CKAXFORD N 3 CHRONICLE Garwood's anti-fin Kenilworth officer .poster mak0rs.* — appeals conviction.. Rosarian newcomers., A define Schlenker PageOO artoooo Thursday. October 1.19S! chib donates library teaches Braille.. section., page 20 parking..page 21 Hall B> D L BEVTLEY — ur.:-c:pai facility" any such expenditure." GARWOOD- A.rr.-ccg s.;cne « -Jr.e G±J- T.-.e proposed SetfO.io:' structure, But is tbe mayor bad pointed oat the_.. VOL. 89 No. 40 Published Every Thursday Thursday, October 8,1981 Serving Granford, keniltrorth qnd Gartcood USPS 136 800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 25 CENTS "i'ood Public L:r:.-iry'5 la:es: ic-q^-s;- -hi-ri siii ije'-t: perr«;t larger tias ifce' hard swl and dedication on tbe part of toes ace pap&n. _-.v rvv-:.-^ ;_-..e occs-trjv ciimec: building. %»•-_}< be situated ibe the <r:t£i«3"s advisory board helped to g &.- of ibe-'p-res&E***;:? &r>d' be a cfcais-ge—pejfec ' •'•Sjii&Sar-htiessmtm^t^- ifig thaf ibe ;&«T- fathers r^ve ;'j>! ap- n>:oer- pcbhc vras mvpjved in tbe process proved a se**" bcod ori^a^c* :';•." "jis". And. process it is to build a oew purpose, the Lcra.-Vs r.^'-es: aii::;»:« g . isr/t tbe firs: vjrze ece- rausiopai facility. Although tbe funding t5 appft>v<edL specifkatioas most be Jn hri*>f Town rejects They 'bandage' Crane's Ford • don't see-in el! ISJI uz.a^J c' 6i a sets' B/OTWigr. Hali has Odd'y enough bc^e-. er. tr..e pope-r; bees ccciS-zoencvl siroe tbe i<rg:zii CKC- drawx up from finalized architect's are dated 191: i.-d r«f-.-«*cv ih« r:i; o>.' striic^oc in 1951. it ^as the firs: ur.e renderings, bids approved and local biiiic-eisniK: «.ho rjclpei •:.o ;•_:: there -A as ao pub he outcry agairs: the suraerous other legal requirements ear- •tbe pL-c-po>aS Jt tfas also :be firs: urse a ned out before any construction can Madeline A;«ers read hbri.-iir.. cjidea's group took part •£. 6ec:duzg tbe lake place- discovered the 7v • year -c 6x-^.T.'er.'j Bad in 1911. this was tuoJ tbe case. Ac- cording to tbe historical papers, a per- liquor store ">vbj2e a Eves sojse of '.be couacii — e-raders UCto court u donateci '•*• **_h-<- _rTir - er« • surprised •unth the ccrrrnests son's word wag all the borough needed It was-interesting to read through tbe .-.sac cur^g !he public hearing oc '.fee Science students at Franklin-Lincoln School leam Jancy Kamuda, Billy Miller and Eric Jelinski. Union College is taking court ac- After eight hours of testimony that ex- former partner in a Gillette store and ,It 2 beds made during that earlier time. how to take pictures using a microscope. From tended through two sessions last week her husband's partner in Allied Manage- Many were hasdvrittes rather than Photo by Greg Price. tion in an attempt to compel the should cc.-rr.-e :c. !:gi:-•:- ;ust: ;•!!:• ••i-j-.g A r.;jir,ber o{ then; isi-cated that car-, left are Darcy Wepprecht, Janis Frey. Frank Galdi, Union County Coordinating Agency and this, the Township Committee re- ment, testified that ABC has found no tbe Borough Codicil's _r.*2.-._T.ecs i-ec:- _-.E_ocher atiempts tc approve fusing.. :>~ped and ooltfoooiained a paragraph or jected a liquor license transfer that raro ax the most. for Higher Education to provide all evidence of any monies being transfer- sion In Sej!-:e:*r.:<e-r ;<:•" b-ji^d i .-ei r«s: oe^is "csrr.e out iz dz-zves to c»pi Would have enabled a liquor store to red from one corporation to another and. Specifications regarding tbe building the funds appropriated to the college in tbe J981 county budget The col-. move into the old Pathmark building on that family license transfers in recent were drawn qp by architect D.P. Pro- South Avenue. voos! orf Elizabeih and bidders were lege also is seeking funds being months had incurred no problems from withheld by the State Department of the ABC. prusaniy from tbe Garwood-Cranford An application by Ellen Friedman to Education. Altogether, the college Wasserman said that there is a dif- area, ait bough there were some from establish a Bottle King store here was has not received SI million in ference between avoiding the law and Plaizfseid. Elizabeth and Jersey City defeated •Tld 1 at the conclusion of the budgeted money. Story on Page S. evading the law,' and said that the Arodcg tbe bodders isas Walter Wood. extended public hearing Tuesday night carpenter aixi buDder from Garwood. business arrangements of his client A variety of factors influenced the avoided. Marino concluded, VI think it is whose estimates were, ""cheerfully decision. A major one was the question HP agropri In "firmKh all aji evasion of the law." Tbe owner of tbe building testified niatexia) and labor for carpentry for the two Bottle King stores and husband of that efforts to attract a food market had sun: c! S5.964- the applicant might have a "beneficial Crarddrd's Lutfcarig A- JesseJ, dec- interest" in his wife's license. been intensive but unsuccessful. Her That "big bang" last Thursday remarks are on Page 5. Sidney Scher, tncai CGE.UoCiiu; wbose terms uese night was beard and felt around the •cash," offered to "wire tbe Borough Pending charges filed by tbe state countryside. Sgt. James McFaH of Alcohol Beverage Control(ABC) against Hall for the sum of JUS." the Cranford Police Department Blakeslec * Philip, decorators. the Friedman family on "undisclosed in- reported calls about tbe explosion terest" in liquor stores also surfaced in apo-tber Cracford-based firm, estimated and chemical fire at a Linden plant Reasons for tbe painting costs at $96S. Their neatly testimony. The Friedmans stoutly "tit up" the switchboard. Officers typed, faro-line bid came on letterhead denied any wrongdoing. statkoery with a three-digit leJepbooe William Peters and Robert Merrill handled 250 queries there and Chief Public opinion, . primarily Thomas ColweU reported another 40 demonstrated through 684 signatures on Hess Brothers. Oscar M. and Louis their votes > calls went into the Garwood depart- anti-transfer petitions, was another fac- M .. piombing. beating and Tinning com- tor. Safety patrol at SL Anne School was sworn in dur- John Antheas caDtain- ment A lot of people thought it was Some of the judgments rendered Cleanup at"Crane's Ford: "padding and Rumplng" while Mike Sleigus and Joe'Natjurlle circle the pany ia Crarfartlaiso offered a bad of Rrpnnan fi~t Carol Cappello, a leader in the petition Bids oati.".g tc :911 fcr the oid Bcrougf" Hall were found recent'ya^d ing ceremony last week. From left are Rev.George thunder; and many reported, "house by township committeemen before operation removed oil from Rahway River Satur- contaminant for vacuuming. This was the second, S2.983 for thejr expertise, and even of- and Sat R?be?t drive, said the decision "reflects the are at-p.-jt * '60 :ne cost c^ the ne.* mun-cipa! building which wi!! be fered- to omit a satnber of items U> cut- Clyde, assistant pastor, Joe Hanlon, sergeant; by..G shakes." they balloted, in order of pollin day. Don Verpent, operations .supervisor for and most serious. SDHI here in seven weeks. More_ ereciec-fce^fr.d sra.se-".: 5-^-^^g.-fe-^G-Soulb Ave. Old Vtructuae-ssriH-.- ; ^best interestsTrf Cranford. People were 'Peabody Cleaiii Imjustrms,' ancnors-ahsorbBntpad- tae cost to $1,087 ' ^' ~: '-• ~ f—primaruy~copcefned^ about haying T "t>'e lorr, down. Photo b.v Jon Deian-o. .Bscis were also seat by the WJ Kjft"" perceptijpn that "benefiwtl •»•»—. • • •- _ ._ ____• ,._ ' food stare in tbwn'aod also about the at- interest" was involved: the husband Co . as irdn worics" outfit' based in Plain- '""•' TVs', radios stolen mosphere and image" of having a large p of tbe applicant for the liquor license T'eid. for S322 to iacJude 'girders under PupUdip li outlet Irene Taylor, another op- liquor "has a pecuniary or a financial iri- Fire committee backs 7 p.m. tower, chinbers in_hoec tower and " she won pleased with the from i terest in this!"' The official public school enroU- outcome and "sorry we had to go. Ronald D. Marotta: "A liquor agreed to provide iron work under^ttie GARWOOD- The theft of more than . ment for Cranford this year totals through this" process. sounding for jfire whistle carpenters' specifjcatioas for wood S3.000 worth of television sets and radios supermarket especially one of this 3,459 pupils, a reduction of 309 The proposal would have permitted size, is not in the best interest of GARW' beam aacbors. hinges, hinge piate and was reported by Guardian TV Service, students or 8 percent fearer than last bolts .for...tije. fire house doors, for the license ownership and license site to be Cranford residents." There are : ; 714 Xorth Aye. year. Story on Page 2. "j-"?.r_in:C'US.;. s ..ppc~ec ir.-e cr^ir^ge i::ex sma'of S^S. Tbe theft from the warehouse- took transferred from Scher Liquor Store on enough convenient package goods 4S'.ecir_g •..;• s-e--. era! c>: '-be Sv res;c«:ls at- Sev York Inoc Roofing & Corrugating. place ^ome tune between Sept. 19 and Walnut Avenue to 12,850 of the 23,500 stores now, he said. down Rahway River :er.'Z-ir.g s j:pecii.: co-rr.nLsf.er rste-ung Cc c& Jersey City quoted $259 to fin-nisi 23.
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