w m m A ie m b a i l t cnooLAxicHf i V Mr th» MMrtfe «< 5,341 Mwmbrr «f Ike AoAt Pufiien o f CWrwiletloM, ilmtrhfatfr VOL. LIIL, NO. 64. (Oaeatfled AdrertiilBg oa Page 16.). MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER ^5, 1933. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) i>---------------- IJEATH ANSWERS ■■■< > FOUR M U O N MOTHER’S APPEAL A Roosevelt Conference Wilii Santa Claus UNDYS REACH REVISE INCOME TAX Doctors Not Allowed To End IDLE ARE NOW the Sufferinsrs of Deformed SAN PEDRO ON M A m WAGES Nine Months Old Child. H O M E m H O P LAWS, MORGENTHAU Toronto, Dec. 16.—(AP)-r Nlne months of suffering was ended today with the death of a Toronto baby whose mother ADVISES COMMITTEE Goal Set by President b had appealed to doctors to end Reach D(Mniiiicaii Repoblic its life. Reached — May Carry 'N^ctim o f hydracepbalus in Short Flight from Puer­ which caused its head to grow ACCDENTAL DEATH Treasory Head Fa?ort Low­ to three times normal size, the die C. W. A. Plan Into the Infant became unconscious to Rico— To Continoe early this week. Pressure on er Tax on Earned Income Spring Months. the brain piaraljrzed all the vital Trip Tomorrow. THEORY IS PROBED centers. and from Income on b - Dr. Luke Testey,, surgeon, said it was “fortunate the par­ WuhlngtoD, Dec. 16,— (A P )—The ents are sensible about it; that San Pedro, Dominican Republic, State Police Not Satisfied Testments— Also WonU Civil Work* Adminiftratlon eald to* the mother Is bearing up well Dec. 18.— (A P )— Col. and Mrs. day that more than 4,000,000 are after the terrific and utterly CbEmles A. Lindbergh landed here at tihneoessary strain placed upon With the Report on Coach Ha?e Husband and Wife DOW on Itj payroll. her by inhumane, cruel law. 10:40 a. m., eastern atandiu'd time, Thle wae the goal eet by Prert- ‘Terbaps now the senseless today after a filgbt from San Juan, dent Roosevelt, In authorizing use Glendon’s Death. Make Out Income Tax superetltloD which seems to Pue^ Rico, Pan-American Air­ o f upwards of 1400,000,000 for di­ control government action In ways announced. rect employment of persons thereto­ sucb conditions (.nd cases will Returns. fore on relief rolls. It is expected be overcome and the authori­ San Pedro is on the southern coimt CbathEun, M ems., Dec. 16— (A P ) that Congress will be asked to pro­ ties will realize the needless of the Dominican Republic, eturt of — State police, not entirely satisfied vide more fimds for this purpose to agony and suffering which have Santo Domingo and about 226 miles with the "accidental death” theory WEBshtegtoh, Dec. 16— ( A P ) — Am carry the C W A into the spring been caused a baby who did west o f San Juan. months. nothing wrong and two parents ’They alighted here, Pan-Amerl- of MedlcEd Examiner C. H. Keene, extensive revision of income tax Harry L, Hopkins, OvU Works who loved It.” If “Slstie” and "Buzzie” Dali chance upon this picture they’ll have a pretty good idea of what Santa might oan ofRciala said, because of the laws WEBS recommended to the Hoxise administrator, told reporters his in­ leave at their White House tree this Christmas. For when this photo was taken In a Washington toy shop, good airport and facilities. They w ays Emd meiBna committee today formation showed that the full quo­ planned to stay here today and re- Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt was getting some g ift ideas for her grandchildren. by Acting Secretary Morgenthau, ta of employment planned for De­ svme their Journey toward Mlajni but questions of rates were with­ cember 16 has been completed. He and New York tomorrow. 10 DEAD, 30 HURT held pending completion of the bud­ could not, however, give any definite get. figures and contented himself with THE TAKE-OFF He addressed his remarks to a the statement that 4,000,000 are GRATITUDE, BASIS San Juan, Puerto Rico, Dec. 15.— sub - committee’s recommendations employed. IN BUS ACaDENT 2 DUCK HUNTERS DROWN (A P )— 05l. and Mrs. (Varies A. on income taxes and then disclosed He paid tribute to state and local Lindbergh took off from the harbor the TreEBsury hEBs sterted a study o f Q vil Works administrations and OF A LEGAL SUIT here In their big red hydro-mono­ “the whole question of the relatioa volunteer workers who have devot­ plane at 8:60 a. m., e. a. t , on their of the taxing srstem of the United ed their time to the situation for AS THEIR BOAT UPSETS (light towtmd Miami. Fear Three More Will Be States to t^se of the several the past month. <»• They biui stayed here overnight, states.” Some Quotas Unfilled the guests of acting Governor Ben­ Morgentbau’s recommendations, Borne of the states have not filled Added to List— Bos Driy- Rescue from Drowning 20 Third Danbury Man Rescmed jamin J. Horton imd Mrs. Horton reviewed at a White House confer­ their C W A quota but others have U.S. ENVOY DENIES EEfter dying the 68 miles from Port- ence yesterday, contained no esti­ exceeded the number they were sup- er Years Ago Recalled by of-Spaln, ’Trinldful, to San Juan in mate of how much revenue might bosed to employ. Adjustments will and Taken to Hospital — 5 hours and 40 minutes. be rEBised by re-wrltlng the Income ne made to level out the situation. H E U RESIGN POST Before the take-off, Cdl. Lind­ law's EBdmlnlstffitive provisions. But Hopkins estimated there still are Letter Writer. bergh did not specify his Immediate it WEBS learned the Treasury consid­ 1,600,000 families on reUef rolls and Cresc nt City, Fla., Dec. 16,— He Is Placed on the destination although it was Indicat­ ered too high the ways and means said the exact number probably will (A P )—An inquest was called today ed that he and Mrs. lindbergh sub-committee’s estimate that Its plans would raise 8270,000,900. About sot be known for another 80 days. to fix the responsibility for the Danger List New York, Dec. 18.— (A P ) — ’The might make a stop en route to HopkSns today made pubUo rules Robert W. Bingfaam Says He Miami at Simto Domingo, lUsout 800 8100.000. 000 was considered a more tralB-aobeol bos crash which yes­ reecue from drowning 20 years ago c f the Civil Works admlnlstratiOB miles away. ’The Lindberghs ]re«ter- likely return. terday killed ten children and in­ of a Uttle girl brought the law His Beconomeiklattoos eoverlng the employment of clert- Is Coning Home to Spend day obtained permission to enter eal workers. This carries the stipu­ jured about 80 others. Bridgeport, Dec. 18.— (A P )—’Two down today upon Clarence ’Thome, the Dominican Republic. Importent recommendations by Morgenthau included: lation that the so-caUed white-col­ It was feared th i death list would of a party of three Danbury duck an elderly investment broker. ’The PEUi-Ameiican Airways route, A lower tax on earned Income lar workers may be employed up to mount as nine children, ranging hunters are believed to have perish­ the Holidays. Thome was held in 8600 bail to­ which the Lindberghs are followliti, from 11 to 17 yean of age, lay In from Income on investments. 89 hours per week at prevaillat ed off the mouth of the Housatonlc day on a charge of having written is 1,180 miles from S eui Juan bo rates in the individual communities Palatka hospitals suffering from in­ anno)ring letters to Mrs. Evelyn Miami. A requirement ttot husband and river, Stratford early today, and one wife must make Joint income tax rs- but not less than the following rates juries. The oendltlOB of three was London, Dec. 18.— (A P )—United Sharp. Start Emttf who was rescued is on the danger tum s, a change estimated to b rin g \ . per week; critical and physicians said the out­ The story told by Thome Is this: The Lindberghs went to tha p tp - States Ambasador Robert W. Bing­ in-840,000,000 o r EBddltienal revenue Base A, Southern Zone, |12; Cen­ come of the othen could not be de- list at the Bridgeport hospital suf­ *Twenty years ago Mrs. Sharp, Ameiican Airport shortly aft^ 8 fering from exposure. ham and Mrs, Bingham started a yea tral Zone, fl6 : Northern Zone, |18. then a of six, was fishing from a. m., acooaqwaied liv Mrs. Horton lOosWsnai f k f t Is u ) Tba man raacued la Minot. Barter, presentiag this recommanda- Intermediate, Southern Zone, |19; m home for the GMglstmaa baSdags to- a river bank and fell into the Emd Mshlon' Ashtm; governor's BItfcird J. Glendon S4,jtf 11 Patch street, Danbury. ’The ' ' ,'gsothi^ safhrad. dtesqtly Central Zone, filS; ..orHt--*' Z ^ , dait* ’They expect to reborn to Lon­ ' s iilp t). «.’9he WSJ, resoued t;y a maa secretary,■ men believed drowned afte£#tbeit to tSSf gseeef O b a^ E. l O t A ^ don early in Februsuy^ ’’ I named John Cavaasusdi. The Botlv GolotMl and Mbs. Lindbergh 121. foot rowbuat was upset in the heavy gratitude of Mrs. Sharp’s tether w ii New York banker. Siting: Operating Supervisory, Southern I remained In the Airport office half sea Dr. John J. Mayeroik, 36/ A number of British and Amsrl- so deep, Thome said, that he de­ present law enceuragsa Zone, 118; Central Zone, |21; North­ FIND BODY AFIRE; can friends and American Embsusy an hotir checking'weather reports Washington avenue, and Joseph A.
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