February 4, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H335 David’s distinguished career and ex- Rose’s guidance, without Rose’s friend- THE JOURNAL perience in Federal housing assistance ship, without Rose’s support, I would The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- has been a blessing to Champaign not be blessed to serve as a Member of ant to section 5(a)(1)(A) of House Reso- County. While we will certainly miss Congress. lution 8, the Journal of the last day’s him in Illinois, we wish him the very One thing about Rose, she was not proceedings is approved. best as he begins a new journey as the shy, at all, of letting me know her con- f president and CEO of the Housing Au- cerns about what we may or may not thority of Birmingham District in Ala- be doing right for her in this institu- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE bama, the largest in the State. tion. I cannot believe that Rose is The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Mr. Speaker, I, again, wish to thank gone. I cannot believe that the world is gentleman from California (Mr. COSTA) my friend David Northern for his serv- going to be a better place without her. come forward and lead the House in the ice to Champaign County and con- But I know one place that will be bet- Pledge of Allegiance. gratulate him and wish him the best in ter with her, and that is Heaven. Mr. COSTA led the Pledge of Alle- his new home in Alabama. Good luck, my friend. May you rest giance as follows: REMEMBERING DAVID PICKETT in peace, and may God continue to I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. bless you and your family at this very United States of America, and to the Repub- Speaker, I rise today in honor of David sorrowful time. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Pickett, my friend from Taylorville, Il- f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. linois, who sadly passed away right be- f fore Christmas. RECESS ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER David graduated from Taylorville The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- PRO TEMPORE High School in 1977, and then grad- ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair uated from Western Illinois University declares the House in recess until noon The SPEAKER pro tempore. The in 1981, with degrees in accounting and today. Chair will entertain up to 15 requests computer science. Accordingly (at 11 o’clock and 12 for 1-minute speeches on each side of He will be remembered in our com- minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- the aisle. munity for his entrepreneurial spirit, cess. f his photography skills, and for his love f MEDICAL EDUCATION IN RURAL of sharing with others in the commu- DISTRICTS nity. His most memorable feat in b 1200 (Mr. COSTA asked and was given per- Taylorville will be taking the hobby of AFTER RECESS photography and turning it into a busi- mission to address the House for 1 ness called Fun Photo. It was his own The recess having expired, the House minute and to revise and extend his re- sports photography business. I saw was called to order by the Speaker pro marks.) David at sports events, and I still have tempore (Mrs. DEMINGS) at noon. Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise pictures of my young kids in youth f today to talk about the urgent need to address doctor shortages in rural and football and youth baseball that line PRAYER my household because David was there. medically underserved communities He was part of our community and he The Chaplain, Reverend Margaret throughout our country. The current was part of our kids. Grun Kibben, offered the following pandemic and problems with vaccine David was an avid fisherman, a die- prayer: distribution have highlighted the dan- hard Cardinals fan. He had a talent for O Holy God, we humble ourselves be- gers behind a lack of access to the cooking and loved to entertain his fore You, coming to You in prayer as quality of healthcare in these areas. I friends and family. His vibrant person- thousands across the globe and hun- am working to change that right now. ality and remarkable smile will be dreds within this Congress have done Unlike producing personal protective missed. on this day of the National Prayer equipment, it takes years to train a I really wish the best for his family Breakfast. We pause to lay before You physician. This week, I will introduce right now. It is a sorrowful loss for ourselves, our hopes, our dreams, our legislation to invest in medical edu- them, but also everybody in our home- frustrations, and our anger, keenly cation and to create new medical town of Taylorville. Shannon and my aware of Your sovereignty over our schools throughout this country and in kids send our thoughts and prayers to lives, and our failures in living them. underserved communities like mine in his wife, Debbie; his children, Mark and Even as we kneel before You, anoint the San Joaquin Valley. J.D.; his grandchildren, Libbey, Ben- us with Your mercy and lift up our This bill will help curb the shortfall net, Jamison, Charlotte, and Connor; eyes to Your grace. Shine Your re- of physicians in rural areas by enabling his parents, James and Mary; and his demptive light on us that we reflect medical students to stay close to home. siblings, Linda and Tom. the love that You have shown to us Studies increasingly show that stu- David, may you rest in peace, my that our attitudes toward each other dents who can study close to home are friend. and to the tasks You set before us more likely to stay there and practice REMEMBERING ROSEMARIE LONG would be changed to demonstrate the there upon graduation. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. benevolent plan You desire to share If we want to keep the promise that Speaker, it is a sad day today. Last with each one and with this country. every American who wants a vaccine night, not just my good friend, but a As Your people, holy and dearly will get one, then we need to have more great friend to our community and loved, we commit to clothe ourselves doctors, nurses, and medical providers Sangamon County, Illinois, passed with compassion, kindness, humility, throughout our country. This legisla- away. gentleness and patience. Forgiven by tion would do just that. Rosemarie Long was somebody who I Your mercy, we devote ourselves to Helping my constituents and keeping came to know as the head of our local bear with one another and to forgive them safe is my number one priority. I Republican Party in Springfield, Illi- the grievances we have against an- will continue to do whatever it takes nois. I can tell you that Rose Long other. to make that happen. This is impor- gave such good advice and great So transformed, may we live lives of tant legislation, and I ask my col- mentorship to many people like me and reconciliation, not as a political posi- leagues to support this legislation in a others who have walked this institu- tion but in a posture of compassion. bipartisan basis. tion. Rose Long was somebody who And with these virtues we will choose f cared about her community and cared this day to love, that we would be about making her country better. bound together in perfect unity by the REAL COVID RELIEF My heart goes out to her family at strength of Your most holy name in (Mr. WALBERG asked and was given this trying time, and I certainly want which we pray. permission to address the House for 1 them to know that I know without Amen. minute.) VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:05 Feb 05, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K04FE7.014 H04FEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE.
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