>"•",•'• [• viiwbVr.• :.??j.?*y;;:•*>•^^^^if-;;; -:>..;^4lS^0£fl!fe THURSDAY, APRIL V, 1M* discovery of "The Torchbean n" and has about fen Skar-Studded successes to his credit including "Return Engagement," "My 8ter Set for' ter Eileen," "Ten Little Indians" and "She Stoops To Conquer." Richard Keppler" (Miuvaney) has played seven or eight roles for by henry rosenfeld By C ». TAUAFEUO the Cranford dub sinoe 1943, in- The Cranford Dramatic Club has cluding "Ten Little Indians," announced the cast of the Junior "Lost Horizon," "Kind Lady" and Service league benefit play, his most recent "—But Not Good- Your Best Fashion Investment G A* w o op c R ANF O R D KENILWORTH "Whfle the Sun Shines," to be held bye." in the Cranford High School aud- All this plus a surprise bonus. VoL'LVL N«; 12 itorium April 23 and 23. It has been over five years since CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY. TO^ 14. 1949 26 Pages — FIVE CENTS Him. John Low, director, has se-Harry Folk has been prevailed upon to take part in, one of the fected a star-studded group, and Vie for Township Committee Nomination . followers of the club's produc- Dramatic dub plays, although, for Republican Artists Invited to Display lw some years he was one of their Advance . *i \r will delightedly recognise, most active and finished actors, light Vote Seen them as seasoned, extremely cap- those of you who remember At Wednesday Club Exhibit As all of the roles~are equally "Green Grow the Lilacs," "Rain," Club Holds important, it is difficult to say who"Street Scene." "Tovarich" and Local artists and those from, is playing the leads. Perhaps "lad- "Pursuit of Happiness," will re- neighborhood' communities have Here on Tuesday •vies first** is the best procedure. calL We are glad indeed to wel- Our biggest news in print! The gentle, timeless ways, been invited to display their work Many Bequests for Use Although Rosemary Foreman, come Mr. Folk back, in the role of at the sixteenth annual art exhibi Horton. What would a sophisti- Of New Recreation Field <Lady Elizabeth), has been seen in under auspices of the Wednesday Numerous reouests for use of Primary Election Wolf-Warsinslii TUt bat one of the Dramatic Club's cated English comedy be without Morning dub. The exhibit will a nutter? , of onr Henry Rosenfetd pure SUIDB ... dresses with « Henry A. Klubenspies the new Memorial Recreation three act plays, The Late George open at a tea, Sunday, April 24, Field for baseball and Softball ac- Information For GOP Nomination Apley," she has worked profes- Jwt i President Again; Hear to the township rooms, and will tivities were received from teams When—Tuesday. April 10 Only Contest Locally sionally 09 the ^ ^ n stage and fhrefor. wear at anytime, any g>Uee—with' the classier In LocalC Polls Open—? a. m. to 8 p. m. New Es*o Assignment close on April 27. Mrs. G. Rusfel of various local schools and or- Despite the contests for Gover- has a great deal of eiperienre to TalkbyStefntjrafe ganizations at a regular meeting Whereto Vote her credit Hope Fisher, (Mabel Smith is chairman to charge. To Raise $»t000 nor, State Committee." Assembly, For William J. Wiseman ' A.,. Mjqfcenipies -was of the Cranford Recreation Com- 1st District—Sherman School , Cram), on the other hand. Is well- design and fine tailoring of a master craftsman .., Henry All pictures should be brought Mom than half th» goal of feMO 2nd District—Sherman School Freeholder and Township Com- William X Wiseman of 2» Holly _. *?:-ijpppfoi; his sec-ready for hinging, on April 22 mittee in the township -rooms last has been toUecta ^'"' ^ mittee in the Republican Primary, in Cranford ond term a» president of the Wednesday night 3rd District—Roosevelt School (She has done as many as three street has been given a training from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m., to th. 1949 cancer drive, 4th Dtetrictr-Cleveland School less than half of Cranford's 8.769 it mm ff^\i\it^\ assistant Henry Rosenfeldt . Cranford Republican Club at a township rooms. ' Plans for the coming tennis gel, executive eligible voters are expected to cast major plays a year. Some of her largely attended, meeting in the son were discussed. Cyril Perley, 5th District—Lincoln School to William C. Jehle, head of the The club will hold a philan «th District—Sherman School ballots in next Tuesday's Primary. more recent, roles were in "Kind township rooms last night. The in charge of tennis activities, re- Total contributions,to datt Elections. There are only scattered Lady," -My Sister Eileen." "Li- (thermal cracking division of the home of Mrs. T. V. Albert, West 7th District—High School process department at the Bayway slate of officers for the ensuing field. Featured as guest speaker ported that arrangenienU are be- $1,685.50. '•:.-. *>•: contests in the Democratic Pri- bel" and "Fresh Fields.- Lastyear year was presented, by Mayor 8th District—Municipal Building Refinery of Esso. Standard OH will be Gertrude Allen of Prince- ing made to put the Springfield Harold S. Compton, treasurer^ 9th District—Roosevelt School mary. ' Mrs. Fisher instructed a workshop George E. Osterheldt chairman of courts Into playing shape as soon reported the fallowing donations group in play directing so success- Company, it was announced this *. Pan Ok wUTdMd toSUxti ton, who will give a chalk talk on 10th District—Lincoln School Chief interest locally in the G. the nominating committee, who al-birds and flowers. ' as possible. ' ' have been- received: Envelopes, fnuy that some of the group are week by George W. Crowe, pubjic JMdUkM. Skirt t«*k. far folWu. KeH so acted as teller. NO TPwfoarflnnn Q,P. Primary centers around the relations manager. / •" ' r $1,18840; business donations, contest .between Police'. Commis- not only directing for Cranford (MMV nqral bhM. 1M«. were offered from the floor. Two cars will be available for memorial donations, $3Q0; bootht J. EDWA1D WOLF JOSEPH WAKSIN8KI but for other clubs as well Mr. 'Wiseman's Esso career members desiring transportation. sioner, j. Edward Wolf and Jos- Ofher oDcers were named as in local banks, $72, .and organiza-, eph Warsinskl fop the Republican William Wiseman (Earl of Har-started October 12,1938, as a help- ; 173$ follows: First vice-president, Har- The cars will leavVfrom in from tions, $80. Sidewalk penden) has not been seen in a er in the meter repair department of Cranford Public ^brary ai Boy Township Committee nomination- ry Osborne, Jr., redacted; second Memorial donations, presented, Chest X-Ray Pictures Mr. Warsinskl made an unsuccess- Cranford three-act since "Lost Ho- at Baltimore Refinery. Transfer- 2:15 and 2:45 p. m. Hostesses a in memory of persons who died of rizon'* three years ago. although, red to Bayway's chemical products the tea will be Mrs. John F, East, Lions Speaker Smasher Gets ful bid for the nomination a year ft, Silk polks fy *hfc bow-tie cancer, were niftde this wee* a« Ready at Health Q&ce ago. Josenh T. Sharkey is unop- he has worked, with other groups department in 1939, he became a peg poJstt sMtU Gnn, at*?. chairman; Jilrs. Cyril M. Canright, Set foltawsivflOOJn memory of" * r supervisor m 1941, a technical «rs^^^w^Cfctttili?*i^ll^^ rp^^Joped, chest XF«._ , posed for the Democratic nomina- and has been jm important mem- 4 o ard Cowperthwaite, Mrs. Maurice have- been.. returned tp the tion for Township Committee.' ber of the stage erew.,.Mr. Wise- assistant In 1943 -and an admlniA- Lawrence Bonnell and $10* in of Health office on Alden. street, ihafe took a walk-on part in "Thetratlve assistant in 1944. His 17J5 S. Decker, Mrs. M. F. Arnold, Mrs. ^Offices' Assigned, \ -•• Also highlighting the election lo- H. D. Lohman, Mrs. L. R. Oest, | memory of Mrs. Gertrude W.-Ma- and may be picked up there daily Granford's "missing sidewalk" cally will be the candidacy of Torchbearers" in 1942 and in the change to atmospheric distillation they, , • between 8:30 a. m. and 5 p.m. during the past week has received next three years played in five came in 1946.' Mrs. E. EUesmere McKeige, Mrs. Program Outlined for Public Opinion. Weyman O. Steengrafe of 312 Lin- Mrs, Robert Niedrach, in charge A total of 169 chest X-rays were prominent public notice from coln avenue for one of-the four of our major presentations, those ; Sanford K. Thomson. Mrs. Charles First Week in May Public opinion, America's "sec- to Miami. Photographers C Para «Hk print irMa thy pointed F. Von Lynn and Mrs. Robert F. of arrangements-for booth collec- ret power," is more potent than taken here last week in a three- Republican Assembly nominations. above and "The Silver Cord,' tions in the. local banks, reported day project sponsored by the and newsmen began to flock here -He Ghost Train" and "My Sis-•Models Bridal Dress collar, thin-ed sUrt. ^ray, r«ysl Ua^ Wellman. Assignments for Boys' Week the atomic bomb, Robert W. Watt Mr. Steengrafe, a Westfield school officials were announced this on l<K^.women serving at ihese Cranford Board of Health and as soon as C Ernest Trubenbach, ter Sneen." Miss Ann Long, daughter of Mr. kauy grata. 10>U. Films showing types of garden of Elizabeth, director of publica- in protest against the township teacher, made a creditable show- week by Paul Martenst chairman booths this week. Serving ati.the the Union County Tuberculosis ing in the last Assembly race. Francis Foreman (Colbert) is a and Mrs. Allen V. Long of 80 insects and how they multiply and tions (and research of the New ordinance adopted April 5 to ban 17 J5 of the Cranford Rotary .
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