GOVERNMENT?‘GAZETTE Published by Autry £ x | Vol. LX, No, 8 f 8th FEBRUARY,1985 Price 30c 3 General Notice 92 of 1985, The service to operate as follows— Route 1: , 262] > * ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER (a) depart Bulawayo Monday 9 am., arrive Beitbridge 3.15 p.m.; Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits (b) depart Bulawayo. Friday 5 pm., arrive Beitbridge as 11.15 p.m. _ IN terms of subsection(4) of section 7 of the- Road Moter ‘(c) depart BulawayoB Saturday 10 am., arrive Beitbridge Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that 13 ‘p. the applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or | (d) depart eitbridge Tuesday 8.40 a.m., astive Bulawayo amendment of road service its, have been received for the 3.30 p. consideration of the Control}ér of Road Motor Transportation. (e) depart Beitbridge Saturday 3.40 am., arrive Bulawayo Any personwishing to Object to any such application must - a.m} ‘lodge with the Controlle? of Road Motor Transportation, (f) depart’ Beitbridge Sunday 9.40 am., arrive Bulawayo P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— 4.30 p.m, ~ . : eg. (a) a notice; in writing, of his intention fo object, so as to - Route 2: No change. _* teach the Controller'ss office not later than the Ist March, Cc. R. BHana. ’ 1985; 0/284/84. Permit: 23891."Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: (b) his objection and the groiinds therefor, on form R.M.T, 24, tozether with two copies thereof, so as to reach the Route: Bulawayo - Zyishavane - _Mashava - Masvingo - Controller’s office not later than the 22nd March, 1985. .Birchenough - Mutare. a Any person objecting to an application for the issue or By: - ammendment of a road service permit must confine his grounds (a) Increase in frequency. of objection to matters directly bearing on considerations (b) Alteration to times. ’ yeferred to in paragraph (a), (b),Yoh, @, ©), or (f) of section | The service operates as follows— 8 of the said “Act. (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday and Friday 6 am., arrive | _ -_ _R.N. TSOMONDO, Mutare 2.15 p.m.; . 8-2-85. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. - {b) depart Mutare Wednesday 6 am.s arrive Bulawayo 215.~pm.; ‘SCHEDULE / © depart Mutare Sunday 8.45 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 4,20 - MOTOR-OMNIBUSES pm. The service to operate as follows— Amendments «+ . : . (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 6 am., A.J. Bhana. arrive Mutare-1.35 p.m.; osePermit: 21339, Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: (b) depart Mutare Wedriesday 6 am., arrive Bulawayo 1VU4 p.0L.; Route 1: Bulawayo - Ellison Store -. Smith.Store - Bezingwe - ‘(c) depart Mutare Friday. 3 p.m., arrive Bulawayo 10.35 Esibomvu - Mawabeni -- Mbalabala - _Gwanda - Colleen * Pp.m.; . Bawn ~ Beitbridge. (d) depart Mutare Sunday 8.45 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 4.20 Route 2: Bulawayo- - Matopos - White Water - Kezi Business p.m. Centre - Mukuwa - Dombwe - Mbembeswana - Sikonkwe S. and E. Mukada. : School - St. Joseph’s Mission - Simukwe River - Chief Bango 0/326/84.. Permit: . * 24157. “Motor-omnibus. Passenger- - Brunapeg Hospital. capacity: 76. By Route: Mutare - ‘Nyazura - ‘Rusape - Marondera ‘. Hararo. -Route 1: Increase in frequency, By: Increase.in frequency. The service operates as follows— Theservice to operate as follows—. (a) depart Mutare Monday, Wednesday andd'Saturday 6 a.m., . Route 1: arrive Harare 10.55 a.m; @) depart Bulawayo Saturday 10 a.m., arrive Beitbridge (b) depart Harare Tuesday, Friday and Sunday 10 am, pm.; arrive: Mutare 2,55 p.m. ©) depart Beitbridge Sunday 9.40 am., arrive"Bulawayo -: 0 p.m, - The service. to operate as follows— a) depart Mutare Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 Route 2: a.m., arrive Harare 10.55a.m.; a) depart Bulawa Oo Wednesday 10 am. arriveBruna e (b) «depart Mutare Thursday 3 p.m., arrive Harare 7.55 p.m; @ Hospital 4.03 yo| y me (c) depart Harare Tuesday, Friday and Sunday 10 am, (b) depart Brunapeg Hospital Thursday 5.25 am., arrive _ arrive Mutare 2.55 p.m.; - Bulawayo 11.25.a.m. (d) depart Harare Thursday 9 a.m., arrive Mutare 1.55 p.m, ~ Vv 402 _ ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 8TH FEBRUARY, 1985 Additiouals | ‘The service to operate as follows— Kuwirirana Bus Service(Pvt.) Ltd. 7 (a) depart Harare Monday 9 a.m., arrive Gandavaroyi Falls 0j215/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 16. : 5,15 p.m.; . an Route: Harare - Beatrice - Featherstone - Chivhu - Range - depart Kadoma (Rimuka) Tuesday, Wednesday. and - Hokonya-- Nharira - Macheke - Nerutanga - Buhera - ©) Saturday 1 p.m., arrive Gandavaroyi Falls 6.15 p.m; - Matseru - Murambinda - Makumbe - Mombeyarara - Chi- | (c) depart Harare Friday 5 pm., artive Gandavaroyi Falls turike - Chomumvuri. ~~ 12.15 .p.m.; me ; Theservice to operate as follows— (d) depart Gandavaroyi Falls Tuesday, Wednesday and © {a) depart Harare Saturday 10 am., arrive Chomumvuri Saturday 5 a.m.; arrive Kadoma (Rimuka) 9.45 am.; p.m; , : 5 a.m., arrive Harare (6) depart Chomumvuri Sunday 10 am., atrive Harare (©) depart Gandavaroyi Falls Thursday 4.25 p.m. Ly _ipm.; (f) depart Gandavaroyi' Falls Sunday 8 a.m., arrive Harare E.S.Msabaeka. 4 pm. — 0/238/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity:76. Route: Mutare - Zimunya - Matanda - Masvaure ~ Chigonda BV. Matongo. School - Bwerimwe-- Mutsago - Gonora - Mavhiza. 0/268/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. The service to operate as follows— Route: St.. Peter’s - Hauna - Honde Mission - Jombe - (a) depart Mutare Monday to Saturday 1.45 p.m., arrive Watsomba - D. C. Mutasa - Chirarwe. - Bethani School - - Makoni - Rusape - Macheke - Mavhiza 5 p.m.; : ® Sherukuru - ‘Gandanzara Marondera - Harare. __ _ . (b) depart Mutare Sunday 5 p.m., arrive Mavhiza 8.15 p.m.; The service to operate as follows— . (c) depart Mavhiza Monday to Saturday 5.15 am., arrive (a) depart St. Peter’s: Monday to Thursday and Saturday Mutare 8.30 a.m.; (d) depart Mavhiza Sunday 1 p.m., arrive Mutare 4.15 p.m. 4,30 a.m., arrive Rusape 9.35.a.m., 0) depart St. Peter’s Friday 4.30 ‘am., atrive Harare 1 p.m; - Q/239/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. - depart St. Peter’s Sunday. 3.30 am., arrive Harare 12 Route: Mapungwana - Devon Store - Ratleshoek - Clearwater- . ©) Chipinge.. “noon; : 7® depart Rusape Monday to Thursday and Saturday 12 Theservice to operate as follows— noon, arrive St, Peter’s 5.10 p.m.; “ (a) depart Mapungwana Monday to Sunday 6 am., arrive depart Harare Friday 4.30 p.m., arrive St. Petér’s 1 a.m.; Chipinge 7.35 a.m.; (e) depart Harare Sunday 1 p.m,, arrive St. Peter’s 10 p.m. (b) depart Chipinge Monday to Sunday 12.30 p.m., arrive 3 (f) - Mapungwana 2.05 p.m. Mwayera Transport (Pvt.) Ltd. 0/240/84. Motor-omnibus. ‘Passenger-capacity: 76. 0/330/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. Route: Mutare - Munyarari School - Bazeley Bridge - | Route: Muzokomba- Birchenough Bridge - Nyanyadzi - Hot Matanda School - Mutsago School - Zengeni - Chiwadzwa Springs - Rusape ~ Mutare - Macheke - Marondera - Harare. (Chingome). a The servicé to operate asfollows— . The serviceto operate as follows— (a) depart Muzokomba Monday, Thursday and Saturday (a) depart Mutare Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and.2 5 am., arrtve-Harare 11.25 a.m.; Sunday 8 a.m., arrive Chiwadzwa (Chingome) 11.20 a.m. (b) depart Harare Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 6.30 am, (b) depart Mutare Saturday 7 am., arrive Chiwadzwa arrive Muzokomba 12.55 p.m. ot (Chingome) 10.20.a.m.; ~ | Mhofu Express Services (Pvt.) Ltd. ° Monday, {c) depart Chiwadzwa (Chingome) Tuesday, Thurs: : 0/343/84. Motor-omnibus. day, Friday and Saturday 1 p.m., arrive Mutare 4.20 Passenger-capacity: 16. pm; Route:Dumisa - Malipati - Chikumbedzi - Boli Chibwedziwa Chipinda - Pools + Chiredzi - Lower Sabi Bridge - Gudo _(d) depart Chiwadzwa (Chingome) Sunday 4 pm., arrive Township. Mutare 7.20 p.m: - wd . Theservice to operate as follows— oo : 0/241/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. (a) depart Dumisa Tuesday,:Thursday and Sunday 5 am., - Route: Mahenye - Maparadze - Mkwasini - Chiredzi. , __-altive Gudo Township 4.40 p.m.; The service to operate as follows— (b) depart Dumisa Saturday 5-a.m., arrive Chiredzi 9.15 {a) depart Mahenye Monday to Saturday 6 am., arrive | am.; at ‘ ; “ Chiredzi 8.55 a.m.; | depart Gudo (b) depart Mahenye ‘Sunday 8 am., arrive Chiredzi 11.55 7 (¢) Township Monday, Wednesday and Friday - a.m; . 5 am., arrive Dumisa 1.50 p.m.; (c) depart Chiredzi Monday to Thursday, Saturday and (d) depart Chiredzi Saturday 1 p.m., arrive Dumisa 5.15 Sunday 1 p.m., arrive Mahenye 4.55 p.m.; PM. © iG) depart Chiredzi Friday 6 p.m., arrive Mahenye 8.55 p.m. EB, Munenzwa, . : N. P. Matemba. , : 0/357/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. 0'245/84. Motor-ormnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76: | Route: Harare - Mazowe - Concession - M’somedi - Mvurwi - Impinge Route: Harare - Goromonzi - Bromley - Marondera - Wad- - Sembeneka - Chipuriro - Kawara ~- Matsvitsvi - Rufaro Farm x dilove - Bonongwe - Wedza - Chigwedere - Munyoro - -. Mushongahande. Sadza - Shumba - Chitsungwe Gaza - Bhidhiri - Chiwengwa. The service to operate as follows— — The service to operate as follows— (a) depart Harare Friday 8 a.m., atrive Mushongahande (a) depart Harare Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday 6.30 _ipm,; . a.m., arrive Chiwengwa 2.34 p.m.; (b) depart Musliongahande Friday 1.30 p.m., arrive Harare. (b) depart Harare Sunday. 2.30 pm., arrive “6.25pm, 0°. an - 10.34 p.m.; Chiwengwa | 0/363/84. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. {c) depart Chiwengwa Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday 5 a.m., arrive Harare 1.04 p.m. Route: Harare - Mazowe- Concession - Wenje River - Msonnedi- Mvurwi - Impinge - Chikonyora - Kondo School Nyamweda BusService (Pvt.) Ltd. - Chipuriro - Ganga Store - Matsvitsyi - Mushongahande. 0/255/84. Motor-omnibus Passenger-capacity: 76.
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