APRIL 2016 TM •Aileron Rolls •Judging the Hammerhead •Infusing STEM Education in Aviation 2017 Ford Escape J^[d[m<ehZ;iYWf[XeWijiWdkdijeffWXb[d[m Wjj_jkZ[jejWa[oek\hecY_joijh[[jijeb[ii# jhWl[b[Zj[hhW_d_dijob[$ ;iYWf[]_l[iIKLYkijec[hi]h[Wj[hYedd[Yj_l_jo" jmed[m;Ye8eeij®[d]_d[i"7kjeIjWhj#Ijef J[Y^debe]oj^WjiWl[i\k[b_d^[WlojhWõY"WdZ ceh[icWhj\[Wjkh[ijecWa[j^[_hZW_boZh_l[iW\[h WdZ[Wi_[h$M_j^IOD9®9edd[Yj"Ykijec[hiYWd kdbeYaWdZbeYaj^[_hZeehi"ijWhjj^[[d]_d["[l[d beYWj[j^[_hl[^_Yb[j^hek]^WicWhjf^ed[Wff$ Escape Smart Technology Features1 ;d^WdY[Z7Yj_l[FWha7ii_ijÄZ[i_]d[Zje]_l[oekYedòZ[dY[Zkh_d]j_]^jfWha_d]cWd[kl[hi BWd[A[[f_d]Ioij[cÄYkijec_pWXb["Zh_l[h#WYj_lWj[Zioij[c^[bfifh[l[djkd_dj[dj_edWbZh_ø_d]ekje\oekhbWd[ 7ZWfj_l[9hk_i[9edjhebÄb[jioeki[b[Yjdejedboj^[Z[i_h[Zif[[Z"XkjWbiej^[ifWY[X[jm[[doekh;iYWf[WdZj^[ l[^_Yb[_d\hedje\oek"l_Wfh[i[b[Yj[Z]Wfi[jj_d]i 9bWii#;nYbki_l[2>WdZi#<h[["<eej#7Yj_lWj[ZB_ø]Wj[Ä[b_c_dWj[id[[Zje\kcXb[\eha[oijebeWZWdZkdbeWZYWh]e$ I_cfboa_Yaoekh\eejkdZ[hj^[Xkcf[hWdZj^[b_ø]Wj[WkjecWj_YWbboef[diWdZYbei[i The Privilege of Partnership ;77c[cX[hiWh[[b_]_Xb[\ehif[Y_Wbfh_Y_d]ed<ehZCejeh9ecfWdol[^_Yb[ij^hek]^<ehZÉiFWhjd[hH[Ye]d_j_ed Fhe]hWc$Jeb[Whdceh[WXekjj^_i[nYbki_l[effehjkd_jo\eh;77c[cX[hijeiWl[edWd[m<ehZl[^_Yb["fb[Wi[l_i_j www.eaa.org/ford$ '$7lW_bWXb[\[Wjkh[i$($9bWii_iicWbbkj_b_j_[iXWi[Zed<ehZi[]c[djWj_ed$ 2016-Apr_Escape_EAA_Divis_Ad-Final.indd 1 2/15/16 2:32 PM OFFICIAL MAGAZINE of the INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB OFFICIAL MAGAZINE of the INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB Vol. 45 No.4 April 2016 A PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB OFFICIAL MAGAZINE of the INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB CONTENTSOFFICIAL MAGAZINE of the INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB I am going to focus on where and how to look and what you should see. —Dave Watson FEATURES 6 Aileron Rolls by Dave Watson 14 Judging the Hammerhead by John Morrissey 17 Infusing STEM Education in Aviation by David Manuel 22 IAC Yellow Pages COVER Pitts historian François Bougie DEPARTMENTS photographs fellow Canadian François Marquis flying his 2 Letter From the Editor home-built Eagle. Reggie Paulk 3 President’s Column Mike Heuer 4 Lines & Angles 30 Contest Calendar 32 FlyMart & Classified Ads www.iac.org 1 OFFICIAL MAGAZINE of the INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB EDITOR’S LOG OFFICIAL MAGAZINE of the INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB BY REGGIE PAULK PUBLISHER: Mike Heuer Grassroots Aerobatics IAC MANAGER: Trish Deimer-Steineke EDITOR: ReggieOFFICIAL PaulkMAGAZINE of the INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB The season is just getting started CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS: Mike Heuer Reggie Paulk As I sit writing to you, the “IAC began in 1970 with the Dave Manuel Dave Watson John Morrissey snow is still fying outside my goal of promoting “grass roots” OFFICIAL MAGAZINE of the INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB window—we received 10 inches aerobatics, that is, to bring aer- overnight in the Colorado Rockies. obatics to the local and regional IAC CORRESPONDENCE International Aerobatic Club, P.O. Box 3086 A quick look at the IAC’s contest areas through chapters and re- Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086 calendar shows a very busy season gional competitions. It has also Tel: 920.426.6574 • Fax: 920.426.6579 ahead, so I have to wrap my head provided guidance to those who E-mail: [email protected] around the fact that many of you wish to learn aerobatics to im- are already wearing T-shirts and prove their pilot skills and to gain ADVERTISING Vice President of Business Development: shorts as you go about your busi- the self-confdence and ability to Dave Chaimson [email protected] ness—not boots and heavy coats control their aircraft in all fight Advertising Manager: like me! regimes. IAC has promoted vari- Sue Anderson [email protected] ous safety and awards programs, sponsors the US National Aero- MAILING: Change of address, lost or damaged magazines, back issues. This year, the batic Championships every year, EAA-IAC Membership Services and administers the US Aerobatic Tel: 800.843.3612 Fax: 920.426.6761 Teams in both power and glider.” E-mail: [email protected] theme is “Grass I’ve had the privilege of attend- ing AirVenture since I took on The International Aerobatic Club is a division of the EAA. Roots to the Top this job back in 2008, and I have to admit that last year was one of EAA® and SPORT AVIATION®, the EAA Logo® and Aeronautica™ are registered trademarks and service marks of the Experimental Aircraft the most exciting years to go. Te Association, Inc. The use of these trademarks and service marks without of the World.” redesigned pavilion is so invit- the permission of the Experimental Aircraft Association, Inc. is strictly ing, and the organization was the prohibited. Copyright © 2015 by the International Aerobatic Club, Inc. center of attention in a way I’ve All rights reserved. Tere are a lot of things going never witnessed at AirVenture. The International Aerobatic Club, Inc. is a division of EAA and of the on at the IAC as of late, and if you I’m hoping that this year’s “grass NAA. haven’t checked out the website, roots” theme proves to be just as A STATEMENT OF POLICY The International Aerobatic Club, or looked at our newsletter, you exciting, and I am already antici- Inc. cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy of the material might be surprised with what’s pating going back to see all of the presented by the authors of the articles in the magazine. The pages happening. Last year, we cele- people who are part of the IAC of Sport Aerobatics are offered as a clearing house of information and a forum for the exchange of opinions and ideas. The individual brated the 70th anniversary of family and, more importantly, reader must evaluate this material for himself and use it as he sees the Pitts Special. Tis year, the my friends. IAC fit. Every effort is made to present materials of wide interest that will theme is “Grass Roots to the Top be of help to the majority. Likewise we cannot guarantee nor endorse of the World.” For nearly 50 years, any product offered through our advertising. We invite constructive criticism and welcome any report of inferior merchandise obtained the IAC has been the organiza- through our advertising so that corrective measures can be taken. tion to be involved in if you are Sport Aerobatics (USPS 953-560) is owned by the International interested in aerobatic fying in Aerobatic Club, Inc., and is published monthly at EAA Aviation Center, Editorial Department, P.O. Box 3086, 3000 Poberezny Rd., Oshkosh, any of its forms. As it says on the WI 54903-3086. Periodical Postage is paid at Oshkosh Post Office, IAC website: Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54901 and other post offices. Membership rate for the International Aerobatic Club, Inc., is $45.00 per 12-month period of which $18.00 is for the subscription to Sport Aerobatics. Manuscripts submitted for publication become the property of the International Aerobatic Club, Inc. Photographs will be returned upon request of the author. High-resolution images are requested to assure the best quality reproduction. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sport Aerobatics, P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903-3086. CPC 40612608 Please submit news, comments, articles or suggestions to: [email protected] 2 Sport Aerobatics April 2016 PRESIDENT’S COLUMN BY MIKE HEUER, IAC PRESIDENT, IAC 4 Marketing and Promotion Success of branding in marketing I have been a “technical” kind of guy all my As an airline pilot, whenever we got a new CEO life, and during my long career with the airline and at the company, we would go through this drill. New in the military, I became entrenched in the world paint schemes, new company logo, new crew uni- of procedures, checklists, systems, fying skills, and forms, and so on. Some of it was not well-received aircraft command. For several years, I taught those and sometimes little understood by the employees on skills to other airline pilots and spent many hours in the line. But as time went on, and with my own work simulators and fying the line with new frst ofcers with EAA and the IAC in the background, I came to and captains. It was a wonderful time. appreciate the importance of branding and image. I had no training in marketing and promotion In a proft-making enterprise, a brand and an image when I frst came out of college and into the work is important. It attracts customers, and when you world, and only a commercial certifcate and most seek to make your organization or enterprise of the of the required ratings to fy professionally. As the highest quality, your brand should refect that. Tis United States went through a protracted recession was my goal with the IAC—to make our organization after the Arab oil embargo in 1973, an airline career the best we can, not only in terms of our image in the became a distant goal, but I was lucky enough to be at aviation community but in services to our members. an IAC board of directors meeting in the Milwaukee Tat began with the new brand, and I was so de- area in the fall of 1973, and at that meeting, Paul Po- lighted to have Margo working with our ofcers and berezny pulled me aside and told me he would like me directors to make it happen. to join the EAA staf. I started there in January 1974 One of the many ofshoots of the program was a and was immediately immersed in all the complexity redesign of our other logos, such as the Nationals and and variety of a nonproft membership association team brands, but also a launch of a new line of clothing where the work was diferent each and every day.
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