Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March1993 Daily Egyptian 1993 3-10-1993 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 10, 1993 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1993 Volume 78, Issue 119 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1993 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March1993 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Wednesday, March 10, 1993, Vol. 78, No. 119, 20 Pages Phoenix plan under review very positive C) cepe for some cona:m for detail • . Elliott said. "We have alrela:!Y had minor The Phoenix Commitlee suggestions:' he said. "The circulated Tuesday • rough draft of suggeslions have beeD very the final Jl"OIl<lS'lI for a oow college helpful" of communicatjon, and j, meels Elliotl said after Ihe meeling today for input on the plan. tOltlOl row the last changes wiU be Bill Elliotl, chairman of the made on the proposal and a rt¥! Phoenix Committee. said the drafl will be written. The fina] draft prooosaI was circulated to faculty. will then be submirled to Benjamin slatf and inlcrested guest 10 Shepherd. vice presidenl for address problems for ~on. acadallie affair.; and provost. He said proposals were !""lted The proposal calls for a around the CO:!"lmunications inlegraled college of Building fer studer... comn.IWK:ation. TIle Phoenix Committee meets "'No Lhree academic units on today in Studio B in the campus an: '"""' closely integraled Communications Building to than the three in the proposal," SId Photo by _ Von HOOK address suggestions and problems Elliott said. from those who hc.ve secn Ihe The proposal says. "lit! is Numero uno Jl"OIl<lS'lI, Elliott said. proposed thai undergraduale and Salukl forwSld Chris Carr, a freshman from Conference championship Monday night He said journalism. radio and graduate programs in the college be Pilot Knob, M"., cell.brates atter the at the St. Louis Arena. The SBlukl lelevision and broadcasI faculty mel inlegr81ed in wuys thai will extend Dawgs' 70-59 vict<><y over the Illinois State baketball team Is '-dlng to the NCAAs Monday and discussed Ihe and enhance the sludcnts' Redbirds to win the Missouri Valley for the first time since 1977. proposal. _ PROPOSAL, page 12 The reaction from the facullY was .. Proom;ea IBHE cuts would affect slue research "II could have a ignificantJy providing a fuji fa tge of bachelor's GusBode negative i1npEI with the poosi!>iIity programs, the number of .Jocuntes Reseilrch fluctuates of compromising our proo.,rams by awarded by the graduale program It was only a few years ago that foilowing BHE poinl b, poinl." and the IiItlOW1I of research dollar The "*"W1g "**' on SlUe SIUC's goal was to strive for til..­ ReoJ'lTIin Shepherd said. "WIth fWlded. ....-.:n money do net ntode &wl::iaIaidtrdng,Thenuntler highesl university research sane give by BHE and the \!.Se of '¥hen these criteri .... filled, the d!J'lf1ls ioaased___ ...... cJasslficalion. bUI now comparable cope criterion. inSlil"lion is eligj ~le for $12.5 )'IlIII'S boIore cfppi"og agai'1 i1 administrators are concentrating on however, we can respond 10 BHE million in federal suppon for 1992. holding on 10 a secoodary stalus without compromising status." research IUId developmenL These level. Some of the proposed CUIS by criteria are set by the Carnegie _....-.:n ganIs !J3nI5 1 he illinOiS Board of Higher IBHE include the elimination of II Foundatioo for the Ad"anoemenl of (n .......) -os"""""'" Education's proposed program cuts PhD program.. ail associate degree Teaching. 1989 $18..3 eee 647 for SIUC could bave a negalive programs, nine master's programs <:":amegie stalus is more than 1990 $lao 835 731 effecl on Carnegie Research LI and five bachelor's programs. """"""-'Y ftmding. 19!11 $20.7 8B9 1m Gus says no step forward, Status. the vice president for The criteria for maintaining 1992 $192 858 no two steps back. academic affairs ",1<1 P'O'OSI said. Carnegie II status include: _ RESEARCH, page 12 Design facUty at odds CNer Agency asks for welfare money Department offiCials say children deserve more attention future of 'slue department By Jeremy Finley Union. said the refonn senlemenl depanrnen~ and we agreed this was By CoIIeF of Tedmical c....n .. PohcsWriter WJ\S the resuh a four-year the =." he said. "But the refonn • new "ollele of investigation of DCFS by a paool ca.'UIOt happcro over nighL W, have CC8t1IDUIIicaIi Because It.. swe's child welf.... of attorneys and the ACLU Ihal had major budget reductions of $20 "'We wiD aaIe ,'IfOIXUI for agency is worried th:!I children are found abuse and neglig.... : e in the million last year, and thai's made il • sc:booI of design that can be nol gelling (he 311cntion Ihey depanrnenL very diffICUlt." u""" in IDYOOilere. - BriUS deserve. il is asking for $73 million The ACLU filed a lawsuil McMorris said caseworkers said. 10 help oevamp the depanrnenL againsl DCFS. causing Ihe across the slate are o"crworked, He .id the Iwo faculty Sieriing Ryder, direclor of Ihe oepanmenl to change their and the reform is helpiuJ because il membelo in procb>t desip .... Deparlmenl of Children and operations. but emphasized a gives the wori<et.1'1'I<ir., .If a chance lhe onI) faculty oppo• ...t to • Family Services. asked a House change in casewori<en;, she said. to deal with individual cases. BUI new achooI rL design. appropriations committee Ed McMorris, DCFS chief of the funds have 10 be given so more "nJe production people ~t:e Thursday 10 give the funds in order communicati(}n~. said the casewori<ers can be hired. working pmdominandy . to meet a court order to hire more departmenl reachal an agreemenl " We are asking the !~oi ~ !:i.ljon u .- BriUS Wd. :'They uvc C83eW0rkers. wilh the ACLU. bUI because of for a approval of funds for the dropped "'" rL ......... for A 1991 reform selliemeni layoffs of slaff- nOI caseworkers," he said. " If we gel the propooal of • scbool of ordered DCFS 10 reduce caseloads casewori<crs- and budget cuts. the the funds, we oughl 10 make the desip." from 50 or more children per dcpanr.oenl is having to ask for the deadli"".~ He said die pmcIoIcrion faadIy caseworker 10 30 children or 25 appropriation of the money 10 mod McMorris sai" 173 caseworkers multichild families by July I. the July deadline. are needed 10 both meel the cuts _ DEaJN, page 12 Mary Dixon, legislative director " The ACLU suggested we of the American Civil Liberties needed a complete overlJaul of our _ OCFS, page 12 USG to rec->nslder Press conference Opinion University officials MVC championship highly-contested planned to update -50epage4 ! I He.Ith do not respond to .1,.. Sal." Lo... housing fee hike fatal Pyramids fire I -50epage7 six Indicted studen performance boost I Sports -50epage20 -Story on page :3 -Story on page 6 -- Low5Oe L - Story on page 13 -Story on pagIJ 20 1'(· • J ______________________________________________________________________________~~-- I~I~ Sports 111lh 1_\jlllllI ' "... "lltlt 'll In"I 'I~ I !l1 ,~"\ til I·h.nold, Salukis to play 'for MVC tourney titie Southwest Missouri Slate and Angie Rouge&1L Firth scored g;Ibs. cmghlon ooanaged only live makes in 14 trips to the charity deCeaICd Drake, 83-53, 10 capture 10 ~ints and collected a career­ offensive caroms. stripe. the oIber spot in the finals. higH 17 rebounds, while Rougeau The SaIukis led by 14 points at cmghtcn was led in scoring by The slUe women's baskeIball AniI8 Scott's layup with 1:36 10 grabbed 12 rebounds 10 go with ~2 halftime, but the Bluejays went on Beclcy Flynn. The oewoomer and team will play Cor the school's play in the tlUl3 session sealed the points. a 14-2 run 10 close the Itl3Igin. The Cresbman of the yea{ in the MVC second NCAA 1bumament bid in a win for the SaIukis. It was the only Tiffany Belden also checlced inlO rest of the game was a nip-and-tuclc llit Cor 17 points. Shannon SlIUby week Saturday at Southwest basket scored in the overtime the double-digit columl} with 13 aitair. added II points for the Jays. Misscui SIaIe. session. points. For the second time this yt::M on Sawrday's cbampiooship game The SaIutis (19-9) reacbed the Scott led the way Cor the SaIukis SIUC aashed the boards in a big its home Door, Creighton shot a at the Ha.mmonds Center in title game of the Missouri Valley with • game-high 21 points. She way 10 SlOp the Bluejays' IG-game mucb greater Dumber oC free Srxingfield. Ml.. will begin at 7:05 Coo1i::mIce 1iunamcnI willi a 71- also added four assists and three horne winning SIrCak. throws than the Saluk.is. The pm. 69 OVClime win ovec No. 2 seed !>Ieals in 44 minUlCS oC.actioo. 100 SaIukis comlTl3lldc>: a 47-27 Bluejays 'OIlIleCted on 21 oC 28 The Bears defeatlld the Salukis Oeigluon (2D-8) ThrsIay night in Scou was backed iT, a pair of rebounding advantage, with 22 of shoes from the line, but SIUC made on their home Door last yt::M in the 0maba,Neb. double-doubles from Kelly Firth those coming on the offensive the best of its opponnnitt:s with 12 title game, 86-8}. Focused Salukit; got the job done It was a lime of many ~motions for the Salukis on Missouri Valley Conference champoonship night Monday.
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