry Company Battalion USMC USN USMC USN Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl 25 264 2 3 45 858 3 66 Figure 4-3. Infantry Regiment. 4-4 MCRP 5-12D small, lightweight vehicles for transportation of electronic (2) Maintenance. The regiment is capable of 1st and 2d equipment, weapons, and limited amounts of ammunition echelon maintenance on all organic equipment. and supplies. All elements are helicopter transportable and (3) Supply. Regiment supply is capable of providing compatible with other means of transportation (e.g., assault organic supply support for the regiment. Generally, unit amphibious vehicles (AAVs), motor transport, fixed-wing distribution is the preferred method of supply, but supply aircraft, and ships). point distribution may also be used. c. Concept of Employment (4) Medical. The regiment medical platoon provides preventive medicine, treatment for minor illnesses and The infantry regiment is the major element of close combat injuries, and emergency lifesaving for battle and nonbattle power of the Marine division. (See figure 4-4.) The casualties. Injured and sick persons requiring hospitalization regiment, with appropriate attachments, is capable of are readied and evacuated to the rear. Normally, a regiment independent, sustained operations. aid station (RAS) serves as the hub for medical support. Headquarters company medical personnel provide d. Logistic Capabilities emergency treatment and preparation for evacuation for the company. The following logistic capabilities are those of the headquar- ters company and the infantry regiment and its individual (5) Transportation. High-mobility, multipurpose battalions. The regiment’s total capability is the sum of the wheeled vehicles (HMMWVs) provide organic transporta- capabilities of its subordinate units. tion for the infantry. (1) Administrative Capability. The regiment is capable (6) Messing. The infantry regiment is capable of organic of self-administration. food service support. 1096G HQ Company, Infantry Regiment USMC USN Company Regimental Off Enl Off Enl Headquarters Headquarters 24 185 2 3 USMC USN USMC USN Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Communications Reconnaissance 4 42 0 3 17 40 2 0 Section Platoon USMC USMC Mess Section Command Section S-1 Section Off Enl Off Enl USMC USMC USMC 2 79 1 23 Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Communications- 0 5 1 7 2 47 Platoon Headquarters Electronics Motor Transport S-3 Section USMC Maintenance Section S-2 Section USMC Off Enl USMC USMC USMC Off Enl 2 3 Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl 1 19 3 8 6 13 0 7 Supply Section S-4 Section Radio Section Communications Medical Section USMC USN USMC USMC Center Section USMC Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl 1 8 1 0 5 8 0 44 0 6 Headquarters Chaplain Section Wire Section Tactical Air Control Section USMC USN USMC Party (TACP) Section USMC Off Enl Off Enl Off Enl USMC Off Enl 0 1 1 0 0 15 Off Enl 2 10 0 4 Motor TOW Transport Section Maintenance Section USMC USMC Off Enl Off Enl 0 6 0 6 Figure 4-4.
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