Features Alan Rickman Entertaiment/Reviews pg. 2 pg. 3 pg. 5 Gulf Coast High School Shark7878 Shark Way,Bites Naples, Fl 34119 Feburary 10th, 2016 Third Edition Model UN Takes Over Gator Swampland! by Sophia Neglio On Friday the 29th through the 31st, Gulf Coast (Disarmament and International Security Commit- High Schools Model UN group went to the Univer- tee) were able to do “unmods” and “mods”. In un- sity of Florida. Gulf Coast was able to attend and mods, (unmoderated caucuses) they were able to debate at the thirteenth annual GatorMUN confer- leave the room and freely talk about their solutions ence which was the name of the conference held while making their working paper. In mods, (mod- at UF over this past weekend. This conference was erated caucuses) the students were chosen to give meant to help high school students gain expertise their speeches. on pressing international issues. These students had “My favorite part was the unmods be- to debate important international forums pertain- cause that’s where I excelled and was able to be a ing to complex global issues such as preventing leader.” -Tomas Panqueva, Freshman at Gulf Coast the spread of diseases, defending human rights and High School upholding justice in the international system. Mock Along with working very hard, the unmods pro- crisis situations are given as topics for the Model vided as a bonding activity for the team because UN students to use their problem-solving skills and they were able to make blocks where they could apply their knowledge to these new situations. The all respect each other constantly and communicate students were expected to research a specific topic amongst one another. This program proved to be so but the magic of this program was that a main part enjoyable for the students who attended it because of the debate was impromptu and they would have it taught them life long lessons and skills such as to respond to new information as the conference speaking in front of an audience and learning how progressed. In total it consisted of sixteen hours to take part in impromptu speeches. The beneficial and seventeen minutes of committee with breaks value of attending this conference gave these stu- only given for lunch, dinner and when they finally dents contacts for possible future careers if this is arrived back at the hotel. Members of the DISEC, what they are interested in pursuing. Photo Courtesy of Susan Soulard Study Habits to Help You Succeed by Miecha Carothers Many students have a hard time sitting background noise. It breaks up the silence of down and really focusing on the school constant studying. Getting distracted while work needed to get done. School can be hard studying is very easy to do and often hard to at times when almost all teachers are assign- get back on track. ing large projects or too much homework all At times, studying can get boring and in one night. Studying can seem like a hard seem almost hopeless, but you can always thing to do but with a few tips and some en- make it fun. Making flash cards or com- couragement, you can get it done. ing up with clever and unique ways to re- To start things off, some simple member facts can be fun and educational. study habits and tricks are to only study Studying doesn’t have to be such a hard and in small increments. Take a break every boring task, you just have to know how to 30 minutes or so, have a glass of water, or make it fun and exciting. walk around the house to get your blood Studying isn’t everyone’s favorite flowing. Getting fresh air and keeping hy- thing to do, but it sure does help if you want drated is also an easy way to keep your body to pass you classes. If you put time and ef- refreshed and on its toes. fort into learning the criteria, then you are Another way to stay focused when study- almost guaranteed to do better on the test. ing is to listen to calm relaxing music or Studying doesn’t always have to be taxing music that doesn’t have lyrics so it is just and irritating. Make it interesting. Photo from Google Images Teacher Spotlight: Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Valdes Mr. Maya Subject: Advanced Placement American Government and Hon- Subject: ors Economics AICE Sociology U.S. History Years at GC: 10 years Years at GC: 4 years What he loves most about GC: “The interaction between the teachers and the student What he loves most about GC: body. We have a great group of kids.” How the student body takes great pride in their academics and being able to teach students who will have a real im- pact on our country’s future. Further, I feel like the school Best memory at GC: pride is outstanding and out students support each other “Probably Graduation, watching these young men and better than any school I’ve seen. women march across the stage every year, its inspira- tional.” Feature Stories Valentine’s Day Throughout History Valentine’s Day Throughout His- by Meghan Cook tory Continued... Valentines Day is unconsciously celebrated each year as if it has been there for what seems like forever. Though, the internationally known and whoever he hit fell in love. According to a day of love and appreciation has an origin. myth, it was Cupid’s mother Venus who used to Turning the clocks back to 496 AD, Pope send him to match make. Gelasius turned the previously named Luperca- Though Cupids bows and red roses are lia into a Christian feast day and set its obser- what some people focus on this time of year only, vance a day earlier, on February 14. In honor many believe that there shouldn’t only be one day of deaths, new friendships and love stories that to share your love with someone, and it doesn’t became integrated in Gelasius’s life along with have to be a partner. Students like Ryann Simoes at many Romans, 14th February became a day Gulf Coast share this opinion. for all lovers and Valentine became its Saint. “Why are you going to pick a day out of It was observed by young Romans who offered the year to give someone flowers when you should valentines to the women they loved. With the do it out of love all of the time even without flow- rise of Christianity, the day came to be known ers?... and if you don’t have a partner you can just as St. Valentine’s Day. There’s other belief on celebrate it with your friends.” why Valentines Day falls on the second week of February, that birds begin mating on Valen- Whether you choose to shower your per- tine’s Day, beginning the people’s season of son of choice with gifts or just spread love through- love as well. Photo from Google Images out the year, Valentines Day has many symbols, But what does this all mean for the suit the lovers broke the doors of Rodanthe’s Whereas if you receive yellow or pink roses, personally and historically. There is no one defini- red roses? Have you ever fantasied about your house. Goddess Diana, enraged with the event, if the person is one to symbolize, it means that tion of love, or a day to celebrate it. It is a free day partner or crush surprising you with a bou- turned Rodanthe into a flower and her suitors they see you as a good friend. to show someone you appreciate them! quet of red roses? There is a story behind it into thorns, thus creating the red rose we know Cupid, a well-known symbol of Val- all. It is said that once a beautiful maiden by today. If you get a rose or two from someone, entines Day, is no regular baby. it has an origin Happy Valentines Day from the Shark Bites the name of Rodanthe was loved by a number the color may indicate what the message is they from the Roman mythology where Cupid has Staff! of impassioned suitors. In their desperate pur- want to send to you. If they are red, it sym- been described as the son of Venus- Goddess of bolizes that they are passionate and love you. Love. Cupid had a bow with a quiver of arrows H.O.S.A. Raises Thou- sands for Leukemia and Lymphoma Socitey! these blood cancers find cures and answers to by Jessica Gardy all their questions. LLS has made it their per- sonal mission to help those who have blood can- H.O.S.A. has done it again! The club for fu- cers and to make sure that they have a fighting ture health professionals made it’s mission to chance. Patients who work with LLS have ac- raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma cess to treatments and specialized information. Society , and they did it in the best way possi- Patients are also given access to a plethora of ble. This year the club asked that faculty and providers and networks at a reasonable cost. students get invovled and donate anything they LLS makes sure that all patients are trreated could to the SunCoast Chapter of the Leukemia with care and that they are protected from high Photos from Google Images and Lymphoma Society. Classroom teachers out of pocket costs. were provided with charts to help keep track of Mrs. Hartz’s classes and Mr.
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