CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E141 park, a wilderness area, a national forest, a ning and resulted in the honoring of veterans RECOGNIZING DANIEL C. REESE Wild and Scenic River, a National Heritage both past and present within their community. AND HIS APPOINTMENT TO Area or a National Conservation Area; con- They even worked to preserve the environ- CHAIRMAN OF THE TENNESSEE struct a Bureau of Reclamation Water Recy- ment by cleaning up a staggering eight miles DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT cling project; modify the Coastal Barrier Re- of the Delaware Canal. AND CONSERVATION COMMIS- sources System; or remove property from the SIONER’S COUNCIL ON GREEN- National Wildlife Refuge System. The House The members of Troop 127 are prime ex- WAYS AND TRAILS Natural Resources Committee routinely con- amples of what it means to be a Boy Scout. siders dozens of these types of bills each They are conscious of country, the values of HON. DAVID P. ROE year. their country, those less fortunate than them- OF TENNESSEE It is also important to note that Congress selves, and of their faith. The members of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has legislatively created more than 60 national Troop 127 have shown maturity and are val- Wednesday, February 13, 2013 wildlife refuges throughout the United States. ued members of our community. Becoming a Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, today In my own Congressional District, the Red Boy Scout bestows a great level of responsi- River National Wildlife Refuge was established I would like to recognize Mr. Daniel C. Reese bility on the young men who are willing to take by an Act of Congress. In fact, including public of Tennessee’s First District, who has been up Scouting’s values. The community looks to hearings, Committee markups and action in appointed Chairman of the Tennessee Depart- both the House and the Senate, it took exactly the young men of Troop 127 as leaders now ment of Environment and Conservation Com- six months to get this legislation to President and in the years to come. missioner’s Council on Greenways and Trails. Bill Clinton, who signed the bill into law on Oc- I sincerely hope that the scouts of Troop This council is an organization that encour- ages our communities to utilize green spaces, tober 13, 2000. Even by the standards articu- 127 continue down the challenging and re- promotes volunteerism in the community, and lated by the Fish and Wildlife Service, this pe- warding path that the Boy Scouts has to offer. riod of time demonstrated that the Congress works hard to preserve our natural and cul- The Scouts commitment to the betterment of tural resources. Through his efforts on the can act swiftly when there is public support for oneself and the pursuit of something greater the establishment of a specific refuge. council, Dan has set a great example for East are something any young man can benefit Under my bill, all new national wildlife ref- Tennessee. uges established after January 3, 2013 would from. I applaud them on their service accom- A graduate of East Tennessee State Univer- require a Congressional authorization. This bill plishments this past year, extend my best sity, Dan has dedicated his career to working does not affect the existing 560 refuges, nor wishes for their continued success and serv- for the people of the Great State of Ten- does it require that additions to these units ob- ice. nessee. He is a member of the Tennessee tain Congressional approval. This is a modest Department of Transportation Depot Restora- and commonsense solution. It is past time for f tion Demonstration Project, and continues to the Congress to exercise its oversight respon- volunteer his time and expertise to develop sibility before the Fish and Wildlife Service HONORING COLLINS ALAN BEATTY additional green spaces within our community. Mr. Speaker, I commend Daniel for his self- creates huge new financial burdens on tax- less contributions to our state and wish him payers. As the Chairman of the Natural Resources HON. SAM GRAVES the best as he continues to exemplify the Vol- unteer spirit. Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans OF MISSOURI and Insular Affairs, I can assure my col- f leagues that there is nothing inherently unique IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HONORING RAY J. HILLENBRAND or urgent about the establishment of a new Wednesday, February 13, 2013 refuge that requires the Fish and Wildlife Serv- HON. LUKE MESSER ice to unilaterally act on its own, while putting Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I OF INDIANA our taxpayers on the financial hook for billions proudly pause to recognize Collins Alan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in land acquisition costs. Beatty. Collins is a very special young man I urge my colleagues to join in this important Wednesday, February 13, 2013 who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- effort to protect the taxpayers of the United Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to zenship and leadership by taking an active States by cosponsoring the National Wildlife honor the extraordinary accomplishments of Refuge Review Act. part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 314, one of my constituents, Ray J. Hillenbrand, f and earning the most prestigious award of chairman of the board of Hillenbrand, Inc. Eagle Scout. headquartered in Batesville, Indiana. IN HONOR OF TROOP 127 Collins has been very active with his troop, Mr. Hillenbrand has been chairperson of the participating in many scout activities. Over the board of Hillenbrand, Inc. since 2008 and pre- viously served as director of Hillenbrand In- HON. MICHAEL G. FITZPATRICK many years Collins has been involved with OF PENNSYLVANIA dustries, the company’s former parent cor- scouting, he has not only earned 36 merit IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES poration, from 1970 to 2008 and as chairman badges, but also the respect of his family, of the board from 2001 to 2006. Mr. Wednesday, February 13, 2013 peers, and community. Most notably, Collins Hillenbrand was employed by and active for Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today has led his troop in various positions including 19 years in the management of Hillenbrand In- to congratulate the outstanding community Assistant Patrol Leader, has earned the rank dustries prior to his resignation as senior vice service efforts of Boy Scout Troop 127 of the of Brave in the Tribe of Mic–O–Say and is an president and member of the office of the Riegelsville, Bucks County Council, Pennsyl- Arrowman in the Order of the Arrow. Collins president in 1977. On February 27, 2013, Ray vania. has also contributed to his community through will retire from his duties leading the strategic As a father of three boys who are involved his Eagle Scout project. Collins removed old vision of the company as chairman. in Scouting and as an Eagle Scout myself, I For more than a century, the Hillenbrand landscaping and planted new shrubs along a understand the principles and values that companies have served as a staple in the In- scouting has to offer. In 2012 alone, Troop walking trail at Chinn Elementary in Kansas diana and American corporate landscape, 127 has accomplished a number of activities City, Missouri. premiering innovative products in the funeral that embody that embody what it means to be Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in services, medical, and engineering industries. a Scout. commending Collins Alan Beatty for his ac- Ray’s leadership has been a vital part of that Some notable examples of service in the complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- success. last year include: Reaching out to help others ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the Ray Hillenbrand will forever be a friend and during the hardship that took place after Hurri- inspiration to people across the Hoosier state. highest distinction of Eagle Scout. cane Sandy by assisting the American Red I ask the entire 6th Congressional District to Cross for two days at Palisades High School join me in thanking Ray for his excellent serv- shelter. They honored their country by assist- ice to his business and community and in con- ing with the Eagle Scout project of Brandon gratulations for his successful tenure as chair- Youpa, a project that was two years in plan- man of the board of Hillenbrand, Inc. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:10 Sep 25, 2013 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD13\RECFILES\FEB2013\E13FE3.REC E13FE3 bjneal on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E142 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 13, 2013 TRIBUTE TO ROBERT L. CORBIN HONORING JAMES ALLEN BIBENS sports moments of the last half century; the Rockets championships in the ’90s and the HON. SAM GRAVES Love Ya blue oilers in the 70s just to name a HON. MICHAEL R. TURNER OF MISSOURI few. I spent many nights after supper watching OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his sports casts after the Oilers and Astros games with my son Kurt. Bob has told the Wednesday, February 13, 2013 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES story of sports to generations of Houstonians. Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I He has interviewed some of the greatest proudly pause to recognize James Allen sports legends, including Nolan Ryan, Stan Mr. TURNER of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I am Bibens. James is a very special young man ‘‘the Man’’ Musial and George Foreman. Bob honored to pay tribute to a respected commu- who has exemplified the finest qualities of citi- even tested out his acting skills with roles in nity leader and a dear friend from my congres- zenship and leadership by taking an active the ABC TV movie Murder at the World Series sional district, Mr.
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