1527 TRADES DIRECTORY, 1910. DIA-DIN J'oseph Brothere, 28 Holborn viaduct E C t WarwickBenjamin,l6&18KingWilliam st E C Mead Joseph Ltn.. 102 Sonthwark street SE t§PearRon Oha~. & Son Lt-1.93 & 05 :Mansell st, Josephi Benj. Henry, 17 Hatton garden E: C tWatherston & Son,6 Vigo street,Regent et W PowellN. J. &Co.101 Whitech'lpel High&t E Ald:;ate E ; 53 Leadenhall st E C ; 34 ,\br 11: Kaufma.nn Jonas Bemard,96 Hatton gdnE C Weisz N. 73 Hatton garden E C Smith T. J. & J. Lt<l. 26 Ollarterltouse sq E C lane E C & 1 Bi'hop<gate chnrchya ·d E C t•Keller L. & Co. 88 Hatton garden E C tWellby Danl. &Jn. I...im. 18&20Garrick st'NC Speller Jamea & Co. (Oharterhouse series), §Phipps & Connor, 13 & 14 Tothill Rtrcct SW Kendal & Dent, 106 Oheapside E C Wernher.Beit &Co.29 &30Holborn viaduct E C 61 to 65 Golden lane E C Phamix Art Metal En~;n'lering O.l. Ltd. 27 A, •~King John William, 1 Albemarle street E C WheelerHaydenW.&Co.50Holborn viaoctE C Btraker Chas.& Sons Ltd. 38 King Willm.st E C & 40 Ooin street, Stamford street SE •tKlean Michael& Co. 70MyddeltonstreetE C Wnigtler E•l ward & Co. l1 Strand WC STRAKER & CRA.NES DIARY CO. LTD. §Pi card & Boyle, 259 St. John sti·ect E C Kmuss Brothers, 101 llatton garden E C WHITEHORN BRO-rHERS, 19, 20 & 21 "PettittR," " HlaekwoOlls," "Gossamer," t§Pinches John, 21 Alhcrt embank:mP.nt SE Krolik Lippm~nn (agent), 7 Warwick et WC Featherstone buildings WC "Crown,""Rensha ws," ''Cranes,""Pennys" Pratt Tl10B. Ohilver, 30 Ayledbury streat E C 'ti.ambert & Co. 10, 11 & 12 Coventry st W Whitehorn Ernest, 9 Ely place E C over 300 varieties ~R~>id Brothers, 40 D11 ke street, Atdgate £ G t•I.a.ndsberg H. & Son,o2 Hatton garden E C Wild Gusta.v, 59, 60 & 61 Hatton garden E C for advertising & general use, 38 King §tRixon & Arnold, 29 Poultry E C UW!'on, Ward & Gammage Lim. 26 Olerken- Williamson H. Limited, 8l.Farringdon rd E C William street E C Royle W. R. & Son, fl6 ~ewgate street E C well roaot E C WiL~on & Gill, 139 & 141 RePJ;ent street W Walker John & Oo. Ltd. 5 Warwick lane E C Scruby & Bergin, 12 Mart!llall street, Gol:Jell Lederer Hichard, 32 Hatton garden E C •ywolf! Ernest& Oo.2 Alfred pl. Bedford sq'NC & 2, 3 & 4 Warwick square EC square W 'tLevy M.J. &Nephews,22 Holbm.viaductE C "'tWolii & Reiss, 11 Hatton garden E C Seary Frank Edgar, 50 RupPrt st.,ect W Lewis & Marks Diamond Branch Ltd. 20 •Woods T. G. & Sons, 54 Spencer st E C ; for *Selman & Son, Vi Old street E' C Holborn E C lapidfl.rics. stone cutters. china rivettcrs &c DIE MAKERS FOR METAL ShelbourneFredk. Wm.&Co.63High BlbrnW C -tLewis Henry, ]O!l Mount st. Grosvenor eqW tWordley ThomasLtd.~St.Swithin's laneE C S1'AMPING. Sirkett Sidney, 8 Dyers' buildings E C Lindenbanm & Weil. 25 Hatton garden E C Blanpain Frederick, 52A, Brirlson street SE ~§Smith, Kay & Co. 13 Rathbone place W LitkieValerianArnold&Oo.26Holbrn.vdct E C De Lacy Geo. & Som, :lti & 37 Cowcross st E C HSmith & Young, 170 Upper Thames st E C 'tLoch & Co, Cecil house, 67A, Holborn via- DIAMOND (ROUGH> MERCHANTS. die; & stamps Soho Scientific Inst;rument Co. d'lct E C (late of 39 Hatton ~arden E C) ; See alJo Diamond Merchant1. of every description dies & seals for all purposes ; speciality in half pearls-T N 2561 Central DaszangerJacques&Co.Audreyho.Ely piE C; H. M. Government Oontra!!tO!S reductions in all metal3 &c. London & Ryder, 17 New Bond street W importers of bhck brazilian carbons; Schuler L. U8 ciou.thwark street SE from artists' model~ (3 machine,), tLowenst.einL.M.&Co.l9&20IIolbn. viadct E C rougb diamonds for mechanical purposes ; shmpiug in all its branche~, Lurcott William & Co. 51 Hatton garden E C round bo>rts; glazierd' diamonds &c office & show rooms, 175 Wardour sheet W; Magarba & Co. 118 Uhancery lane WC TA "Deltidium "; T N 4831 Holborn DIE SINKERS. works, 1,~'irnblellon SW Ma~ters James, 4< Clerkenwell road E C Ebrmann & Bahlsen, 50 Ho! born viaduct E C ; Bu al1o Enqraver1; al1o Enqra?Jer1-8eal, §Spict>r James <\> Sons, factory, Re 1cross •tMayer Max, 88 Hatton garden E C all kinds of rough diamonds,black diamonds, Muked thuo " o.re Letter Cutt~rr. ' works, Redcross street, Southwark SE ; fiO Mendes da Costa l<'rcres, 13 Hatton grdn E C round boart, carbon & glaziers' diamonds Marked thus t are Seal En!{ravera. Upper'J'hames street E C; Queenllithe dock t::Uichal.'lki Benno, 34 Rattan glorden E C Gulland J amC!l Ker, 8 Victoria stS W ; largest Marked thu.& ~ o.re Sto.mpero•• E C & !l2 Long acre WC Michaud David & Co. 11 Hatton garden E ()o importer of carbonate (black dia.monrl3) ct§Army & Navy Co-operative Society Ltd. t§"ltokes Henry Robert, 58 Elizabeth street, •t.lliles Raymond Alex. 34 Gt. Queen st WC & brazilian boart & glaziers' diamonds, 1()5 Victoria street, W estmi uster SW Ea ton sq nitre SW :Moore & Gallop, 11 Rattan garden E C diamonds set in steel; e11.gineer to Diamond t A.tkins Alfted H.Li m.27 &28 Fetter lane E C §'!'ann Edward, 75 Chancery lane WC Mossman Thomas J. & Co. 89 Rattan grdn E C Drill Co *t§Baddeley Bros. Chapel works, Moor lane Terrey Charles,l1 Lens den pl.Golclen lane E C Mcule Frederick, 95 Alder~gate street E C Halm K & Oo. 33 Hatton garden E C E C ; die sinkers, medallists ; metal check Vokes Alfred, 14 Brooksby st.Liverpool rd N · Nathau Gon1on & Co. 317 Hi[{h Holb:Jrn WC HirschAdolpliTheodorei>Oo. 3 Gt. St.Helen's & label ma~ers &c. (estab. 1865) Waller W.& Oo.Ltd.28 to 32 Vauxhall walkS E ttNathan Benjamin, 1 Rolborn circus E C E C: imp m tors of all kinds of Brazilian *t§Badde!ey& Reynolds Ltl.1lJ& 20 Old Bailey & Wickh~m street SE Neresheimer & Co.Lt'l. '27 Holhorn viaduct E C diamon<B & carbonate (bla.cl!:: diamonds) E C; scraw & lev~r embossing press makers, ·~~Waterlow &.Sons Limited, 26 & 27 Gn'\t Nockold Richard Cook, 12 Frith st. Soho W Levy M. J. & Nephews,2<!H.olborn viartuctE C medallists, tokens & metal badge makers, Winchester street E C (regi~tered offices;; Pam Julius & Oo. 27 Ely place E C Martin William, 1lll Hatton garden E C embossers & illuminators Blomfield house, 85 & 86 London wall & fi:.! Parisian Diamond Co. 85 New Bond street W : .:1-topf:es Louis Van & Uo. 118 Holborn E C $f§BA.ker Frank, 91 Cannon street E' C New Broad st E C; 49 Parliament st SW; 6 143 Regent street W & 37, 38 & 43 Burling· Romer Charles & Sons, 1 Hat ton garden E C §Barber Samuel, 78 Lefevre road, Bow E Cannon row SW; & factories, Finsbury ton arcane W StlawAlfred&Son,6QSpencer st.Goswdl rdE C Barrett Henry J ames, 118 & 119 Fore st E C stationery works, Clifton street; E:\.rl street; •tPayne William & 0.1. 163 New Bond st W Triefus S. & E. 4 Holborn circus E C ; rough Baxter & Rae, 41 Berners street W Paul st. ; Ca-stle st. ; Scrotton street E C ; Pelissier Frederic, 63 Berwick street. R~ho W & cut, also technical & carbon ~t§Blades, East & Blades, 23 Abchurch 1aue Smeed rd. Old ForJ E & Canal wo1·ks, 01:1 Phillips Bros. 120 Southwark street SE Van MoppBS Louis Meyer & Sons, 56Holborn E C ; 44 to 52 Leonard street & 78 Taber­ Ford road E ; Birmingham & Dunstable Phillips Solomon Joel, 113 New Bond street W viaduct E C ; rough diam:mds for mechani­ nacle street, Fmsbury E C tWatts & Rumball Ltd. 2 Ridgm •unt st WC l'itson .!rthnr, 179 New Bond street 'N cal & scieuti lie purpoil'IB; importers of Bolson Morris & Co. Bl Shepherdess walk N tWebb Georg~ & Oo. 6:.! Chiswell street E C Poile& Smith, 520 Oxford streJt W carbonate (bl:J.ck diamand;)-1' A. "Mono­ tBowles & Son, 81 Berwick street W •tWoolid!2'e & Co. 46 Farringdon street E C tPolgar Arthur, 22 Ely place E C clinic"; '1' N 5210 Holborn §llrownlie John & Sons, 6:J Oulmoro road, HWRIGHT & SON, head office & works, Posthumus Henri, 23 Rolborn viaduct E C Peckham SE Edgware, Middle3ex; London office, 23 Ridpath J. L. & Son, 27 Ho! born viarluct E C Smlt J. K. & Zonen, Amsterdam; boarts & t•§Oroker H. S. & Co. 10 Rathbone place W & Rahere street E C ; die sinkers, con tra.c · Robinson Max & Co. ?.\l Hatton gat den E C bmzilian carbnn:J for drilling & other 30 & 31 Paternoster square E C tors to H.M. Government ; official :-~ea.l Rood S• .T.& Co.Ltd.52 & 53Burlngtn. arcadeW industri:.l purposes; parcels seut for in­ t§Culleton's Heraldic Office, 92 Piccadilly W engravers, medallists, check, ba.d;e, label, tRozelaar Brothel'!', 17 ffolhorn viaduct E C spection free of charge •~De Lacy Geo.& Sons,36 & 370owcross st E C gold, silver, & metal stampers, screw & tRnbin Mark, 3~ to 34 Holborn viar!uct E C Prize awa.rJs for lever embossing press makers; dies cut •tSaqui & Lawrence,28,29,30 & 31 Liverpool DIAMOND MINING APPLIANCE MFRS. high by reducing machines street E C ; 97 Fleet street E C ; 51 Strand Uhatteris Engineering W arks Co. 139 & HO class we; l & 3 ShafteRbUry avenue w & 277 Gresham house, Old Broad street E C work; DILAPIDATIO~ SURVEYORS.
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