KOKORO KARA Summer 2014 HEART MOUNTAIN WYOMING FOUNDATION In This Issue: n Advisor in Residence: Eva Kuwata n Archivist Joins HMWF Staff n An Artistic Legacy at Heart Mountain Celebrating the Generations at Heart Mountain: Board Chair Shirley Ann Higuchi I hope you had a wonderful Asian Pa- children. What is more American than tain Draft Resisters Trial as part of the cific American Heritage Month in May! that? National Consortium Conference. This I want to thank all of our friends who When I was a child, though, schools did August, veterans, like Jack Kunitomi, will joined us at the Hogan Lovells offices in not teach the story of the forced relocation come to our August Pilgrimage, and we Washington, D.C., on May 12 for a screen- of Japanese Americans. That is a problem. will honor them for their contribution to ing of David Ono and Jeff MacIntyre’s Because when this story is not told, we be- this country. Witness: The Legacy of Heart Mountain. come at risk of repeating the mistakes of Nisei, Sansei and Yonsei alike are all It was a huge success. Secretary Norman the past. When we do not remember what working together to make sure that the Mineta and I participated on a panel dis- happened to the Issei and Nisei, we lose a story of Heart Mountain is remembered. cussion with Vincent Eng, Partner and part of our history. When we do not use Every summer, we will celebrate genera- CEO of the VENG Group, and Mee Moua, our voices to tell this story when everyone tions—as three or sometimes four genera- President and Executive Director of Asian else seems to have forgotten it, we are at tions of one family join us in Wyoming for Americans Advancing Justice. The ques- danger of forgetting it ourselves. our Pilgrimages. tions the audience asked We all share this respon- This summer, as I do every summer, were incredibly thoughtful. sibility. I have met many I will remember my mother who had a One question we received children and grandchildren dream that something would be built at was: “My grandmother, who of Heart Mountain intern- Heart Mountain. By the time I knew how was incarcerated, recently ees who want to make sure much Heart Mountain meant to her, it passed away. How do we that their children know was too late for me to share that experi- keep the story alive?” their family history—and ence with her. She was gone—but I knew I I replied, “You should take pride in that history. I could honor her memory by making sure take responsibility and help have met many who bring that her dream came true. spread the word.” their parents and their chil- So, to the young Yonsei who asked me As the Chair of the Heart Shirley Ann Higuchi dren to our Pilgrimages year what she could do to help keep the story Mountain Wyoming Foun- after year. And I have met alive: Ask your grandparents or your par- dation (HMWF), I have been fortunate many who are dedicated to spreading the ents, if it’s not too late, to share their stories to meet young people who are passionate word—even if they did not have family at with you. Return to the place where your about telling the story of Heart Mountain. Heart Mountain themselves. grandparents lost their freedom. Speak up I have met wonderful volunteers who have This past May, I spoke with Steven Yoda, when you hear of wrongs being commit- come out to help at our events—some President of the Japanese American Bar ted against others, support those who have who don’t even have a family connection Association. His organization has agreed been wronged by their own country, and to Heart Mountain but feel it’s important, to sponsor the 26th Annual Conference tell the stories of the 120,000 people who others who want to preserve their fami- of the National Consortium on Racial and were incarcerated in this country so that lies’ legacy. I have spoken with filmmakers Ethnic Fairness in the Courts, which is be- it never happens again. Dream of building who have made documentaries about their ing hosted by the HMWF. The conference something because this country was built families’ experiences at Heart Mountain. I will take place this June, with events in on dreams. have worked with writers who have told Cody and at the Heart Mountain Interpre- their stories in our newsletter and in pub- tive Center. In addition, he is working to Shirley Ann Higuchi welcomes your com- lications across the country. I have shaken spread the word to his members about our ments and can be reached at shiguchi@ hands with artists who have taken Heart Annual Pilgrimage this August. Already, heartmountain.org. Mountain as their inspiration. we have heard from Heart Mountain de- These people are passionate about tell- scendants who want to know more. ing the story of Heart Mountain because it I have met many former internees who ON THE COVER is their story. It is our story. It is an Ameri- want to make sure the Heart Mountain This edition’s cover image was done can story. story is preserved as well—on our board, by Jamie Fujimoto, a descendant It is the story of the courage of people in our advisory council, at our events. It of Heart Mountain internees from who faced racism and stayed true to the has been an honor to hear your stories. California. The story on page 8 covers ideals of their country. It is the story of the This June, Tak Hoshizaki and Yosh Ku- her grandfather’s experience at Heart determination of people who overcame romiya will tell their stories to a new audi- Mountain and the inspiration for the prejudice and built better lives for their ence in a reenactment of the Heart Moun- image she created. 2 Heart Mountain Wyoming Foundation | Summer 2014 Children of Heart Mountain: Executive Director Brian Liesinger I look forward to spring with great It is a link that must be passed down, to view their compliance and their ability anticipation every year, as the long winters as HMWF Board Chair Shirley Ann to mask discontent for being torn from take their toll. But this spring has brought Higuchi emphasizes in her column. And their lives as a desire to see their children joy unlike any other for me. Along with the Heart Mountain World War II Japanese affected as little as possible from the bitter- bright sunshine, budding trees and bloom- American Confinement Site has evolved to ness and anguish that very well could have ing flowers, I welcomed my first child on allow for so many ways to participate and been the hallmark sentiments of camp life. May 13. Her name is Vivian Kay and has contribute to the Heart Mountain story. It is from these parents I have derived succeeded at doing what most parents As a new parent, I also have a renewed daily inspiration at Heart Mountain. And warned me she would do: changed my per- appreciation for the internee parents who this inspiration becomes even more pro- spective on nearly everything. bore the weight of incarceration with found now that I have embraced father- Vivian will no doubt be grace and fortitude so that hood. While I fret about vaccinations and a child of Heart Mountain, their children would not be child care and swaddling and sleep pat- but, thankfully, a differ- crushed by it. With “shikata terns, it is important to recognize my con- ent kind than those babies ga nai” as their mantra, they cerns as minor by comparison to the chal- born behind barbed wire labored to provide for their lenges internee parents overcame. here during World War II. children with great odds Vivian is years away from understand- I can’t help but think of the stacked against them. But ing what happened at Heart Mountain, more than 500 born at Heart behind their veneer of stoic but that won’t prevent me from ensuring Mountain from 1942–45 compliance must have been she makes regular visits to the Interpretive (a few of whom I was able to tremendous despair felt Center. From the lessons contained there, meet at our Pilgrimage last Brian Liesinger from the needless hardships I will be able to ensure that she under- year). Unbeknown to them they had been put through. stands—and that I am reminded of—the at the time, they became forever linked to Yet, many former internees, like Eva privileges we enjoy due to the many sacri- Heart Mountain. Kuwata, who is featured in this issue, fices made by those who came before us. It also reminds me of a gentleman who recall their childhood memories in camp called one weekday this spring, not to as primarily joyful ones. I marvel at this HEART MOUNTAIN ask a question about the site or about the sentiment, which I’ve heard time and time Interpretive Center. But to ask about what again from former internees. Somehow WYOMING FOUNDATION he should put on his passport application their parents were able to—both collective- Honorary Advisors on the line asking for “place of birth.” ly and within each family unit—establish Norman Y. Mineta He said he was born at Heart Moun- and maintain a sense of normalcy amid the Former U.S. Secretary of Transportation tain Hospital but wasn’t sure what to put hardships. Alan K. Simpson because Heart Mountain doesn’t exist as It also brings to mind an anecdote shared U.S.
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