Regional Continuum of Care Council Governance Board Agenda Thursday, February 26, 2015 3:00 – 5:00p.m. I. Public Comment 3:00 to 3:05 p.m. II. Review and Approve Minutes 3:05 to 3:10 p.m. Chair Gloria III. Officer’s Reports and Follow-ups 3:10 to 3:30 p.m. a. Chair (5 minutes per Officer) b. Vice Chair c. Secretary d. Treasurer IV. Advisory Committee Updates 3:30 to 3:55 p.m. (4 minutes per Committee) a. Nominations/ Selection Committee Liaison Kevin Crawford b. Evaluation Committee Liaison Karen Brailean c. Fundraising Committee Liaison Larissa Tabin d. Data Committee Liaison John Ohanian e. Sub-Populations/ Coordinated Intake Liaison Jessyca Carr f. Full Membership Board Liaison Larissa Tabin V. Action Items 3:55 to 4:20 p.m. a. Executive Officers Roles and Responsibilities Vice Chair Macchione 3:55 to 4:05 p.m. b. HMIS MOU Camey Christenson 4:05 to 4:15 p.m. VI. Informational Items 4:15 to 5:00 p.m. a. Strategic Planning Paul Van Dolah 4:15 to 4:40p.m. b. 25 Cities Presentation Thomas Theisen, Michael McConnell & Amy Gonyeau 4:40 to 4:55 p.m. c. 2015 Collaborative Applicant Chair Gloria 4:55 to 5:00 p.m. VII. Next Steps and Adjourn 5:00 p.m. RCCC Gov. Board Materials 2/26/2015 Page 1 of 78 Regional Continuum of Care Council Governance Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday, December 16, 2014 1:30-3:00 pm Read and Approved: Jennifer LeSar, Secretary on behalf of Governance Board The materials for the Regional Continuum of Care Council (RCCC) Governance Board Meeting comprised of an agenda package sent in PDF format that had a total of 63 pages. Agenda Item I Public Comment a. None. Agenda Item II Review and Approve Minutes b. Motion to approve as amended by Karen Brailean. Seconded by Kevin Crawford, passed unanimously. Agenda Item III Officer’s Reports and Follow-ups a. Vice Chair: HUD approved the reallocation of the 2012 Planning Grant Funds to retain the services of an individual to fulfill the responsibilities outlined in the Interim RCCC job description. Health and Human Services (HHS), United Way San Diego (UWSD), 2-1-1 San Diego, and Salvation Army will provide staff during the transitional period. b. Secretary: Requested volunteers for an ad hoc committee to assist in securing legal counsel. Kevin Crawford, Peter Callstrom and Tom Theisen volunteered to serve on the ad hoc legal committee. c. Treasurer: Funders Together to End Homelessness (FTEH) committed $50,000 for the 2015 Point-In- Time-Count (PITC) leaving a $50,000 gap. FTEH also committed $130,000 for legal counsel and D. & O. Insurance. Agenda Item IV Educational Items a. HOPE San Diego: Simonne Ruff, CSH; Kris Kuntz Saint Vincent de Paul, (SVdP); and Yolanda York, Social Security Offices reported on HOPE San Diego and the model’s successes in improving homeless individuals’ access to benefits. Comment Period: 1. Mack Jenkins inquired if probation officers would be able to assist in HOPE San Diego’s Case Management. b. PITC: Dolores Diaz reported on the 2015 PITC and the specific HUD mandates for a separate youth count for the age range 18 to 24. Comment Period: 1. None. c. Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR): Dolores Diaz reported AHAR and provided an overview of the data collection and reporting processes. Comment Period: 1. Todd Henderson requested Board Members consider the discrepancy between funds and homeless persons in particular: San Diego is ranked 18th in federal dollars received but as a region ranked 5th in the number the homeless. Agenda Item V Informational Items 1. Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) Updates 1. Support Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Priority Funding Round 2: Susan Bower reported on the Scoring Committee’s review of SSVF applications four applications were received in a timely manner and were provided with letters of support from the RCCC Governance Board Secretary. Regional Continuum of Care Governance Board Meeting Minutes, December 16, 2014 RCCC Gov. Board Materials 2/26/2015 Page 2 of 78 2. California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program: Susan Bower reported on ESG applications and the review process. Comment Period: 1. None. Agenda Item VI Action Items a. Homeless Management Information System (HMIS): Pat Leslies requested approval of the Regional Taskforce on the Homeless as HMIS Lead and approval of Service Point as the HMIS Software of Record. Comment Period: 1. None. b. Set 2015 Governance Board Meeting Calendar: Secretary LeSar presented the proposed 2015 meeting calendar. Comment Period: 2. None. Voting Agenda Item Item II. Review and Approve Minutes Motion Motion to approve October 30th minutes as amended by Karen Brailean. By Karen Brailean. Seconded Kevin Crawford Vote Unanimous Recused Members: None. Agenda Item Item III. Officer’s Reports and Follow-ups: Section C: Treasurer Report Motion Board approves the reallocation of $50,000 from the 2012 Planning Grant to fund the 2015 PITC; contingent on the receipt of an updated funds and sources report. By Kevin Crawford Seconded John Ohanian Vote Unanimous Recused Members: None. Agenda Item Item VI. Action Item A: Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Motion Confirm the Regional Task Force on the Homeless (RTFH) as the HMIS Lead Agency and ServicePoint as the CoC’s HMIS software of record. By Mary Herron Seconded Todd Henderson Vote Unanimous Recused Members: None. Agenda Item Item VI. Action Item B: Set 2015 Governance Board Meeting Calendar Motion Board approves the 2015 Governance Board Meeting Calendar. By Kevin Crawford Seconded Peter Callstrom Vote Unanimous Recused Members: None. Vice Chair announced the next meeting will be held January 22, 2014 and adjourned the meeting. Regional Continuum of Care Governance Board Meeting Minutes, December 16, 2014 RCCC Gov. Board Materials 2/26/2015 Page 3 of 78 2015 201WEW2WEWeALL COUNT JanuaryV013 23, 2015 WEALLCO201 4UNT Extensive Media Coverage KPBS – TV and Radio KUSI – TV KOGO UT – Front page, January 24, 2015 Minority Media (Univision & Telemundo RCCC Gov. Board Materials 2/26/2015 Page 4 of 78 24 Deployment Centers 593 Census Tracts Covered (627 in SD) 1,488 Volunteers Participated (1,580 Registered) 1,230 Counted (over 500 County Employees) VOLUNTEER HOURS 7,620 Total Volunteer Hours - ALL Volunteers 1,875+ Volunteer Hours - County of San Diego Employees! THANK YOU ! RCCC Gov. Board Materials 2/26/2015 Page 5 of 78 SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Downtown Clean & Safe VIP Deployment Host Golden Hall VIP DEPLOYMENT Over 70 VIP Volunteers 120 Interviews completed Elected Officials Congressman Scott Peters Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins County Supervisor Cox Council President Sherri Lightner Councilmember Todd Gloria Representatives from Mayor Faulconer’s office RCCC Gov. Board Materials 2/26/2015 Page 6 of 78 Surveys/Interviews 15 Interview Site Locations 209 Volunteers Conducted Interviews 750+ Surveys Collected Youth Count Challenging! 4 Youth Events Organized 4 Street Outreach Teams 120 Volunteers 200+ Surveys Collected RCCC Gov. Board Materials 2/26/2015 Page 7 of 78 Deployment Centers and Survey Sites o Brother Benno’s o Operation Homefront o Community Christian Services o Pacific Beach Methodist Church o Community Resource Center o Pathfinders o Crisis House o Point Loma United Methodist o Dreams for Change o City of Poway o East County Transitional Living o Solutions for Change Center o South Bay Community Services o El Corazon Senior Center o St. Vincent de Paul o First Presbyterian Church o The Center (LGBT) o Golden Hall o The United Way o Harbor Church o USC Academic Center, SD o Harvest Christian Fellowship o VVSD New Resolve o Interfaith Community Services o VVSD o La Mesa First United Methodist o YMCA o Old Spring Valley Elementary School NEXT STEPS Scrub and Analyze data from 750+ General Surveys & 200 Youth Surveys Report to HUD – Anticipate April deadlinene Publish Results Begin preparing for WeALL Count 2016 RCCC Gov. Board Materials 2/26/2015 Page 8 of 78 Be a part of 2016! Save the Date! Friday, January 29, 2016 (4:00-7:00am) RCCC Gov. Board Materials 2/26/2015 Page 9 of 78 RCCC GOVERNANCE BOARD – ACTION/INFORMATION REPORT TITLE OF REPORT: Request for Proposals (RFP) for RCCC Governance Board Legal Counsel ADVISORY COMMITTEE NAME: ITEM TYPE: Information Ad Hoc Legal Counsel Committee □ Action □ Recommendation/Board Policy □ Request to Present at Board Meeting DATE: PRIMARY CONTACT: SECONDARY CONTACT: February 26, 2015 Vicky Joes, staff for Jennifer LeSar Jennifer LeSar, RCCC Governance Board Secretary TIME SENSITIVITY: No Yes (If yes, state deadline and why it’s urgent) Informational only. RECOMMENDATION: N/A OVERVIEW & BACKGROUND SUMMARY: Overview: On February 20, 2015 an RFP for Legal Services was released following the process below: 1. An Ad Hoc committee was created to create a legal RFP and issue at the December 16, 2015 Governance Board meeting. The full Governance Board was asked to send any and all law firms for inclusion in the RFP distribution 2. The RFP was drafted, review and approved by ad hoc committee members Kevin Crawford, John Ohanian, and Jennifer LeSar 3. The Executive Board was asked to send any and all law firms for inclusion in the RFP distribution on January 8, 2015. 4. A distribution list was created (attached) from the Board referrals as well as a search of the San Diego Daily Transcript-San Diego Source for “Law Firms.” The distribution list is attached. 5. The RFP was distributed February 20, 2015 and responses were requested March 6, 2015 at 4:00PM FISCAL IMPACT: Funders Together to End Homeless provided the RCCCC Governance Board with $60,000 for legal services. Currently, legal services are not expected to exceed this amount.
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