NILES PUBLICLIBRARy DISTRICTo1v 6960 Oakon Street EEI Nues, IL 60714 (847) 663-1234 DEPARTMENT: ADULT DATE RECEIVED: Bulk Rate LIBRARY .- J.S. Postage i USE is A I D BLIgIC News 50 CENTS j ONLY 1RCOPY THURSDAY :7401) WAUKEGAN.RD, NILES, IL 60714 APROo VOL 43, NO.17 SILES PUBLIC . LltR(Ry itli- Nues Centeliñial Dinner --' 6960 SSKTQSST, --- SILES nS - i, ii ., -. Dance a 'sweet success' 60714 (:it District 63thùyieopen tosed schools byRos maryTuno a' s - .- - : ..-- While East Maine School Dis- vanne keeoioeAnotta and Gem- he snanlohe reanene d Steveñ- _ - 63 S pr nidI Dr Rob ho Ia w ddt schools fo too and Mark Tw tcha Ifo cet V go predt d that av th s th ad ighth grad f st 1h gh t fIb grad s Melzer 11'[ i- ï '.-. likety toremain Luund having NelsirWshington, H Contimmd ou Page46- - - : iiccieiinull s sInLrlclrar several - -- :'' . -:: - y_rais io come, hlleOatgaiisg ad- injoistr,srör - is worldng barilto Maine East ACT scores : . : B.gkphotobyMrtiKaz I d ssayt I s 1h tto tee s ulptUres over two ft high and tabtes of et gant p stries with Ihr east posibteimäcl on wer parteftheceleb atlas -the 2,400 students enrolled in lowest in 10 years - - District 63 schòols--- - -. by Rosemary Tirio - - V Ilage seeks - Alan Oct. 7 psblic heâring at- Schoolbellsaretailingstisfratorsare moret than coo- tended byome 200 parents, Maine East High School in ubeceroedoverthdecline. - - diéctor of code - -teachers ucd, coinnsaoity mejo- wake ofACT scores that, for the Assistant Aaperintnndent of From the bers, Varga said evén reopeoing -. first tïme un lOynars, havedippndCurrieatum Dr. Suzanne Muttina enforcement the Stesenson- School would be below Ihn average scare achievedsaid district offiCials manId be --While farmer Code Bufaren-- only a lemparary sototiàn lo the byhllinoishighsohaatstodrnts. looking very neriousty at the : Left ment Director Sae Salerno fitts io; perennial problnmEnrot1ment at White the other Iwo Maineschoat's poor showing. She oiled vulldgè afuicials aré iatervièwing -thesturt ofthe t999-2000 school Schools, fñrcd better with only afailure of many students ta take the core curriculum courses of- candidaiestareplace ToddBava- - year Was about 200 morn than last .2 oía paint drop at Maiab Wrst I-land: ro,vihoretired lastAagast after a year. - . - f and an iocrease Of .6 paint atfered at the schoot as a passible by Budesser Sve-v.earstiotosdirectar.. : - Of thrseveralplans proposed, Maine South. Maine, East admin- Continued on Page 46 Cò,.tiiuthd en Page 46 Varga bas gane on record as-fa- its The LastDance. Weve - -Came Ta TheLastDance., - - Over 94s a-t-e--114 Nues -100th irtLarty Whiteoa white ttranz Bet- tlerplayed his vietin. by Rnocrnary Tiria Nilds putledaut all Ills Ships - Nites viltge president Nick Oct. -6 wttenit héld its lOOlts Blase weaved in the ward liv- bfrthday- lmrtyatPreybytan abitity'ta describe his - be- Haase afthe-WhiteEagle - --- laved Nites and - thee very -TitledThè Village of-Nites - ematianatly said, 'Its (Nues) Gala Centennisl Celebratian,' it -the bestplace ta live in the seas- gata indeed, as the white- - - WhaleCddDarnwortd - and-aiaraan-festaaned tables, spotlighted orchid centerpieces, - Amidst the tights and the timer-foot-high ice-scatpted let- shadows and the viatins sat teas spellingoal N-t-L-E-S änd more than 900 Nitesites gtaw- twa -deliciously avertlowing ing and reveling and singing sWeet tables supplied by Vilella's and dancing ta the last dance Bákery àparkted invitingly ao cf the year-lang 100th birth- that crisp fall evening on Niles' day celebratian at Pezybytos main drag, Mu!waakee Avenue. VitlooTn,rlerr t c,cdloPros- WisiteBagle Saturdaynight- - - ton and BarI Murphy, who assist-- - - '- . - Cymbid um arelada were cd Mayar 1ichalas B. Blase in atap the four faat swan4ike -emcóeingthe event, began- the - BoglephotobyMartiKa-z - festivhttesby mIrado ng past crystal vases whichbssked an- Following comments by May se odant ofJoba Huntington the der beamed lights at the ces- - a 4 present trusteesIncludi g mer V IlageManagerKen Scheel. or Blase, d-15-minutevideo high- firstmayorofNiles, was present- terpiece at edch-af tIte 90 ta- Frank Wagner, ir., former Vil- -n - - tage Clerkwho canin back from The 21 delegates from Niles lighting - the Erst lOti years of ed. --- bIes. ; - - h s retirement home In Tarpon three sislercitlns Pisa Italy Huf N leproduced by Mike Head WIwIn some 945 guests dined pItan Greece and Leiolip Ire access coordinatorfor AT&T on delicately prepaecd dinners uf - And w sang 'Happy-Birth- SprIngs Fia and MInna Scheel .' widoin of the mach beloved for- land. ware then introduced. - Cable Services und a dtreçt de- Cootinued on Page 46 - CdñthiiiIon Page 46 - I 4ulEBUaE:TeidRsiMY, OCTOBER21,5999 PAGE 3 MGE 2 THEBUGLE nmKsDkY, OCTOUER 21, -- Scouting News - RFIM&(AliStars Morton Grove, The Senats of Troop175 -. AvenuesThrift Shoppe - wauld like to thank everyone that Carol Ficarra, CRS, ABR : & Public Library. attended andsupported the anna- extends hours al spaghetti dinner, held on Salar- Richard Harczak Low Viajan Book Discussion Library busts a free computer register forhri Babysitting Eo Irainiug program nu Bucel 97 sien coarse taught by the Pire day, October 9. We sincerely ing adults with developmental 'Award Winning Owners" A sew, daytime book discus- hope that everyone enjoyed the Avesoes to tudrpeedenro an- sitin group foc adults with low-Basics. Jennifer Didier of Ban- Department and the Police De- naunces a '50% Off blowout sain disabilities. Avenues provides meal andhadplenty ta eat. - Buying or Selling One Call Ds ItAll! ncr Troining Center discusses - portones!. The course will con- supportiveempinymentpro- vo6ion will be meeting the see- Your -nuppert will allow- the and entended store houes at its how- to cerate wurksheetu, msk- -siso- of- two classm to be held grams nod residential and rom. und Weduesday of cock mouth paymrttt of some bills and allow Thrift Shoppe on Friday, Octoher rFREE_ - at 15w Morton Grova Public li- ing changes, liuking worksheets, from 3:45 astil 5 p.m. on Tues- 22 from 5:30 p.m-tO p.m. The munity living nppOrlunities. All sud changing displays. Registra- day, November 16 aud Wednes- the parchase of much needed parchases at the shop help sup- braty, 6140 Lincoln Ave. If you equipment for the growing troop. shop, which features new and lion is limited to 100 and bogas doy, November 17 at the Morton and port the needs ofover 250 people MARKET mujoy talking about books, or Scoutmaster David Okun 'slightlyworn clothing just listeuingtoo discussiou, Octaber IL Morton Grove resi- GrovoPoblic Library, 6140 Lin- household items, is located at who benefit from Avenues' pro- u drues are given ptiOeity for rugis- cain Avenoe. The workshop will sharks the dinner committee for joiu US for au hour once a all their hard work in coerdinat- 7710 W. Touhy Ave., Chicago, geama. IeRTONGROVE"NEWLThGI EVALUATION month! Formore information or trades. Non-residents may sign help prepare babysitters for the OILY6YEP1OL5 Wei maintainel & owlet osI- ing and prepariugthe great meal. just miuutes from downtowa Avosues is always looking for piod. 1-S b, I-2 br. Newer up On the Waiting listand will be responsibilities0fearingfor Park Ridge. Proceeds for alt sales Ial y,r 01115 l,r. 3 br. 2 Ask for . for mobility and communication Tronp 175 welcomes any boy, volunteers to help oat in the shop. cñens.Nobsmtw/rr bth notified by phone if thereis yuaug children. Practical tips for IthTehen,.Qr,fskrrighLUee, accessassistance,pieusecall age 11 theo 18 tojuin Ihn troop. benefit the members of Avenues Those interestedio lending a oid FI'. 2CarIuo pkg. orI spoor available. The libraryis plasuing activities, what to da in MorBrwoo u LRwIfPJdtG,r. Carol or Rich 847-955-4220, TDD 965-4236. Wo have another groat year of ad- and its programs. hoodpleasecostsctMarge Aporf11010ll ssOy$2I4 emergency situations, and safety Coupon , Computer Teainmg located at 6140 Lincolu Ave. To Avenues to Independence is a OConnetl at 773.63 I .6230. Askior Rich 915-5544 I. MklorCaro965-5514 forchildrenoreemphasized. ventares planned. For more isfor- Saturdoy. November 6 at 2 register er for more infnrmotiou, mutino, contact David at 847- not-for-profit orguuizatiOn assist- p.m., tite Morton Grove Public or for mobility and eommasiea- Registration began October tA. .- .' (847) 965.2684 oR 2O4O933 s, 470-8408.- tonaccessassistance,please To register, sign ap at the Refer- cati847-965-4220,for TOD cace Services desk lu the library , . s 947-965-4236. or cali 965-4220. For more in- On Sunday, Oclnber24, St. John Brebouf Cathdic Women's Babysitting Basics formation, nr for mobility and held . Club will haul ils 30th annual Holiday Craft Fair. lt will be Do youWaut to be a better ha- communicationaçcess assis- from 8 am. until S p.m. in the SJB gym and parishhall,. 8301 Héidîs bysilter? Morbo Grove studeuts tance, please call 547-965-4220, North Harlem, Niles. age 12 and over ore eligible to . .!9r TOD 847-9554236. The Holiday Craft Fair will feature a wide variely ofseasonal B AK°ER Y A greatrogram and year-round handmade items created by individual eratiers. p "Where Eveflf Day Is Special! p The bake lable will have available a tempting selectionof ca ken, n' w II I li 7633 N MIlwaukee AveNues cookies, jams andjellles. Shoppers can relax and enjoyssnack now Fil 5 30 cm 6 pm Set 6 cm-5 pm for thefamily orlunch. Specialraffles will be heldthroughOut theday. There is 841/967.9393 Sun.lam-1 pm. CLOSEDMONDAY Remembering Chicago relives videooufascisatinginsights -r -Ithe moments of a loss complicts- into as ora that is saw just a a5oøadultadmission. COUPON 1 COUPON COUPON- ed time as humorous and touch- memOry; Riverview Park, The 6 PACK GET $1.00 OFF ON LARGE ICED lug stories from the 1920s, '30's, Centuryof ProgressWorld's Nues Concert C' I DOZEN HALLOWEEN aud '40s are shared and shows Pair, Muawell Street, when the HALLOWEEN Danish or Frycakes on Susdoy, October 24, 2 p.m.
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