Name APUSH (2016-17) APUSH: Summer Reading Assignment Mr. Hess ± [email protected] Reading is fundamental for passing this course. Read everything including charts, maps, picture captions, etc. Following directions is just as important. As there are many aspects to this summer assignment, please read these directions carefully and contact me with questions. You can never ask too many questions! Please feel free to contact me via email over the summer. I will always try to respond within 24 hours. Part 1 ± Chapter Outlines & Identifications Read chapters 1-3 of the American Pageant, 16th edition. Outline the chapters while you read. Highlight each of the attached identifications in your outline. Focusing on IDs is vital for doing well in this course. Learning what to include in an outline and what to leave out is also a vital skill. The list of the IDs can be found at the end of this packet. When outlining, you should consider the following: 1. Read for true understanding. Do NOT just copy lines from the textbook. Do NOT copy the entire chapter in outline form. Put the textbook into your own words to show true understanding of and engagement with the text. An example of writing in your own voice might be making fun of someone you find to be ridiculous or giving a heroic nickname to someone you find to be heroic. Make sure your voice is clear in your outline 2. Read and outline for true significance. Consider and explain the significance of each ID. Consider: why did the authors include this information? As you outline, consider whether each ID is important or extremely important. Place special emphasis on those IDs you see as being more significant to the narrative of U.S. History. If you are unable to find an ID in your textbook or feel you need more information, please use the ABC-CLIO Database. Go to: http://databases.abc-clio.com/Multi/. The username is ³JUHDWYDOOH\´DQGWKHSDVVZRUGLV³OLEUDU\´. Access to this website is provided by the Great Valley Library. If you have any questions on how to access this site, please e-mail me. During the school year, you will be required to outline a chapter (or two) every weekend. We will spend the first week of school going over note-taking strategies to help you through this process. During the school year, your outline may be hand-written. Your summer outline, though, must be typed and uploaded to www.turnitin.com to be checked for plagiarism/cheating by the assigned due date. Finally, be prepared for an exam on the first Friday of the school year. It will cover: Chapter 1 ± The New Beginning Chapter 2 ± The Planting of English America Chapter 3 ± Settling the Northern Colonies Part 2 ± Book Review While reading and outlining the text is one major aspect of this course. Another course is being able to read and understand content and then use that content to make a clear argument in writing. To that end, you are to choose a book from the attached list and complete a book review that responds to the following prompt: ,QZULWLQJWKLVERRNZKDWZDVWKHDXWKRU¶V argument/goal? Did the author accomplish this goal? All book choices must be approved XVLQJWKH³%RRN&KRLFH)RUP´E\June 14, 2016 (the last day of school). Your review should be written using the following structure: 1. Introduction (10 Points) a. A brief summary of the plot/topic: consider the historical period and issues with which the book deals ± either directly or indirectly b. 7KHVLV$EULHIVXPPDU\RIWKHDXWKRU¶Vargument/goal AND a brief summary of whether or not you believe the author achieved his/her goal 2. $XWKRU¶V$UJXPHQW*RDO (30 Points) a. :KDWZHUHWKHDXWKRU¶Vqualifications to write about the subject? b. Provide a summary oIWKHDXWKRU¶VDUJXPHQWVDQGRUWKHPHV. A minimum of two arguments/themes must be addressed. Give specific evidence from the text to support your analysis. 3. Was the author successful? (20 Points) a. Assess whether or not the author achieved his/her goal. b. In your assessment, address each of the arguments/themes from earlier in your paper. Use specific evidence from the text to support your analysis. 4. What is your overall response to the book? (10 Points) a. Do you think the book is going to aid in your study of U.S. history? b. Would you recommend the book to others? Why or why not? 5. Conclusion (10 Points) a. Restate your thesis. b. Restate main ideas of your review The book review should be written as a formal essay (this means no contractions, no first person, no slang, etc.). It should be typed and double-spaced with 1 inch margins. Please use 12 point Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri font (10 Points). Due Dates & Turnitin.com Information Book Review ± Due Monday, August 8, 2016 at 12:00 PM (noon) - Note: this is several weeks before school begins. You do not have to hand in a hard copy of your review. Book reviews are to be uploaded to www.turnitin.com. Failure to do so will result in your assignment being marked late (10% per day). If you do not have an account for this website, please create one. Everyone should then add themselves to the AP US History 2016-17 class. The class id is 12754612. The password is hess. Your review will be graded using the following guide: Requirements Points Possible Introduction: Summary of topic 10 & historical period Summary of ƵƚŚŽƌ͛Ɛ 30 Qualifications & Arguments/Themes ƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚŽĨƵƚŚŽƌ͛ƐtŽƌŬ 20 Overall Response 20 Conclusion 10 Grammar and Mechanics 10 Total 100 Chapter Outlines & IDs ± Due Monday, August 29, 2016 - Note: this is the first day of school. You must bring your typed outlines to class on the first day of school. You must upload your typed outline to www.turnitin.com by 7:40 AM on Monday, August 29, 2016. Failure to do so will result in your assignment being marked late (10% per day). Reminder: The turnitin.com class id is 12754612. The password is hess. See the next two pages for a list of identifications to help guide you through the outlining process. Identifications As you outline the first three chapters of your textbook, highlight and explain the significance of each of the following IDs. Please note that the IDs are not listed in the same order below as they appear in your textbook. Keep track as you read and use these sheets as a checklist. Chapter 1 ± The New Beginning 1. Great Ice Age 11. ³surplus population´ 2. Native Americans 12. law of primogeniture 3. maize 13. joint-stock company 4. Pueblo Indians 14. Virginia Company 5. Incas 15. James I 6. Aztecs 16. Jamestown 7. Mound Builders 17. John Smith 8. ³three sister´ farming 18. ³starving time´ 9. Hiawatha 19. Powhatan 10. Marco Polo 20. Pocahontas 11. Christopher Columbus 21. Lord De La Warr 12. ecosystem 22. Chesapeake region 13. Columbian Exchange 23. First Anglo-Powhatan War 14. Treaty of Tordesillas 24. John Rolfe 15. conquistadors 25. Second Anglo-Powhatan War 16. Ferdinand Magellan 26. Powhatan¶s Confederacy 17. Juan Ponce de Leon 27. slavery 18. Hernando de Soto 28. House of Burgesses 19. capitalism 29. royal charter 20. mestizos 30. Lord Baltimore 21. encomienda 31. proprietary colony 22. Bartolome de Las Casas 32. indentured servitude 23. Hernan Cortes 33. Maryland Act of Toleration 24. Montezuma 34. Barbados slave codes 25. Malinche (Dona Marina) 35. English Civil War 26. Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot) 36. Charles I 27. St. Augustine, Florida 37. Oliver Cromwell 28. Battle of Acoma 38. Charles II 29. Pope¶s Rebellion 39. Savannah Indians 30. Black Legend 40. William Penn 41. Quakers 42. Charles Town Chapter 2 ± The Planting of English America 43. squatters 44. Tuscarora War 1. Henry VIII 45. Yamasee Indians 2. Elizabeth I 46. Iroquois Confederacy 3. Protestant Reformation 47. George II 4. ³sea dogs´ 48. buffer colony 5. Francis Drake 49. James Oglethorpe 6. Humphrey Gilbert 50. plantation system 7. Walter Raleigh 8. Philip II 9. Roanoke Island 10. Spanish Armada Chapter 3 ± Settling the Northern Colonies 1. Martin Luther 2. Protestant Reformation 3. John Calvin 4. Calvinism 5. the ³elect´ 6. predestination 7. ³visible saints´ 8. conversion 9. Puritans 10. Protestant work ethic 11. Separatists 12. Church of England (Anglican Church) 13. Pilgrims 14. ³Dutchification´ 15. Mayflower 16. Mayflower Compact 17. William Bradford 18. Great Migration 19. John Winthrop 20. ³city upon a hill´ 21. covenant 22. freemen 23. Congregational Church 24. Bible Commonwealth 25. John Cotton 26. doctrine of the ³calling´ 27. sumptuary laws 28. Anne Hutchinson 29. antinomianism 30. Roger Williams 31. Thomas Hooker 32. Fundamental Orders 33. Squanto 34. Massasoit 35. Pequot War 36. New England Confederation 37. Dominion of New England 38. Navigation Laws 39. Sir Edmund Andros 40. Glorious Revolution 41. William III and Mary II 42. ³salutary neglect´ 43. New Netherland 44. Dutch ³golden age´ 45. Henry Hudson 46. New Amsterdam 47. New Sweden 48. Peter Stuyvesant 49. William Penn AP US History 2016-17 Summer Reading - Book Choice Form As part of your summer assignment, you have been asked to choose a book related to U.S. History on which to write a book review. You must pick from the provided list. Your choice must be approved by Mr. Hess. You are required to submit this form as notice of your book choice by 2:30 PM on Tuesday, June 14, 2016. NOTE: This is the last day of school. This form will count as your first homework/classwork grade for next school year. You may not change your book after this form has been submitted.
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