Aug. 30, 2016 LINDENWOOD LEGACY An award-winning newspaper Student Newspaper Volume 10, Number 3 Lindenlink.com Task force to promote ‘tolerance, acceptance, mutual respect’ Walker van Wey perience classes. the message, Walker said, which is why he The diversity task force aims for a long- “We want to create thinks talking to groups heavy with freshmen Reporter term goal that allows Lindenwood as a school will set the bar for years to come. and community to look at the effects our ac- an environment where The biggest obstacle right now is the anon- A diversity task force formed last spring is tions and guidelines have on people of differ- ymous world of the internet, he said. The hoping to celebrate differences, foster more ent cultures, Walker said. students understand ability for any person at any time to under- understanding and create a more welcoming “Any policy that affects students, faculty what diversity is and cut all the progress the group plans to make atmosphere for all cultures at Lindenwood. or staff will be improved for students to feel is a very real issue, but not one that the group The group is headed by Patrick Walker, tolerance, acceptance and mutual respect,” what it looks like” fears. associate professor of Nonprofit Administra- he said. “We want to show people how much -Patrick Walker, “I’m at a loss for words right now at the tion at the Plaster School of Business and En- stronger we are together.” disrespect and boldness of people on the in- trepreneurship. The task force is open to anyone, regard- Lindenwood Faculty ternet,” Walker said. “That inspires me to be “We want to create an environment where less of ethnicity and religious background. just as bold about acceptance and embracing students understand what diversity is and The only thing necessary to join is the drive togetherness. If we’re not doing anything that what it looks like,” he said. “Culture, racial to take on such a task, Walker said. Although sage of coexistence. starts with conversations and understanding and sexual orientation issues still get swept anyone is welcome to attend the monthly “We are open to anybody who wants to do and agreeing to disagree, we will be behind as under the rug.” meetings, voting is restricted to one repre- the work,” Walker said. “Developing strate- a university.” Walker said that the task force already has sentative per school. gies to promote and improve relationships on The group will have its first meeting of this made a few recommendations on general He also said that the diversity task force is campus starts with conversations, and it takes semester at 1 p.m. Thursday in Harmon Hall education courses that Lindenwood should not a group that forces people to act identical a lot of courage to have these conversations.” Room 138. A presidential advisory coun- consider offering, and it plans to make pre- at each meeting; members are encouraged to Unification with other clubs and organiza- cil on diversity, which is separate from the sentations to freshmen in their Freshman Ex- keep their identities as they spread the mes- tions at Lindenwood is a big key to spreading group, also is being established. Tobacco use Shutdown Dash of color of Droste restricted to Road set eight zones for this fall Phil Brahm Lindenlink Editor Phil Scherer smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco The reconstruction Reporter and any non-FDA ap- of a road along Linden- proved nicotine delivery wood’s campus remains A new tobacco poli- device. on schedule to begin lat- cy only allows smoking Tobacco use is pro- er this fall, according to in designated zones that hibited in all universi- city officials. are at least 100 feet from ty vehicles, including Plans to redo the sec- any university facility, maintenance vehicles tion of Droste Road be- and restrictions are for and automobiles owned tween Charbo Street and the most part being fol- by the university. Tobac- South Duchesne Drive lowed, officials say. co use is prohibited in all have been finished, and The eight designated university housing units. the design phase is 85 smoking areas are: the University parking areas percent complete, the southwest parking lot also are included in the city’s website says. of Hyland Arena; the ban. “The design of this northeast side of Young The idea for a smoking project is still on sched- Hall; the northwest ban was first introduced ule,” said Matt Segerman, parking lot of Guffey by the Lindenwood Stu- project manager for the Hall; the southwest side dent Government Asso- city of St. Charles. “We of the J. Scheidegger ciation in February 2016 are still looking on put- Center; the west park- and was later approved ting this project out to ing lot of the Campus by President Michael bid by late September Service Center; the west Shonrock. and possibly having a parking lot of the Wel- Vice President of Stu- contractor on board by come Center; the south dent Development Ryan the end of October.” side of the gazebo near Guffey said that the stu- He added that once Niccolls Hall; and the dents’ well-being is of a contractor is selected, northwest parking lot of paramount importance a meeting will be held Harmon Hall. to the campus commu- to discuss the project’s The ban covers all nity and that in this case construction schedule. forms of tobacco, in- secondhand smoke may Details for the meeting’s cluding cigarettes, ci- be getting in the way of Photo by Kelby Lorenz time and location have gars, pipes, water pipes, that. Zachary Murri avoids getting paint in his mouth as he finishes first in the Splash Dash. See more on B4. not been determined yet. electronic cigarettes, See Tobacco Ban | A2 The project will re- place deteriorating pavement along the one-third-mile stretch of Droste, improve the Adjunct of the year brings business smarts to the classroom current sidewalks and add a 10-foot-wide mul- Bryce Olden make it come alive is by dents; we have a lot of fun, master’s degree in busi- vehicle that Chevy choos- tiuse path for pedestri- making it applicable to we do a lot of real-world ness from Golden Gate es. ans and bicyclists. The Reporter the interest of the stu- projects,” Holley said. University in San Fran- Holley’s students com- homes situated along the dent.” Holley comes from a cisco. pete against each other in construction route will Steve Holley was Marketing senior business background and After his master’s, Hol- teams. The overall winner have their driveways re- awarded Lindenwood Graham Zagrodney said gets his style of teaching ley went on to work for is picked by the Chevy moved, and alleyways University’s Adjunct In- Holley makes class inter- from his real-world expe- Anheuser-Busch. He was dealers. with parking spaces will structor of the Year at the esting and is “really into riences. there for 26 years upon Lindenwood has won be built in their back- adjunct conference earlier hands on learning and “I actually bring in real retiring in 2011. the Chevy Challenge in yards as a result of the this month. real experience.” clients, real customers One of Holley’s big- five competitions of the improvements. Holley said it was an Holley, who has been for the students to work gest achievements at Lin- past six years. Lindenwood current- honor. at LU since the fall of with,” Holley said. “They denwood is having his “Students challenge ly owns 42 student-occu- “There’s a lot of great Steve Holley 2011, teaches in the Plas- get feedback from them students compete in the you to do better,” he said. pied homes that will be faculty members out here, Lindenwood ter School of Business and so it gives them a taste Chevy Regional Colle- “They challenge you to affected by the construc- so it’s very nice to be rec- Adjunct of the Year Entrepreneurship. of what they can expect giate Challenge. bring more to the table, tion. ognized by the university “He does what we all He also teaches adver- when they get out and get The competition in- and they get to engage The project is expect- and obviously by your want to do and what we tising and sales classes at their jobs after they leave volving colleges in the and enjoy it, so it works ed to cost nearly $5 mil- peers,” he said. all strive to do and that Fontbonne, Maryville and Lindenwood.” area takes place every fall. out really well.” lion and has an estimat- David Arns, depart- is take a concept like ad- and Saint Louis Universi- Holley got his un- Holley has his classes put Holley said that as long ed completion date of ment chair of marketing vertising and promotions ty, which adds up to about dergraduate degree in together a full-blown ad- as Lindenwood will have December 2017, accord- in the School of Business, and make it come alive,” 500 students a year. marketing at Southeast vertising and sales pro- him, he will be around for ing to the St. Charles nominated Holley. Arns said. “The way you “I really enjoy the stu- Missouri State and his motion campaign for a many years to come. website. Page A2 NEWS Aug. 30, 2016 Evans Dining Hall workers provide smiles Photo by Kelby Lorenz Photo by Kelby Lorenz Stephen Giuffrida cuts a cantaloupe to prepare for a meal in Evans kitchen Friday. Julie Feesler greets a student with a smile while scanning IDs in Evans Dining Hall.
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