OID‰‰‰†‰KOID‰‰‰†‰OID‰‰‰†‰MOID‰‰‰†‰C New Delhi, Monday,June 30, 2003www.timesofindia.com Capital 48 pages* Invitation Price Rs. 1.50 International City Report Times Sport Paul Bremer is Delhiites despair as Brilliant India sure of nabbing too many agencies clinch Hamburg Saddam soon busy passing the buck Masters crown Page 13 Page 4 Page 17 WIN WITH THE TIMES Balloons today, books tomorrow Cut-offs for PTI Established 1838 Bennett, Coleman & Co., Ltd. Army brass wants popular Establishing lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep courses dip us out of war. cast-iron camps TIMES NEWS NETWORK — Maria Montessori New Delhi: There is good By Rajat Pandit Bracing up ta-based 16 Corps com- news for students waiting for NEWS DIGEST TIMES NEWS NETWORK mander Lt-Gen T P S Brar the second cut-off list. Cut-off •New plan underway and other senior officers. percentages for hot-selling New Delhi: Army head- Sources said the stepped- Minor tortured to death: A mi- quarters has taken a ‘‘seri- to fortify J&K camps courses like commerce and nor, working as a domestic help in up measures would include ous view’’ of the security economics have dipped by the house of a former SP MLA in Includes brick walls, brick walls, 15-feet-high lapse which allowed the fi- • one to two per cent. A few Hardoi, died of torture inflicted by electrified fences and electrified barbed wire popular colleges such as Hin- dayeen squad to storm the his employer’s family who suspected sanitised corridors fences and ‘‘sanitised corri- du, Kirori Mal, Bhagat Singh Sunjivan Army camp near him of theft, police has said. P11 dors’’ around Army camps, have, however, closed admis- Jammu on Saturday and •Patrolling to be wherever possible, to make sion in these courses. CAS meeting today: The big gun down 12 soldiers and stepped up them more secure. Pa- While the cut-off percent- broadcasters will have a meeting wound seven. trolling around the camps age for B Com (Hons) in pop- with the government on Monday. In the aftermath of the will also be bolstered to de- ular colleges such as Hindu, They are likely to inform which of horrific Kaluchak camp be remembered that no their channels would stay pay, and camp can be made fully im- tect ‘‘suspicious activity’’. Hansraj, Gargi went down by massacre in May 2002 — This becomes imperative their individual prices. Some of the pregnable. If a brain- roughly one per cent, in oth- which almost led to a war since repeated attacks on broadcasters have already indicated washed, heavily-armed je- ers such as AND, ARSD, B R with Pakistan, the Army Army or paramilitary the prices of their channels. P7 hadi is hell-bent on com- Ambedkar, College of Voca- top brass had ordered that camps by fidayeen gunmen mitting suicide, it’s diffi- tional Studies fell substan- Security breach: A security security in and around all can create morale problems cult to stop him,’’ said tially by two to three per breach was prevent- such camps in J&K should for troops, already engaged cent. A dip of 0.1 per cent af- ed in the high-secu- an officer. be swiftly upgraded to in nerve-wrecking counter- fects 50 to 60 students, while a rity cavalcade of While that may well be thwart fidayeen attacks. insurgency operations. decrease by one to two per Prime Minister Vaj- true, the Sunjivan incident But it’s quite apparent It was the Pak-backed cent affects hundreds. payee on Sunday in that the measures have not has certainly sent shock Laskhar-e-Taiba which in- Chanakyapuri when In history and psychology, worked, with the two ter- waves down the South troduced such suicide at- two motorcycle- the cut-off dipped by about rorists on Saturday even Block corridors, with borne youths were tacks in J&K in the post- one point in most colleges. managing to reach the bar- Army chief General N C Vij Kargil period. Contrary to that, there was a stopped from going rushing to Jammu on Sun- past the barricade installed near racks inside the Sunjivan One of the first such ma- marginal decrease in the cut- Teen Murti. P2 camp and killing the day to review the situation. jor attack was on the off of BA vocational sub- jawans sleeping there. Gen Vij discussed steps Badamibagh cantonment jects. In the College of Voca- VHP attacks PM: Close on the ‘‘The court of inquiry or- to fortify all Army camps in in Srinagar, the headquar- tional Studies, the dip for In- heels of the RSS attack on PM over dered into the Sunjivan in- J&K in his meeting with ters of the 15 Corps, in No- surance, IRPM, R&T was a Kashmir, the VHP has asked Advani cident will pinpoint the Northern Command chief vember 1999, which left rough 0.25 per cent, while in to quit the government if he finds lapses. It should, however, Lt-Gen Hari Prasad, Nagro- nine soldiers dead. Vajpayee a hurdle in the path to tem- subjects like OMSP, the cut- ple construction at Ayodhya. P11 off remained constant. But there are a few sur- New Pak envoy: Pakistan’s High prises too. At least three col- Commissioner-designate to India ‘If Tibet, why not J&K?’ leges — Daulat Ram, Hindu Aziz Ahmad Khan will reach India to- and Ramjas — declared ad- day after crossing the Wagah border Islamabad: Describing Autonomous ‘‘roadmap’’ on Kashmir mission closed in Hindi to formally restore high-level diplo- Prime Minister Atal Bihari Region was with a mediation from a (Hons) in the first list itself. matic ties between the countries. Vajpayee as a ‘‘man of part of the third party, Musharraf said Cut-offs for both Sanskrit More power: Delhi’s power woes peace’’, Pakistan president territory of India had been rejecting and Hindi dip the most in ma- could be over by 2005. The Cabinet Pervez Musharraf on Sun- the People’s third-party mediation. jority of the colleges. has cleared the PowerGrid Corpora- BYE, FREEDOM: Schools reopen on Monday. Children make the most of the last day said he hoped the ‘‘flex- Republic of ‘‘I have given my four- Science courses offered lit- tion’s joint venture with Tata Power Sunday of their summer vacation at India Gate. ibility’’ India had shown on China. point formula of step by tle hope for students, reflect- for laying a transmission line to wh- Tibet during the Indian But Vaj- step approach. Till India ing the increased popularity eel up to 3,000 MW from Bhutan. P3 leader’s recent China visit Musharraf payee clari- and Pakistan are not sin- of the courses. Hindu, Han- happened in the case of fied on Fri- cere in finding a solution to sraj, Kirori Mal and Humane Delhi Police: A year af- Kashmir also. day that the statement laid Kashmir, there could be Venkateswara closed admis- ter he took over as the commission- Niazi’s gun hasn’t run ‘‘The flexibility India has emphasis on Tibet being an no momentum. Kashmiris sion in Physics (Hons), while er of Delhi Police, R S Gupta feels shown on Tibet is a wel- autonomous region. have to be involved in any Dayal Singh, Hindu and that the Delhi Police has started to TIMES NEWS NETWORK over to Lt-Gen Aurora was a proper come sign. One can only Replying to a question on eventual solution,’’ he said. Ramjas closed admission in transform into a more friendly and a service weapon of the Pakistan Army. It New Delhi: The Army on Sunday hope it happens in the case India’s stand on Tibet, Mu- Addressing a meeting in Chemistry (Hons). Similarly, humane force. P5 was a revolver, not a pistol,’’ said an clarified that the weapon handed over of Kashmir too,’’ Mushar- sharraf told the TV chan- Los Angeles, Musharraf a large number of colleges, by Lt-Gen A K A Niazi to Lt-Gen J S Army officer. raf said during his visit to nel that ‘‘at Agra, Vajpayee claimed India is buying including Dayal Singh, Han- by Laxman YOU SAID IT Aurora, Eastern Army Commander ‘‘The weapon handed over by Niazi Los Angeles in an inter- and me had agreed that weapons from ‘‘all round sraj, Hindu, Ramjas and during Pakistan’s surrender in the 1971 was a .38 calibre revolver which Lt-Gen view aired by Pakistan’s there could be no peace in the world’’ and this should Khalsa, closed admission in war at Dhaka, was in safe custody at Aurora, in turn, presented to the IMA,’’ Geo TV. the sub-continent without be stopped. B Sc (Hons) Maths. the Indian Military Academy museum he said. The pistol stolen from the mar- In the joint declaration the solution of Kashmir’’. Ruling out a war with In- The cut-off for Botany, in Dehradun. itime heritage hall of the National Mu- signed by Vajpayee and his About remarks made by dia, he said there should be however, fell from 74 to 70 in The pistol stolen from the National seum could be one of the weapons sur- Chinese counterpart Wen external affairs minister strategic balance in the Daulat Ram, 78 to 76 in Gargi, Museum in the Capital on Saturday rendered by other Pakistan military of- Jiabao earlier this week, In- Sinha, rejecting his propos- South Asian region. PTI 77 to 75 in Hansraj and 71 to ‘‘could’’ have been that of another ficers during the surrender, he added.
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