Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 2-20-1970 The rsinU us Weekly, February 20, 1970 Alan Gold Ursinus College Sandy Dunlop Ursinus College Marc Hauser Ursinus College Jonathan Weaver Ursinus College Cris Crane Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Gold, Alan; Dunlop, Sandy; Hauser, Marc; Weaver, Jonathan; Crane, Cris; Swarr, Bob; Siegel, Jane; Shrager, Eileen; Faaet, Allen; Chambers, Charles; von Sothen, Peter; Earle, Judith; and Williams, James, "The rU sinus Weekly, February 20, 1970" (1970). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 155. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/155 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Alan Gold, Sandy Dunlop, Marc Hauser, Jonathan Weaver, Cris Crane, Bob Swarr, Jane Siegel, Eileen Shrager, Allen Faaet, Charles Chambers, Peter von Sothen, Judith Earle, and James Williams This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/155 Volume LXIX FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1970 No.7 Emig's Tenure Ends; IPresident Helfferich Retiring; USGA Holds ElectionBoard of Directors Outlines By SANDY DUNLOP now in the USGA people who are Student-go ... ernment news '''''!'~I sensiti... e to this problem and will at this time on the election de ... ote themselves to it in the Cu- Criteria for New President new stnlT of officers and class ture." resentati... es. In the last two "One g ood thing that has come By MARC HAUSER new President, who cordially offered tion at Ursinus. the USGA has been out of this past year is that we've Ursinus Co ll ege is in the process his assistance on this most urgent 2) He must hold a Pb.D. degree tions from candidates for been able to look beyond petty is- of selecting a new president to topic. Dr. Paisl~y stated that there and have :;ome ccntact in the ces of President, Male and sues here on campus to the more office in the 1970·71 academic are approximately ten more candi- capacity of student, teacher, Vice PresIdents, Recording important concerns of society, as In an exclusive dates remaining to be int~rviewed, and/or administrator with a tary, Corresponding Secretary, and seen in our participation in the Donald L. Helfferich told the w.. 1'·l in addition to tho~e pre ... iously $mall, liberal nrts college. Treasurer, and for two representa- :'oloratorium, our stand taken on the Iy that his resignation ~creened. The process of seli.:cting 3) He should have achi( ... ed !lome ti ...es from each class. Elections state scholarship issue, and our pro­ submitted to the Board of candidate for the office of Presi- measure of success in the field were held yesterday. gram to recruit black students to effective as of July I, 1970. In takes place (according to Dr. of teaching. As an administra. In the meantime, current USGA the campus. The potential of the dition, Dr. Helfferich told Paisley) a~ follows: Applications tor, he should ha ... e bCt.n in President John Emig was asked by Free-Learning Program is another Weekly that if a suitable not being a('cepted to fill the se... eral positions in ... olving the Weekly his opinion on his reign example." ment is not found, he will but prospective candidates sel'eral collegiatc, administra­ as "King John," and whether he felt "We'... e had our frustrating Ursinus. Dr. Helfferich suggested by ... arious ti ... e functions, i.e. curriculum, he had succeeded in reaching his points, but at the snme time we've ... oice in the selection of and subsequently in... csti- faculty and student relations, goals: learned things, nnd 1 don't think President. If they should meet ... arious personnel, finance, propcrty, "When I came into office, I had people should give up on what can The Weekly also spoke with they are then urged public relations, fund raising, three basic goals. I wanted to see be done for the students and for the Elwood S. Paisley, Chairman of student representntion on the Aca- collegc." Director's committee to selcct demic Council and at faculty meet- ---------------~---------------I ings, and a reorganization of the Student Acti ... ities-Finance Commit· tee so as to make it entirely student Dean H. L. Jones Hospitalized; run. Unfortunately, these two ideas Recovering From Heart Attack ever,were ...in etoed. the ;;i\~V;:',~d~i:;d:c~:~r~:f;: Mr. Howard Llo~'d Jones was stricken Monday, February 9th Student Curriculum a mild heart attack. He was ,""hod 1 "But the area in by Dean William Pettit to did aceomplishh,;::~\:~;f",; gomery Hospital where he is in establishing CI . condition in the Int.ensive Care the administration, with Mr. Unit, resting comfortably, and in ler and Prcsident HellTerich. good humor. fie will be in the hos· made them recognize that the pital for no less than three weeks dents and the student and will be back at Ursinus in no would have to be ~""uJt.d than six weeks. school matters. This was seen, example, when we hired the .. Jones was born in 1921, ,,",,,,,,1 ",,,i,,d his B.A. from the Uni ... er- force, and in the more cision to let a student Delaware in 1943 and of Arts in 1946 from committee to elect the new M,,,',,, dent of the College. This is Uni ... ersity of Penns~·lvania. He beginning, though. A lot named an Instructor and ,!~~i',b"'l we' ... e done has gone unheeded Professor at Ursinus . the administration and there's sistant Direeter of A,lmi,,'"'' a lot of communicating to be I 1955, Associate Prefessor "We've railed to !ish in 1£165, and Associate with the students. Admissions in 1966. The Editorial Board of the Ursi­ learned, is of primar':Y:~:~:':~~:~i~~~ nus Weekly wishes Dean Jones a even more so thnn ~. with the administration. speedy reco ... ery. Festival 01 Arts to Feature Photo by Tishe Dr. Roger I'. Staiger, Chairma n or the Faculty Commilte-c to establish Smither the criteria (or the selection of the next president of Ursinus College. Sweet Stavin" Chain" to submit biographies on them- et cetera. Presentin .. a full weckend of Smither and Swe.:!t Sta ... in Chain. Gerry Miller. At the end of the " 11 h' h • ''''1 19'!) Festival of Arts, Miller asked 0 owing tiS, t ey nre 4) His philosophies on higher ed· fe ssional talent, the 1!)70 Ursinus This year's program is heir t.o intet'e1 db th va 'ous co m·t,.. ucation should be reasonably Festi ... al of Arts will feature Chris the series coneeivcd last year by Eileen Shrager and Rob Barr to tees.· ... we ~. () rl III I 1;,,;'1-.. , the program for this year. progressi... e as to successfully They were appointed by Dean Hnr- Ob\'iously, the selection of anI' ..... meet the challenges of the President is a tedious proce5S, with ris in September, and work began changing world but not so much care being taken to choose easily swayed as to att(mpt immediately. the man who will lead Ursinus fur- inno ... ation for its own sake. Festival relied heavily ther into the 1970's. Many checks Re should be well informed as In order that Mil- ha... e betn provided along the way to what Ursinus is attempting should grow to a com- to insure thnt the man finnlly cho- to do, nnd see his way clear i~~i~1f: stature, 37 committee sen will be ns exemplary an ndmin- for still more impro"'(oment. urder the leadership or istrator as is possible. There is a 5) He should be married and his Pennell, Carole Lane, Da ... id Directors committce with Dr. Pais­ wife able to assume appropri­ I Rob Barr, and Eilecn Shra- ley as its chairman and consisting ate college responsibilities ha ... e brDught in the contracts of Dr. William Elliot; Thomas without affecting administra· ..... iIl bring n ... ariety of profes- Glassmoyer, Esq.; Paul J. Guest, tive decisions. artists to you. Esq.; Dr. Theodore R. Schwalm; 6) He should be a literate and Previewing the three and Dr. Clarence A. Warden, Jr. In an articulate speaker, capable of mnintaining cordial rela­ andweek-end 15 there acti ...will ity onbe ::;::;:~~~~~:; I i'tddition,mittee with there Dr. isR ogera faculty P. Staiger com- tions with all branchn of the films sho ..... n after dinner i its chairman, and consisting of immediate college community auditorium through the Dr. Cah'in D. Yost, Jr. and :\Ir. as well as alumni and friends. weck. An art exhibit nlso Geoffrey Dolman. There is also He should be a g('ntleman, able shown in Wismer during that student ... oice in this important to reprcsent the college with It will feature works by matter. distinction. students of !\Ioore Structural Guidelines 7) He should be both hone~t and and will be formally faculty committee hn~ Sl:t up tactful, pos~e~sed of a sen~e of reception at <I p.m. on standnl'ds which ser... c as humor; n man who inspires March 13. structural guidelines to nit! in the find merits confidence, who On the morning of the 13th, process of H'lecting the best quali- know" when to lead and when weekend ncth'ities will already fled, ablest mnn W fill the position.
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